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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT3| Tyrael Looted: {[El'druin]}


Seek victory, not fairness
Wall-o'-text regarding changing up "the meta":


Wyatt Cheng said:
Hey folks,

Many concerns have been brought up regarding "the meta" - the current group composition perceived to be the best at high levels of play. From a design standpoint, our job as a development team is to give players tools and leave room for players to combine these tools and perform optimizations to reach the highest greater rift that they can. The top-performing 4-player group composition is not something we rigidly design. Indeed, we feel that if we designed in such a rigid manner so as to know what the best composition is beforehand, we likely haven't created a rich enough space for players to explore.

Over time, the community settles on a small set of ways to combine these tools. Every so often, a discovery is made that shakes up "the meta," but these discoveries become more rare as the game matures. In reaction to this some players would like us to change the balance of the game just for the sake of change. I want to be clear—"the meta" being stale is not a good enough reason for us to take action. As Diablo matures the "meta" is not going to change every season. With that in mind, there are three criteria we use to decide whether change is warranted:

Does the current best composition represent a variety of classes? For example, we have taken action in the past when 3 Demon Hunters was the best answer, or 2 Monks and 2 Barbarians.

How far ahead is the top tier vs. the next best composition? If the top composition was 2 greater rift tiers ahead there might be a sense that there's still room for alternate specs, or people could make a playstyle choice at the sacrifice of some efficiency. When the top composition is 10 greater rift tiers ahead, then even farming groups or casual community pickup groups start to organize into this composition.

Most importantly, how interesting is the gameplay? As much as we'd all love to see a variety of classes and gameplay styles, it's actually the most critical that when you are playing these high-end group compositions that the gameplay is interesting and engaging.

How do we define interesting and engaging?
- It's more interesting and engaging if you are moving occasionally than highly stationary
- It's more interesting and engaging if you have to adapt to the type of monster you're fighting
- It's more interesting and engaging when you are playing the monster mechanics
- It's more interesting and engaging when a group has to coordinate for maximum benefit

Currently there are many suggestions on how to shake up "the meta". There have been a LOT of really great suggestions. We've reviewed many of them through the lens of the three criteria I've outlined. Most specifically many people have called for a straight up nerf of the Twisted Sword. While we are going to nerf Twisted Sword, I also want to explain why we are going to do more than that.

If all we do is nerf Twisted Sword, we believe what will happen is most groups will simply swap out the current top Wizard build and go to the next highest DPS build. You'll still see a grouper/tank (usually a Monk), a puller (usually a Barbarian), a DPS buffer (a Witch Doctor) and then whoever outputs the highest DPS in the game (currently a Wizard). Only going after the Wizard is going to do very little for addressing criteria #2 and criteria #3.

There are three major problems and three corresponding major changes we are looking to make.

PROBLEM #1: Bringing damage support buffers is more effective than bringing a second damage dealer. Why bring damage dealer #2 when you can bring a damage support who increases the damage of damage dealer #1 by 300%?

CHANGE #1: We are going to be reviewing the party-based damage buffs provided by all the classes. The degree to which some classes can buff party damage is a huge contributor to the 1 DPS - 3 Support meta.

PROBLEM #2: It is too easy to group monsters together. This is bad because:
It disproportionately increases the damage of the group compared to adding a 2nd damage dealer. If you have twice as many monsters grouped, not only are you dealing twice as much total damage - you're also scaling Area Damage upwards.

On top of this, many of the grouping mechanics encourages stationary combat. If you're chain-pulling monsters to a point, you're fighting in one location for extended periods of time.

In addition to being stationary, you’re also casting spells at a single location – it’s more engaging when you have to adjust dynamically to a changing battlefield.

The grouping mechanics also act as a soft crowd-control, disabling monsters from attacking players, causing combat to feel stagnant and non-interactive.
Grouping increases visual noise, which makes discerning (and hence responding to) monster mechanics difficult.

Finally, it can cause server issues. While we are always working on server performance optimizations, we also need to recognize that the current game design rewards players for bringing as many monsters as possible onto the screen at once.

CHANGE #2: We are going to make adjustments to crowd control and pull effects to make it harder to perpetually pull monsters onto a single point.

PROBLEM #3: Extremely high rates of healing favor standing still to do more damage instead of respecting and avoiding monster mechanics .

CHANGE #3: One of the reasons you can ignore most monster mechanics is the amount of healing available. Expect to see a drastic reduction in available healing.

