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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT3| Tyrael Looted: {[El'druin]}

You can probably make a Zombie Bear build with LoN and do insane damage with it anyway. At the very least you can crush TX with it.

Well yeah but you can kinda crush TX with anything with LoN, and you'd probably pick something less annoying to play at that point, like anything with majuma instead(arachyr wormdwood locust speed farming build for example if you solo, with the reduced health it's pretty easy to kill everything without even having to cast anything).


Well yeah but you can kinda crush TX with anything with LoN, and you'd probably pick something less annoying to play at that point, like anything with majuma instead(arachyr wormdwood locust speed farming build for example if you solo, with the reduced health it's pretty easy to kill everything without even having to cast anything).
Some people want to use their favorite skills, not the best possible builds and that's fine.
Some people want to use their favorite skills, not the best possible builds and that's fine.
Part of why I don't play my Wiz any longer. I would like a legit ranged build but I can't do GR30+ or so unless I go full on stand in everything AOE mode like the rest of my classes. I haven't played my Wiz in a long time but I'm sure nothing changed.


Part of why I don't play my Wiz any longer. I would like a legit ranged build but I can't do GR30+ or so unless I go full on stand in everything AOE mode like the rest of my classes. I haven't played my Wiz in a long time but I'm sure nothing changed.
That's not true anymore in 2.4.

In 2.4 you can use any skill and crush upto GR50 with relative ease. All the sets are at least that strong and LoN allows you to do that with any skill if your favorite skill isn't supported by a set.

Though if you are struggling with GR30 then some other issue is at hand here. I had a Wizard in season 3 that could do GR45 easily with a DMO Frozen Orb build which is a ranged build. Wasn't the best build by a long shot but I had fun for it a while and I did a lot of the main stuff in the season at the time.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Thanks guys. Still grinding my way to level 70, but I'm close, and of course I know that's where the real game begins ;). This will be my 3rd format playing D3 (PC, PS4, now X1) and I'm exited to play a WD again finally.

I've noticed they've changed quite a bit about some of the WD Runes to make a wider variety of play styles appealing, which is a really good thing.
That's not true anymore in 2.4.

In 2.4 you can use any skill and crush upto GR50 with relative ease. All the sets are at least that strong and LoN allows you to do that with any skill if your favorite skill isn't supported by a set.

Though if you are struggling with GR30 then some other issue is at hand here. I had a Wizard in season 3 that could do GR45 easily with a DMO Frozen Orb build which is a ranged build. Wasn't the best build by a long shot but I had fun for it a while and I did a lot of the main stuff in the season at the time.
I haven't played the Wiz in forever and she's highly outdated. I never geared her out full. 2.4 also isn't here yet. I might pick her up when 2.4 goes live or go back to my Crusader with Blessed Shield.

I really don't play the game to min/max. I'll look for good builds and go from there. I don't like feeling shoehorned into specific item/skill sets just to progress, tbh.


I haven't played the Wiz in forever and she's highly outdated. I never geared her out full. 2.4 also isn't here yet. I might pick her up when 2.4 goes live or go back to my Crusader with Blessed Shield.

I really don't play the game to min/max. I'll look for good builds and go from there. I don't like feeling shoehorned into specific item/skill sets just to progress, tbh.
First of all if you haven't fully geared a Wiz before how can you make claims about how the Wiz is or isn't supposed to play?

The good builds are good builds when they are min/maxed. A lot of these LoN builds you see require top end gear to be effective. Without min/maxing we won't really know what is good and what isn't.

How is your progress hampered? What are you trying to progress towards? If you feel that you need to get a particular item to make your skill stronger then well welcome to loot based gaming. Which skill are you even trying to progress with?

In 2.4 I can easily make a Superman Wizard build (Disintegrate skill with the dual heat beams) and do GR60. I can make an Energy Twister build, an Arcane Orb build (ranged or melee), an Archon build, a channeling skill build and a Meteor build. That's pretty much all of the Arcane damage spenders for Wizards. But no matter what build I want to make I have to min/max, that's just how it is. Without stacking CDR or using Obsidian Ring I can't really make an Archon build work.

