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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT3| Tyrael Looted: {[El'druin]}


I only vaguely keep up with the high end d3 business. What's the glitch?

Basically when you hit 3000% DoT dmg for 3 sec (so 9000% weapon damage) infinite burn begins BUT before that all that DoT gets multiplied by all the off-sheet dmg (elite dmg, elemental, etc) so the goal is you drop all your CC/CD (because this makes damage inconsistent) then drop your sheet to like 250-300k DPS which means you can hit stuff then run away without activating infinite DoT so then you end up doing insane burst dmg. To drop your dmg low you're trading it for survivability so you're running with all diamonds, have armor, cdr, etc. which means you can consistently survive and don't need to fish.


Elden Member
My wife needs someone to help her master the Marauder Set Dungeon because in her words "the fucking rock worms keep botching my attempts".

It should take under 5 minutes to help her out, I dont play the game, but she says she needs someoen to jump in and kill everything while she stands in one place (no clue what shes raving about, but shes gone mad with anger at the game).

Any takers/help?


so a blue just gave permission to abuse 4pc firebird glitch


nice. wizard OP again

Oh jesus tittyfucking CHRIST it just gets worse... I knew I should have went Wizard. But I didnt want to play the same damn class twice. Now Im salty, stuck with this struggle class, while Wizards get waaay better choices at end game, and new mechanics like this to work with to easily farm GR90s...

FOH man cmon.

Hate this season.


Goddamn that Uliana set dungeon is stupid. Group 21 enemies together for EP but they only spawn in groups of 4-5 so you need to drag groups together via cs, but cs breaks the fire grates that destroy the mobs you just spent the last minute grouping.

For marauder just tell her to listen to the cue that the worm is surfacing then vault away. They spawn in the same spot each time.


I'm reinstalling Diablo 3 and I'm going to be finally purchasing Reaper of Souls. Last time I played the game was back in 2014 I believe and that was early 2014 going by the last achievement I unlocked. I've held off long enough and really I'm looking for something more straight forward in terms of combat while still having a game that has the themes and mood to what Diablo has.

While they're not the same I've been trying to play Dark Souls and some of the design choices in that game I feel aren't fair and I really don't have the patience to deal with them. That somehow got me thinking about Diablo 3. Not sure why but it did and perhaps that's what's important. It got me to finally take a serious look at what RoS offered (Before I heard about the expansion in passing but didn't pay attention to the details.) and I think the Adventure Mode combined with the bounties and maybe even the rifts are what I want to satisfy this desire I've suddenly developed. To get in and out of a game, kill a lot of enemies in an interesting setting, and not feel frustrated when I die but still have difficulty when it comes to the fighting and staying alive.

Hopefully I can play tomorrow as I'll have this downloading overnight. I've bben curious as to how the actual story (Act V) continued/finished? Though I will have to mess around with my character first. I'm not sure I remember how to play my Witch Doctor.


I suggest starting a seasonal character and going from there. I think you are going to love it. I had that long break too and MAN, when I came back...game is so much better even if Im unhappy with some of the stuff this season.

I cant really speak to the story, I never paid attention to it. While leveling I always shift to Adventure mode and just skip all story.


Seek victory, not fairness
Goddamn that Uliana set dungeon is stupid. Group 21 enemies together for EP but they only spawn in groups of 4-5 so you need to drag groups together via cs, but cs breaks the fire grates that destroy the mobs you just spent the last minute grouping.

For marauder just tell her to listen to the cue that the worm is surfacing then vault away. They spawn in the same spot each time.

For set dungeons in general, remember you can team up too. It can be helpful to have the main character equip low level weapons and immunity amulet to make some objectives easy and then have the friend(s) actually kill things.


For set dungeons in general, remember you can team up too. It can be helpful to have the main character equip low level weapons and immunity amulet to make some objectives easy and then have the friend(s) actually kill things.

Killing things or taking fire dmg isn't an issue for me. That immunity ammy would sure help though...too bad it's the rarest item in the entire game!


Goddamn that Uliana set dungeon is stupid. Group 21 enemies together for EP but they only spawn in groups of 4-5 so you need to drag groups together via cs, but cs breaks the fire grates that destroy the mobs you just spent the last minute grouping.

Heh, sounds like the mess I went through trying to master the DMO Set Dungeon.
That was pretty rage-inducing and wasn't fun...so I went and did Firebird's instead and got it mastered in like 2-3 tries.