Will this affect solo play? Yes - some solo builds will be affected. For the most part we are trying to target the changes so they affect groups more than solo play. Weighing the needs of solo players vs. group players is a never ending and difficult task and in this case we feel that the quality of improvement to group play warrants the changes. It is an ongoing goal to make more builds viable, and the classes closer together in competitiveness. The requests for buffs to particular class sets or legendary items have been heard, we just feel making meaningful changes to group play is more important at this time.

Will this cause the highest rift tier to go down? To be frank - probably. We've never really done this before - nerfing the top performing builds. There are open questions ahead of us. How will this make the season feel? How will this affect non-seasonal play? In the past we've always had a philosophy to adjust the balance of the game by buffing what's low, but in this case that's not really an option. Take a look at the problems and solutions being proposed - these are problems that can't be solved with larger damage numbers. These are problems with group-based damage multipliers, healing, and combat utility.

Finally - I want to circle back to a statement from the start of this post - as developers we do not know what the new optimal group composition will be. We're making some significant changes here and the game is intentionally too complex for us to figure out optimal strategies on our own. The collective wisdom of the player base is far more resourceful and capable than us. As a result - we really need people to jump on the PTR and try this stuff out! Particularly 4-player groups. If some highly competitive group discovers a composition of 4 Crusaders that is the most effective but deliberately "hides" it from the rest of the community, then there's not much we, the development team, can do. While we are ultimately responsible for the quality of Diablo III, we can't improve this game without your help.


They also posted this:

There will be specific changes available to peruse in the next PTR patch.

Fair warning: The reduction to group buffs is severe. People will be shell shocked.

If the goal is that 2 DPS can do more damage than 1 DPS + 1 support then it means no single class can bring > 100% worth of damage multipliers to the party. A support Witchdoctor in particular increases the effectiveness of party DPS by 300%+.

Group buffs, group heals and group damage mitigation effects are about to get fucking trucked.

Anytime they give THAT kind of warning, the nerfs and changes must be drastic.


Having one or two supports are fine in a composition but having a support that amplifies damage past 200% while also providing insane damage mitigation/healing and crowd control is kinda ridiculous.

It would be cool to have a composition that has a single target DPS specialist (like Demon Hunter Shadow set), crowd damage dealer, a crowd controller and a healer/tank support. Support play shouldn't die off completely because a lot of items/skills are used in that playstyle and it would make a lot of those items/skills unusable if there were no support specs.


I never liked the 1 dps 3 support crap. Didnt feel right in this sort of game. 1 support perhaps? Sure. But it suceked that I had to play some wierd as build that deals no damage just to fit in the meta. I mean, either that or play the mage.
Hope they don't nerf in too stupid ways. For example, DH's wolf, I can see it being nerfed cause it's 30%, but the nerf I'd like to see is: Give 30% to yourself and 10% to your allies. This way, it's nerfed for supporting, but it doesn't affect what is basically every solo DH build in the game. Same deal with Marked for Death/Calamity, x damage for you, y damage for allies.

I'm not too sure it'll be the case though.

There's gonna be a huge step back in group GR ladder next season though if they nerf everything to the ground. I mean, it might actually be a lot more enjoyable to play so that'd be fine, but it'll be funny going back 15-20GRs or whatever.


Anyone in EU still playing ? Clan is pretty dead. Was so busy with work and now I'm trying to still achieve the Guardian... Would be great to have someone to play with.


Is there about a month left or so in the season? I had promised myself to play Crusader and try to actually try it out for real rather than complaining about how boring it is. I'm rather enjoying it mostly as Akkhan but I wonder if I have much time left to try to put together a thorns set to run around in before it's all over.
New PTR patch datamined http://www.diablofans.com/news/48765-new-ptr-patch-datamined-2-4-2-build-38044
Predictions about all ZDPS/support skills being nerfed came true. However I think even with these nerfs the top GR clears will still use at least 1 ZDPS character for mitigation.

That'd be fine though, I think most people are ok with 1, or even 2 supports. It's when you end up with 3supports that it becomes really dumb.

Not surprisingly, they just nerfed stuff in the most simple way, even if it affects single players.


Wolf Companion : Active: Your wolf howls, granting you and your allies within 60 yards 15% (down from 30%) increased damage for 10 seconds. / Passive: Summons a wolf companion that attacks enemies in front of him for 150% of your weapon damage as Physical.
This nerf is so frustrating. DH is already struggling solo, why take even more possible damage away from the solo build using Companion?!

Wish they would have nerfed the damage boost from Wolf given to allies and kept the solo buff. If anything, that would have made DH more viable in group play as the DPS character since Wizard is being brought back down to earth.


Rest in peace Inner Sanctuary - Forbidden Palace.

They didn't gut it as hard as I thought they would. Support play will still be a thing.


