Best rift is when I went into that one that has all those clear doors in it that you touch and they open. It's like a bunch of connecting rooms. The whole level had 2 enemies and 3 shrines. Good Job Blizzard lol
I like the Baleful Remnant I have but it's pretty much just a solo build since it only procs on my killing blowsI have a feeling if Physical gets a little extra stuff then it can be a really monstrous build. I've already switched to Phalanx in my Lightning Build since Bowmen are hilarious.
I don't even really want it (anymore), just found it funny that I've actually never seen one after something like 500 Act 1 bags.
anyhow that's all matter of opinion, I was just adressing your 'slightly less procs' comment mate, it's not slight if their description of the nerfs is correct, it's been properly neutered
Remember the proc only does about 230 percent weapon dmg whereas a thunderfury does up to 350 something (one of the thunderfuries I found last night has 354) and will target stuff off screen, and odyn has a fixed proc rate up to 36? percent chance and high percent weapon dmg proc with as downside that the range is shorter than thunderfury.
My absolute favorite so far was a super long hallway filled with dudes and champ packs in the sewers. It didn't even bother turning. Just a straight hall for days.
It was basically Diablo 3: TPS Edition. We even had chest high walls.
My absolute favorite so far was a super long hallway filled with dudes and champ packs in the sewers. It didn't even bother turning. Just a straight hall for days.
It was basically Diablo 3: TPS Edition. We even had chest high walls.
Anyone else besides me trying to use the Bloodthirst passive for Barbs to stack Health Globe Healing secondaries and get more Life per Fury Spent? I'm starting to hunt for equipment that has perfect primary rolls and then re-rolling secondaries to Health Globe bonuses.
I have about a 70,000 per globe bonus right now and it ups my life per fury spent to about 1,200. It's not much, but I can hit Battle Rage basically once a second to heal 24k life and while using Windshear on Whirlwind I'm pretty much healing an additional 12k per spin. It basically heals well over 10% of my health a second.
@ scy: I told you kadela is where it's atshe just blessed me with pox faulds on my barb after 2500 ish shards put into pants (after not finding a single upgrade for 3 days running rifts for 3-4 hours a day)
Man, if they greatly increased the chances of finding a legendary from Kadala, and STILL is incredibly rare, what were the chances before they upped the drop rate? Eek gads.
Anyone else besides me trying to use the Bloodthirst passive for Barbs to stack Health Globe Healing secondaries and get more Life per Fury Spent? I'm starting to hunt for equipment that has perfect primary rolls and then re-rolling secondaries to Health Globe bonuses.
good enough that i got a cindercoat as my second item ever from gambling. it was pretty abysmal, but it's pretty decent now. i got 4-5 legendaries from gambling in the past 2 days, and one of them was an amazing pair of magefists with a near perfect trifecta roll on them.
That's exactly where I'm at. Ever since the first ring I only ever did A1 for a shot at the amulet too since my best is still a very high rolled rare.
Man, if they greatly increased the chances of finding a legendary from Kadala, and STILL is incredibly rare, what were the chances before they upped the drop rate? Eek gads.
Man, if they greatly increased the chances of finding a legendary from Kadala, and STILL is incredibly rare, what were the chances before they upped the drop rate? Eek gads.
Has anyone here got a pair or Tasker and Theo? I've burnt a ridiculous amount of shards at Kadala gambling for them. I know it's RNG and everything but I know more people who are trying for them as well and I'm starting to suspect they just don't drop atm..
Has anyone here got a pair or Tasker and Theo? I've burnt a ridiculous amount of shards at Kadala gambling for them. I know it's RNG and everything but I know more people who are trying for them as well and I'm starting to suspect they just don't drop atm..
Has anyone here got a pair or Tasker and Theo? I've burnt a ridiculous amount of shards at Kadala gambling for them. I know it's RNG and everything but I know more people who are trying for them as well and I'm starting to suspect they just don't drop atm..
