Rift it forward community is where it's at right now. You join in kill boss then open rift and leave. Shards all night!
When you run out split bounty farm and repeat.
Not really any different from people using "split Bounties" to get more Fragments and more importantly Caches.New hotfix incoming:
Players must be present for at least 30% of a rift's completion to receive rewards from boss and turn-in bonus.
For real though, is there a special chat channel for rifting it forward? I'd probably do the running not the opening.
Kind of in the same spot myself, although I still have fun playing.
I hate how every class has to use Andariel's now as it's normally BiS for them. At least before there was some competition from Mempo's.
I hate how every class has to use Andariel's now as it's normally BiS for them. At least before there was some competition from Mempo's.
I hate how every class has to use Andariel's now as it's normally BiS for them. At least before there was some competition from Mempo's.
Items like Magefist, Andy, SoJ and Cindercoat have shown the power of elemental damage on items + some other effect. I hope they take notice and add more Legendaries in more slots. Would like to see a Holy damage Shoulder or a those Mudspitters with added Poison damage or some more Bows/WD weapons with Poison skill damage.
Most WDs I know don't rock Andariels.
Well, yes.. because Mask of Jeram.
I feel like I don't know what I'm doing when I look at my gear. One example is I finally got a Magefist with decent stats, imo. However, I don't know if IAS is better or crit damage on them. I must be feeling masochistic to post my profile on here.
Anybody here use a Cluster Arrow DH that can crit over 35 mil? Wondering why one of my friends can crit up to 60mil but I only do 30mil while her and I have similar gear, except I'm still working on getting fire % dmg on my Andariel's Visage.
We both have:
Boots and a quiver with Cluster Arrow %.
Amulet with 700+ dex, 80%+ CHD, 9%+ CHC, and fire % dmg
Bracers with fire % dmg, 400+ dex and vit, 5%+ CHC
Cindercoat but instead of diamonds, I use Royal Emeralds (2).
Magefist except mine is better with a trifecta roll. Others only has dex, AS, and CHD.
I also have around 300-400 more dex.
Everything else is pretty similar excluding the Andariel's Visage since I still don't have fire % dmg on it BUT I do have Cluster Arrow 15%.
I tried dual-wielding 2 one-handers putting me at 590% CHD and I literally saw no difference in crits when changing from a one-hander + quiver setup. Tried using a 2-hand bow as well, and I only saw a slight increase in damage.
Any thoughts appreciated. Here's my profile:
Probably a +fire SoJ ring and a 2h crossbow. Also a possibility is harrington belt which doubles dmg for 10s interacting with anything on ground.
I hate how every class has to use Andariel's now as it's normally BiS for them. At least before there was some competition from Mempo's.
What the hell is up with the loot tonight, I've had a few weird drops but this one takes the cakeI was on my Demon Hunter, to be clear.
It's just disappointing that I've seen so many legendaries drop now, but none of them have been any of the many "game changers" that exist. I think I'll keep playing until Dark Souls II is out on PC, but if the RNG keeps being so cruel, I think I'll find it hard to muster the desire to come back.
Clearly just need to play with Crusaders/Barbs with good gear and they can throw you stuff :x
Best looking shield in the game IMO. I've been trying to get it but it has just never dropped for me.Have been buying shields from Kadala non stop.
My results have been like...
1x Defender of Westmarch
Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong. I probably play solo 80% of the time or so and generally only do pickup groups when playing multiplayer.
Any ideas how I can improve? At present I'm grinding for gold to improve my gems because that's the only thing I can do.
You just need better gear. Try to get a level 70 legendary in every slot, and then from there slowly start to replace those with even better legendarys while fine tuning your damage/survivability ratio.Any ideas how I can improve?.
You just need better gear. Try to get a level 70 legendary in every slot, and then from there slowly start to replace those with even better legendarys while fine tuning your damage/survivability ratio.
You can probably get carried in T1 Rift public games. You will gear up fast this way while simultaneously getting some much needed paragon levels.
I tend to play Solo because the hours I'm not working are when most people are asleep. Would have thought in general though that going from Hard to Master would have made the game drop some better gear, but no matter how much I play it isn't giving me upgrades.
