Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!

What I don't understand about the people that hack items is it completely defeats the point of the entire game which is to improve your character.

If you hack a bunch of gear that you will never replace and you can complete all the content with zero challenge what are you even playing for?
I think they blocked the hotfix for now.

Hopefully it's a matter of hours/days and not weeks until it is fixed&released. Not gonna be home from work for at least four hours anyway.

Good thing to know even if the release gets delayed. Now I can stockpile gems & upgrade leg gems, unleashing the rolls all at once --> hopefully instant major upgrade in dps.


formerly "chigiri"
Does that include the 360/PS3 versions of UEE? I've been kinda curious about all that since I've seen screenshots of hacked Reaper of Soul only items like Thunderfury and it's made me curious as to where those came from.

Yes. PS3/360 save files are open to editing.
Okay fellas, I'm baffled and I figured I would have to fall back to this thread to get some answers, since a few quick searches on Google has revealed next-to-nothing on this subject:

When I open my game to the public, approximately 1 in every 10 people I come across is cheating/hacking/exploiting the game. How in the hell do they do this on a console version of this game?

They come in and lay waste to EVERYTHING with one or two hits, rendering the game broken for anyone who wants to have fun actually playing the damn thing. Looking at their gear, everything they have is triple socketed (and it's clear that's an exploit because the gems are so big they block the picture of the item itself, taking up the entire frame), and the weapon they have is usually the Russian-something-or-other with an insane base damage of like, 500k.

What. The. Fuck?

I love opening my game up to randoms because I can sort of control the ebb and flow of the game, but there's no option to kick these fools.

My friends and I are against cheating, but we're also baffled as to how someone goes about doing this. How are they exploiting the console version??

When this happens to me I finish the rift/bounty/key run that we were doing as fast as possible then kill the session and start a new one. I don't get why people want to cheat on a single player/multiplayer co-op only game.


What I don't understand about the people that hack items is it completely defeats the point of the entire game which is to improve your character.

If you hack a bunch of gear that you will never replace and you can complete all the content with zero challenge what are you even playing for?

Good games yesterday man, I need to put a socket on that Kim Lauh oe whatever the name is fist weapon for my lightning monk, tho that Monk will be for T5 or something, I find that the Holy Monk is the ideal for T6 and GR, lightning monk I get killed almost instantly :(


So I've built up both a Witch Doctor and a Crusader up to level 10, now to just figure out which class I want to play as in the long run. Which would everyone here suggest? This is gonna be my first run through D3 and I wanna make it a good one.


dude, there are 3 plans for rings - lvl 60, and 1 plan for hellfire ring lvl 70
and 3 plans for amulet - lvl 60, and no plans for amulet lvl 70

Are you on PS4/XB1? If so, make sure you updated your game to 2.1 (much better than the stock console reaper of souls)

If you're on PS3/360...then yeah, you're SOL :/


So I've built up both a Witch Doctor and a Crusader up to level 10, now to just figure out which class I want to play as in the long run. Which would everyone here suggest? This is gonna be my first run through D3 and I wanna make it a good one.

You don't have to chose what you play in the long run, until you're at 70 really. "The long run" doesn't start until then, so I suggest, just playing a few characters to 70 (one at a time, so you can boost the others with gear/gems) and then choose whichever you had most fun playing during leveling, for the long run.


So I've built up both a Witch Doctor and a Crusader up to level 10, now to just figure out which class I want to play as in the long run. Which would everyone here suggest? This is gonna be my first run through D3 and I wanna make it a good one.

Both are very good and powerfull classes, among the best :)

WD throws jars of spiders and frogs and pools of hands and stuff lol.


So I've built up both a Witch Doctor and a Crusader up to level 10, now to just figure out which class I want to play as in the long run. Which would everyone here suggest? This is gonna be my first run through D3 and I wanna make it a good one.
Both solid classes with numerous fun builds. You will be in for a good time either way.


Are you on PS4/XB1? If so, make sure you updated your game to 2.1 (much better than the stock console reaper of souls)

If you're on PS3/360...then yeah, you're SOL :/

am on ps4 and have 2.1. doing gr30+, but have u tried crafting the amulet, and did u craft one with free passive skill, cause i can only craft hellfire amulet of strenght, dex and intel and those are lvl 60 i think.


am on ps4 and have 2.1. doing gr30+, but have u tried crafting the amulet, and did u craft one with free passive skill, cause i can only craft hellfire amulet of strenght, dex and intel and those are lvl 60 i think.

those are the hellfire amulets!

They come with the passive.
I've crafted a few of them, wearing one right now that gives the Lord Commander passive.
Guys I just got this game instead of Destiny. Did I do the right thing? Ps4 player here. It seems really fluid and awesome. I best vanilla Diablo on PC, excited to try out the pally.