I have a pair on my WD, but I've had them for a while now. Got them as a regular drop, not from Kadala.
Well that's comforting at least, in some weird way. I actually had a pair of Frostburns drop the other day that I gave to a wiz friend of mine, so I know those "exist" too. My personal experience is that some items seem to drop for the "wrong" classes. For example both me and a WD friend have had SoH drops recently and I've got more barb set items than WD while playing WD :/I've spent over 2500 shards on gloves so far. Nothing but Gladiators, St Andrews crap, and Magefists. Really want those gloves, they dropped on a crusader at 70 for me though with str and horrible stats.
It's crazy how rare it is and yet I think frostburns are even more rare than Taskers. Very lame skewed ratio. But I'm still happy with my magefists / cindercoat combo for Firebats.
Well that's comforting at least, in some weird way. I actually had a pair of Frostburns drop the other day that I gave to a wiz friend of mine, so I know those "exist" too. My personal experience is that some items seem to drop for the "wrong" classes. For example both me and a WD friend have had SoH drops recently and I've got more barb set items than WD while playing WD :/
Mu Incinerators have to be the most annoying mob type in the game as they are incredibly frustrating in rifts. You're constantly doing nothing but dodging the relentless meteors and chasing them down after endless teleports. Not so much fun to be had there.
So I got two tal rashas pieces now (belt and helm) I want the chest piece and the ring of grandeur and I'll be super happy
Has anyone here got a pair or Tasker and Theo? I've burnt a ridiculous amount of shards at Kadala gambling for them. I know it's RNG and everything but I know more people who are trying for them as well and I'm starting to suspect they just don't drop atm..
Makes me consider switching back to my wizard just for the confirmation that they can drop there. Decisions, decisions, decisions...I actually found the gloves while playing on my Wizard, not exactly the ideal pet class.
I got two from Kadala (salvaged one).Has anyone here got a pair or Tasker and Theo? I've burnt a ridiculous amount of shards at Kadala gambling for them. I know it's RNG and everything but I know more people who are trying for them as well and I'm starting to suspect they just don't drop atm..
Most people don't have high amount of Riftstones to keep opening up Rifts.why do you clear them though (unless you're already in one of the high density areas then it's worth it for all the elite packs)
Barb leap + earthquake mechanics guide by Zylog:
Good news - the three earthquakes stack for damage after all.
This guy is trying to sell a bulk of 76 Collecter Editions at once LMAO.
*opens act 1 cache*
Daily update - Really can't shake my love for Witch Doctor so my new plan is to make three sets of armor for my WD.
One - Firebomb/Pets - This is my current set, it melts things beyond belief. Need a bunch of gear to get "perfect" but it's pretty much set already. Things like Burning Axe or Devastator, Fire SoJ, Mask of Jeram are the upgrade paths.
Two - Straight pets, need all physical gear and Tasker and Theo.
Three - Poison Build, lots of gear needed, going to focus on Locusts and probably toads or poison darts. Main need is Swamp Walkers and Quesisltialtiatlaiozoial.
This way, I can play my favourite character and STILL get upgrades consistently.
By the way, we should all link our profiles (if we want) so we can all be in awe of each other.
I forgot to show off my Slayer here in the thread:
Spent exactly one Forgotten Soul. RNGesus be praised.
Barb leap + earthquake mechanics guide by Zylog:
Good news - the three earthquakes stack for damage after all.
Barb leap + earthquake mechanics guide by Zylog:
Good news - the three earthquakes stack for damage after all.
Yeah that's a completed Set PLUS a specific Legendary. Not exactly easy to get.
Barbs also have the best Set items. The Monk set pieces are pretty garbage in comparison. One of them gives you all 4 Mantras at once but it's currently bugged so that 2 of them aren't working.
got death watch mantle from kadela after 150 shards, oops it also has an internal cooldown now
stomp that fun out good
glad I didn't have to waste 3000 shards to find out...