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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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I played some of the 2.0 patchthat everyone is raving about. About 10-12 hours I think. I can see why people are so excited, with how loot is "smart", and how you have a good chance of getting upgrades through drops instead of having to resort to the AH. That was definitely one of the biggest issues in the game for me, that you could be 5-stack NV farming elite packs for hours and not get any upgrades or anything even good to sell in the AH. So I like that. Having legendaries drop with a pity timer is pretty exciting too although I think the novelty wore off once I realized that 80% of them were sidegrades or downgrades to my gear.

I still have two main issues with the game:

First, maps are still not random enough. This was a hallmark of D1 and D2 and every other ARPG I can think of. I'm sure you are all familiar with how most maps are static save for the placement of landmarks/objectives. E.g. when you are finding Kulle's blood it's always in a large desert shaped like a ring with inaccessible terrain in the middle, and his lair is always in the northwest part of the desert. If you name any other outdoor map in the game (and even some indoor ones) chances are it's the same overall layout. And even objectives aren't random a lot of the time, e.g. act 3 signal fires, catapults, trebuchet always being in the middle of the map, etc. Even maps that are somewhat randomly generated (most indoor maps) often have objectives in the same relative positions, e.g. Butcher's room is always northeast, the Breach is always northwest, etc.

Travis Day, game designer, even commented on this almost exactly a year ago http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/8518301745#3, claiming they were "actively investigating" how to make more random experiences, and that running parts of act 3 is "less random than what [they] would like the experience to be."

So has the patch done anything to make the experience more random than before? I don't see that it has. That was one of the issues with the game for me.

Second, the problem with loot progression still remains, and I'm not sure what their plan going forward with it is. Let me elaborate: when you are leveling, it is very easy to find upgrades. Once you hit the max level, it's still easy to find upgrades...at first But as your gear gets better and better, it becomes more and more difficult to find upgrades. The time interval between upgrades gets longer and longer, and this is especially true when you can reroll undesirable affixes with the Mystic. What is Blizzard going to do about this? You could sidestep this problem with ladders, by resetting everyone every few months. That way no one but the most diehard players will get to that point where they have to play 50 hr to find one upgrade. For people who don't want to play on the ladders I suppose you could update the game regularly and add new gear. I'm just speaking to my experience with vanilla, where I played a great deal from launch (May) to about August and then stopped entirely because I felt the game no longer had anything to offer me. I don't want that to happen again with RoS.

Other thoughts:
I like teleporting to any waypoint or party member from anywhere in the world. Even though it only saves you a few seconds from TPing first, it feels a lot more convenient.
Infinite Paragon system is neat, no longer being pushed into playing one character is good.
The PvP arena system promised in 2012 is nowhere to be seen. I wonder if they're ever going to come out and say it's scrapped once and for all.
People who don't buy the expansion are 100% screwed if they want upgrades to pre-2.0 2Hs, sources, or mojos.

Expansion fixes randomization by effectively segregating the 'story' experience from the loot run experience at max level.
This OT is gloriously dumb. As a great fan of the original Diablo, I highly approve.

I'm very excited about this expansion, but... I'm waiting for the PS4 version. Come on Blizzard! My fiancé and I want to couch co-op this right NOW! Let's hear some news!

That said, I'm looking forward to hearing more impressions of the expansion soon!


Just played a 2 hour session on my DH. Scored a set hand bow, set boots, legendary quiver, and a legendary chest. Dat loot 2.0

Oh and it was all from me finishing a run on normal :x
I still have two main issues with the game:


Second, the problem with loot progression still remains, and I'm not sure what their plan going forward with it is. Let me elaborate: when you are leveling, it is very easy to find upgrades. Once you hit the max level, it's still easy to find upgrades...at first But as your gear gets better and better, it becomes more and more difficult to find upgrades. The time interval between upgrades gets longer and longer, and this is especially true when you can reroll undesirable affixes with the Mystic. What is Blizzard going to do about this? You could sidestep this problem with ladders, by resetting everyone every few months. That way no one but the most diehard players will get to that point where they have to play 50 hr to find one upgrade. For people who don't want to play on the ladders I suppose you could update the game regularly and add new gear. I'm just speaking to my experience with vanilla, where I played a great deal from launch (May) to about August and then stopped entirely because I felt the game no longer had anything to offer me. I don't want that to happen again with RoS.


I'd like to address this point.

One of the things I've found about the new loot that wasn't realistically possible with the old loot is "build-defining items". If you're a wizard, and you get a Myken's Ball of Hate, or a Moonlight Ward, those are going to influence the way you build. There are lots of items like these now, so even if you have the best gear for your build, you could get one and try something different. Granted, the number of items like this in the game isn't infinite, but I doubt that you'll ever get every legendary (and you wouldn't have storage for that anyway).