Finally mastered that Uliana dungeon. Mastered all 4 wd ones in a fraction of the time that stupid dungeon took. Going to try the wiz ones next.


Wow. So I finally finished the RoS campaign and have been messing around with the Adventure Mode and I think I really like it. I really enjoy the quick dungeon crawl aspect of it. Not in one area for to long, you can make a beeline for the objective and not worry about the other area of the map because it's already been done in the story mode. I think of it just as the ongoing clean up for the world with the big threat finally taken care of. I think I need to be careful though. I just spent several hours with the mode and didn't even realize so much time had passed.

I'm finally getting Paragon levels. I hadn't realized that included an additional stat increases, etc. I finally see what some still play this over and over again. Now I have to decide if I just take a level 1 character into adventure mode or do I bother running the campaign again.


Wow. So I finally finished the RoS campaign and have been messing around with the Adventure Mode and I think I really like it. I really enjoy the quick dungeon crawl aspect of it. Not in one area for to long, you can make a beeline for the objective and not worry about the other area of the map because it's already been done in the story mode. I think of it just as the ongoing clean up for the world with the big threat finally taken care of. I think I need to be careful though. I just spent several hours with the mode and didn't even realize so much time had passed.

I'm finally getting Paragon levels. I hadn't realized that included an additional stat increases, etc. I finally see what some still play this over and over again. Now I have to decide if I just take a level 1 character into adventure mode or do I bother running the campaign again.
Nah, just do adventure mode. Bounties will get you stocked up on the mats you need for the cube, and rifts are a much better source of loot/xp.

There's also no reason to run it on normal, set it to at least hard and you'll likely have to dial it up to T1 by the 61+ levels after you have the right gear and keep it up to date.


Oh jesus tittyfucking CHRIST it just gets worse... I knew I should have went Wizard. But I didnt want to play the same damn class twice. Now Im salty, stuck with this struggle class, while Wizards get waaay better choices at end game, and new mechanics like this to work with to easily farm GR90s...

FOH man cmon.

Hate this season.

I was curious how broken this is so gave it a try. Took a couple of hours tops to get the gear needed, and leveling to 70 takes 10 mins if you have a friend who can run you.

With 350k sheet dps I 1 shot the GR65 rift guardian. Just a little bit op...


this isnt making much sense.

So ive already cleared lvl 70 with barbarian on normal difficulty in adventure mode.

Started Wizard on torment and leveling up quickly which is great, but according to the description there is a higher legendary drop rate. This is bullshit because on normal i was constantly getting legendaries, but now on level 27 ive only gotten 1, and it wasnt even something which benefited the class. Wtf is this :/

The difficulty is getting pretty hard so im thinking of dropping down to master, i just dont see any point in playing on torment if im not geting the benefit from it.


this isnt making much sense.

So ive already cleared lvl 70 with barbarian on normal difficulty in adventure mode.

Started Wizard on torment and leveling up quickly which is great, but according to the description there is a higher legendary drop rate. This is bullshit because on normal i was constantly getting legendaries, but now on level 27 ive only gotten 1, and it wasnt even something which benefited the class. Wtf is this :/

The difficulty is getting pretty hard so im thinking of dropping down to master, i just dont see any point in playing on torment if im not geting the benefit from it.

It's only 15% per torment level. You prob hit 27 way more than 15% faster though. Better chance per mob, but you're killing way fewer mobs.


It's only 15% per torment level. You prob hit 27 way more than 15% faster though. Better chance per mob, but you're killing way fewer mobs.

you know.. that might be it becaues i have definitely been killing way less. This isn't much fun for me because my character has awful equipment lol


Gold Member
I just finished the campaign mode there. Mathael just kept destroying me on master difficulty and it was taking forever to do much damage to him so ended up just lowering it to get it out the way. I'm not really playing it for the campaign anyway. Already did it on PS4 a while back and of course there is no way to skip the campaign so had to get it done.

Now I'm gonna start adventure mode. I'm a lvl 68 wizard right now. I under there are bounties but I'm not sure how everything else works so need to look into it.