I can do all the season journeys will all these builds if I keep min/maxing. Beyond that you are getting into extremely late game where only the best builds perform but if you don't care about pushing Leader boards then it shouldn't be a concern.
First of all if you haven't fully geared a Wiz before how can you make claims about how the Wiz is or isn't supposed to play?
Really? The internet exists and makes info easy to find. The top builds don't really have you nuke from range.

The good builds are good builds when they are min/maxed. A lot of these LoN builds you see require top end gear to be effective. Without min/maxing we won't really know what is good and what isn't.

How is your progress hampered? What are you trying to progress towards? If you feel that you need to get a particular item to make your skill stronger then well welcome to loot based gaming. Which skill are you even trying to progress with?
Your condescending tone is winning many friends, i'm sure. Is it so hard to think that while loot is one thing, being shoehorned into a skill set to progress might not be fun for some? You're given all these skills but A, B and C are the only viable options to do real progression. That's not exactly fun for some folks.

In 2.4 I can easily make a Superman Wizard build (Disintegrate skill with the dual heat beams) and do GR60. I can make an Energy Twister build, an Arcane Orb build (ranged or melee), an Archon build, a channeling skill build and a Meteor build. That's pretty much all of the Arcane damage spenders for Wizards. But no matter what build I want to make I have to min/max, that's just how it is. Without stacking CDR or using Obsidian Ring I can't really make an Archon build work.

I can do all the season journeys will all these builds if I keep min/maxing. Beyond that you are getting into extremely late game where only the best builds perform but if you don't care about pushing Leader boards then it shouldn't be a concern.
Awesome! 2.4 will be here soon enough. Until then, did you remember how I said I hadn't played my Wiz in forever? That means not 2.4.

Maybe you glossed over it, I am unsure. But hey, if your elitist tone makes you feel better because I just want to play a toon how I feel like playing and not be boxed into builds A or B - more power to you, I guess?


I was trying to help you but instead all you got from the post was me being condescending when that wasn't the intention.

I can't help you without you telling me what skill you want to use that you feel is not good or what you define as progression in the game (ie. What you want to accomplish that you feel you can't do with your skill). There's a solid build for every skill in the game, just about. I gave you one example of a build I was using two seasons ago that was a ranged build that could do GR45.

The Internet only zeroes in on the BEST build. The best build only matter for the people who play the game for leaderboards, for more casual players a lot more builds are very viable for progression especially in 2.4. And even with the Internet the viability of skills and builds are ever changing so they aren't end all be all.
I was trying to help you but instead all you got from the post was me being condescending when that wasn't the intention.

I talk about how I haven't hopped on my Wiz in ages and you slam me with shit about 2.4 that's not even live yet, welcome to loot based games, etc.

No offense but I hope you understand you sound like an elitist prick.


I talk about how I haven't hopped on my Wiz in ages and you slam me with shit about 2.4 that's not even live yet, welcome to loot based games, etc.

No offense but I hope you understand you sound like an elitist prick.

Not really dude.

Part of why I don't play my Wiz any longer. I would like a legit ranged build but I can't do GR30+ or so unless I go full on stand in everything AOE mode like the rest of my classes. I haven't played my Wiz in a long time but I'm sure nothing changed.

Your original post has no mention of when you stopped playing. I mean what kind of response were you expecting here if the one Dahbomb gave you comes across as offensive? "Cool story"?

Don't be so overly sensitive.
Not really dude.

Your original post has no mention of when you stopped playing. I mean what kind of response were you expecting here if the one Dahbomb gave you comes across as offensive? "Cool story"?

Don't be so overly sensitive.
Sigh... Post 2157, man.

Thats where he went full on Johnny Awesome after I explained I haven't played the Wiz in ages.

Yes, really and I wasn't expecting "welcome to loot based games bruh" or "herp derp you're playing wrong because on shit that isn't live yet its totally better".

