I know them feels, been trying to get a mask of jerams since they buffed pets. All I want is to feel like a D2LOD skellymancer againI had 496 shards last night. I felt good about my chances of finally getting a good 1H for my wiz lightning build.
*Hit Escape*
*Exit Diablo 3*
*Slit Wrists*
...I'm so jealous. I found my first piece of the Zuni Set yesterday, with Zunimassa's Pox. I wish I'd found the armor, though. I'd rather have a Ring of Royal Grandeur + SoJ, but I suppose this will have to do for now!
I have also been trying to gamble for Tasker and Theo. Had no idea that they got that crazy buff until a few days ago.
I had 496 shards last night. I felt good about my chances of finally getting a good 1H for my wiz lightning build.
*Hit Escape*
*Exit Diablo 3*
*Slit Wrists*
I had 496 shards last night. I felt good about my chances of finally getting a good 1H for my wiz lightning build.
*Hit Escape*
*Exit Diablo 3*
*Slit Wrists*
I got 2 of these. What's funny is me and other gaffers were grinding for days trying to get one and finally got one. Then yesterday randomly joined a public game and got another first try. Wasn't even looking to get one.
You mean the patch bonus to pet damage? Or is there something else I don't know about?
I should also mention this is the 4th time I've done this for 1H. Out of 4 full stacks of Shards, I've received 2 leg 1H which were useless.No offense, but 500 shards isn't that much to hope for an orange. I've dumped well over 10,000 into her by now and have only gotten 2. One was a cindercoat, so I can't complain. I wish I could turn my ridiculous stash of good wizard weapons into armor though, found an awesome Slorak's Madness and some other stuff last night that is just going to sit in my box.
What do people mean when they say they've been "looking" for an item. I thought item drops were completely random. Do certain mobs have a higher chance of dropping a particular item?
I had 496 shards last night. I felt good about my chances of finally getting a good 1H for my wiz lightning build.
*Hit Escape*
*Exit Diablo 3*
*Slit Wrists*
Royal Grandeur drop from ACT1 Horadrics Cach, so you kind of can narrow down your farm.
I should also mention this is the 4th time I've done this for 1H. Out of 4 full stacks of Shards, I've received 2 leg 1H which were useless.
I've had better luck with other gear though. I remember I got my Blackthorne's Chest and Legs in the same stack of shards. I also got my Firewalkers from Kadala.
But damn.. Kadala just doesn't wanna give me that extra DPS.
I should also mention this is the 4th time I've done this for 1H. Out of 4 full stacks of Shards, I've received 2 leg 1H which were useless.
I've had better luck with other gear though. I remember I got my Blackthorne's Chest and Legs in the same stack of shards. I also got my Firewalkers from Kadala.
But damn.. Kadala just doesn't wanna give me that extra DPS.
I know them feels, been trying to get a mask of jerams since they buffed pets. All I want is to feel like a D2LOD skellymancer again(((((
lol okay now I feel bad. I've had 2 Magefists drop for me from Kadala....Well, I'd consider you extremely lucky with Kadala in that case. That's way way more than I've gotten out of her. I've been trying for Magefist for a week now and haven't gotten a single orange.
On a related note, what the hell does a WD fire build look like? Just bats and locust? Seems like a waste not to use the item just because I can't reroll and use them on my main. Curse my 'luck'.
On a different point, I'm appreciating wrath regeneration more and more, it even works well with FotH. This is a big advantage 2h crusaders have too because you can get twice as much on your weapon. If you're using Akarat's Champion, try to get this stat if you can, 20s of spamming spenders is awesome. You can roll it on crusader shields as well.
That's a good point and actually I just noticed that my Fate of the Fell rolled with 3.7 wrath per sec, which actually supports the build quite nicely.
Are there any other slots besides a weapon where wrath per sec can appear? Crusader Shield maybe?