Add me to go questing plz: Bringer of Bacon

I am in need of a couple of items.

A furnace (2 handed mace)

A fire SOJ with INT preferably

Firebirds pants and shoulders

I have some items for trade:

Vyr's gauntlets - 7%APS, 10CC, 662int (the cc is a reroll)
Firebirds breast - 427 int, 420 vit, 390 armor, no rerolls
Aughild's Helm - 701 int, 708 vit, 97resall, 5.5CC no rerolls
Tal's helm - 700int, 5.5% CC no rerolls/natural socket, but lol on only 2 main properties
Tals ammy - 16% arcane, 692 int, 702 vit, 57% crit damage no rerolls
Chantodo's source - 363-432 damage, 732 int, 8.5%CC, 3 APOC, rerolled socket
Tal's source - 366-409 damage, 744int, 8 CC, no rerolls
Ring of Royal Grandeur - 66-126 damage, 425 int, 6% AS, 7232 LPH. Middling rolls, but ok for someone just looking for set bonus. No rerolls
Stone of Jordan - 18% Cold, 37%CD, 434 INT, 25% elite damage - no rerolls
Firebird's boots - 421 int, 460vit, 98 res all, no rerolls
Nat's Boots - 449dex, 100 res all, 14% rapid fire for DH. No rerolls
Vyr's pants - 440int/444vit 2 socket no rerolls
Goldwrap - 493int/435vit/12% life, no rerolls

Let me know what you have. PSN is Paraflare


those are the hellfire amulets!

They come with the passive.
I've crafted a few of them, wearing one right now that gives the Lord Commander passive.

cheers m8, just one more question, i did all 4 machines, and got organs from the first 2. but the mats for the amulet are only 3 parts, does that mean that i only need to part from 3rd machine/portal? i got leoric something and cant remember now what else, but its from the first 2 going from the top when crafting at the blacksmith.


I got my first Rolands drop last night while playing my WD. :s

Also, diving back into HC with another Barbarian. Time to get me that HC trophy!


I got my first Rolands drop last night while playing my WD. :s

Also, diving back into HC with another Barbarian. Time to get me that HC trophy!

Did you also loose a Barbarian to HC? What level?

Also restarted a barb after my brainfart on Malthael, now level 18.


I got my first Rolands drop last night while playing my WD. :s

Also, diving back into HC with another Barbarian. Time to get me that HC trophy!

I will start with my Roland Build next and I think I only have the Helmet I think, if I did't salvaged it lols.
I'm confused about the hotfix. So basically, there's some table they're referencing, and the hotfix references an updated table instead. Normally, this would be done by patching the local file with an ordinary game update, to 1.05 or whatever.

However, instead of referencing the table that is part of the local, updated installation, it's now referencing a table on Blizzard's server. I didn't think devs were allowed to bypass the normal update/QA process like that. Regardless, because the patch only exists on Blizzard's servers and not locally, you don't get the effects of the patch unless you're actively online.

Unless, you're on the PS4. On the PS4, the hotfix downloads and permanently(?) installs on your local system, even if you later go offline. So, it functions just like a standard game update, but it's not actually an Update, and doesn't change the version number or anything.

So what gives? Why are the PS3 and both XBoxen required to remain online to retain the hotfix, but not the PS4? Does, "Ultimate Evil Edition games created on one of these consoles while offline may not have the hotfix enabled," mean you need to create a whole new game while online, and then remain online forever, or when they say "game," do they actually mean, "game session"? I suspect it's the latter, but the whole "PS4 vs. [everyone else]" behavior has me perplexed.

The description of the "optional" offline play mode is kinda weird too. Is there an online mode that we default to if we don't opt for offline play? What's special about it? That it gets hotfixes?
I got my first Rolands drop last night while playing my WD. :s

Also, diving back into HC with another Barbarian. Time to get me that HC trophy!
One more Roland's piece and I get the full set benefit for my shield bash build. That plus 2 more sockets in my jewellery and will be destroying t5 hopefully!


Full werewolf off the buckle
I helped power level my brother Pons' Crusade today and in doing so hit seventy! I'm finally rocking my full minion master build. I was so encouraged I went all the way through to Paragon level 9, did the bounties in T1-level act 1, and did my first rift all in one shot.

It's been simultaneity a very productive and very unproductive few days!


I'm thinking about starting a diablo run since I keep hearing they really fixed the game since launch.

Unfortunately, I now have no idea which classes are considered good and which are weak. Halp please.


I'm thinking about starting a diablo run since I keep hearing they really fixed the game since launch.

Unfortunately, I now have no idea which classes are considered good and which are weak. Halp please.
What do you want to achieve? All classes can rock T6 with some effort/luck.