I was making a comment about the last time I played my Wiz. I didn't ask to be talked down to about how the game works or patches that aren't live yet.
2.4 is live in 2days(or is it 3, whatever, this week), so what happens in 2.4 is relevant, especially if you haven't played in a while, so you're not actively playing now in 2.3. In 2.4 especially you can play with any skill and make it work with LoN, however that takes a while.

There's also Firebird which pretty much makes any fire rune of a skill viable(and almost every skill has a fire rune, barring like Ray of Cold) and requires much less time investment, especially since you're given a free firebird set in season 5 if you play that(starts friday btw, so still relevant).

Tal Rasha makes a lot of skills usable, although you do need to make sure you get your elements right and you have to use a bunch of different skills. Delsere makes certain specific skills good, but it's a rather large selection which is increasing in 2.4 some more.

Now in general, Wizard is going to be stronger at close range, due to that passive that does more dmg to stuff close to you. That's a tradeoff every class gets, and also because in general, keeping stuff at range isn't that easy. But overall, other than Archon stuff which is fairly melee centric, everything is mid to long range and as long as you bother kiting, then you can keep stuff at that range.

I'm not sure what was the build for wiz back when you played, but I think the last time a real melee build was dominant was CMWW back in vanilla? Season 1 and 2 was like Firebird/Blizzard/Hydra stuff and it was mostly kiting centric.


Look man I am sorry if I came across as an elitist. That wasn't my intention but of course intentions can get lost across the internet.

However that doesn't get to the crux of the issue where you haven't told us when you last played the game, your build and your progression goals. OK so things are pretty different in 2.4 but if you haven't played since season 1/2 then a lot of changes have been made since then as well. So some help could be given that would allow you to improve your build right now as opposed to two days from now when the patch goes live. I can bet you if you linked your character we can help you get the same character past GR45 without many changes to the skill build.

And no one is trying to tell you how to play the game, on the contrary the intention is to help you play your skill of choice better to reach your own progression goal.
For the people that don't browse /r/diablo, here's a guide for Season 5 leveling that someone made

Whoa this is nice and simple to read. I havn't looked at shit since the first initial PTR build with 800% LoN.

Looks like there will be lots of GEM grinding to enchant main stat into gear. Other than that. just some different sets and fun with LoN for the season. 400ish into each gear is pretty huge.
Whoa this is nice and simple to read. I havn't looked at shit since the first initial PTR build with 800% LoN.

Looks like there will be lots of GEM grinding to enchant main stat into gear. Other than that. just some different sets and fun with LoN for the season. 400ish into each gear is pretty huge.

Gem grinding is pretty lategame. You can only use them on ancient gear, so it's like something for when your main gems are already capped and you're just farming paragon to get higher GR and stuff, but not something you're gonna do right away, other than for that one piece of ancient you drop that has perfect rolls(almost always happen, one slot you get a really good drop but the rest is crap for a long time).

Realistically, a lot of people won't even use the feature.

The guide is nice cause it has all the info in one place, like leveling builds including when you want to craft stuff so you don't have to go check every now and then and stuff like that. Also nice for endgame builds, although I'd expect a lot of changes to that by the time the season is running, those are just preliminary picks based on PTR and stuff, plus it's missing a lot of potential options(like say Marauder for solo GR which is pretty ok).


Hey guys, I'm thinking of picking up this game on PS4 but im not exactpy sure what kind of game it is. I know the focus is primarily on loot, which is one of the reasons why im interested, but I don't know much about the game outside that.

Is it mostly a co-op dungeon crawler, and would it be fun enough solo since I don't know anyone who owns it? Is there matchmaking and is it well implemented?

Do you just replay the "story mode" over and over or is there some kind of other different modes? Almost all gameplay I've seen is mostly just going through samey looking dark dungeons killing mobs, though I admit I haven't been very thorough.

Is there PvP and is it good? The reasons why I was and still am addicted to destiny was firstly the loot but then PvP drew me in.

