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Diablo IV |OT| Blessed Mother... Save Us


Rodent Whores
unless i heard it wrong cuz i got it in the background, i think they're making gems almost the herbs in the game right? like they will just exist in the materials tab so stash and inventory space will be saved?
Yea you'll craft gems from crafting resources. Gem dust or whatever they're gonna call it.


Rodent Whores
I'm a little worried by what they're saying about the changes to NM dungeons. They're saying that killing monsters in NM dungeons will grant more EXP. That's a good step, for sure, but that doesn't solve the problem. Players will just farm the mobs then reset the NM dungeon. The majority of the rewards for a NM dungeon have to be backloaded not frontloaded. In other words, the majority of the reward for clearing a HARD NM dungeon should be upon clear.


Rodent Whores
Missed most of the fireside chat. Do they expect us to redo the renown grind for season 1? I'm scared.
Oh wait no. If you've completed everything pre-season, then the amount of renown points that will carry over will be equivalent to the first two unlocks. They just clarified. Altars of Lilith stat bonuses and Waypoints and cleared fog of war will also carry over.
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Gold Member
Fuck the butcher.

That is all.
I went the longest time and never saw him to seeing him 4 times the other day in one sitting, FOUR

I killed him the first time on the rogue but after that is was just go ahead and kill me so I can move on fast


"That's something we'll continue to look at"

It's adding a slider for hairstyles, just like the tattoo and jewelry ones that are already there. We're wise to your games, Blizzard!

Little Mac

Gold Member
Oh wait no. If you've completed everything pre-season, then the amount of renown points that will carry over will be equivalent to the first two unlocks. They just clarified. Altars of Lilith stat bonuses and Waypoints and cleared fog of war will also carry over.
So they expect us to redo all the side quests and dungeons in each area to max out Renown for the remaining bonuses (obols, paragon points, etc)?


To be fair, I was wondering if they'll actually mention D3 and the fuck up it was at start.. not saying D4 is anywhere close even currently. Well kinda yeah, they did spit it out finally it took time there, and it will take some time here as well to adjust stuff.
I'm still pretty confident they'll smooth out the rough edges and game will be actually hell of a lot more fun in a couple of seasons!


Rodent Whores
So they expect us to redo all the side quests and dungeons in each area to max out Renown for the remaining bonuses (obols, paragon points, etc)?
I think so? Their clarification was still a little confusing. Optimistically, I would hope that the bonuses that are already account-wide will carry over too (+1 skill point, +1 potion, +1 skill point, +80 obols, +4 paragon) As long as that's there, I don't really give a shit about the rest of how it works.


Alright, Campaign completed, level 43 Rogue, I really enjoyed it, much better than 3 and the end boss didn't die in one shot (Seriously I remember in 3 getting to the last boss and one shotting it somehow as a Barb, kinda soured the game for me there)

What the hell do I do next? I have these whispers of the dead things and need 10 favors, is that next to do?


I'm really enjoying it so far... But I just took a peek in the store to see what's available and I just can't understand the pricing of the cosmetics available there. Like, it's a lot of money for skins that, quire frankly, look worse and more mundane than most of the legendaries available in the game.

I just don't see who those MTX are for tbh.


Gold Member
I get those stutters too, but it seems like a network issue to me. I gotta try turning off crossplay sometime.
From what I’ve seen when you move from area to area it changes connection to a different shard usually causing that minor hiccup between zones. But sometimes the area itself can just lag, ranging from random stutters to full on rubber-banding over and over, yet you move over to another area and it disappears. So generally if you really have to really think about what’s causing random head-scratching performance drops…it’s probably the network (the game will pretty much freeze the game when your machine loses enough packets from the server in time, and in small random increments it will seem like performance issues).

And I doubt turning off crossplay is going to help TBH.
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No need to increase XP gain from nightmare dungeons. I'm 75 after 2 weeks of play and I haven't played that much on weekdays. Nowhere near the same grind as getting 99 in Diablo 2. Why do people want to be max level so fast?

Why are they so focused on renown being a big thing? We've done it once, leave it be. It's a stupid system and we don't need to grind the same stuff every season.

A lot of changes not slated until season 2. Seems like a long way out for simple things that should have been like that from day one?
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I'm really enjoying it so far... But I just took a peek in the store to see what's available and I just can't understand the pricing of the cosmetics available there. Like, it's a lot of money for skins that, quire frankly, look worse and more mundane than most of the legendaries available in the game.

I just don't see who those MTX are for tbh.

