Cache ring? What is that? A ring that only drop from Horadrim caches?
Ring of Royal Grandeur
Cache ring? What is that? A ring that only drop from Horadrim caches?
Kind of hit a wall with my monk. Only thing I can do is reroll items.
Demon Hunters - Fire Cluster Arrow build or some form of companion build (got a nerf in a recent patch with the SS skill). Pretty much the most cookie cutter class in the game right now because Cluster Arrow build is so easy to make and efficient in terms of farming low level Torments.So I haven't played this game since the patch came out that buffed Crusaders a bit. What are the most common specs people are running with them now?
Yeah this is true. It boggles me though because people seem to have finally realized that SoJ and Aughilds are good but Sun Keeper is over looked. I guess weapons have more competition with all those procs everywhere. Sun Keeper definitely isn't as flashy as a Thunderfury or a Shard of Hate.
One thing is for sure... everyone has Condemn on their build.
I have my first character at level 59 and I have not bought Reaper of Souls yet. When I ding 60 should I buy the expac and go right into the next Act? Should I do adventure mode first? I took a long break from this game and just game back to my level 53 and started leveling him again so I have not really been following things. Thanks for any tips.
Schaefer rolls with 10% elite damage???!!
Yeah this is true. It boggles me though because people seem to have finally realized that SoJ and Aughilds are good but Sun Keeper is over looked. I guess weapons have more competition with all those procs everywhere. Sun Keeper definitely isn't as flashy as a Thunderfury or a Shard of Hate.
Schaefer rolls with 10% elite damage???!!
I'd love a Sun Keeper... that rolls well.
Last one I got was 2050 with no primary stat and no socket. It would've been a big DPS dropoff, even with the elite damage bonus.
I agree, though. It's a very promising item.
I believe up to 10% is default on any legendary weapon, what makes Sun Keeper special is the fact that it can roll up to 30%.
I have 10% Elite instead of a STR roll.
Why the hell doesn't everyone just roll a weapon with Main stat, Elite damage and Socket?
Damn.. I genuinely don't know what to do here.
Just got the maurader's helm. It'll be my second piece so I'll get the set bonus. My current helm has the crit chance and cluster arrow damage. I run a CA build of course. Do I reroll the impale damage to cluster arrow and forgo the crit chance? Or get the easier reroll of armor into crit chance?
I would keep the Rare equipped and put the Set in my stash. Not worth enchanting that to be honest.Any thoughts? I'm so torn. I'm leaning toward rerolling impale into CA damage. But that will be much riskier. I only have 5 souls give or take.
Schaefer is an incredible weapon for normal bounty runs and rifts
Right now im pegging about 3 million per tick from its proc
So i basically kill everything without even using an ability and just focus on speed
Any thoughts? I'm so torn. I'm leaning toward rerolling impale into CA damage. But that will be much riskier. I only have 5 souls give or take.
Always the Enchantress for me. I simply love the haste buff.
The loot from Caches don't matter in terms of difficulty which is why it's just way better to split farm Normal Bounties (pretty much you get a cache every 5-7 minutes).When you say normal you're talking about difficulty, right? What's the advantage in doing this? Serious question because I've just started doing some solo Bounties on Master. Do you recomend doing on Normal instead?
Any thoughts? I'm so torn. I'm leaning toward rerolling impale into CA damage. But that will be much riskier. I only have 5 souls give or take.
No secondary resists? Seems a waste of primary affixes everywhere to have so much all resist when it could come nearly free from secondaries.
I see you already use OWE so was that choice based on the gear that you found?
My mind is blown right now.
Legit did not know that Legendary weapons can have 10% Elite damage on them as an affix.
Why the hell doesn't everyone just roll a weapon with Main stat, Elite damage and Socket?
Elite damage is delicious. I have +48% on my DH in addition to + 60% fire damage and like +30% CA damage (now if I can get a Cindercoat...).
Sounds like Fist of Heaven Fissure rune.
Need to be more specific. What do you mean by beam of light? If it's just an arc of lightning coming out of the character and zapping near by enemies it's probably the Thunderfury or Odyn Son weapon procs.
On that note, finally did some Shard of Hate post-hotfix vs Schaefer's. Both went around ~23-24 seconds on T3 Ghom kills, though Shard mostly gets there off the back of an extra Phalanx/Provoke use during Akkarat's Champion. The better mobility and Wrath generation makes it the better option still as far as I can tell. Maybe if my Schaefer's was slightly better rolled (~2620 DPS with 10% Elite Damage / 13% Lightning).
What I do to test on Ghom is to walk up to him, use Akarat's, use Judgment Resolved, use Provoke Charged Up, then just right click until dead. I start the fight at full wrath because going through cycles really hurts the 1H if the 2H can do it in one cycle.
Ghom seems like a bad choice for testing this. The poison hits you constantly and I imagine that procs schaefers hammer. Where as vs another boss you are not being hit as often.
Armor, VIT, and Chance to Block are all guaranteed for Justice Lantern.
The loot from Caches don't matter in terms of difficulty which is why it's just way better to split farm Normal Bounties (pretty much you get a cache every 5-7 minutes).
Usually nowadays people are farming Bounties to get specific cache Legendaries. Like I am running Act 1 Bounties these days (split farm of course) because I want that Ring of Royal Grandeur. I honestly would not be doing Bounties because the rate of Legendary drop is too slow for me (about one per hour at best)... would much rather do T3 Rifts for the Forgotten Souls, Shards, EXP and Legendaries.
That said there is nothing wrong with Master Bounties solo. You get good gold, EXP and some Shards as well... but IMO it's not as efficient as Rifts and you don't get the set drops.
By the way, if you haven't, try the kill with Phalanx:Bowmen with Charged Up.
It's pretty funny watching them shoot.
World first P700 answered a few questions on reddit:
They were using "rift trading".
Might as well copy my comment here:
Hmm, had to think about that one for a while, but it makes sense. Assuming there were 3 players just as geared and fast as you, and all your time was spent fighting monsters, you'd only clear rifts 60% faster (400% damage / 250% health), vs 300% faster for the rift trading method. In practice there's a lot of travel time, so it wouldn't be a 60% boost in clear speed, which makes rift trading even better in comparison.
New hotfix incoming:
Players must be present for at least 30% of a rift's completion to receive rewards from boss and turn-in bonus.
For real though, is there a special chat channel for rifting it forward? I'd probably do the running not the opening.