Is the gameplay really as mindless as it looks (I'm not a huge fan of dynasty warriors-types where you just wipe out dozens of brain-dead minions by button mashing).

Are there any "raid" type content (or strikes if you've played destiny)?

What exactly makes it a good game in your opinions?


Hey guys, I'm thinking of picking up this game on PS4 but im not exactpy sure what kind of game it is. I know the focus is primarily on loot, which is one of the reasons why im interested, but I don't know much about the game outside that.

Is it mostly a co-op dungeon crawler, and would it be fun enough solo since I don't know anyone who owns it? Is there matchmaking and is it well implemented?

Do you just replay the "story mode" over and over or is there some kind of other different modes? Almost all gameplay I've seen is mostly just going through samey looking dark dungeons killing mobs, though I admit I haven't been very thorough.

Is there PvP and is it good? The reasons why I was and still am addicted to destiny was firstly the loot but then PvP drew me in.

Is the gameplay really as mindless as it looks (I'm not a huge fan of dynasty warriors-types where you just wipe out dozens of brain-dead minions by button mashing).

Are there any "raid" type content (or strikes if you've played destiny)?

What exactly makes it a good game in your opinions?

A. It is fun solo or multiplayer, although the game can feel like it favors MP. Since you're playing on console I don't suggest ever playing online as you risk running into players with hacked items/buffs/stats.

B. There is a campaign/story mode and the 90% more played Adventure Mode that is what "fixed" Diablo III when the expansion first came out. Adventure Mode features a lot of things you simply cannot see or get in Campaign Mode, including fully randomized Rift Dungeons.

C. There is PvP, but it's very basic and something almost no one bothers to do anymore.

D. It's as brain dead as you want it to be. There are some builds that are more mindless than others, it's all on your preference. Although I will admit the most "complicated" builds are more about combo your skills together efficiently.

E. High level 4-man Greater Rift dungeons and possibly Torment 10 Uber bosses are the closest to a raid Diablo III has.

Hope that answers most of your questions. This game is all about living the RPG power fantasy through powerful items and killing millions of things with them. I love this game, but I understand it's not for everyone.


A. It is fun solo or multiplayer, although the game can feel like it favors MP. Since you're playing on console I don't suggest ever playing online as you risk running into players with hacked items/buffs/stats.

B. There is a campaign/story mode and the 90% more played Adventure Mode that is what "fixed" Diablo III when the expansion first came out. Adventure Mode features a lot of things you simply cannot see or get in Campaign Mode, including fully randomized Rift Dungeons.

C. There is PvP, but it's very basic and something almost no one bothers to do anymore.

D. It's as brain dead as you want it to be. There are some builds that are more mindless than others, it's all on your preference. Although I will admit the most "complicated" builds are more about combo your skills together efficiently.

E. High level 4-man Greater Rift dungeons and possibly Torment 10 Uber bosses are the closest to a raid Diablo III has.

Hope that answers most of your questions. This game is all about living the RPG power fantasy through powerful items and killing millions of things with them. I love this game, but I understand it's not for everyone.
Thanks for the answers. While some of the answers weren't exactly what I wanted to hear, I'm still somehow interested. I guess I might end up picking the game up eventually since its not that expensive.


Thanks for the answers. While some of the answers weren't exactly what I wanted to hear, I'm still somehow interested. I guess I might end up picking the game up eventually since its not that expensive.

Be very aware that the game is filled with hackers on the console versions which means things like getting leveled up super high within a few seconds of joining a public game. I highly recommend playing the PC version or just playing solo or with trusted people on the console versions. I think there are online groups you can find to play with people who don't cheat.


I went ahead a made a Discord text/voice server for D3-GAF ahead of Patch 2.4 and Season 5 starting. All you have to do to join the member list is click this link. Bear with me, I'm learning how to do the more intricate parts of the program as we go. If I see we have too many lurkers join I'll lock the chat with a protected link. Also, anyone who is an officer of the NA and EU GAF clans let me know in text or voice and I'll add you to the server officer list. You can find more info about Discord here.

