Wizard has teleport as a default skill which is among the best movement skills in the game. It's better than what classes like Barb, Crusaders, DH and WD have. Only Dashing Strike is really better than Teleport.
Teleport base cooldown is terrible which is why you need the wand. Vault or Smokescreen with movement rune are like way way better, Spirit Walk tends to be better(invuln for a bunch of time, slightly shorter cd, resets faster with kills though not relevant at high GR).
I mean with the wand, Teleport is amazing and probably the best pure movement skill(other than for bounties on which majuma chicken is imo on the long runs like act5 garbage), but without, even with good CDR it's so so, especially since it's pretty much the only mobility you have other than illusionist+mirror image or whatever which is like meh.