
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Developer: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Platform: PlayStation 4
Genre: Single Player Action RPG [with multiplayer elements]
Rating: ESRB E10+/PEGI 12
Price: $59.99/59.99€/£44.99
Release Date:

Text: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish.
Bandai Namco Entertainment said:The Digimon World series returns to the West with Digimon World: Next Order! An all-new adventure & story awaits!
The Digital World is in despair. Machinedramons are running rampant and causing utter chaos... The Digital World needs your help! Explore and traverse this exciting universe to solve a digi-mystery.
Recruit faithful Digimon companions and meet friends along the way to help you on this epic journey.
The Digital World is waiting for you...

The Omnimon/Omegamon digi-core simply lets you skip raising the Digimon into Omnimon and straight digivolves them into it. You are NOT locked out of Omnimon if you don't pre-order so don't worry!
UK/EU/AUS - You can grab the dlc for free here:
It isn't a pre-order bonus in these regions.
All regions:
Additonal DLC has been released adding voiced Digi-eggs for Agumon & Gabumon , their mega forms and Omnimon, these unlock post-game together with the second piece of dlc which is a set of quests which unlocks a new Digimon exclusively designed for Next Order.
OST/Soundtrack is available for free in the EU Bandai Namco VIP corner for everyone:

Bandai Namco Entertainment said:A gift from a nearly-forgotten memory...
I activated the Digivice, my pulse racing at the long-missed
The next moment... I was enveloped in a dazzling white light.
When I woke up, I found myself in a strange world, one with no
entrance or exit.
Through the confusion, an unknown threat struck at me.
My beloved partners from the past came running to the rescue.
Our nearly-broken bonds were mended, and a miracle took place.
The final summer vacation of my high-school years.
The light wrought by that miracle opens the door to a new
adventure... !

Taken from the manual.

Game Manual
I recommend you read through the manual for the game, this is available via Bandai Namco Entertainments website:
It's a good primer for the game.
This is a monster-raising/virtual pet raising action JRPG. This is a Digimon WORLD game, similar to Digimon World 1 & Re Digitized [decode] . This is not a turn based JRPG like the previous Digimon game Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth . The STORY series is known for being a traditional turn based JRPG. This is a widely different type of game. So, if Cyber Sleuth was not you cup of tea , this may very well be!
The best way to explain gameplay is to show you, here's a short trailer Bandai Namco released:
Gameplay Trailer:
Gameplay consists of Five main categories:
1) Taking care of your Digimon
2) Training & Digivolving your Digimon
3) Battling
4) Recruting Digimon
5) Side-Activities
Next Order switches up the Digimon World formula by allowing you to raise two Digimon at the same time. With World games, the focus is only raising your partners on a more intimate level.
Battling involves shouting commands at your Digimon, to use specific skills.
Taking care of your Digimon
Digimon indicate what they need, so whilst it may look like there's a lot involved, you'll fall into the routine for raising fairly quickly.

Your many duties include:
- Feeding your Digimon,- food can be received daily from the meat farm – meat is a plant, additional food can be found around the wild or purchased from the shops/farm. You can also fish !
-Taking your Digimon to the toilet, as any living beings your Digimon need to poop, make sure you're carrying portable potty's or you know where the toilets are, otherwise they will poop on the ground.
- Making sure they sleep, you can setup camp fairly early into the game.
- Praising them when they do well. Scolding them when they don't listen – i.e. not eating items outside of battle.
- Not feeding Digimon,them pooping on the ground, getting injured in battle, not letting them sleep , all count as care mistakes, rack these up and you'll find your Digimon unhappy and unable to digivolve into some Digimon,.
-Training your Digimon so they evolve into your desired evolution path.
- Your Digimon in this game unfortunately die of old age, they are re-incarnated into a variety of eggs which you can choose from, each giving you a different baby Digimon & different evolution paths.
Two key stats to keep an eye on:
Mood – This is a measure of how happy your Digimon is. Happier Digimon live longer & gain a boost in offense+defense in battle. This can be increase through numerous ways and is quite easy compared to the discipline gauge. Feeding the digimon its favourite food or simply feeding it meat increase happiness.
Discipline Gauge – This affects how likely the Digimon is to listen to your commands both within battle and outside. The best way to increase this is to scold the Digimon when they misbehave i.e. refusing to eat something or not wanting to sleep/wake up. In addition, certain foods can be used to increase discipline.

You can figure out digivolution requirements through gameplay, when asked to praise/scold a digimon for example or via battles.Check how your Digimon is progressing toward evolution by pressing Triangle > Partner > History .
In the first game a Digivolution guide was required, whilst Next Order doesn't require one. You can find digivolution requirements through normal gameplay - i.e. praising/scolding when the game asks you to. However, this becomes harder in mid game and expensive in late game so here's a Digivolution guide if you want to use it:
The stages of Digivolution are:
Baby -> In-Training -> Rookie -> Champion -> Ultimate ->Mega -> Ultra
Digivolution has the obvious benefit of strengthening your Digimon, but it also extends its lifespan, the higher the evolutionary stage your Digimon reaches, the longer it will live.
To understand the guide, we'll need to understand the basic stats.
HP- Hit points, the amount of health your Digimon has.
MP- Magic/Mana, your Digimon use this when they use their techniques.
Strength[Offence]– Your Digimon's offensive power, raise this and they'll hit harder.
Stamina[Defence] – Your Digimon defensive power, raising this will mean they won't get hit as hard.
Wisdom: Increases chance of guarding/reduces MP consumed/boosts critical-hit rate as this goes up.
Speed: Increases speed in battle/chances of executing a step dodge as this goes up.
Care mistakes – As explained earlier, any mistake you make in raising your Digimon can lock you out of potential digivoltuions for that Digimons lifecycle – it resets upon death. Conversely some Digimon require care mistakes.
Together with weight, controlling these variables usually allows you to digivolve the Digimon into the Digimon you want it to Digivolve into.

