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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


I know nothing about tech but the implication is it's very powerful? Sounds extremely expensive.

It's the PS4 pro with AMDs current Mainstream GPU. That's not bad at all. I wonder how they will get games to 4k though.
The same GPU can't do it on PC (or: you're btter off with more details / less resolution).
downsampling on 1080p displays confirmed:

THIS is huge and hopefully not overlooked. Especially since most people don't have 4k displays and are waiting a bit for prices to come down on good HDR sets or OLED.

I played on a 1080p screen with my 1080 for a good while before I got my ultrawide and supersampling down from 4K was an absolutely amazing thing and a huge upgrade over what I was used to on consoles.

Two Words

I don't know why in the hell people think that it's similar to the Pro. Go look at Xbox One and PS4 specs and see how close they are. PS4 games look a lot better to me with that small spec advantage. Now look at Scorpio vs Pro. There is a huge spec advantage. More so than Xbox One vs PS4. People need to get out of here with that.
The spec advantage between PS4 and Xbox One isn't small.
Auto super sampling and forced 16x AF across everything. I think that is really important right there and demonstrates a push for really high image quality that we haven't seen on a console really.

As someone that doesn't own a 4K TV and likely wont for some time, the super sampling is what gets me very excited.





I didn't understood much, but looks like is still less powerful than my PC, so I could be fine still for some years.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Jaguar sucks but GPU/Bandwidth looks a nice upgrade. If the HDMI 2.1 Game Mode VRR is true and it has a UHD drive that's really nice, what the PS4 Pro should have had.


Auto super sampling and forced 16x AF across everything. I think that is really important right there and demonstrates a push for really high image quality that we haven't seen on a console really.

Yeah, it's not like MS would let someone actually "put on a show", so to speak, and reveal the box design, price and name. I can only assume that'll be E3.

Hot damn.


So it's exactly what they said it would be. Focus on 4K, nice bonus for 1080p owners. An Xbox One Pro. As easy as that. As with the PS4 Pro I'll skip this too and save the money for the eventual PC upgrade instead.

Yeah. If only someone had been saying that for a long time...

It's a fine system, and games will look great on it.

Seriously. This should be a surprise to no-one. And I wonder if they can hit 400.
This literally sounds exactly like what everyone was expecting. It's a 6TF version of the PS4 Pro.

This thing is not going to sell well.


Auto super sampling and forced 16x AF across everything. I think that is really important right there and demonstrates a push for really high image quality that we haven't seen on a console really.

Yeah, it's not like MS would let someone actually "put on a show", so to speak, and reveal the box design, price and name. I can only assume that'll be E3.

But if you don't have exciting games then what's the point?


I can see why MS went to DF for the spec reveal, as the devil is in the details here (with the hardware DX12 customization and a few other tricks, like optimizing the hardware over known games).
A generic reveal would have been met very negatively over a Jaguar CPU (custom with OC), and a 40CU GPU with massive OC.

The second part of the story obviously is the price, but I guess we'll have to wait for E3 for that and the form factor.
Seems that they aimed for $399 with this, we'll see.


It's pretty much exactly the announcement I expected, and I think the announcement anyone would have expected if they were reading between the lines rather than... well... dreaming. This is very precisely Microsoft's answer to the PS4 Pro, and though it should comfortably be the best console (for at least a couple of years), and while I think there will be noticeable differences across many titles, I don't see it making some dramatic difference to the shape of the console market. The two mid-gen refreshes should see the power gap more or less reverse, with Sony being a bit in the lead in the first half of the generation and Microsoft being in the lead in the second half.

The two remaining questions regard price and games. I don't think it's impossible to imagine this being a $400, but there are various things that lead me to believe it's going to be $450 or even $500, just given the way that Phil Spencer has talked about the 'premium' nature of the product. In some ways, at either price point, I think the product will be reasonably successful because it's going to be the best hardware on the market for at least a couple of years.

The games question is a lot trickier for Microsoft to answer, I think. I wonder whether they have a stable of developers which is going to be able to maximise the power of Scorpio in the way that Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica, Sucker Punch, and Guerilla will maximise the power of the PS4 Pro.

On a personal level, I'll definitely be considering purchasing one to replace my Xbox One come November, though if it's above £350 in the UK, I'll probably decide against it, at least in the beginning. It really depends on whether I'm spending much time on my Xbox One around that time, because right now I'm using it once a week at maximum.


I will buy it if the price is right AND if it has freakin' HDMI-CEC.

That is what Xbox consoles really need. Get that Kinect and/or IR blaster to fuck. I want my consoles turning on/off automatically with TV and sound system :p

These specs sound good, but around what you'd expect for a release at the end of this year. They best try and hit the PS4 Pro RRP. DF are just speculating on pricing.

What will be interesting next will be to see if Sony jump the gun on the PS5 before MS bring in the next Xbox. Generations might be a bit out of sync with these mid cycle refreshes.


Supersampling for every game on 1080p TVs is aweseome. Something Sony didn't manage to deliver so far. I hope Sony is urged to follow that lead.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
It's significantly more powerful.

RX 480 level GPU, 12GB RAM with much bigger throughput...that's a lot...don't let anyone downplay it.

Vapor style APU cooler.

Like I said: I'm not downplaying it.

It's hardly advertising unless you count every analysis they do as such. They got the exclusive, much like how other sites get exclusives on stuff but in this case DF are actually able to explain without hyperbole.


It's advertising. Lol
How do you even know this?

Because some games barely run better on PS4 Pro and upgrade there vs PS4 was huge. DF is all marketing speak. But if you think that upgrading from PS4 Pro to new Xbox is justifiable purchase you are out of your mind. :)


Youtube comments were straight cancer.

Nonetheless the upgrade is great for console players. Will the implementation of DX 12 lead to greater use for PC that would be great.


they canceled scalebound for this.. seeing as all Xbox one gams are on PC, if I want graphics, I would just go there instead of buying this. If MS invested in exclusives I might have held a different position but they are chasing specs now and its meaningless for a gamer like me


The custom GPU/clock, memory amount/type. bandwidth of said memory and the fact it supports 4k UHD bluray. They aint messing around. And they're ahead of schedule too. The part about 4k60fps (and showing this off through Forza) sounds nice, I hope the retail units come good on that. E3 is going to be very interesting I think.


Jaguar = $399 feels like a missfire to me.

It's got a custom CPU, 12GB RAM, what sounds like a custom cooling solution.. and it's certainly sounding powerful.

Microsoft are still throwing around terms like "Premium" as well.

I'm not feeling $399. In the UK I paid £425 for a launch day PS3 and I think this will be more than that for sure.


I'm really insterested in this hardware implementation of DX12.

If it's able to reduce CPU work load up to 50% as the video says, it's going to be huge.


I like everyone claiming this all means it should be $399, when in reality it really is going to be $499 or more and $399 would be a steal. That way they can be angry later when it's more than $399.


Super sampling for Scorpio games is nice rather than just a choice on the developers part.

Jaguar, booo!

Better be $399.

Interesting to see how the reductions in instructions helps with games or just fantasy talk.
Yeah, gotta blame my expectations on this one.

Thought it was going to shake the console race.

But doesn't seem like it. Feels like "we have more power!!!"

This is the whole point of Scorpio it was never gonna be an absolute monster that would signal the start of a new gen.

Just a much better XB1 and slightly better specs than the PS4 pro, halfway through the gen.
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