Ughhhhh I had no idea sets shared the same unique resource for crafting. I crafted another pair of Aughilds Gloves by accident, I thought all set pieces had unique crafting items((( dammit.
question: has ANYONE here gotten a legendary from a cursed chest/shrine? i don't think i've ever seen one. i never skip them though because i feel like they might drop one someday. to me, they just don't feel like worth doing. most of them are easy and don't even give anything good.
they should make them a bit more challenging and offer better loot. right now it's just kill 100 enemies or 5 waves. what if it kept spawning more and more until you failed and each wave gave better loot chances?
RRG always rolls with mainstat, attack speed and LOH. That makes it a very binary item. Either the fourth primary is CC or CD and you have an amazing ring (just reroll LOH to whichever crit affix you're missing), or you don't and it's a "trash" roll because LOH on rings is pretty bad.
Hmm what to do, average rolls across the board. Does dancing actually stop them from attacking?
I also got my Firewalkers from Kadala.
My advice is don't waste shards on 1H weapons for now until they let you choose which type.
They hear us loud and clear, pretty sure they will change things up.
Think of the text as this "when you use X skill, also stun nearby enemies for 6 seconds", its really one hell of a powerful amulet when tied with a skill that can be put on a lower cool down with some cool down reduction (like WD BBV and the grave injuctice passive)..Hmm what to do, average rolls across the board. Does dancing actually stop them from attacking?
Ughhhhh I had no idea sets shared the same unique resource for crafting. I crafted another pair of Aughilds Gloves by accident, I thought all set pieces had unique crafting items((( dammit.
People actually hate Life on Hit? It is the best stat in the game.
For most classes, it's just not a worthwhile stat at all. Or, at the very least, not worthwhile at all to be gearing on slots like Rings.
Early game its quite handy to have, however once you level up and get decent enough paragon points i find it a worthless stat to have on items. You can get what you need in regards to health regen with the points instead, i use the paragon points for HP regen and use the item stat locations that would have been for LoH for more damage/resist/armour instead.People actually hate Life on Hit? It is the best stat in the game.
Think of the text as this "when you use X skill, also stun nearby enemies for 6 seconds", its really one hell of a powerful amulet when tied with a skill that can be put on a lower cool down with some cool down reduction (like WD BBV and the grave injuctice passive)..
Haha, sad lessonThe good news is that you learned something!
I know I need better jewelry, but I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on my skills or the rest of my gear outside of find more legendaries.
Early game its quite handy to have, however once you level up and get decent enough paragon points i find it a worthless stat to have on items. You can get what you need in regards to health regen with the points instead, i use the paragon points for HP regen and use the item stat locations that would have been for LoH for more damage/resist/armour instead.
What would you all suggest I put my Paragon points into as a Wizard? I have been doing Intellect, Crit Chance, Resists, and Area Damage.
Not worthwile when you do not have enough, but it turns from "I do not see its effects" into "oh dear god, I am on full health while clearing groups and getting hit" PRETTY fast. I want it on every item, and as a Wizard, I actually prefer it to IAS on rings as well.
That is the exact same passive setup I used for my disintegrate build. I used slow time - timewarp instead of black hole. More dmg to enemies close to me and some defense added in. Black hole is fun too though.
Can't really say much about the gear. Spend shards on sources at Kadala until you get a mirrorballYou'll love it.
From a Crusader perspective, it's essentially a useless stat to me. My Wizard sees greater survivability with LpS over Life on Hit as well since the proc coefficients in general aren't the greatest.
The servers are down right? (In the US?) Can't connect, but when I checked the server status forum, it doesn't say anything about today.
People actually hate Life on Hit? It is the best stat in the game.
Dat hyperbole.
If you kill stuff fast, might as well have Life On Kill, since it doesn't take up a primary affix slot.
my Templar follower already has better sheet damage and toughness than my DH that has 120+ hours on it. Drops have been way kinder to my Crusader than my DH. The leg sheild with 50% cooldown to Heaven's Fury dropped last night and has been amazing. A bit more cooldown on Paragon and armor and I should be able to have three beams out almost constantly.