The battle system of the Digimon World games is truly unique , Next Order changes a lot of the core mechanics but the base is still the same.
Whilst running around the overworld you will see Digimon running around, running into them or interacting with them will result in a battle , some Digimon will charge at you. Your role as the tamer, is to issue commands using the ring interface. Certain commands such as using a specific technique require Order points which build up as the battle continues. You can tell a Digimon to attack while another defends(tanks) or you can issue the same command to both. Each Digimon also has their own unique attack/move which deals a larger amount of damage. Techniques are shared with all Digimon, these aren't unique , but a Fire Digimon can only usually learn Fire techniques & non-elemental techniques such as buffs or physical attack techniques. Whilst this is all going on, you also need to keep an eye on both Digimons HP & MP and feed them items when they're getting low. Defeat in battle means a lowered lifespan for the Digimon.
The use of two Digimon introduces a new system. ExE evolution which allows you to temporarily combine/DNA digivolve your Digimon into one stronger Digimon, this can be triggered once a day.
Recruiting Digimon
This is the objective of the game, to help rebuild the hub city Floatia , you need to recruit Digimon. Some will require you to complete some tasks for them. Others will be weary and attack you, beating them will help them see sense and they'll normally join the city afterwards . Each recruited Digimon improves the city , whether its opening up new buildings or improving existing infrastructure or purely cosmetic such as building statues.
There's also a number of sidemissions & activities you can carry out. Here are a few:
-Collect Digimon cards - Buy packs - can be traded for useful items, show some nice artwork.
- Tend to the fields, you can plant seeds you obtain in the fields in Floatia , these net you digi-vegetables etc. Some vegetables when fed give your Digimon special effects.
-Stock market - It's not that hard to grasp, you buy/obtain items, sell when prices are high, they're "constantly varying" and buy when prices are low.
- Fishing - there's fishing spots throughout the open world, different spots get you different fish. Some fish when fed give your Digimon special effects.
-Compete against other NPC Digimon at the Colliseum to earn unique prizes.
- The Dimensional box inside Jijimons house can be used to battle other players.
- The Museum , check out past videos & cards you've collected.
& many more but these are the main ones.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where's the Vita version?
The Vita version was not localised. The PS4 version is improved largely, entire areas have been reworked. Unfortunately the Vita wouldn't be able to run the game well with all these improvements, it had framedrops with just the standard game. For a video comparison see here:
What Digimon can I raise in the game?
Normal Mode or Easy Mode?
The hard mode was incorporated into Normal mode and so I'd only recommend it if you want a challenge & have played the original game. Digivolution requirements are different in the new Normal mode, there's no digivolution guide for normal mode at the moment, digivolution requirements can be found through playing the game. Difficulty can be changed through Punimon found in Jijimons house.
Thanks to:So is this Cyber Sleuth 2?
No, Cyber Sleuth was a Digimon Story game (traditional story driven RPG with turn based combat). Next Order is a Digimon World game, with a completely different type of battle system and game play. Another game like Cyber Sleuth will likely happen in the future, but it's best to think of these as two different series.
Still, fans of Cyber Sleuth will probably be happy to know that Mirei will return in this game, and that Rina will be available as part of a DLC story coming later.
Why are so many Digimon from Cyber Sleuth not in this? And why are there so many recolors?
One important thing to remember is that being a Digimon World game, they need a much higher number of animations for each Digimon compared to Cyber Sleuth, needing various animations for being praised, scolded, acting defiantly, wandering around (rather than just following the player in a line), being tired, etc. So while the Cyber Sleuth models could help, they still needed to create a lot of new animations for each Digimon.
Given that, it's perhaps understandable (if still unfortunate) that some Digimon were left on the cutting room floor, and it's also understandable why there are more recolors included compared to Cyber Sleuth. Maybe if we're lucky there will be an enhanced edition with more Digimon added (as Reigitize got with Decode), or additional Digimon will be added post-launch like with Cyber Sleuth. Or both.
This game seems lame. Why isn't a turn based RPG?
Digimon World is sort of a peculiar game, and this isn't an unusual reaction to have, but I think the game is really worth giving a shot to. While it's a very unique game, this creates a really different playing experience, and you may find that you wind up really enjoying the style of game even if you didn't think you would. There's really nothing else quite like Digimon World out there, and there are few feelings like having raised a really strong partner in it.
PaperSparrow for the help with the OT, OT main Image & other images!
KuwabaraTheMan for the original import OT
Note: I accidentally deleted a bunch of edits so the flow might be messed up.
First time making an OT. Never again. Those screenshots are clickable -> CLICK THEM
I've only played the beginning chapters of the Japanese game before writing this, so I intend to add onto it as I play.