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Did the Burnout 3 truck come by your school?

A Burnout 3 truck came by my school today after lunch. I was sitting outside during break smoking a cigarette when I saw it. I couldn't read the writting from far away, but I noticed it had TVs on the side so I went over there. They had 2 guys there and they taught me how to play and gave me some Burnout 3 stickers. They had the PS2 version there. I had never played a Burnout game before this. I thought it was pretty good. It's a simple yet extremely fun racing game that emphasizes crashing into your opponents and stuff. I liked the controls a lot. I like arcade style racers much better than sims. :)


Nope, only a 'Cube. I figure next generation, I'll probably own multiple systems (never have in the past). I've been thinking about an Xbox or PS2 just for the mods (I'm a pirate, big deal :p), but I've never been able to get myself to actually go out and purchase a system (though I've bought loads of games on impulse now).


It actually came through the wall of the Gym and then all the cans of petrol on the back rolled through the hallways, then this crazy ferrari came flying though the sky spinning like a corkscrew. The last thing I remember was somebody lighting a cigarette..........


it came by my school today!!!!! It was an Ice Cream truck with the BO logo on it. I approached the female driver, and asked her to help me with my homework. She agreed but only on th condition that we have sex on top of the ice scream freezer. it was all melted when we were done :(


WasabiKing said:
I hope they move this franchise into the Renderware middleware platform.

I dunno. I mean it was fun and all, but would today's gamers really buy into "hit people while riding a motorcyle!"?

'course, the best motorbike game (series) this gen is MotoGP on the Xbox (devved by THQ)...the PS2 game series of the same name (Namco is behind it) pales in comparison, but damn if MotoGP Xbox isn't a great game.

Here's to hoping EA can put together a 16 Bit Classics compilation, though...that'd ROCK!


it came to my shcool too. tehy had gurls with big boobies dacning and giving owt milk and cookieys. i playeded it and it was FUN. when i got bak to class, Mrs Nelson made us rite abowt burn out THREE. I wrote that the bestest paert waz teh BOOBIES. but the cookys were yummy too. The enD.
Matlock said:
I dunno. I mean it was fun and all, but would today's gamers really buy into "hit people while riding a motorcyle!"?

Yeah, I can see it working. I loved riding on motorcycles in GTA VC, and the cycle portions in Midnight Club 2 wasn't bad at all. If you can work a storyline of sorts, or make crashing and beating each other with chains or sticks look pretty damn cool, it can pass... This would mean dumping out laps and making it point to point, desert, city, ramps for jumps, multiple paths to finish, etc... I'd say that would be pretty damn cool...
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