Looks like your constant crying and bitching about not getting any good loot pays off.
every time you say you are going to quit this game, a blizz mod grants you sweet legendaries so you stay.
You should finish the base game and see how you feel about it.I'm thinking of buying Diablo 3 and just wondering how much of a difference this expansion makes to the base game? As a beginner, would I want to pick this up straight away or should I just finish the base game and then get RoS?
I was fighting in Akkarat Champion mode and died and didn't res automatically.
I stayed dead, no respawn options, I had to leave the game.
This happened twice today. Is this a known bug?
This happened to me once. What sucked more is that there was a leg sitting on my corpse.
Luckily someone in the game invited me back after I left and it was still there!
Question 1: What should I attempt to reroll for magic missile damage? I know attempting such a thing will only end in tears, but thanks to RIF I Have 40 souls or so that I'm willing to blow on it.
Question 2: I've had this in my stash for a while, which would work well for a fire build, except it lacks a main stat and a socket. Is it worth trying to save (and if so, how?), or should I just salavage it and try and craft a decent Devastator?
2) Main stat doesn't matter on weapons as much as people think but that weapon doesn't have that great other stats either. I would just try to roll a better Devastator if you can manage. I would still keep the Burning Axe for another class (or in my collection because I like to do that anyway).
3 legendary rings so far today. 9 yesterday.
I. Don't. Want. Rings.
I'm on that wall of shame for sure
And here I was thinking that they'd nerf Witching Hour instead of buff it. CHD and AS? *swoon*
And here I was thinking that they'd nerf Witching Hour instead of buff it. CHD and AS? *swoon*
uh... It has always been CHD and AS
Yesterday I had two of the Deadmau5 amulets drop within a few minutes of each other. Man, that thing is terribad. If it had anything to add dps, MAYBE...
3 legendary rings so far today. 9 yesterday.
I. Don't. Want. Rings.
They are buffing Blood Shard drops from higher Torment difficulties.Also, getting 40 blood shards from a T4 guardian is such an insult. Never mind the fact that I've only gotten 2 legendaries in the past 5 T3/T4 rifts, this is dumb.
Had these two items drop literally within 10 seconds of each other, crazy luck! I'm leaning towards using the wand since I like Hydras and it compliments my Ice Skill boosting Andariel's Visage nicely. What do you guys think? Also what's best to reroll on the wand (For a socket I'd say.)
Staff is instant Soul unless you want to give it to your Enchantress or keep it for your Legendary collection.
If you plan on using a full Hydra spec then you might as well try to get Tasker and Theo. Hydras count as pets/companions so they will get the buff.
Staff is instant Soul unless you want to give it to your Enchantress or keep it for your Legendary collection.
If you plan on using a full Hydra spec then you might as well try to get Tasker and Theo. Hydras count as pets/companions so they will get the buff.
Well that's fucking stupid.Apparently they're bugged though. They don't benefit from taskers (from what I've read).
Well that's fucking stupid.
And unsurprising really. So many weird bugs in the game.