I think this finally replaced Mumble for me. Updating the OP.

Thanks for the answers. While some of the answers weren't exactly what I wanted to hear, I'm still somehow interested. I guess I might end up picking the game up eventually since its not that expensive.
Hey no problem, happy to help someone make an informed decision!

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Hey guys, I'm thinking of picking up this game on PS4 but im not exactpy sure what kind of game it is. I know the focus is primarily on loot, which is one of the reasons why im interested, but I don't know much about the game outside that.

Is it mostly a co-op dungeon crawler, and would it be fun enough solo since I don't know anyone who owns it? Is there matchmaking and is it well implemented?

Do you just replay the "story mode" over and over or is there some kind of other different modes? Almost all gameplay I've seen is mostly just going through samey looking dark dungeons killing mobs, though I admit I haven't been very thorough.

Is there PvP and is it good? The reasons why I was and still am addicted to destiny was firstly the loot but then PvP drew me in.

Is the gameplay really as mindless as it looks (I'm not a huge fan of dynasty warriors-types where you just wipe out dozens of brain-dead minions by button mashing).

Are there any "raid" type content (or strikes if you've played destiny)?

What exactly makes it a good game in your opinions?
Diablo 3 is, above all, an incredibly well made, polished, and enjoyable game. It scratches the loot itch better than almost any game (I enjoy Destiny as well), and it's really fun to play solo, but better with others. I'd highly recommend it, BUT.... a lot of the magic is robbed from the game in the console versions, unfortunately, because the end-game (where all the best loot is) is incredibly corrupted by hackers. The PC version is not, which makes all your loot finds and achievements much more exciting. I'd still recommend it if you can only play on console, just be aware of those limitations.


Hey guys, I'm thinking of picking up this game on PS4 but im not exactpy sure what kind of game it is. I know the focus is primarily on loot, which is one of the reasons why im interested, but I don't know much about the game outside that.

Is it mostly a co-op dungeon crawler, and would it be fun enough solo since I don't know anyone who owns it? Is there matchmaking and is it well implemented?

Do you just replay the "story mode" over and over or is there some kind of other different modes? Almost all gameplay I've seen is mostly just going through samey looking dark dungeons killing mobs, though I admit I haven't been very thorough.

Is there PvP and is it good? The reasons why I was and still am addicted to destiny was firstly the loot but then PvP drew me in.

Is the gameplay really as mindless as it looks (I'm not a huge fan of dynasty warriors-types where you just wipe out dozens of brain-dead minions by button mashing).

Are there any "raid" type content (or strikes if you've played destiny)?

What exactly makes it a good game in your opinions?
1) Game is enjoyable both in co-op and multilayer. The match making is fine because you kinda choose the difficulty you can tackle. However you shouldn't be playing online on PS4/XB1 because of hackers. You want the PC version for that.

2) People play in Adventure mode not in story mode. You either do Bounties or Rifts. Bounties take place in a large amount of varied environments from the story with different objectives (usually following a basic formula). The Rifts are randomly generated dungeons using various tilesets and mob types. This this is where most of your hours are spent in the game to get good items.

3) There's PvP but it's trash and hardly anyone bothers with it. There's no real PvP on D3 the main form of competition in D3 is about doing well in Seasonal conquests (available only on PCs) and Greater Rifts. For the Greater Rifts though it's really more about who can play the most + use 3rd party software than about skill which means most people don't take it too seriously.

4) The game is and isn't mindless. You have to be using your skills well enough and some builds are more complex than others. It does get mindless bu I can tell you one thing.. very few games makes wiping out mobs as fun as Diablo does. The satisfaction is insane. It's why people still play the game, the game play loop just feels that good.

5) Closest thing D3 has are Uber bosses which used to be like boss raids but have been power crept by the characters so much that they are really easy now. It's all about Greater Rifts which at the high end still requires team coordination and stuff but it's just harder content than what is already available.. nothing like Raids in Destiny or other MMOs.

