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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


That is an excellent question.

Sony's timing with PS4 Pro last year was half-way through the life cycle of PS4, exactly what you would expect from a mid-life kicker product.

If Sony has any business sense, they will have the PS5 coming out in Fall 2019, exactly 6 years after PS4 and 3 years after PS4 Pro. This strategy maintains a 6 year console life cycle. Sony is going to want to minimize the time Microsoft can claim to have the "highest performance console", so Sony is not going to wait till 2020.

Microsoft, on the other hand, has a dilemma. Scorpio is 4 years after Xbox One. If they launch Xbox Two in 2019 to keep up with Sony, the lifecycle of Scorpio is relatively short. If Microsoft waits till 2020 for Xbox Two, they give Sony a year head start.

...at least someone understands where things are heading from now. Yeah exactly, neither Sony or MS can do a timeline just for themselves, they have to to look at what their competitor is doing, that's why both jumped on the iterative model in the first place. If Scorpio bombs, Sony will wait longer. Oh, and there's the Switch....
The CPU is still a Jaguar yes. It is also, however improved.

That should neither be oversold or undersold. We are looking at an improved Jaguar CPU for better or worse. There will be improvements do to this but not insane results.

The more interesting thing is Direct X12 built into the silicon. That could have some pretty interesting results.
hmm... haven't bought and XBONE yet. I was considering a Switch but this hardware seems pretty sweet. I'll wait to see more. Hopefully Microsoft can bring more than Halo, Gears, and Forza this time around.

Ploid 3.0

Actually, in the video, Richard said that the Forza port they did was using higher resolution textures for the Scorpio version.

For exclusives it can, but for multiplatform games, I doubt it will use different resolution textures than PS4 Pro and PC. And for Forza I doubt they will hold back texture resolution and keep it Scorpio only.

Higher textures than Xbox One? Of course!
I just hope developers of several multiplats that released last year will bother with releasing a patch for Scorpio. I sure hope so. And like DF said I can't wait to see if Witcher 3 indeed benefits from having a dynamic resolution. Hopefully they can clear this up because I'll seriously just put my playthrough on hold for that, haha.

I recall that Todd Howard already said a patch will definitely happen for Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE.


Neo Member
Exactly they detailed that all the CPU core blocks are revised and customized. Again NOT jaguar.

If you take a Camaro and put a LS engine in it its not a camaro anymore

The CPU's of PS4/XboxOne were already customized, so the bigger news are that we never had a console with a jaguar CPU?


Felium Defensor
The CPU is still a Jaguar yes. It is also, however improved.

That should neither be oversold or undersold. We are looking at an improved Jaguar CPU for better or worse. There will be improvements do to this but not insane results.

The more interesting thing is Direct X12 built into the silicon. That could have some pretty interesting results.
Yup. DX12 instructions baked into the silicon sounds nice. Looking forward to them results.


What planet are you from? Guys this trolling has to stop.

Well I think it would be wise to take some caution in assuming you will be getting native 4k consistently on this device. Current PCs are still navigating that arena, so a console sporting an improved 480 doesn't strike me as something that will be churning out most current gen titles at true 4k.


I got my first Xbox with a One S last Fall. It was mostly for the UHD blu-ray drive (ugh, thanks a lot PS4 Pro...) but to also try out the many Xbox exclusives I missed out on before. It's a very nice system.

But I also have a good PC and have enjoyed Forza Horizon 3 and Gears of War 4 on PC. I'm not sure if there will be any reason to "upgrade" my One S to the Scorpio. This will be a great option for people not into PC gaming but I do hope Microsoft does something to give me a reason to be interested as well.
That is an excellent question.

Sony's timing with PS4 Pro last year was half-way through the life cycle of PS4, exactly what you would expect from a mid-life kicker product.

If Sony has any business sense, they will have the PS5 coming out in Fall 2019, exactly 6 years after PS4 and 3 years after PS4 Pro. This strategy maintains a 6 year console life cycle. Sony is going to want to minimize the time Microsoft can claim to have the "highest performance console", so Sony is not going to wait till 2020.