Life on hit is one of the worst stats in the game. If you want to feel somewhat tanky you need to stack all resists.My main concern is survivability, I feel like I need more life on hit or something that gives me better hp regeneration. Any feedback is much appreciated!
I have some strange ratio on my char.
10m toughness and 200k dmg.
Seems like everyone else has higher dmg, but much lower toughness.
EDIT: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/fanboi-1639/hero/39986065
Any ideas to improve? Skills and whatnot.
You gear looks pretty good for the most part. I think you need to try to get more +elemental damage where you can and your rings look the weakest. I'm not sure if cold is different with your setup, but you shouldn't need to worry about having life per hit gear.Anyone got suggestions for improving my wizard (for moving up to T3)? My wizard: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Neccro-2832/hero/1525902
Maybe someone more knowledgeable in the verses of Diablo 3 can correct me, but from what I gather:
Reroll everything you can into crit chance and crit dmg. That's the first step. Then try to get a possibly high elemental bonus to the element of your choosing and stick with it. This combined with bonuses to specific skills you're using will make a helluva difference. Also, from what I heard, the crit change to crit dmg ratio should be close to 1:10 for the most effectiveness and mitigation of the loss of attributes you could get instead. Big crit chance with shit crit dmg ain't worth the hassle.
I've got about 650K dmg in profile but also added (uncalculated) 19% to phys dmg and circa +14% to each of my most used skills. It really makes a difference between 'being okay' and going like a bulldozer on T1.
Oh, and do sacrifice the toughness. 5-6m is quite enough for a cautious mage.
I hate how every class has to use Andariel's now as it's normally BiS for them. At least before there was some competition from Mempo's.
Items like Magefist, Andy, SoJ and Cindercoat have shown the power of elemental damage on items + some other effect. I hope they take notice and add more Legendaries in more slots. Would like to see a Holy damage Shoulder or a those Mudspitters with added Poison damage or some more Bows/WD weapons with Poison skill damage.
Life on hit can be marginally useful in group play with endless mobs. As a wizard though, typically they'll be dead within a couple of hits, trivializing the stat.Thanks for the feedback joesmonkey and xDUMPWEEDx !
Wasn't aware that life on hit is now one of the worse stats, must still be in D3 vanilla mindset![]()
I have a yellow amulet with 11% cold damage, 10% crit chance and 100% crit damage and ~550 int and thought the IAS with the legendary amulet would be a little better but will need to play around I guess.
Can anyone help me make some weapon choices? Have a 70 Crusader and a 70 Barb and 5 legendaries to choose from.
The list (click here for stats):
- Jace's Hammer of Vigilance
- Stalgard's Decimator
- Griswold's Perfection
- Scourge
- Messerschmidt's Reaver
Don't have a build preference as far as playstyle or anything, but they're both fresh 70s with mostly crafted armor. These are up for rerolls, of course (except the Jace's Hammer, only thing to roll would be for a higher number of the same stat).
I hate how every class has to use Andariel's now as it's normally BiS for them. At least before there was some competition from Mempo's.
Items like Magefist, Andy, SoJ and Cindercoat have shown the power of elemental damage on items + some other effect. I hope they take notice and add more Legendaries in more slots. Would like to see a Holy damage Shoulder or a those Mudspitters with added Poison damage or some more Bows/WD weapons with Poison skill damage.
Scourge since it already has a socket, but if you get a socket on Stalgard then give that a shot. The proc is really fun and very powerful. It procs nearly every time, it's basically free 331% weapon damage that hits multiple foes since it pierces too.Can anyone help me make some weapon choices? Have a 70 Crusader and a 70 Barb and 5 legendaries to choose from.
The list (click here for stats):
- Jace's Hammer of Vigilance
- Stalgard's Decimator
- Griswold's Perfection
- Scourge
- Messerschmidt's Reaver
Don't have a build preference as far as playstyle or anything, but they're both fresh 70s with mostly crafted armor. These are up for rerolls, of course (except the Jace's Hammer, only thing to roll would be for a higher number of the same stat).