Honestly speaking you might find Warframe more to your liking if you enjoy Destiny. Not that D3 is bad but it's not a game you want to play if you want more dynamic game play, Raid content and PvP.

As far as what makes the game good for me.... it's that game play loop. Getting from starting point to godlike status is fairly quick in D3 which makes doing Seasons an enjoyable experience. And when you get to that godlike level it feels nice because your attacks feel so meaty and flashy. Plus the effects of burnt body parts flying everywhere just looks so good. It has a very arcadey feel to it in that sense. The sense of progression is fast and immediate, you get a new gem to lvl 25 and you start to feel the effects instantly or you acquire the next piece or the Legendary that compliments your build and you feel stronger right away. Of course in the end game the upgrades become incremental over time but the progress to get there is just highly addicting and streamlined.


I went ahead a made a Discord text/voice server for D3-GAF ahead of Patch 2.4 and Season 5 starting. All you have to do to join the member list is click this link. Bear with me, I'm learning how to do the more intricate parts of the program as we go. If I see we have too many lurkers join I'll lock the chat with a protected link. Also, anyone who is an officer of the NA and EU GAF clans let me know in text or voice and I'll add you to the server officer list. You can find more info about Discord here.

I think this finally replaced Mumble for me. Updating the OP.

Was that program made by a FFXI player?


I went ahead a made a Discord text/voice server for D3-GAF ahead of Patch 2.4 and Season 5 starting. All you have to do to join the member list is click this link. Bear with me, I'm learning how to do the more intricate parts of the program as we go. If I see we have too many lurkers join I'll lock the chat with a protected link. Also, anyone who is an officer of the NA and EU GAF clans let me know in text or voice and I'll add you to the server officer list. You can find more info about Discord here.

I think this finally replaced Mumble for me. Updating the OP.

Hey no problem, happy to help someone make an informed decision!

I'll be sure to hop on, I don't think any of the guys I usually chat with while leveling are gonna be around this season :( need some new leveling buddies


I went ahead a made a Discord text/voice server for D3-GAF ahead of Patch 2.4 and Season 5 starting. All you have to do to join the member list is click this link. Bear with me, I'm learning how to do the more intricate parts of the program as we go. If I see we have too many lurkers join I'll lock the chat with a protected link. Also, anyone who is an officer of the NA and EU GAF clans let me know in text or voice and I'll add you to the server officer list. You can find more info about Discord here.

I think this finally replaced Mumble for me. Updating the OP.
Hey no problem, happy to help someone make an informed decision!

Heh, I was actually pondering setting up a Discord room too but thought I'd wait till the season or patch hit because I thought there wouldn't be much interest. Feel free to add me to the officer list, I'm xanxanlol on discord.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
In season. You get 6p of the "new" sets for your class for reaching 70(2pc), killing Khule on T2(2pc) and clearing GR20 solo(2pc), which all can be done within 20mins of hitting 70 basically. Means you pretty much don't waste any time farming T1-2 for several hours and instead jump to 5-6 right away, so your xp goes A LOT faster in those early paragons.

thats interesting. What "new sets" are those?


IceMarker said:
I went ahead a made a Discord text/voice server for D3-GAF ahead of Patch 2.4 and Season 5 starting. All you have to do to join the member list is click this link.

Cool, joined I'll be grinding Friday night.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
No offense but I hope you understand you sound like an elitist prick.

The only one sounding like a prick is you man, what kind of over reaction was that? He had some good questions that could have helped us help you. Maybe look into an anger management class?

Is the patch tomorrow?

All we know for sure is sometime this week. Tuesday is likely I'd say, but it might be later in the week.


My body is so ready for some Sentry action.

Can't wait to dust off my Marauder's set. Hope that Manticore and new belt drop quickly! Thankfully the UE buffs will allow me to use that to farm while I build up the new builds.


I went ahead a made a Discord text/voice server for D3-GAF ahead of Patch 2.4 and Season 5 starting. All you have to do to join the member list is click this link. Bear with me, I'm learning how to do the more intricate parts of the program as we go. If I see we have too many lurkers join I'll lock the chat with a protected link. Also, anyone who is an officer of the NA and EU GAF clans let me know in text or voice and I'll add you to the server officer list. You can find more info about Discord here.

