Right, I generally look at complete builds so I can see what skills/abilities are popular. Thanks so much for the help guys.
I think last time I tried to play I didn't quite get far enough to get into the crowd control stuff. So I'll retry a mage again.
Can anyone link me a good build? Or where I can sort through some to find one I like? Preferably one where I can take a few hits and toss enemies around.
Just add people who post in this thread.Is there a list of PS4 players somewhere? I just got the game today, downloading it right now. I've heard this game is a lot of to play solo, but I'd also like to have some folks to play with too.
Mother of god, still no Stone of Jordan or Darklight for me. Blizzard plz. I got one piece of Roland gear which I guess is alright. Does Kadala give away Roland gear?
Also, I thought 2.1 would make gem crafting cheaper? It's still crazy expensive, and no Treasure Realm rifts for me either grrr
I've gambled thousands of shards for a Roland's chest nothing! She's not given me any Roland's sets at all :/Kadala not only gives away Roland gear, she seems to give it preferential treatment, as far as set pieces go. Much like with the other classes sets, the newer ones seem to get the most rolls in her lotto.
WIth my Barb, I got MotE first, then Raekkor, THEN Immortal King. The same thing happened with my Monk - Sunwuko, then Lit Set, then Inna's.
Pretty much the only class that gave me a somewhat even spread across sets when gambling, was the Wizard.
Kadala not only gives away Roland gear, she seems to give it preferential treatment, as far as set pieces go. Much like with the other classes sets, the newer ones seem to get the most rolls in her lotto.
WIth my Barb, I got MotE first, then Raekkor, THEN Immortal King. The same thing happened with my Monk - Sunwuko, then Lit Set, then Inna's.
Pretty much the only class that gave me a somewhat even spread across sets when gambling, was the Wizard.
Yeah, don't be afraid to expiriment. Trying different combinations of skills and runes costs you nothing, so go crazy. If you get a nice piece of gear that buffs some skill you've never used, see if you can work it in to your build, or setup an entirely new build centered on that skill if it doesn't fit. If you get something that increases your Lighning Damage, hit Square to look at your Details and check out your adjusted Lightning Damage. Then see how many skills you can tweak to do Lightning damage instead.Don't worry about any of that shit until max level. The leveling experience is an entirely different thing where you should be experimenting with abilities on your own. Honestly most builds you find online are going to have really specific gear requirements that you won't be able to do right away anyway. The lower difficulties are pretty forgiving and you can get away with like any build you want.
I've gambled thousands of shards for a Roland's chest nothing! She's not given me any Roland's sets at all :/
This has been my case too, she likes to give set pieces regularly, I swear she has giving me like 3 pair of Thousands Storm boots.
God damn that Furious Charge Build looks fun, I might try it, I dont have a single raekor's set pieces tho, but that is the fun of this hunting for them.
I do have the maximus though![]()
Is there a list of PS4 players somewhere? I just got the game today, downloading it right now. I've heard this game is a lot of to play solo, but I'd also like to have some folks to play with too.
I dunno. Raekor is a lot of fun for clearing rifts because it's like human bowling, but, when you are down to one mob it's really not enjoyable. Rift Guardians are so boring and so time consuming with the build.
So pissed with this game right now. Last night there was a "hotfix" released by Blizzard. Turns out this stupid hotfix was buggy and it reset many players Legendary Gems back to ZERO. I had spent HOURS upgrading all my Legendary Gems since they were introduced, now they are all back at ZERO. Fuck you Blizzard! Fix THIS!!
I read that, it basically says that if you played during the "hotfix" active time you are screwed.
As long as you've fully powered down and reset, the hotfix should have been removed when you logged back in. And they advised it's probably best NOT to play with others online who might still be running with the hotfix enabled as it could potentially glitch your game. I'm just playing solo for now and all has been fine. Re-leveled my gems back to about 6 and slowly pushing forward. This was a pretty bad mess up.It's safe to play now right? I've been playing and my leg gems are fine but I'm still all out of gems..