Hey guys, could anyone help me clear a TX rift in less than 2 minutes? I don't even know if it's possible to do that alone.
Besides playing seasons for pets I think I'm going strictly non seasons now. Seasons are just pointless if you're not a streamer who can play 18 hours a day in a 4 man group every single day. This game seems to have forgotten the solo players who only play with their actual friends for fun and not marathon it as a job on twitch =\ Hell you can't even compete in paragon level points if you dont have a GR farming group all day long.


Besides playing seasons for pets I think I'm going strictly non seasons now. Seasons are just pointless if you're not a streamer who can play 18 hours a day in a 4 man group every single day. This game seems to have forgotten the solo players who only play with their actual friends for fun and not marathon it as a job on twitch =\ Hell you can't even compete in paragon level points if you dont have a GR farming group all day long.

I like the seasons (not this one) because competing with the GAF guild can be fun. I enjoyed last season just competing with the mages in the GAF clan. I don't pay attention to the world leaderboards, I dont have the ability to come close to those clears. You should try it, you might prefer that reasonable level of competition versus the 12 hour day levels of competition in the worldwide leaderboards.

I still quit this season though, its just boring playing a DH, and not many gaffers played the class anyway.





Diablofans has PTR data up. Apparently next season will scale up to Torment 13 instead of 10
Possibly up to Torment 16!


That will certainly.. change the flow of a season. Much less greater rift key farming and a bit fewer Bounty runs would be needed at Torment16. Not to mention a lot more drops at those levels once you are able to blaze through them in pubs.


Seek victory, not fairness

Uh oh, RIP Grin Reaper for support WD. (no more stacking effects from clones)

100% key drop rate at TXIII i hope..

Oh yes:

"Infernal Machine drop rates have been adjusted:
There is now a 50% chance for a machine to drop on Torment I increasing to 100% on Torment IV
Torment levels V-XIII have an increasing chance for a second machine to drop

Greater Rift Keys are now guaranteed from any Nephalem Rift and increasing the difficulty now increases your chance of getting a second or third key"

The new Scarbringer effect might finally be enough to make a lashing tail kick build competitive.
"Lashing Tail Kick deals an additional 1000% damage to the first 5 enemies hit"
Should work pretty well with Inna's set. Finally a spender that isn't bugged with Epiphany! Rivera dancers for attack speed + obsidian ring for uptime too. I'll hop on later and try that out. Could be a pretty good heal monk with Soothing Mist too.


Seek victory, not fairness
Guess LTK is doing ok, but with SWK instead of Inna. (makes sense considering the corresponding power difference for Inna's bell vs SWK bell)

LoN LTK might work too.


Gold Member
i just got the Kanai's Cube but not sure what i'm to do with it. there are recipes and i have most the ingredients but it says i need a legendary item. i had some but nothing became available.

also, right now i'm on Torment 3. i want to keep moving up but it's taking so long to find new gear. a lot of the stuff i'm looting is a downgrade. i just feel like i'm missing out on something. should i be doing rifts or bounties...or both? i'm paragon 50 at the moment.


i just got the Kanai's Cube but not sure what i'm to do with it. there are recipes and i have most the ingredients but it says i need a legendary item. i had some but nothing became available.

For the first recipe you need a legendary from which you can extract its power. Mostly those that have a unique special effect (indicated by its text).

also, right now i'm on Torment 3. i want to keep moving up but it's taking so long to find new gear. a lot of the stuff i'm looting is a downgrade. i just feel like i'm missing out on something. should i be doing rifts or bounties...or both? i'm paragon 50 at the moment.

It's normal that 95% of what you find is not an upgrade. I'm Paragon 350 and only bother with materials and legendaries/set items. Do Rifts and Greater Rifts (for unique jewels), Bounties for the materials and play online if you want to boost your Paragon points.


i just got the Kanai's Cube but not sure what i'm to do with it. there are recipes and i have most the ingredients but it says i need a legendary item. i had some but nothing became available.

also, right now i'm on Torment 3. i want to keep moving up but it's taking so long to find new gear. a lot of the stuff i'm looting is a downgrade. i just feel like i'm missing out on something. should i be doing rifts or bounties...or both? i'm paragon 50 at the moment.

Are you playing seasonal? If so you can get your 6pc set fairly easily which should get you to TX.


Trying to get the Guardian on EU before the season ends. So did anyone complete the "Boss Mode" conquest or just wants to help ? Figured it would be easier than getting GR75. Also would appreciate someone powerleveling me in HC. :/
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