Ouch, I feel for you.

I just got my HC Barb to 70 on Monday.
I made it a point not to enter rifts or do bounties in the High Heavens
Rifts are even worse, because you can get a level that you expect to be easy and mobs that are a nightmare. I currently really hate the damn Morlu Incinerators - a Grift (SC) full of those at elite level = you're not clearing it in time.


All right well that's good to hear. Which classes are considered easier to play and which ones harder than? Think I want to jump in with something a little more simple.

I do want to play a mage, but I'm worried I'll just be running away 95% of the time like the last time I tried to play him.


Mother of god, still no Stone of Jordan or Darklight for me. Blizzard plz. I got one piece of Roland gear which I guess is alright. Does Kadala give away Roland gear?

Also, I thought 2.1 would make gem crafting cheaper? It's still crazy expensive, and no Treasure Realm rifts for me either grrr


All right well that's good to hear. Which classes are considered easier to play and which ones harder than? Think I want to jump in with something a little more simple.

I do want to play a mage, but I'm worried I'll just be running away 95% of the time like the last time I tried to play him.

Barbarian is fun and simple, to me there's nothing more satisfying than bashing the shit out crap and hearing his grunts and yells. I think my least favorite class is demon hunter, they just don't have good feedback when I shoot imo.


Unconfirmed Member
Had to ask I want to experience Diablo III original and Reaper of Souls. Will this let me experience both as they launched or are these polished / rebalanced versions?


Also, I thought 2.1 would make gem crafting cheaper? It's still crazy expensive, and no Treasure Realm rifts for me either grrr
Yeah, that didn't happen it seems. :'(

This is why my hoarder gem is staying locked in my ammy for the foreseeable future.

Barbarian is fun and simple, to me there's nothing more satisfying than bashing the shit out crap and hearing his grunts and yells. I think my least favorite class is demon hunter, they just don't have good feedback when I shoot imo.
Yup, I still find Barb the most fun too.

Had to ask I want to experience Diablo III original and Reaper of Souls. Will this let me experience both as they launched or are these polished / rebalanced versions?
If you want to experience vanilla D3 you'll need to buy vanilla D3. RoS has all of the content from D3 (and more), but it's not presented in the same way. Once you realise you have to play through the game four times for each character, I suspect you'll lose your curiosity and stick with the vastly superior RoS. :)


I have a HUGE problem with this game. I can't bring myself to play anything else. [Insert itsalmosttoogood.jpeg here]. Poor Forza Horizon 2...and Bayonetta 2 and Smash are coming out relatively soon...

All right well that's good to hear. Which classes are considered easier to play and which ones harder than? Think I want to jump in with something a little more simple.

I do want to play a mage, but I'm worried I'll just be running away 95% of the time like the last time I tried to play him.

End game wizards don't run away, they run through! It can get pretty scary at times but equally satisfying.

All of the classes are as complicated as you make them. If the d3 bug hits you (like the rest of the ppl in this thread), you'll eventually have a lvl70 character in every class, and to be honest, the first run through the story takes the longest--After that you can leisurely level a character to 70 in a couple days in adventure mode.


All right well that's good to hear. Which classes are considered easier to play and which ones harder than? Think I want to jump in with something a little more simple.

I do want to play a mage, but I'm worried I'll just be running away 95% of the time like the last time I tried to play him.

Wouldn't really say there is a class that is easier than any other to play. It really comes down to specific builds. If you want something straight forward I'd just roll a Crusader, most of their best performing builds are really easy to get a handle on and they are a pretty tanky class. Honestly Wizard doesn't really have to run away a lot depending on the build. They have some of the best crowd control in the game.

That said, if you really don't enjoy kiting you should avoid Demon Hunter completely.


I need to ask Helscream what build he has on that barbarian, he pretty much melts everything before I even get there and I thought my Monk melted fast enough lol.

he just pass right through everything lol is hilarious how he is constanly running everywhere.


I think last time I tried to play I didn't quite get far enough to get into the crowd control stuff. So I'll retry a mage again.

Can anyone link me a good build? Or where I can sort through some to find one I like? Preferably one where I can take a few hits and toss enemies around.
I think last time I tried to play I didn't quite get far enough to get into the crowd control stuff. So I'll retry a mage again.

Can anyone link me a good build? Or where I can sort through some to find one I like? Preferably one where I can take a few hits and toss enemies around.

A build is not really necessary if you're playing through the first time (game is pretty forgiving), as most of them are dependent on skills that haven't unlocked then legendary items you'll obtain at lvl70.

You could just wing it through the story mode and still probably end up finishing the game on master or torment 1

but since you asked, this site seems to have a plethora of information:
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