Tuesdays are maintenance days for Diablo. And if history repeats itself, the game will be unplayable the first few days.
Oh yeah, come at me now Orbiters:


Also, one of the new zones in the expansion (
) is also a *fully* randomized exterior, just like D2 used to have. This isn't a Nephalim Rift dungeon, it's an actual part of the campaign map. Directly addressing the 'pre built with swap-in modules' complaint of Acts 1 through 4, which I think isn't that bad, I'm still finding new things after all this time. I think they adjusted the spawn chances of some of the rarer 'event' modules that slot in.




And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Congratulations, FixateDCraB on paragon 300! REPRESENTING THE CRAZY THAT IS EUROPE DIABLO GAF, BABY!


To the TOP, people!

edit: unfortunately he decided to quit afterwards! He had fullfilled his faith!



Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
/\ Loot from one mob, right Yoshi??

sorry if anyone saw spoilers!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Could you remove that please ._.? Some people wouldn't want to see that!
My experience with Loot 2.0 has been overall really positive, I created a brand new Barb with the patch, hit level 60 for the first time and am sitting at level 90 paragon. That didn't happen with launch Diablo 3, I bailed at level 42 on Nightmare because the game felt boring and unrewarding to play.

In Loot 2.0 leveling up from 1 to 60 is a lot of fun because the new drop system favors the class you're playing as and you get a lot of upgrades, even some early legendaries. That feeling kind of carries over for a bit at 60 but gradually my Barbians gear has stagnated. I will go for hours without anything useful dropping until I get my pity legendary but then that usually is a 2H downgrade from my 1H. It's starting to feel like launch Diablo; stingy, miserly and unrewarding. I swear I've had the same lvl 59 Rare bracers on for the last 20-30 hours of the 80 I've spent playing this Barb. Not a set piece, not a legendary, just a minor upgrade lvl 60 Rare or Magical. There are people complaining that chests, breakable objects, regular mobs and even corpses are too rewarding, I think they're fucking nuts. If it wasn't a random legendary or incredibly rare set piece dropping I probably wouldn't be playing the game right now. I'd just wait until Reaper of Souls dropped.

On the Torment difficulties, the bosses aren't the real challenge, the elite mobs are. I base what difficulty level I can play based off of which elite mobs I can survive fighting. So far that's Torment 2 but even that feels like an uphill struggle. This difficulty makes the elite mob drops confusing, it's so unrewarding to hammer through this mob that has crazy damage over time and area of effect attacks for a rare or magical and one craft mat. Then there are the bosses, I don't understand why they are such a complete joke in Torment. Azmodan gets stun-locked by 4 lvl 60's and loops the flavour text over and over while he dies. "Arrogant Nephelem...", "Enough!", "Arrogant Nephelem...", "Enough!", "Arrogant Nephelem...", "Enough!", *dies*. The they drop numerous, useless items for me to break down or sell. It just feels like something is missing right now, which is probably Reaper of Souls.

Since my progression feels like its flatlined with my Barbarian, I switched over to leveling and gearing up one of my old Wizards. Once that hits a wall I'll probably do the same with my Witch Doctor, Monk or Demon hunter. Certainly can't play my Hardcore barbarian right now.


Congratulations, FixateDCraB on paragon 300! REPRESENTING THE CRAZY THAT IS EUROPE DIABLO GAF, BABY!


To the TOP, people!

edit: unfortunately he decided to quit afterwards! He had fullfilled his faith!


I don't see a HOTO or Nigma there. I see orange WoW text!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
What's wrong with the colors :/?


Paragon 300 is insane, good shit. If I wasn't OCD and wasting most of the last 3 or so weeks working on achievements I'd probably only be at around 250-260, and I'm one of the highest in the US clan.

In related news, apparently the GAF Overflow clan is full, good shit guys! We're already on Clan OT3 before the expansion launches lol


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Paragon 300 is insane, good shit. If I wasn't OCD and wasting most of the last 3 or so weeks working on achievements I'd probably only be at around 250-260, and I'm one of the highest in the US clan.

In related news, apparently the GAF Overflow clan is full, good shit guys! We're already on Clan OT3 before the expansion launches lol

Oh my!
Paragon 300 is insane, good shit. If I wasn't OCD and wasting most of the last 3 or so weeks working on achievements I'd probably only be at around 250-260, and I'm one of the highest in the US clan.

In related news, apparently the GAF Overflow clan is full, good shit guys! We're already on Clan OT3 before the expansion launches lol

That's crazy.

J. Bravo


The correct colour. Dat Wizspike tho.

why would you use that shield? once it breaks, it's gone. and it doesn't have much durability. maybe i'm just being ignorant, having only played d2 up to the naked graveyard lady, but that shield seems dumb.


Such BS that clan sizes are so small...