Roland's set dungeon is the first non-monk dungeon mastery that's caused me frustration. WD, wiz & DH were all a piece of cake, same with the other sader ones, but this one is proving a tough nut to crack.

So many enemies to kill in such a big map. I have no problem with either of the primary objectives, just killing all enemies in time.
Maybe I just need better gear as elites are taking me a while. Guess I could equip my monk's in-geom and run furnace in the cube...
Roland's set dungeon is the first non-monk dungeon mastery that's caused me frustration. WD, wiz & DH were all a piece of cake, same with the other sader ones, but this one is proving a tough nut to crack.

So many enemies to kill in such a big map. I have no problem with either of the primary objectives, just killing all enemies in time.
Maybe I just need better gear as elites are taking me a while. Guess I could equip my monk's in-geom and run furnace in the cube...

You need high CDR for fast horse and use the pulling sweep rune, and then yeah good damage so you kill stuff fast. I had less trouble with that than some of the wizard ones, but I did wizard with a non geared alt and I never got the blink wand by wasting all my mats on the cube, so I had to do them without it, and that's really hard, a lot of them seem designed around the fact you can just teleport non stop.

I still have to finish set dungeons at some point, I only have monk left but I can't be bothered, the monk dungeons look terrible and I need to farm all the set+side items needed to do them, meh.
Got Guardian a couple days back. Started a WD. Found a build I like and now 3 of the skills are going to be nerfed. Heh.

Wanted to run a Zunimassa but the temp damage boost would be frustrating to manage with the little guys zipping around. Trying a Fetish/Debuff LoN build instead. Lazy Zunimassa so to speak.
Really weird, I can't seem to see the updated patch notes at all, it loads the previous patch one. I tried reloading without cache or incognito mode(which doesn't use cache afaik), and it's still showing the old one. I can just read the notes on diablofans, just kinda curious behaviour, unless they removed the patch notes.


Looks like another season of barely any changes, unless there's something they're not talking about. Still haven't even gotten my stash tab this season, what a slacker!
Can't wait to grind normal rifts at TXIII. Wait, yes I can.

I hope the drop rates for the hellfire body parts are boosted. Craft 20 at a time and still get donuts.


you can't put a price on sparks
im so close to getting another stash, but i lost all will to play.

i'm like 5 levels away from the solo GR feat. I have to probably grind all of the legendary gems for enchants at this point, no upgrades dropping for me anymore. i have like 3 pieces that still need ancient.


im so close to getting another stash, but i lost all will to play.

i'm like 5 levels away from the solo GR feat. I have to probably grind all of the legendary gems for enchants at this point, no upgrades dropping for me anymore. i have like 3 pieces that still need ancient.
Not sure what class you're playing, but I did GR 76 with only half my pieces as ancient. They're nice to have but not mandatory at that level.


Looks like final stage of season 7 journey will require a solo clear of GR80. Anyone know what build will have the easiest time doing that?
Looks like final stage of season 7 journey will require a solo clear of GR80. Anyone know what build will have the easiest time doing that?

Hard to say. Currently it'd be wizard but that's getting nerfed into the ground with no sign of buffs, so I'd advise avoiding wizard instead. Crusader and DH are getting nerfs to their general spec abilities(wolf and the crit dmg law) so also might not be good. No idea about Barb. Monk was kinda poor last season and I don't believe they're getting super buffs after they nerfed the kick legendary. Maybe WD? Their nerfs don't affect their main spec I believe.

Probably wait for the PTR leaderboards snapshot at the end of PTR to figure it out. But it seems like it'll be a pain in the ass to finish the season this time around, I'm thinking I'll stop at the stash instead. A higher GR when they didn't buff anything and instead nerfed a bunch of things sounds annoying as hell.


Changes aren't final but I would assume they might come around on certain nerfs. I'm fine if party buffs got nerfed but some of them are hurting solo too by making them just flat nerfs instead of using "from all sources" to "your damage".


Hard to say. Currently it'd be wizard but that's getting nerfed into the ground with no sign of buffs, so I'd advise avoiding wizard instead. Crusader and DH are getting nerfs to their general spec abilities(wolf and the crit dmg law) so also might not be good. No idea about Barb. Monk was kinda poor last season and I don't believe they're getting super buffs after they nerfed the kick legendary. Maybe WD? Their nerfs don't affect their main spec I believe.

Probably wait for the PTR leaderboards snapshot at the end of PTR to figure it out. But it seems like it'll be a pain in the ass to finish the season this time around, I'm thinking I'll stop at the stash instead. A higher GR when they didn't buff anything and instead nerfed a bunch of things sounds annoying as hell.

