Okay I'm at 408k now and with my badass sidekick I feel I'm on track for farming at a fun speed and I know what to do to build my might. Thanks guys.
Does wearing items from a set increase your chances of drops from that set? I ask because I got two more blackthorne surcoats while I was wearing one. I finally got a uliana coat so hopefully that increases my chances of other pieces from that set.
Drop chance spreadsheet for estimated blood shard costs and chances when upgrading rares:
Monk stuff:
Lion's claw 8.33% (1 in 12)
Fist of Az'Turrasq: 4.17% (1 in 24)
Flow of Eternity 7.69% (1 in 13)
Shenlong's 8.33% (1 in 12)
Flying Dragon 15.38% (1 in 6.5)
So most people will wind up with generator monk gear before they finish Uliana's.
Sölf;177437771 said:Killing a boss for the first time in campaign guarantees a legendary, right? Then I have to kill them all sometime soon.
Flow of Eternity is still eluding me, but I'm very happy that this rare upgrading recipe exists, hardly ever find legendary Diabos in the wild.
Actually, would leveling a monk to 29 and using that to cube for FoE reduce the item pool from which the cube can pick?
Flow of Eternity is still eluding me, but I'm very happy that this rare upgrading recipe exists, hardly ever find legendary Diabos in the wild.
Actually, would leveling a monk to 29 and using that to cube for FoE reduce the item pool from which the cube can pick?
I am currently at the point where i need to grind grifts to level 3 gems to 30 for the 6th chapter of the book.
Thinking a bit forward, which are the easiest conquests?
I feel a bit silly for not trying this earlier, I'll let you know what the results are once I get monk #2 to 29.
I'm stuck where you have to cube 25 legendaries to progress onwards![]()
I don't want to do bounties![]()
I still need to do that, but it seems easy.
Each act's bounty gives 6(up to t6) or 8 (t7+) mats, and i already cubed 10 for the previous. so it's only 2-3 sets (of all acts) of bounties.
Doing 25-30 GRs to level the gems seems to be more time consuming. (And I dont really like GRs, especially solo)
Update: it does not work with lv. 70 Diabos so I imagine the cube looks at the level of the item you're using, and you can only craft lv. 70 Diabos.
Edit: And you can't cube sub-70 rares. Alas, the method does not work, but it was a fun experiment.
Update: it does not work with lv. 70 Diabos so I imagine the cube looks at the level of the item you're using, and you can only craft lv. 70 Diabos.
Edit: And you can't cube sub-70 rares. Alas, the method does not work, but it was a fun experiment.
Great idea about Flow of Eternity!
Tried to get one yesterday,but got pretty much every daibo except the one I wanted. I have 2 Innas now, think I have Innas whole set actually.
Will start a new monk and see if I my luck will be better this time around.
Yeah, it costs too much and it's in the group 2 handed weapons, not daibo specifically.
Yeah, it costs too much and it's in the group 2 handed weapons, not daibo specifically.Even if it doesn't work with rare upgrading, I wonder if it might be applicable with blood shards. Overall costs would still be crazy I guess.
Hmm I got disconnected with it saying my connection timed out despite playing at that moment. Now I can't connect to battle.net on the login screen, but the bnet launcher has no issues.
*edit - bnet launcher is not connecting either
I'm basically Raiden now. I was already mostly on a lightning build. Now that I am a god compared to Torment 1 enemies I'm ready to let go of the goblins. Once I do get a nice ring with a socket to replace that I'll be able to put this in it...
Not that I was having trouble finishing things off. And once I get another piece of the Uliana set I'll be putting exploding palm on shit for free.
So when I socked a Gem of Ease into my weapon..will it keep the lvl 70 damage or will it scale with every level or does it stay level 1 forever?
that seems OP
It's meant to be OP for self-leveling. You can even use the cube now to remove the level requirement of an item without using up the socket slot.
Was more or less just checking to see if anyone else was experiencing a bnet outage. Looks like my area was affected, but it's back up now.
Question regarding off-hand stats:
I am gonna start working on an Uliyana's Monk and wasn't sure which stats "count" (damage roll, etc) and which don't on the off-hand weapon between Lion's Claw and Fist of Az.
How do I decide which to keep on main hand?
What stats should I look for on the off-hand weapon?
Monk, wiz and wd can use sage efficiently imo. Hell even barbs and dh too prpbably.I'm basically 100% normal rifts right now. I did greater rifts enough to level up 3 gems. But death breaths are too important. I'll never ever have any of them because as soon as I do, I use every single one of them for rerolls and upgrading rares.
So so so so so so so dumb that the Sage set only has the gloves, boots, and helmet slots. That conflicts with like.... every major 6-piece set I can wear.
Monk, wiz and wd can use sage efficiently imo. Hell even barbs and dh too prpbably.
Only crusaders are fucked
oh shit
But the rank needs to be 25 before I can remove it right?
otherwise i would just get the XP boost.
When you convert set pieces does that also include the weapon? Can I turn an IK Glove into an IK 2H?
When you convert set pieces does that also include the weapon? Can I turn an IK Glove into an IK 2H?
When you convert set pieces does that also include the weapon? Can I turn an IK Glove into an IK 2H?
That stinks. As much as I despise and abhor Comcast, their quality of service is amazing. I never have connections issues.
The new cube recipe is an item+ lvl 25 gem of ease gives you the item without the level req but eats the gem. It's like something for hardcore leveling or whatever where for example you get an ancient leoric signet, roll 700vit on it then remove the level req, and now you have a crazy good leveling ring. You could also remove the lvl req of 2 pc of your main set, then use your set for leveling(stuff like Helltooth, Talrasha and so on would make leveling on T1 a breeze and super safe since the pieces also have 500vit, or more if they're ancient).
That said, it's still a lot faster to just get someone to powerlevel you. It's just nice for people who don't want to be powerleveled and especially for hc.
The density looks so good.