I had my game running all day yesterday, and my gems still have their upgrades. Currently, Myriam is asking for Flawless Imperials to enchant jewelry. I may have escaped the hotfix because I did have the game running the entire time; I never quit the app, and I don't think I even quit out to the main menu.I read that, it basically says that if you played during the "hotfix" active time you are screwed.
Nope. All that happened is that mine reappeared as they were gone initially, the ones in my stash that is, but they were all reset to 0 including the ones already equipped. It seems like there's no real way for them to reverse this action since the info isn't stored server-side. I never thought to backup my saves so lesson learned for me I guess.So when they undid the hotfix, it didn't fix your gems?
Good games yesterday man, I need to put a socket on that Kim Lauh oe whatever the name is fist weapon for my lightning monk, tho that Monk will be for T5 or something, I find that the Holy Monk is the ideal for T6 and GR, lightning monk I get killed almost instantly![]()
They won't. Saves are local, they can't be remotely altered.I don't see how they can fix it. How are they going to revert people's gems back to where they were? My gems were all in the 30s and 40s. How would they be able to determine what level they were at and set them back to that level for each individual player?
Is Crusader better now then when it first came out?
I don't see how they can fix it. How are they going to revert people's gems back to where they were? My gems were all in the 30s and 40s. How would they be able to determine what level they were at and set them back to that level for each individual player?
I have a HUGE problem with this game. I can't bring myself to play anything else. [Insert itsalmosttoogood.jpeg here]. Poor Forza Horizon 2...and Bayonetta 2 and Smash are coming out relatively soon...
If someone's up for some coop (PS4) I'm in ACT2 myself (lvl 38 Crusader)... Please rescue me from the boringness that is playing at Expert without any challenge whatsoever.. Can't bear to go on like this till ActV just so I can finally unlock the Master difficulty modes, it has gotten to a point where it is honestly ruining this awesome game for me: no challenge/skills required=no fun.
I'll be online in 10 minutes, if you'd like to join me then just send me an invite (gaffers only, tell me your GAF handle in the request) at:
PSN ID dashkap.
I can text chat (via PSN app on iPad or whatever is the preferred way as long as I can do it on a tablet like Skype etc.) or hook up the headset (I own the crappy standard one that comes with the console) or even no chat at all if you prefer.
If we go mic, just keep in mind that english's not my first language so you'll have to suffer through (and maybe have some giggling at the expense of) my (italian) accent![]()
Same "problem" I'm having. Destiny, The Evil Within, NBA 2K15... are all just coasters at the moment. Really hoping I can recover by the time Dragon Age drops. Feel like I NEED a Sunwuko set before I can lay off the game a bit lol.
Funny thing is, once you get that set, it'll be like an entirely new game and you'll be hooked once again. Happens every time!
I've been in the same boat in regards to starting up destiny or driveclub.. I keep thinking it is time for a break from diablo but then I get a better item that improves the build and I push farther into the greater rifts haha
As far as I know for the duration of the game session, and yep anyone can enter it.Quick question, when a vault portal opens, how long is it open for and can players not in the game at the time it opens join it?
As far as I know for the duration of the game session, and yep anyone can enter it.
My mexican accent is terrible that I think nobody understand me lol, I still talk when I can.
Man I can't wait till I'll have a decent endgame character to play with you guys... hope I'll manage to build one before ya'll get bored with the game.
I love the game but it's a bit of a chore right now, if I was playing on X1 I could totally see myself snapping TV while playing till ACT5 to unlock the upper difficulty modes... then again, glad I've bought it on PS4 since the population here on GAF seems to be split among PC and PS4 now that old-gen consoles won't get supported by Blizz anymore, X1 looks like barren land in comparison
Hey man. I'm up to play with ya' on my new 70 if you're down.Gotta pull some cookies out of the oven in a few but I'll be there. Not gonna mess with a mic because I'm going to be on the phone but I'm game if you are.
PSN- Splitdog79, On your list already,
Cookies nice!!!
Add me man, xRaptor_1
Or maybe you already did?
You sure anyone can enter? The text states all people in the party need a key.