Microsoft, on the other hand, has a dilemma. Scorpio is 4 years after Xbox One. If they launch Xbox Two in 2019 to keep up with Sony, the lifecycle of Scorpio is relatively short. If Microsoft waits till 2020 for Xbox Two, they give Sony a year head start.

Curious to see if there will be a PS5 or just the PlayStation next.

By eliminating the reset of console lifecycle, Sony would keep a portion of there PS4 consumers. Microsoft would also be smart to consider this, even if they are behind to Sony


The CPU is still a Jaguar yes. It is also, however improved.

That should neither be oversold or undersold. We are looking at an improved Jaguar CPU for better or worse. There will be improvements do to this but not insane results.

The more interesting thing is Direct X12 built into the silicon. That could have some pretty interesting results.

In a nutshell.
Much stronger CPU and way more RAM, for one

Yeah I'm thinking next gen kicks off around 2020. By then we should be looking at 9-12 TF GPUs, vastly improved CPU over Jaguar (some form of Zen I suspect) and 20+GB of very fast RAM.

Next gen may seem like a smaller jump than the past when we compare it to Pro and Scorpio but it will be a huge jump over the base models
So this is pretty much the same as microsoft said at e3 last year. what happened to the spec bump fairytale? This is really fucking great for a mid-gen upgrade, but obviously not enough to start a new generation as some people wanted to believe.


Junior Butler
If that dream is "everything is locked 60 FPS," nope.


For the record that expectation is unreasonable, but even a push towards 60fps becoming more common was all I was suggesting.


Man. I love me some performance increases but this mid-gen stuff. I feel like I'm acquainting myself with PC upgrading all over again.


The specs here are definitely disappointing, especially coming a year later than the PRO.

So it seems that MS is trying to soften the blow by announcing that Scorpio still has Jaguar ...and yet, everything sounds like PR so far, especially as it relates to the CPU....I mean what exactly is evolved Jaguar?.....It's simply the same Jaguar cores overclocked 200Mhz than the PRO.

So it looks like it's in line with my first point on the "reasons why they are making this announcement so early"?

thelastword said:
One thing lots of people lose site of though is that Scorpio is not launching in April, it's launching for the holidays in 2017 (November 2017).. So the system is still far away...I'm just curious as to why they have opted for a reveal so early.....

It can only be two pronged in nature I'm thinking....errr...

1:) They are still packing the jaguar CPU and want to soften the blow early on and let people know that before time, but the clincher for them would be the games....Hey...we're still on Jaguar but we can still do 4k 60fps on Forza, Gears, Halo etc......but here are many other exclusives we've cooped up to sweeten the deal...

Unfortunately I was hoping to hear more on games, but there's really nothing concrete... We didn't see any games running with a framerate tool. All we got are slides from MS promising 16xAF on older games and 4k 6fps on Forza.....I mean, I was really expecting to hear something we didn't know already....something to blow us away..(like a raven ridge apu).. especially with all the tweets from Shinobi and so many others yesterday.....

I year later and yet they're still going Jaguar is a head scratcher.....The GPU is pretty much what was expected, so yes, some games will run at slighlty higher resolutions on Scorpio and enjoy a few fps more, but it's not the beast they've painted it out to be.....

I think the biggest takeway is yet another thing we already knew...I'm happy they've stayed at 12GB of memory from reveal, it's the biggest advantage I'm seeing here coupled with the extra bandwidth...I expected something new and revolutionary, but it's pretty much what we already knew....

As for the games, I expected handson and analysis videos, but all we got are promises of how all these things including BC will potentially work (in a best case scenario)..

I'm still happy that MS will at least have a competent system hardware wise, but it's coming so late this year and still not much on actual games running, still not much talk on exclusives....So I guess E3 will really have to be the place where they show their wares and announce a price...I fear if this system is anything over $400.00, it will be a tough sell....


Consoles are becoming like PCs where you have to upgrade every year or two so you can get the most out of the same games
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