You got Witching Hour too?Game is just taunting me now. Dumped thousands of shards trying to get Thundergod's Vigor, I'm pretty sure I've seen every legendary belt except TGV. And now I just got TWO Inna's belts and some trash leg gloves in the same rift. BLIZZAAAARRRRRDDDDDDD
You need to look at the Nat's Chest again. It says Nat's but on the side it's showing information for Sunwoko's set (links to the other Sunwoko's gear).I always see questions about what items can drop in Torment only and what cannot drop from Horadric Caches or Kadala.
So I made this quick list.
You got Witching Hour too?
Witching Hour is probably the rarest Belt in the game. It's the only Belt I haven't seen.
Some guy I played with had a blessed shield build with Jekang Board and Gyrfalcon's Foote and it was ridiculous. Guy was soloing T4 rifts with me and my friend just tagging along, being relatively useless (I tried to help but he was melting things before I could do anything significant)
Game is just taunting me now. Dumped thousands of shards trying to get Thundergod's Vigor, I'm pretty sure I've seen every legendary belt except TGV. And now I just got TWO Inna's belts and some trash leg gloves in the same rift. BLIZZAAAARRRRRDDDDDDD
I always see questions about what items can drop in Torment only and what cannot drop from Horadric Caches or Kadala.
So I made this quick list.
Getting tired of the unoptimized performance. Having a GTX780 and when there is a lot density on screen the whole game cripples. Even clan chat with all those legendary's are slowing everything down.
Oh man, such a relief to see I am not the only one. I was beginning to question the stability of my card.
GTX780TI and having frame drops as low as 15fps. I have tried a few things from a very old reddit thread but nothing has helped. I haven't tried changing any audio options though as mentioned on this page so I will give that a shot tonight. Willing to try anything at this point!
Oh man, such a relief to see I am not the only one. I was beginning to question the stability of my card.
GTX780TI and having frame drops as low as 15fps. I have tried a few things from a very old reddit thread but nothing has helped. I haven't tried changing any audio options though as mentioned on this page so I will give that a shot tonight. Willing to try anything at this point!
No, it's not you.
I have an r9 290 with a 2500k overclocked to 4.4ghz and 8gb ram (8 GIGABYTES OF RAM), as well as Windows 7 and Diablo 3 both installed completely to a solid state drive. I get ridiculous frame drops in very specific places. This is after setting audio channels to low, physics to low, and adding the entire Diablo 3 folder to my antivirus exception list (none of the Diablo files will be scanned while loading, thus no slowdown from the antivirus program).
As I mentioned, I know exactly where these drops will occur. It is in very specific parts of certain levels, such as the Bridge of Korisk (or whatever it's called). Usually there is some sort of heavy fire based or lava particle effect in the background or foreground.
It's just poor optimization on Blizzard's part.
I always see questions about what items can drop in Torment only and what cannot drop from Horadric Caches or Kadala.
So I made this quick list.
Wtf lol gotta try thatadventure mode, act 2, miners gold bounty on T6. just run north from waypoint, find him, and wait. easiest way to level.
i can basically say the same for any rpg game, u can basically simplify anything, ok lets do raids what for ? to fully equip my char then what ?
every rpg/mmo suffers from fuck all to do when your fully geared up unless u wanna tear the place up (which lets face it why wouldnt you ? you just spent hundreds of hours/ money getting to that point to just say fuck it im done ? )
What Blue posts? That seems wishful thinking to be honest. I don't expect 2.1 until like June. They said it would take a couple months for 2.1.With all the blue posts lately I'm betting on 2.1 coming out early May.
Alright, folks. Here's the follow up:
Blade of Prophecy currently only procs two extra explosions of Condemn, regardless of how many targets are Condemned while the weapon is equipped. This is intended functionality of the weapon, and has been since it was implemented. (This is really what I wanted to confirm.)
No changes have been made to Blade of Prophecy since RoS shipped, and no known bugs are currently active with the weapon.
Just as an FYI, I've already passed along the feedback regarding BoP's tooltip and the relevant secondary affix being somewhat misleading/confusing.![]()
I don't have details on exact changes to share at this time, but it's likely you'll see some skills, and not just for the Barbarian, shift around their elemental type in a future patch.
Got a Thunderfury on my witch doctor and shortly after that a homunculus. Thank you rng <3
Please feel free to free-form your answer. If you’re not sure where to begin, though, I’ve provided some questions below.
1) Does the atmosphere in a Rift influence how exciting or not exciting it feels? If yes, what Rift environments feel exciting to you? And which ones don’t?
2) Do certain monster groups feel more or less engaging?
3) Are there any mechanics from other parts of the game that you feel would make Rifts feel more exciting? If yes, what are those mechanics?
4) What's the most noticeable difference between a “boring” Rift and an “exciting” Rift for you?
You need to look at the Nat's Chest again. It says Nat's but on the side it's showing information for Sunwoko's set (links to the other Sunwoko's gear).
Anyone getting really horrendous lag?
My brother and I have been getting it all weekend and it's especially bad tonight.l where did that Rift post come from? I can't seem to find it on the official forums, I love the idea they are looking into improving them though. They can be a bit boring right now.
I totally expect +%elemental damage effectiveness to be towed down, but type shifting with so many people (everyone?) geared towards a certain type is asking for trouble.
I love pylons and the odd goblin pack. I think it would be awesome if more insane Cursed Chests could spawn in them also.
Also I wish there was a way to guarantee the cow rift. Something like 50 rift fragments = cow level or whatever.
The increased chance at legendary items and guaranteed forgotten soul helps. But they do sometimes feel unrewarding. But that might be fixed with tiered rifts.
This game needs to stop giving me freaking Blackthornes.
Anyone getting really horrendous lag?
My brother and I have been getting it all weekend and it's especially bad tonight.l
I feel your pain
Been horrible all afternoon and this was at around 2pm CST till I left around at 5.
Yeah, been choppy lately.
Cow rift was nothing special aside from the novelty.
I love pylons and the odd goblin pack. I think it would be awesome if more insane Cursed Chests could spawn in them also.
Also I wish there was a way to guarantee the cow rift. Something like 50 rift fragments = cow level or whatever.
The increased chance at legendary items and guaranteed forgotten soul helps. But they do sometimes feel unrewarding. But that might be fixed with tiered rifts.
Wtf lol gotta try that
There is a special Jar of Souls type event in Cow Rifts that gives a large amount of Gold and Experience for each one you kill. You may have missed it, it can spawn on of the 10 floors.
Anyone getting really horrendous lag?
My brother and I have been getting it all weekend and it's especially bad tonight.l