Yeah I've looked at that stuff as well and it's all very "meh"

Anyway I need to get motivated and finish this campaign, keep getting distracted by sidequests and my alt.


I'm playing with a PS5 Dualsenses controller on PC right now but i don't get vibrations, does anyone know why that could be?


I feel like I've been at this grind from level 50 after the campaign to 70 for the WT4 capstone dungeon FOR-EV-ER. I took a shot at it today at level 63 and was doing decent damage, but got pretty much 1-shotted by the first Elite I saw, so I noped out of there. Probably not spec'd into armor and the right defense affixes as much as I should be for that.

I'm closing in the renown with the Fractured Peaks completed, and the last section left for the other areas. It's basically all side quests and regular dungeons. Without a way to check which side quests I've completed, it's kind of a pain to figure out where to find new ones using online resources. Slowly but surely, I suppose.
No need to increase XP gain from nightmare dungeons. I'm 75 after 2 weeks of play and I haven't played that much on weekdays. Nowhere near the same grind as getting 99 in Diablo 2. Why do people want to be max level so fast?

Why are they so focused on renown being a big thing? We've done it once, leave it be. It's a stupid system and we don't need to grind the same stuff every season.

A lot of changes not slated until season 2. Seems like a long way out for simple things that should have been like that from day one?
There is a need for xp increase from nightmare dungeons because they dont want people to find exploits from regular dungeons and farm those


Rodent Whores
What animal?
There is a need for xp increase from nightmare dungeons because they dont want people to find exploits from regular dungeons and farm those
Well hopefully they only buff it by 10% or so, nothing major. Because we don't want another Diablo 3 where getting to max level with full legendaries can be done in a matter of hours. That's just not fun at all and cheapens the whole experience greatly. Needs to be more like D2 where getting max level is actually an accomplishment.
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Gold Member
Well hopefully they only buff it by 10% or so, nothing major. Because we don't want another Diablo 3 where getting to max level with full legendaries can be done in a matter of hours. That's just not fun at all and cheapens the whole experience greatly. Needs to be more like D2 where getting max level is actually an accomplishment.
It’s a balance; like you said it should be more of an accomplishment than Diablo 3, but on the other hand, if they make it too much of a pain in the ass or make the grind too repetitive, people won’t stick around...and this is a game with a cash shop.

I love the game despite the bugs and the odd server issues, and I’m not sure where it goes from here, but I’m interested. But this battle pass thing has to be good for both sets of players, they can’t turn it into pay to win and they can’t make it into something virtually no one wants to pay for…It’s a balance.
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So, i've tried the game with controller today but i can say it neither better or worse than m&k just different. Still can't get no vibration with Xbox and PS5 controller.
Well hopefully they only buff it by 10% or so, nothing major. Because we don't want another Diablo 3 where getting to max level with full legendaries can be done in a matter of hours. That's just not fun at all and cheapens the whole experience greatly. Needs to be more like D2 where getting max level is actually an accomplishment.
It needs some balancing. Right now right in the 50s it's getting slower compared to D2 and not only that, you basically get shit for running nightmares dungeons for gear. Upgrades are rare and far between


Actually I'm not sure anymore because of their non-clarifying clarification lmfao
Altars of Lilith carry over.
Map exploration carries over.
Side quests don't carry over.
Activating waypoints doesn't carry over.
Completing dungeons doesn't carry over.
Completing Strongholds doesn't carry over.
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Finally after 38~ hours I've made enough forward progress in the story to get the horse. Shit just got a lot faster lol.
Still not there yet. I feel like a lot of the discourse on this game is centered around people playing it exclusively and kind of obsessively. I'm level 51 and still in Act 3 but you know, I'm also playing DMZ, Fortnite, going to work, eating etc.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Well I finally hit that wall that everyone seems to be talking about around level 70. I've gotten my Barbarian to level 74 and I am struggling to find fun at the moment. I think I might bench my Barbarian and give another class a shot over the weekend just to mix things up.

Trying to decide between a necromancer or a druid but I am leaning Necromancer because I have seen some of the fashion that they have and their transmogs are very cool.
Gotta love having weapons sit in your stash that have more than +1000atk power and +700dps but you can't find an aspect more than twice in 69 levels so you can't use them
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Necro with skeletons and golem is super strange in D4.

Booth occupy a skill slot, the golem one isn’t even user activated. That leaves you with 3 usable skills for combat next to the standard attack/ mana Regen move.

That’s super limiting and boring. Running a necro without pets is kind of not the point of the class imo.

Corps explosion, Bone spear. And the third skill is either a Uber move on a massive cooldown or rather boring curses.

