Is there an easy way to sort and organize items? Or you just have to do it all yourself?
I did it all myself.
I actually enjoy making my stash look pretty and organized, I just wish I had more tabs to keep more gear.
Is there an easy way to sort and organize items? Or you just have to do it all yourself?
Gloves, rings and amulets are all about DPS stats. They should really have Dex, IAS, CC and CD on them. Then shoulders, belt, chest, boots are your strongest slots for effective hit points. Some of your pieces are a bit weak, like the Zodiac ring which could be replaced with a well rolled rare, but the Witching Hour and the Blackfeather are astounding.
Without talking about broken stuff in the game (like WD critting for 300 million), DHs have among the highest burst damage in the game. Their main problem is survivability though.
Pretty fun class though. They have two resources unlike the other classes which makes them a bit interesting.
The best thing about that screenshot was that the 300,000,000 wasn't even a crit...
Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I played a Wizard up to 30 or so long ago and wasn't feeling it. The aesthetic of the Witch Doctor doesn't do it for me, either, so that really only leaves the Demon Hunter for me. I think I'll start one up tonight!
You do have some level of control over upgrading.
You can craft sets. Their mats drop from certain Uniques which you can easily farm. Stuff like Aughilds/Ashearas are very solid. You can craft Reapers Wraps really easily too which are among the best Bracers in the game.
You can then farm Act 1 for the Ring (among other specific Legendaries) which is a targetted farming method.
And then you can play Rifts for Shards for targetted gambling. Want that Andy, Cindercoat and Magefist? Play a ton of Rifts and gamble for that slot. I have gotten two Magefists and a Cindercoat from gambling (now working on Helms with a DH for the Andy).
The hardest part is acquiring specific weapons and class specific sets. Weapons are hard because there are so many and gambling for them is highly inefficient. There should be separate categories for different which would make acquiring the weapon you want easier. Blizzard has said that they will look into it so hopefully they make that change.
Class sets are clearly designed to be the ultimate reward in the game. Can't get from Caches, can't get from gambling and have very low chance to drop. I don't think this will change though as this is their main carrot on a stick... it's what keeps you playing. People would lose interest fast if you could complete class sets so quickly.
I think they need to revamp the rewards from Ubers though. That would be a nice 3rd aspect to the game aside from Bounties and Rifts. Hellfire Ring isn't good enough. If Ubers had like a much, much higher chance of dropping Class Sets I would honestly think about running them (something like a 200% bonus to Legendaries and a 250% bonus to class sets).
I know RNG evens out over time, but I feel I'm fighting against two rolls every time. The first roll is for an item to drop in the first place and then to actually be useful. There is also no way to target improving your character since the item type that can drop is random as well and I can't target a certain enemy or boss to get something specific.
The game is all about RNG I get it and really the goal is simply get stronger so you can farm better and I'm perfectly OK with this. However I feel like I have zero control over what I can do to improve my character other than spend more time. It is far too random to continue to be enjoyable over a long period of time. I can only play the same spec for so many hours before it becomes boring and I can't switch because I need gear to drop that I have no control over.
You do have some level of control over upgrading.
You can craft sets. Their mats drop from certain Uniques which you can easily farm. Stuff like Aughilds/Ashearas are very solid. You can craft Reapers Wraps really easily too which are among the best Bracers in the game.
You can then farm Act 1 for the Ring (among other specific Legendaries) which is a targetted farming method.
White items is a big issue, I think they should just remove those requirements from crafting. You still need to get the specific orange material to drop along with souls, so it's more of a nuisance than anything.
Is there a list anywhere that shows what specific materials come from specific monsters? I have no clue about any of that business. I've found a lot of plans and materials, but hardly any that actually match up yet. And what's this about an act 1 specific ring?
What do you guys think about set items? there a list anywhere that shows what specific materials come from specific monsters? I have no clue about any of that business. I've found a lot of plans and materials, but hardly any that actually match up yet. And what's this about an act 1 specific ring?
I use for finding which rare drop specific legendary materials. They also tell you in which Act you can find them. Just type the material name in the search bar and there you go.
Yes at low levels you can do that. Crafting was one of the first things I did. However, finding crafting recipes is also random. Someone can theoretically not find the one they need.
I'd argue not finding class sets would also cause people to lose interest (like me). I can only spend so many hours farming the same thing over and over the same way. It is absolutely brainless.
At low levels? Barring the few really good full sets and Legs, the crafted sets are basically ideal equipment for most slots.
So how the fuck are we supposed to manage our stashes now?
Look at my stash. This is almost primarily all gear for my Crusader/Barb, taking into account different builds. I have pretty much one tab for all my other classes now.
This is a personal thing, but yeah I consider anything other than class sets (the stuff you actually want) to be low level. No one wants it and uses it to farm t1 to get the stuff they actually want. I consider t1-2 low level.