I think this finally replaced Mumble for me. Updating the OP.

Hey no problem, happy to help someone make an informed decision!

I am an officer in EU also can you invite me on discord itself perhaps for the channel?
thats interesting. What "new sets" are those?

Earthquake for Barb, Sonwuko for Monk, Shadow for DH, Firebird for Wizard, Jade for WD and Invoker(thorns) for Crusader.

They're not new per say, but they're the reworked sets, especially a bunch of them were 4pc garbage before but now are full 6pc functional sets.


My body is so ready for some Sentry action.

Can't wait to dust off my Marauder's set. Hope that Manticore and new belt drop quickly! Thankfully the UE buffs will allow me to use that to farm while I build up the new builds.

A bit more excited to play some D3 again after taking a small break from season 4 to play Fallout 4. I have done some cleaning up in my stash and got rid of most of my items that are not anchient.

Will play DH this season and feel a bit lost(haven't played him before).
So Marauders set is what you should invest in if you want to play with sentries? Right now I am looking into some kind of sentry build as it looks like fun. Is Marauder the Only option or is there a LoN build you can do as well with sentries?

Second build I thought looked interesting was the one where DH shoots a lot of arrows at once and clears monsters pretty quickly. Or is that a part of Marauders set as well?

Since I will level pretty fast to lvl 70 I won't have time to learn about all the skills(Specially the passive skills).
Any must have skills you always have to have?
Like when I play as WD, I always have Spirit walk, no matter which build.
As for passives, PtV, Gruesome feast, spirit vessel and grave injustice are the common ones I tend to use in most builds.


A bit more excited to play some D3 again after taking a small break from season 4 to play Fallout 4. I have done some cleaning up in my stash and got rid of most of my items that are not anchient.

Will play DH this season and feel a bit lost(haven't played him before).
So Marauders set is what you should invest in if you want to play with sentries? Right now I am looking into some kind of sentry build as it looks like fun. Is Marauder the Only option or is there a LoN build you can do as well with sentries?

Second build I thought looked interesting was the one where DH shoots a lot of arrows at once and clears monsters pretty quickly. Or is that a part of Marauders set as well?

Since I will level pretty fast to lvl 70 I won't have time to learn about all the skills(Specially the passive skills).
Any must have skills you always have to have?
Like when I play as WD, I always have Spirit walk, no matter which build.
As for passives, PtV, Gruesome feast, spirit vessel and grave injustice are the common ones I tend to use in most builds.
LoN should be interesting for Sentry builds (Magefist/Cindercoat/Firewalks for fire damage) but the buffs to Sentry damage from the Marauder's set are unmatched.

The Multishot build for quick clears is the Unhallowed Essence build (UE for short). It's a really fun build that is great for a quick session of leveling up or looting.


I am going Crusader first finally to see there on pair with the other classes it was needed to get a baseline with all of them Season 4 it was all monks that was a bit to much. But also Wizards finally got all the stuff they need for season 5. Invoker set is going to be fun!


LoN should be interesting for Sentry builds (Magefist/Cindercoat/Firewalks for fire damage) but the buffs to Sentry damage from the Marauder's set are unmatched.

The Multishot build for quick clears is the Unhallowed Essence build (UE for short). It's a really fun build that is great for a quick session of leveling up or looting.

I see, thanks for the input. Looks like UE build will be my T10 fast clear build. Can't wait to play.


The hardest choice for this next season hasnt been what class to playu, but what to name my Crusader. My love of FF9 is making this hard so i cant choose between Steiner or Beatrix


Finally feel relatively caught up with general changes and DH-specific stuff (I don't even bother trying to keep too much up with other classes a this point), the Impale build is neat but I don't think it's really my thing; I'll probably run it for group grifts but that's it. Not sure if I'm going to go Marauders or UE Multishot otherwise, will probably depend on what gear I get first.
Why they so quiet about patch? It really should be tomorrow considering it's patch day for all their games and when they do long maintenance but nope.

