OwenLantos: With so many newer and stronger class sets, some of the old class sets (e.g. Firebird's Finery, Jade Harvester) became extremely weak. Are there any plans to rework these sets in the near future? Possibly in 2.4? I really like Firebird Wizard, but it is just so underwhelming right now...
John Yang: Yes, 100%, absolutely. Internally, we have already updated, revamped, or redesigned completely many of the six piece sets that are currently not seeing use. The ones that are already done include Shadow's Mantle, Might of the Earth, Jade Harvester, Firebird's Finery, Armor of Akkhan, Thorns of the Invoker, and Embodiment of the Marauder. Monkey King’s Garb and Inna's Mantra are also being worked on. The goal is to bring all of these sets up to the power level of the current top 2.3 sets/builds.