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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


Junior Butler
Knew it would be Jaguar but I'm still a bit disappointed. I guess we'll have to let the results ultimately speak for themselves.

Having performance modes out of the box and not as software optimization is fantastic and I guess it's good to see leftover GPU resources.


I'm not sure what some are seeing that makes you guys say this is a small upgrade over the pro it has over 40% more computing power and close to 2tf extra gpu power with 3gb of ram extra for games. How is that a slight upgrade over the pro at all? This thing towers it in all aspects badly.


Pretty cool about that cooling solution, no vents on the top of the box like in the XBO.

That shot of Forza 6 running at 4k60 using 60% GPU power is really something... a sign of good things to come.
Thats some nice specs but without a good price and games i always had the option to buy just a PC.

Price and Games are the real important factors.


Auto super sampling and forced 16x AF across everything. I think that is really important right there and demonstrates a push for really high image quality that we haven't seen on a console really.

Yeah, it's not like MS would let someone actually "put on a show", so to speak, and reveal the box design, price and name. I can only assume that'll be E3.
How can it be auto supersampling on everything if games still require a 4k patch?
I dont get it either.

3GB more ram to use for games. That will provide a nice upgrade in textures for all the games going forward.

Dont get how you can downplay such thing.

I think people always expect more. It's human nature.

With that said, even with more RAM and all, this is really just a more powerful PS4 Pro. I don't see any reason to believe that this console will turn around Microsoft's sales slump.





I don't understand how people are getting so excited OR dissappointed. Who cares about the hardware? I wanna see the games!

Me right now:


Not everyone on GAF has every single console. I don't have the time to own all 3, which means I don't have the money to justify it. My backlog is like 300 games long. That means that many people pick 1 system and stick with it. I got an Xbox One, and the idea of a system that is so much more powerful over my current one, yet still plays all my 300 game backlog is pretty awesome.


...who's to say there won't be?

They've been quiet thus far this year but, clearly, there is a lot to announce. I'm half expecting a re-launch of Xbox this fall but we'll see.

Yeah, but didn't they say all those games will be available on PC, too? :p
Upgrading to a Pro from my base PS4 is what I consider stupid and that is why I did not do it. Scorpio makes it look like a half-assed jump and will have much more longevity.

Hey, I did it and got 4k TV and that's the best purchase I ever made. This was the best time to do it with all the games that came out. In your case New Xbox seems like an amazing purchase (you also need 4k TV)! But I'm talking specifically for me this isn't worth the money...

Kazuo Hirai

I really want everyone to know how much more Titanfall 2 sold than Nioh. It was a staggering amount.
Pro would be $349 soon, this should be $399
$449 would make the $100 gap ,which means vita

big fake

This is great that Microsoft now have a powerful console on their hands too but I still don't see reason to get one without any games shown. I really hope first parties are shown at E3.


Interesting. ( Not for me cause MS exclusives mean nothing to me + my online friends are only PS but Scorpio is looking good).
Historically, the more powerful consoles haven't been the more successful ones. It would be interesting to test with Scorpio if that has changed and to what degree the PS4's relative success over the XB1 is due to the specs or other factors.


This is the whole point of Scorpio it was never gonna be an absolute monster that would signal the start of a new gen.

Just a much better XB1 and slightly better specs than the PS4 pro, halfway through the gen.
Yep, definitely not new gen material here, but what one could get 1y after the PS4Pro, as expected.

The good news is that it'll likely be $399 and be a fairly well balanced 4k machine (slightly weak on CPU).


Day 1, it's a great improvement. They adapted the machine to the games engine, usually it's the opposite. Very well explained in the video.


Aside from the 12 gigs of gddr, the hardware isn't all that impressive. Everyone can build a powerful hardware, so that, in itself isn't a feat. If the price is below 500, then it's a feat.

Not in a power-efficient, heat-efficient, console-sized box. And it seems there is a lot of custom work going on here which reminds me of the type of work MS did with the original 360.


Because some people set themselves up for disappointment thinking that it was gonna have ZEN+Vega for sure

That and on both sides they don't read further than the length of their nose.

The voltage regulation alone is very similar to what is done in a Ryzen to keep the power use down. So it has certain design lessons of the Zen incorporated in it. It is no full Zen, but that was strange to expect, considering the form factor.

The GPU also can do part of it's own draw calls, that in itself is a massive benefit allowing the CPU to focus on other things. I really don't think it is a bad choice or design. THey just chose to offload a lot of work rather than go for a software first approach.

It simply is not Ryzen. But it is certainly more than a Puma.

It's... Frankenstein ;).


Good hardware, definite step up from the Pro as expected being a year later...

Jaguar cores are disappointing no matter how MS spins that, but very expected as well if you paid attention to the timeline for Zen products hitting the market...

As a person who bought an OG PS4 and a Pro on their reapective launch days, and has zero interest in buying Scorpio...I think MS produced a legit "premium" product..much more "premium than what Sony produced with the Pro. Sony gave us a relatively bare bones mid gen refresh, there is nothing very premium about the pro, outside of its spec bump...
I haven't followed Pro that closely as normal PS4 is enough for me but it doesn't offer this? That's like one of the first things these things should include.

No, it's on a game by game basis. It annoys me when I'm playing MLB The Show, the game only lets you pick the bog standard 1080p option and the result is visible jaggies.

Just let me downsample like I can with Horizon ffs :(

Ding II

Okay, those are disappointing specs on the CPU side, but I guess they're only modestly disappointing on balance, and there is some upside.

The encouraging aspects are that the design seems to leverage its somewhat modest specs in a clever way, which is pretty much what one hopes and needs to see in any console. That DX12-in-hardware thing might be pretty huge. Maybe. Hopefully. But most of all, the lack of any significant hardware surprises to the upside should mean that a $399 price point is easily do-able.

So, that's cool, and kinda makes this a no brainer upgrade for those of us who bought the One at launch.


Specs sound like a big leap, but even the PS4 Pro didn't convince me to do the mid generation leap.

So long as I can continue playing all the games on my OG Xbox One ¯_(ツ)_/¯

If the system lands exclusives though, that's where I drop off entirely.


It's really tough to discuss the technical details when the thread is full of console warriors trying to downplay the specs.

Why do people get so defensive over consoles?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
How can it be auto supersampling on everything if games still require a 4k patch?
Well clearly games that aren't patched won't hit 4K (though they will run better) - but they WILL have 16x AF and forced v-sync WITHOUT a Scorpio patch. So it will still be improved.
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