I’m Lvl 35 now and ran out of things to put skill points in.

Am I doing something wrong? Enemy scaling also sucks as I never really felt like getting stronger all this time.

In D2 a Lvl30 Char is a completely different beast to a level 10 character.
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Gold Member
Trying to decide between a necromancer or a druid but I am leaning Necromancer because I have seen some of the fashion that they have and their transmogs are very cool.
Haven't tried Necro but Druid is rather slow and frankly a bit shit without specific legendary aspects that are drop only. My softcore Druid did quite good but my hardcore ones never took off and it was entirely the lack of aspects.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Haven't tried Necro but Druid is rather slow and frankly a bit shit without specific legendary aspects that are drop only. My softcore Druid did quite good but my hardcore ones never took off and it was entirely the lack of aspects.
Ah thats a shame. The class variety looks fun. I have a friend that swears up and down that Earthbender Druid is the most fun he has had while leveling because of the Crowd Control you have coming out of your ears, but it falls off HARD at endgame. But that means it would likely get some love. Necro meanwhile is the worst balanced class by far because it has to work twice as hard to get the same results as everyone else past 50, but that makes it first in line for buffs so maybe it would be wise to roll one.

Going to have to have some drinks and flip a coin I think. You know......the scientific method lol


Its really at odds with itself at times this game. It's my favourite in the series, but it just fucks me off half the time. The lack of upgrades in loot is a real problem, so many people are just gonna give up. In terms of long term player engagement, I think they are in for a shock if they expect to retain a huge player base.

I enjoy the endgame but I also think whats the point, I'm running increasingly difficult content for salvage. That's basically it. They will fix it I'm sure, but other games in the series kept me hooked for months, I'm already considering putting this down until it's been adjusted a bit.

Really thought they would come out with something even more engaging content wise, after two decades of learning what keeps people interested. Very strange some of their decisions.

I also agree with peoples frustration at how boring the builds can get, you settle on one and its too much farting around to change it all completely. Loadouts would solve this and give more variety.

Only being able to reroll one stat, I can see why they done this, but its at odds with how specific your rolls need to be. You need 3 of the 4 to match your exact needs, and then it needs to be the right item level. I killed a world boss at level 68, i need at least il700 gear for any chance of it being better, and all the drops were between 580 and 670.

Ran a level 20 NM dungeon, not a single item out of 32 rare/leg was over 650, even the final reward. To me thats mental because it takes the excitement out of the game entirely. Im not strong enough to tackle the capstone, because i cant find decent enough gear, and even when i get to WT4 i'll probably be like a crackhead again until level 75 when this whole shit will start to become the same again 🤣

As i said tho, not shitting on the game, just surprised at how they thought this was the best route to take.


Well I've put entirely too many hours in and am at 82 on my Rogue. While I have enjoyed it ... the game has become a mindless slog at this point for me.

Not sure I've seen an upgrade in the past like 5 levels ... which is actually a really long time at 75+.

I had a friend power level me a Necromancer to break up the flow a bit, but meh.

Needs to be more stuff to do / grind for in end game.

Might take a break until the first season starts.
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Alright, Campaign completed, level 43 Rogue, I really enjoyed it, much better than 3 and the end boss didn't die in one shot (Seriously I remember in 3 getting to the last boss and one shotting it somehow as a Barb, kinda soured the game for me there)

What the hell do I do next? I have these whispers of the dead things and need 10 favors, is that next to do?
60here, i would suggest depending on how strong u feeling, either go finish world rank to 3 upgrade dungeon(u got grey quest about it, like class quest), or/and do some rep farming/lilith altars farming, there are maps online with locations, those renown bonuses are huge and will work even for ur alts.

Remember mobs scale with ur lvl in most cases(few exceptions, like that world rank-difficulty upgrade dungeon) so say u got gear 15-20lvls lower and keep lvling up- u actuallly can feel getting urself weaker in comparision.
In this game gearing is super important.

Aspects on ur legendaries are key, optimal(relatively optimal) build helps a ton too so worth it to check guides or at least put in some thoughts so ur custom build makes sense even if its not meta/super optimal yet.
Usuaually one ez upgrade is weapon with big dps, u can even upgrade it to lvl 3 with relatively cheap mats cost for even more bonuses.


Gold Member
I know that feel bro. I lost a 27 barb, a 42 barb, and another 42 barb
Wait a moment, you already lost 3 characters permanently? Is the chance that high or you just played 1000 hours already?

How is this ok and why people are not rioting online?
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