Second, the problem with loot progression still remains, and I'm not sure what their plan going forward with it is. Let me elaborate: when you are leveling, it is very easy to find upgrades. Once you hit the max level, it's still easy to find upgrades...at first But as your gear gets better and better, it becomes more and more difficult to find upgrades. The time interval between upgrades gets longer and longer, and this is especially true when you can reroll undesirable affixes with the Mystic. What is Blizzard going to do about this?

Never gonna be fixed. Thats always going to be a thing IMO. As you get better gear, taking the next step becomes harder and requires more time/good fortune.


why would you use that shield? once it breaks, it's gone. and it doesn't have much durability. maybe i'm just being ignorant, having only played d2 up to the naked graveyard lady, but that shield seems dumb.

So you have played D2 for 5 mins? That makes me very sad.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
"naked graveyard lady"



Is there a good story recap somewhere for D3? I've played through the game dozens of time but skipped all dialogs and cutscenes since last year lol. I'd like to get back into it before Act 5.


Ive been playing quite a bit and just had a realization...am I just wasting time playing before the new expansion? I mean, my gear will be worthless when I hit 70, I'll need level 70 gear at that point. My paragon levels could be useful I suppose. Outside of that, aren't we all just pretty much looking for some pointless loot?


Is there a good story recap somewhere for D3? I've played through the game dozens of time but skipped all dialogs and cutscenes since last year lol. I'd like to get back into it before Act 5.



Ive been playing quite a bit and just had a realization...am I just wasting time playing before the new expansion? I mean, my gear will be worthless when I hit 70, I'll need level 70 gear at that point. My paragon levels could be useful I suppose. Outside of that, aren't we all just pretty much looking for some pointless loot?
Are you having fun playing the game?


why would you use that shield? once it breaks, it's gone. and it doesn't have much durability. maybe i'm just being ignorant, having only played d2 up to the naked graveyard lady, but that shield seems dumb.

You can put it on a mercenary and the item won't lose any durability.


Ive been playing quite a bit and just had a realization...am I just wasting time playing before the new expansion? I mean, my gear will be worthless when I hit 70, I'll need level 70 gear at that point. My paragon levels could be useful I suppose. Outside of that, aren't we all just pretty much looking for some pointless loot?

Time is best spent on paragon levels and leveling new chars. Not that its pointless to spend time upgrading a lvl 60 to make them more viable, its just that the time is better spent elsewhere.


...Second, the problem with loot progression still remains, and I'm not sure what their plan going forward with it is. Let me elaborate: when you are leveling, it is very easy to find upgrades. Once you hit the max level, it's still easy to find upgrades...at first But as your gear gets better and better, it becomes more and more difficult to find upgrades. The time interval between upgrades gets longer and longer, and this is especially true when you can reroll undesirable affixes with the Mystic. What is Blizzard going to do about this?...

Reading over this thread and particularly this comment it still seems like Diablo 3 still hasn't fixed its biggest problem - the skill system is terrible. Yeah - not the itemization, the skill system. I'll explain. The way Diablo 2 dealt with the quoted problem was really easy and excellent. Skills were not binary - on or off. They were able to raised in level. When most any item had the ability to drop with skill mods on them then there was basically an infinite amount of replayability possible since you were constantly dropping items leading to new fun ideas to try out. And there were literal synergies. Not just skills that worked well together but if you put points into a certain skill it would directly strengthen another skill as well.

Diablo 3 seems to have tried to replicate this which is a good idea, but it seems like they did it in the most banal possible fashion - by adding specific skill mods to specific legendaries. But marginal randomness there again results in the same issue. One specific legendary is going to increase your DPS more than another and so you choose that one. That also leads to another issue that hasn't been resolved in D3. Immunities in D2 were annoying as hell (har har - forgive me...) but they also meant you had to think about more than simply maxing your DPS - hammerdins spawned from a bug. And that again also encouraged having a backup set of skills which once again further increased the possibilities.

People complain about the itemization in Diablo 3 but I think a neat way of looking at things is really just seeing the skill system as being an incredibly unique extension of your items. One of the biggest things that changed from D2 to D3 is that the "skill-ization" went from a wide array of levelable drops with various synergies to choose 6 from: "dagger, sword, etc..." In many ways the actual items are hamstrung by this when they can't meaningfully and dynamically effect your "skill-ization" except for a handful of hand-crafted items which, though initially exciting, will ultimately again devolve into a straight forward DPS calculation.


Just got my monk to 60!

That just leaves a Wizard and a Crusader for me to level (and of course, get the others to 70).


Are you having fun playing the game?

60, decent gear, lower paragon levels, having fun playing with friends but definitely not having fun by myself. I can tell I'm going to get burnt on this game at some point so maybe I'll just wait until expansion drops. Plus I am playing a barb, it stinks to see all my friends playing wizards and just destroying everything while I feel my dps is pretty lackluster regardless of build.
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