Yeah hopefully there will be another balancing pass in the PTR which buffs some skills to compensate for the nerfs, which may make GR80 more doable. Although to be fair after putting some thought into it it's mostly all about grinding Caldessan's to push that high.


you can't put a price on sparks
Not sure what class you're playing, but I did GR 76 with only half my pieces as ancient. They're nice to have but not mandatory at that level.

demon hunter

i probably need to try one of the other sets, honestly. im using marauder's still.
Hmm with the changes I'd probably be able to do it easily. Think I'll go DH, starting set is great for farming and I want to mess around with shadow mines. And I love DH anyway, other than the first 12levels or whatever before you get Chakram, these are the fucking worst, I don't think any other class is even close to how shit DH is for these first 10mins of the game. They really should have swapped Impale and Chakram at some point.


Well got my stash tab finally.

The easiest conquests are the 350 cursed chest (I used "path of the drowned") and the two minute TX rift. The thing with the rift one is you need to have someone tp back to Orek to turn in asap, since I'm pretty sure that's when the timer stops. I was just in a pub game and we got one of those rifts with a huge single floor and that was enough.

I might try and finish the DH set dungeons before the end of the season because there's no way I'll do it later lol.


Well got my stash tab finally.

The easiest conquests are the 350 cursed chest (I used "path of the drowned") and the two minute TX rift. The thing with the rift one is you need to have someone tp back to Orek to turn in asap, since I'm pretty sure that's when the timer stops. I was just in a pub game and we got one of those rifts with a huge single floor and that was enough.

I might try and finish the DH set dungeons before the end of the season because there's no way I'll do it later lol.
Are you playing on EU servers ? I just wanted to post that I would appreciate a Multishot DH helping me with the Cursed Chest Event. It looks so damn easy with Multishot. :(


The other Conquest with the lvl 65 gems I could probably finish on my own.

EDIT: Found someone in public chat! :D


Someone online can help me with the 350 kills at a cursed chest? I'm in front of the chest in paths of the drowned but I can't find anyone online to help me... Jinroh#1650


So I started playing this again recently, using my non-season characters. Having a pretty good time thus far.

What's an easy and powerful build for the Monk now?
So I started playing this again recently, using my non-season characters. Having a pretty good time thus far.

What's an easy and powerful build for the Monk now?

As far as I know most Monk builds are rather viable. SWK, Inna, and Uliana's all seem to be effective. I recommend Inna's or SWK for Solo play, because they have some good survivability baked into them.


As far as I know most Monk builds are rather viable. SWK, Inna, and Uliana's all seem to be effective. I recommend Inna's or SWK for Solo play, because they have some good survivability baked into them.

Got it.

Also some Monk builds require two weapons, eg. Uliana needs Lion's Claw and Fist of Az. For these, I don't need two ancient weapons right? I just need one of them to be ancient and put that ancient weapon in the primary slot because the secondary weapon's damage does mot matter?


I'm losing my mind trying to get the extra stash tab by doing the 350 enemies chest conquest. It's bad enough that I'm playing a WD but I can't even get the bounty much less the chest itself. Is there some trick to it? I'm searching Path of the Drowned for The Cursed Peat bounty and I have never seen it.


I'm losing my mind trying to get the extra stash tab by doing the 350 enemies chest conquest. It's bad enough that I'm playing a WD but I can't even get the bounty much less the chest itself. Is there some trick to it? I'm searching Path of the Drowned for The Cursed Peat bounty and I have never seen it.

The Cursed Chest event can spawn in the Path of the Drowned without The Cursed Peat bounty being active. What you want to do is use a speed build like the Angry Chicken WD build to run around the map looking for the event, then change to something that can kill enemies non-stop for the event itself.


Season 6 will be ending on the following dates and times:

North America: Friday, July 22 @ 5:00 p.m. PDT
Europe: Friday, July 22 @ 5:00 p.m. CEST
Asia: Friday, July 22 @ 5:00 p.m. KST

Season 7 will begin about two weeks afterwards on these dates:

North America: Friday, August 5 @ 5:00 p.m. PDT
Europe: Friday, August 5 @ 5:00 p.m. CEST
Asia: Friday, August 5 @ 5:00 p.m. KST


Starting this weekend, all heroes who log in to Diablo III on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will receive double the usual amount of Blood Shards in Adventure Mode! This buff affects all events which grant Blood Shards, including Bounties, Rifts and Greater Rifts.

The bonus buff begins in the Europe region this Saturday, July 9 at 00:01 CEST and ends on Sunday, July 10 at 23:59 CEST.*

As compensation for this bug:
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