Back at the office after a nice vacation consisting basically of nothing but this game. It's so bad/good that Im seeing loot pop ups and gold and shit in my sleep.
The only negative I have so far is the save system. Now, I get why it is what it is. If there were quick and constant auto saves, players could just do a fast reload and spam loot drops for legendaries and all that stuff. However, when Im playing through an entire area for a mission and that random ass auto save icon pops up, I should be able to exit the game and reload exactly where that auto save icon popped up, be it inside the second level of a cave, or whatever. Because this isnt the case and the auto save takes you right back to the beginning of the mission/chapter hub (albeit with all loot grabbed from the point you saved at) it's a pretty big pain in the ass to traverse through all that uncharted landscape and dungeons again. Granted, you'll get that additonal xp and loot, but I lost like three hours last night in Act V because I quit out inside the Plague Cave. Reloaded and I was right back in Westmarch with the commons all needing to be rediscovered again =\
Basically I feel like when I sit down to play this and want to quit out at a decent point where I wouldnt have to redo shit, then Ive got to be prepared to spend at least three to four or more hours to get to that point.