This is just semantics though. You can refer to it however you want but the idea is no one wants that. A couple pieces are good, but a full set of crafted gear isn't getting you to t4+ efficient runs afaik. The crafted gear is also for the most part not fun. The set pieces allow you to switch up your style which is another thing I discussed and it keeps the game fresh. There should be multiple sets that each allow you to play your class differently.
Yes at low levels you can do that. Crafting was one of the first things I did. However, finding crafting recipes is also random. Someone can theoretically not find the one they need.
I'd argue not finding class sets would also cause people to lose interest (like me). I can only spend so many hours farming the same thing over and over the same way. It is absolutely brainless.
They drop often enough that it doesn't bother me too much, other than them taking too much space in my bank. I've got like 2 or 3 of each slots(gloves, pants, etc.) in my bank.
I use for finding which rare drop specific legendary materials. They also tell you in which Act you can find them. Just type the material name in the search bar and there you go.
Edit: Just got a Blade of Prophecy ggggggggggg oh god
and now a Gyrfalcon's guys why is my RNG good today
I just got a near perfect Witching Hour:
I can do T4-T5 solo. Asheara's, Aughild's, Crimson are damn good sets. Aughild's is like the ideal way to move into T3-T5.
They are the best way to gear into the mid-Torments.
Edit: Just got a Blade of Prophecy ggggggggggg oh god
and now a Gyrfalcon's guys why is my RNG good today
I can do T4-T5 solo. Asheara's, Aughild's, Crimson are damn good sets. Aughild's is like the ideal way to move into T3-T5.
They are the best way to gear into the mid-Torments.
Edit: Just got a Blade of Prophecy ggggggggggg oh god
and now a Gyrfalcon's guys why is my RNG good today
And back to my random comment. I've never found an Aughild's plan. Crafting is just as random in that you can't find a plan you want. You're again facing 2 RNG rolls. One to find the recipe and one to get stats you want.
I'm curious to see what your gear looks like if you're moving through t5 with Aughild's.
the highlights for variety this past week have been boosting some friends through hellrifts then taking them on a t1 mathael kill for their free legendary
something to do other than open a new rift for the (literally) 450th time
You never get the same crafting recipe twice and after enough play time you get them all. This is not even close to being an issue in the game.. in addition there's a vendor that can spawn who can sell you these plans (hard to find apparently).Yes at low levels you can do that. Crafting was one of the first things I did. However, finding crafting recipes is also random. Someone can theoretically not find the one they need.
I'd argue not finding class sets would also cause people to lose interest (like me). I can only spend so many hours farming the same thing over and over the same way. It is absolutely brainless.
Well congrats, guess they'll be nerfed soon.
Apparently FotH: Fissure has a problem with being cast at too high attack speed, sounds like it's probably affecting you.
Also people seems to be saying Phalanx: Bowmen isn't affected by Provoke: Charged Up. Seems to be true.
I'm curious to see what your gear looks like if you're moving through t5 with Aughild's.
You make it sound like Aughild's has bad stats or something. They're still Legendary stat values. The set gives 7% Melee/Ranged reduction and +/- 15% Elite Damage. Anyway, my current gear.
the tragedy, though I'm fairly sure that combo did work since there was a damage jump when I first ran the two. Hrm.
And the Fissure one may be the case, I'll play around with that some. But, barring solo times with Unstoppable Force, I don't really just hold it and cast too often. Still, the only notable thing here is that fixing it would increase my DPS so I'll take it :x
You make it sound like Aughild's has bad stats or something. They're still Legendary stat values. The set gives 7% Melee/Ranged reduction and +/- 15% Elite Damage. Anyway, my current gear.
My bad I meant to type Ashaera's (which I use). Aughild's I don't have. Freudian slip.
Mine. How long does it take you to get through t4 compared to t2 or 3 rifts?
you do t4 with that gear? (you meant to link the sader profile right?)
I just saw Scy's profile stats.
LMAO @ 600K DPS and 3 million toughness. What a joke the profile stats have become.
In game performance is nothing like that. Effective DPS is probably closer to 50 million per second and toughness at 15 million.
Basically it's almost as much damage as my DH with the passives and Cluster Arrow spam. Only my DH can't play T4 without someone in the front lines distracting enemies.
What do you guys think about set items?
T4/T5 is really slow when soloing so I usually just don't bother. T3 is still the comfort zone for groups but that's mostly a function of my friend's list DPS not all being T4 capable. Tanking T3-T5 on the Crusader for parties is more-or-less fine.
Curious how much better your gear is than mine then.
That's kind of what I've been saying. You can do t4+, but its not worth it. I would not consider your gear t4 capable.
A guaranteed forbidden soul would be good enough to make me feel those rift keys weren't completely wasted.I think I'm feeling burned out. I wish they'd at the very least make the Rift Guardian drop a guaranteed legendary. There are so many trash legendaries in the game that it become a "problem".