All I see is a S5 start date which is soon and usually after patch hits for awhile.


Hey guys, I'm thinking of picking up this game on PS4 but im not exactpy sure what kind of game it is. I know the focus is primarily on loot, which is one of the reasons why im interested, but I don't know much about the game outside that.

Is it mostly a co-op dungeon crawler, and would it be fun enough solo since I don't know anyone who owns it? Is there matchmaking and is it well implemented?

Do you just replay the "story mode" over and over or is there some kind of other different modes? Almost all gameplay I've seen is mostly just going through samey looking dark dungeons killing mobs, though I admit I haven't been very thorough.

Is there PvP and is it good? The reasons why I was and still am addicted to destiny was firstly the loot but then PvP drew me in.

Is the gameplay really as mindless as it looks (I'm not a huge fan of dynasty warriors-types where you just wipe out dozens of brain-dead minions by button mashing).

Are there any "raid" type content (or strikes if you've played destiny)?

What exactly makes it a good game in your opinions?

Destiny & Diablo are similar in the sense that you are essentially running the same areas over & over, grabbing different gear &/or materials as you go. The big difference in the two games is that USABLE loot CONSISTENTLY drops in Diablo regardless if you are grinding out bounties, or doing rifts/great rifts.

Check out the below post, I pulled it from the most recent Destiny OT. I believe it to be a VERY accurate description of Diablo from a Destiny player.


If you end up getting the game, send me a FR & we can play together.


I'll be back again for this season as always lol. Hope the guild is active again.

I can't decide between Barb or Wiz this season. Need help.


Just noticed this in the patch notes:
"Cosmetic Pets now pick up gold for you"

Guess I will be using cosmetic pets from now on.
Yeah definitely weird, seems they confirmed on twitter there's no maintenance planned, so maybe they won't patch at all before S5 starts or something. Can't understand what's the holdup, they hadn't updated the PTR in a long time. Wanted to play for a few days to start farming Set dungeons stuff on the classes I don't plan on playing for the season, but seems it's not happening.


Destiny & Diablo are similar in the sense that you are essentially running the same areas over & over, grabbing different gear &/or materials as you go. The big difference in the two games is that USABLE loot CONSISTENTLY drops in Diablo regardless if you are grinding out bounties, or doing rifts/great rifts.

The better comparison that people never seem to understand for whatever reason is that Destiny and Diablo aren't trying to be the same things. Destiny is trying to ape themepark MMOs where you have limited character builds and it is basically a linear path for gear progression while D3 is an actual loot game focused on having a wide array of builds to experiment with. Destiny is as much of a loot game as WoW is, in that yes you want loot to make your character better but you aren't going to be replacing items constantly (compared to a game like D3) or finding items that completely change your toolkit.

To answer the guy that posed the question more specifically, don't go into D3 expecting it to be similar to Destiny as it is not a similar game at all. Diablo doesn't have anything like raids or dungeons or the like that require coordination to overcome boss mechanics. The game is far more focused on your skill set and their synergies and combining those skills with your allies skills to completely lock down enemies so they can't kill you (since on real difficulties enemies will essentially 1 shot you in most cases).

As for what makes it a good game in my opinion, basically the paragraph above, but to clarify: it's the combat. The way the skills synergize in the game makes for immensely satisfying combat as you're essentially comboing your abilities so you can control and destroy enemies in the most efficient way possible. That on its own is fun and all but where it really shines is in the infinitely scaling Greater Rifts which eventually reach the point where enemies will basically one shot you. So understanding what every enemy does is incredibly important when playing alone. Group play is a little different but the general idea is the same.

Also if you plan to play on PS4 you will have to either play alone or with people you know, game is pretty infested with hackers who will cause you to gain an insane amount of levels/items in a matter of seconds (we're talking progress that would normally take thousands of hours to do accomplished in literal minutes)
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