Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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I'm ready for my new Roland's set.



Can't get a decent Monk weapon to save my life, haven't seen a single Torch or Furnace in 360 or so paragon levels together with my Barb. Just a well rolled vanilla ancient wep would be fine, 4,2k is the highest dps I've gotten so far.


But it has a dead stat. Cyclone strike damage. Might be better of using a non ancient with elite damage reduction.

We'll I'm using cyclone right now I was considering changing that to 130 all res but decided for one of the 210 elemental res... When I ever get a torch it will be a dead stat but I was using an awesome blackthorns ancient chest and any ancient innas chest was the only thing that could replace it.


Nevilistis dropped some hints about the next PTR 2.2 patch coming next week (most probably Tuesday):

*Ring of Zodiac being changed. My guess is nerf incoming.

*F+R rings getting changed as well. Another nerf incoming.

*She said that pretty much all of the sets are getting changed in some capacity (some getting changed a lot). Tal Rasha was mentioned and the damage buff duration is going to be "smoother".

Also in the current PTR build some weird strings are showing up. There is a new string for the Marauder DH set and this weird shit as well (probably the buff to Zunimasa's set):

Dat feel when you see a set piece drop, only to see it's a ring :/

At least in 2.2 Focus/Restraint should be good.
Dat feeling when you see a set piece drop and it's anything BUT the last item you need to compete a set. Well on the way to para 400; still never gotten a SWK amulet drop. Not one, of any kind or quality. It doesn't even need to be decent. I just want one to have some more options.

This shit mine as well be as rare as The Furnace. I see more of those drop daily than SWK Shines.
Somebody liked Too Human a bit too much.

In other news, got my Maruader's pants, so 4-set for that. Still looking for a Bombadier's rucksack though. I got the helm as well, but it's not good enough to replace an ancient Natalya's. Need the chest, but it has to replace an ancient Blackthorne's. Still looking for a decent weapon, nothing has replaced the crafted ancient Unbound Bolt I've had since level 1.


Booted this up again and I'm surprised im not kicked from the guild. :p

Anyway, still love it, the enemies fly from my cleave just like a remember.

And Leah is cute as a button.

Give me a new expansion please.


Still no Unity, still no decent weapon... I should also farm a better RoRG but I'm so fucking tired of Queen Aranae's bullshit zone I get 90% of the time

After a long night of drinking. I figured I'd hop on D3 for a bit before going to bed. Hit up a pub game and then this happened.

Pub games. For or Against?
Someone got banned


you can't put a price on sparks
After a long night of drinking. I figured I'd hop on D3 for a bit before going to bed. Hit up a pub game and then this happened.

Pub games. For or Against?

I love it

Edit: meant that guy getting his panties in a bunch.

People go too fast for me in public games, they get frustrating because I'm just running behind thing to catch up while looting


I don't mind pub too much, nice for casual game when no one is around. I dinged 500 in a pub game today. They go a lot slower but eh, I don't need to try too much. Wizard, DPS Monk, WD and my DH. Weird combos, but it's better than playing alone.



is Stone of Jordan still as valuable as in D2?

I remember I traded one SoJ for 3 pieces of IK armor.

that motherfucker could sell everything.


SoJ is valuable in D3 but in a different way. You can't trade in this game but SoJ by itself is used in a lot of builds because of it's raw DPS that it provides on your element and against elites.
I've pretty much only played pubs this season since it seems like everyone catapults to T6 so fast while I play catchup in lower torments. My DH can do GR 30+ now though, so I'm good for T6 now and won't feel like I'm dragging anyone else down.
I've pretty much only played pubs this season since it seems like everyone catapults to T6 so fast while I play catchup in lower torments. My DH can do GR 30+ now though, so I'm good for T6 now and won't feel like I'm dragging anyone else down.

Lucky. My new season Crusader is stalling out around GNR 18. Getting that damage -vs- defense balance right is tricky, plus I think i'm a few pieces away from optimal equipment for my build.
Lv 340 on my seasonal monk
Still haven't seen a SINGLE torch, SWK amulet or unity.

I'm uninstalling this game at lv 400 if I don't have torch + SWK.


I'm at around Para 340 (can't check, bnet not loading for me) and I've gotten one Torch that is pretty so-so (I made it usable with a gift...barely), just got my first Unity (which was awful), and I've gotten 4 SWK amulets that were all total trash and not even close to worth using to swap out my SWK helm for a Leorics.

