So what do you guys think of the theory that the chance for rerolling stats is weighted.
It is really amazing how some of you guys are able to put so man hours in that game. That is dedication I guess.
As far as I can tell, it's just the same affix weight for drops.
It is really amazing how some of you guys are able to put so man hours in that game. That is dedication I guess.
It's yes to both.How do you mean that?
As in when drops are ID'ed the chances of them having certain stats is more common than otherwise?
Or that some drops are more common (blackthrones) than other drops (MLW)?
Have the full Asheara set now and meh. People were talking like it's 100% uptime, but it's more like 50%. Now clue what triggers it. Sometimes it's quick, sometimes it's slow as shit.
It's yes to both.
You have a higher chance of rolling main stat and Vit on a piece of item than Crit chance/crit damage.
That same principle applies to Enchanting/Crafting.
Have the full Asheara set now and meh. People were talking like it's 100% uptime, but it's more like 50%. Now clue what triggers it. Sometimes it's quick, sometimes it's slow as shit.
whats better on weapon crit gem or ruby gem
When I'm spending blood shards, does it decrease the odds of good drops if I spend them all on random-slot gear (head, shoulders, legs, etc)? Or should I spend them on a certain gear slot at a time? (Probably a dumb question though)
I am pretty sure that there is no inverse entropy in place when it comes to gambling loot in Diablo. Which means that all your purchases have an independent, albeit very low chance of giving you a legendary. So it does not matter.
Apparently the game has decided I no longer need blood shards anymore. I played for several hours trying to get Larra's Diary to spawn with no luck (thanks for tying achievements to the RNG Blizzard). I did it in adventure mode completing quests as I pointlessly checked the Deserted Cellar in the Black Canyon Mines. I decided to go try my luck with Kadala and I notice that I only have the 2 blood shards I started the day with. I shut the client and launcher down, restarted everything, tried a couple quests and the same thing. No blood shards for me.
Oh, I wasn't upset, just felt weird to get it with a WD mod while I was playing my wizard. I'll turn the mod into 3 sockets soon as I have souls, which is my bane, I've spent a lot to get 3 socket on the set chest and all I managed was 2 QQ.Lain, not sure why you would be upset with that Cindercoat.. You reroll the WD skill bonus to 3 sockets. You'll learn that any chest armor without 3 sockets is basically trash. Not even worth considering. You reroll whatever you can to get 3 sockets. Always.
Did you salvage it because you can roll WD mod into 3 sock lol
Haven't played since it came out and I stopped after beating Normal. And I was ADDICTED to Diablo II and played it up to 2010 actively. Downloaded and looking forward to playing this week. Hope these positive reviews of the new patch resonate with me.
Apparently the game has decided I no longer need blood shards anymore. I played for several hours trying to get Larra's Diary to spawn with no luck (thanks for tying achievements to the RNG Blizzard). I did it in adventure mode completing quests as I pointlessly checked the Deserted Cellar in the Black Canyon Mines. I decided to go try my luck with Kadala and I notice that I only have the 2 blood shards I started the day with. I shut the client and launcher down, restarted everything, tried a couple quests and the same thing. No blood shards for me.
Just to clarify, you were finishing multiple bounties in a single run? The first bounty finished in an Act doesn't net you shards or fragments.
Eh. Most of them come from Rifts and Horadric Caches, not individual Bounties.
Get your affairs in order. You're going to be MIA for a while, addicted to D3.
Adventure mode gain exp very fast. Join public gamesanyone want to play with me?69 monk here (this last level is a pain)
The D3 addictions usually fade after about a month. Vanilla had a lot more to keep you going but for the worst reasons if you ask me haha.
When the game first came out and inferno was basically impossible post act 1, the gear / gold grind felt like it had a purpose. To actually be one of the few that could beat inferno.
Basically because vanilla was a broken mess and your only way to progress was to exploit farm or hit it big on the AH to get enough for some key pieces to let you do inferno properly, it had the side effect of giving you an actual purpose to the grind.
Now it just seems really empty. Once you reach the point where you've plateaued in gear, so your only upgrades are one of those super cool pieces that let you build around them you sort of begin to wonder what's the point of moving forward? Why bother running rifts if you're just gonna walk out with more forgotten souls and nothing to use them on? Why bother farming mats if all you're gonna do is run rifts faster? Sure there is T6 to aspire to but that feels like such a long way away and it's almost completely reliant on RNG to get there.
Even building a hellfire ring now doesn't seem as big of a deal as building one pre RoS was. So it feels like no one cares to run or do machine runs, but for good reason.
Guys, help me with a Tempest Rush monk? I tried it and thought it was so much fun! I'm not sure if I'm doing it right though.
Guys, help me with a Tempest Rush monk? I tried it and thought it was so much fun! I'm not sure if I'm doing it right though.
anyone want to play with me?69 monk here (this last level is a pain)
Random crazy idea of the day- what if the hellfire ring was moved to act 1 and ring of royal grandeur was made the machine ring?
That's actually a pretty good idea. I would run it for sure.Random crazy idea of the day- what if the hellfire ring was moved to act 1 and ring of royal grandeur was made the machine ring?
Got a darklight today and said screw it- completely respecced and brought in all my lightning gear over my fire gear. Farmed a light based Reaper's Wrap and went full fissure build. It's not as tanky, it's not as lethal, and it's not as efficient, but I don't even care. 1 handed Crusader just feels so much better that I'll take the farming loss and drop back down to T2 till I can get the gear to make either this spec or another viable 1 hander spec T4 worthy.
Got a darklight today and said screw it- completely respecced and brought in all my lightning gear over my fire gear. Farmed a light based Reaper's Wrap and went full fissure build. It's not as tanky, it's not as lethal, and it's not as efficient, but I don't even care. 1 handed Crusader just feels so much better that I'll take the farming loss and drop back down to T2 till I can get the gear to make either this spec or another viable 1 hander spec T4 worthy.
Getting tired of the unoptimized performance. Having a GTX780 and when there is a lot density on screen the whole game cripples. Even clan chat with all those legendary's are slowing everything down.