I've still never seen a Furnace ever, and no SoJ this season. I do wish they would add the ability to gamble for specific weapon types, trying to get a Torch when you're competing with all of the other 2h weapon types is a shitshow :/
I got a SWK ammy on the PTR ~(-_-)~

I think that's one of the rarer pieces in the game overall though. Only saw one in all the PTR I played.

I forget if I got a Torch on live or not this season (maybe just PTR), may have dusted it since it wasn't ancient. Out of town now so I can't check. Do have a decent non-ancient Furnace this season that I was using for awhile, but not-ancient, so who cares right?

But yeah I geared my DH better than my Monk in less time. Albeit the DH was leveled with Gem of Ease, so that shaved off at least 5-7 hours of play time.

Dunno if I go back to the Monk or just save playing the class more for 2.2 and season 3. Was thinking about going Crusader for S3 though after not having played mine since around RoS launch. Or finally playing a WD to cap for the first time.


Unconfirmed Member
Lucky. My new season Crusader is stalling out around GNR 18. Getting that damage -vs- defense balance right is tricky, plus I think i'm a few pieces away from optimal equipment for my build.

I've only played monk and crusader this season, but Crusader is very, very gear-dependent. It took me a loooong time to feel truly effective. You need perma-Akkarat, which requires that set, and then you also want a good weapon/shield combo for condemn or phalanx builds.

by comparison, you get Gungdo on a monk and you're destroying T6 very, very quickly with the help of some decent gear. It's kind of nutty.


I've only played monk and crusader this season, but Crusader is very, very gear-dependent. It took me a loooong time to feel truly effective. You need perma-Akkarat, which requires that set, and then you also want a good weapon/shield combo for condemn or phalanx builds.

by comparison, you get Gungdo on a monk and you're destroying T6 very, very quickly with the help of some decent gear. It's kind of nutty.

Problem is that all viable crusader builds right now revolve around perma-akarat, which requires 6p Akkhan's and 54% CDR (which isn't easy without huge gear sacrifices, as getting good rolls to not gimp gear with the CDR is hard), and the most effective build requires Frydehr's Wrath and Blade of Prophecy with no substitutions at all possible.

And even having all that you only perform on par.

New Roland's set should cement crusader's in groups as single target monsters, tho. Fucking ludicrous shield bash damage incoming.


I think I'm done with Season 2 after hitting 400.

Can't get a 2nd unity and Az to climb GR.


Definitely my fastest and highest character to hit 400 compared to my non-season and season 1 character.
I got a SWK ammy on the PTR ~(-_-)~

I think that's one of the rarer pieces in the game overall though. Only saw one in all the PTR I played.

I forget if I got a Torch on live or not this season (maybe just PTR), may have dusted it since it wasn't ancient. Out of town now so I can't check. Do have a decent non-ancient Furnace this season that I was using for awhile, but not-ancient, so who cares right?

But yeah I geared my DH better than my Monk in less time. Albeit the DH was leveled with Gem of Ease, so that shaved off at least 5-7 hours of play time.

Dunno if I go back to the Monk or just save playing the class more for 2.2 and season 3. Was thinking about going Crusader for S3 though after not having played mine since around RoS launch. Or finally playing a WD to cap for the first time.
I got 3 SWK amulets in 2 days right after 2.1.2 came out. Two were ancient. So I was like "eh these are not rare at all"

Yeah fuck this amulet
I think I'm done with Season 2 after hitting 400.

Can't get a 2nd unity and Az to climb GR.


Definitely my fastest and highest character to hit 400 compared to my non-season and season 1 character.

Damn dude those res are trash, even more considering you have 2 diamonds :/ also why the hell put a ruby in leo crown, 25% CDR is imba


Seeing kids like you play Diablo 2 would be hilarious.

OMG 50000 hours and still haven't had a single HR drop!!!

I played D2 a lot, thanks for the input son.


Damn dude those res are trash, even more considering you have 2 diamonds :/ also why the hell put a ruby in leo crown, 25% CDR is imba

I spend 70% of the time in T6 Rifts/Bounties, Shit dies so fast before they do some serious damage, that's why I don't use Harmony. Desert Shroud is more than enough in T6 anyway.

Ruby for exp. I'm switching it to diamond when in GR. :)


I spend 70% of the time in T6 Rifts/Bounties, Shit dies so fast before they do some serious damage, that's why I don't use Harmony. Desert Shroud is more than enough in T6 anyway.

Ruby for exp. I'm switching it to diamond when in GR. :)
Should be the other way round. You want ruby in GR. Assuming you are not pushing very high. xp gear multiplies in GR. Just additive in normal rifts.
Just found my second Sunwuko Amulet from a greater rift a second ago, wasn't expecting it to be an upgrade over my old one but the stats turned out pretty great for me.

This is my monks stats now with Taeguk stacked,

This is without the Taeguk stacked,

Have kind of stopped playing him though and moved over to a new Demon Hunter since finding upgrades for my monk has become quite scarce and I already have the other little things I might need like double unity etc. Probably end up coming back to him after a little break with other classes.
Wish the "choice" of gem in our weapons was less boring. It's either Emerald or wrong.

They'll come out with more legendary gems eventually, maybe something to put in weapons besides gem of ease. But I do wish there was more variety in the basic gems. Could use another type or two at least.

Maybe next expac?


Wish the "choice" of gem in our weapons was less boring. It's either Emerald or wrong.

I think the problem with gems is that they have no "rolls". So when you hit the cap with the maximum gem you're done, that's the best you can have. In D2 at some point there were jewels (not to mention runes and runewords which came with the expansion), which could roll with different multiple stats and were considered a legendary item (had to be IDed if I remember well). I hope they'll implement something like that, a jewel which could roll with 1 main affix and one secondary, with the chance to have the some kind of stats on both, but the secondary being less potent. Something like 100%CHD/5%CHC or 10%CHC/50%CHD, or MAINSTAT/CHC, RCR/RSC and so on. And there would have to be ranges as well, not fixed max stats. This would give great room for changes and customization with little effort - you're not introducing a new game mechanic, just mixing existing ones.


Finally got my first Unity drop in seasons yesterday. It was pretty crappy, so hopefully that will be the one that goes on my follower when I find a second one (if ever).

I'm 400+ PL in regular, and 250ish in seasons and still have never seen a Furnace. I didn't main monk in regular, but I haven't seen a Torch yet either. I guess I've been rather lucky, as I've found all four pieces of SWK (including ancient shoulders), and got the three piece Inna's as well if that's still a thing. Everything's rolled rather mediocre, but at least I can get the bonuses.


Can Kadala give you Set Helm pieces? I've been at 4/6 Marauder pieces for ages now, constantly giving Kadala shards hoping to get that game changing 5th piece but nothing. Should I be going for pants instead?


Can Kadala give you Set Helm pieces? I've been at 4/6 Marauder pieces for ages now, constantly giving Kadala shards hoping to get that game changing 5th piece but nothing. Should I be going for pants instead?
Yes, obviously she can, I got both Nat and Mara through her. I suggest you to gamble on her after you already get a Legendary helm as a regular drop. It seems to me when you create a game some slots are picked up for a "leg chance", that's the reason you often get 2-3 legs on the same slot in a single rift. When I was trying to get a Witching hour I just waited for a leg belt to drop, then gambled from kadala and would get 30-40% leg rate from her in T6 (500 shards). I know it sounds insane.


Can Kadala give you Set Helm pieces? I've been at 4/6 Marauder pieces for ages now, constantly giving Kadala shards hoping to get that game changing 5th piece but nothing. Should I be going for pants instead?
She gives anything that is not quest/bounty specific, so yes you can get maur helm or any other pieces.


finally became part of the 500 club yesterday. I know a lot of you are well above that, but it made me happy to finally hit it. I usually play solo, but over the weekend I did a bunch of t6 pub rifts. I didn't think it was as bad as some people make it out to be



Yes, obviously she can, I got both Nat and Mara through her. I suggest you to gamble on her after you already get a Legendary helm as a regular drop. It seems to me when you create a game some slots are picked up for a "leg chance", that's the reason you often get 2-3 legs on the same slot in a single rift. When I was trying to get a Witching hour I just waited for a leg belt to drop, then gambled from kadala and would get 30-40% leg rate from her in T6 (500 shards). I know it sounds insane.

It was more me venting than an actual question but thanks, I'll try that. The game does seem to love giving me amulet after amulet.
They'll come out with more legendary gems eventually, maybe something to put in weapons besides gem of ease. But I do wish there was more variety in the basic gems. Could use another type or two at least.

Maybe next expac?

They should add elemental gems and gems that have unique bonuses in weapons(That would be comparable to crit damage)


A friend of mine is buying D3+RoS for the first time.

Where can he buy online for the cd-keys ? (Aside from Blizz shop ofcourse, that shit is still $40 each).


A friend of mine is buying D3+RoS for the first time.

Where can he buy online for the cd-keys ? (Aside from Blizz shop ofcourse, that shit is still $40 each).
Personally I wouldn't order digitally a cd key outside of official channels, I know most eshops are legit but with all the fuss about people being banned for hacked keys I'll pay the premium price. And TBH the insane amount of hours I put into the game was well worth it.
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