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Direct Feed MGS3 trailer...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Direct feed and translated, awesome. Thanks.


God I hope somehow they retain a Japanese voice option in the US version, I like the VA's so much more than their US counterparts.

I love this trailer though, everything is so damn tense......

perhaps the worst part of the trailer is ... I HAVE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.... I mean..this trailer's such a great hook.......

:( Now that's a beating.




The Boss is a freaking psycho. She's just ripping Snake the shreds in basically every scene.

The Boss = Snake's mom?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The Sorrow is one creepy guy, his rainjacket fades away when he pulls down his hood...maybe he uses mental attacks. The scene seems very dreamy.

The drama between The Boss and "Snake" makes the story sound even better. Great stuff.


Yeah, what happens between Snake and Boss seems so tragic. Those are som killer ideals. I mean, you can guess what happenes, I just wonder how it does... Big Boss wasn't really a bad guy before this, solely a man with ideals. I'm just glad this game is making that evident.
metsallica said:

As always, use SDP to download and save.

Too bad there's no OS X version. :(

Anyway, that trailer kicked ass! It being the "final" one, I was afraid of another stupid surprise, like how Raiden was introduced in the last trailer for MGS2. But the whole game screams awesomeness.

And Ocelot fucking kicks ass.


NOOOOO!!! This can't be the last episode!!! What the f@ck happened after MGS2???? Who are the "patriots"???? I WANT the answer!!!!!


There might be more Metal Gear games, but this is the last entry in the Solid series. But Kojima said that about 2, but since he wanted to leave his franchise with a bang (and since no one would be his successor) , he had to try again.
Serafitia said:
Yeah, what happens between Snake and Boss seems so tragic. Those are som killer ideals. I mean, you can guess what happenes, I just wonder how it does... Big Boss wasn't really a bad guy before this, solely a man with ideals. I'm just glad this game is making that evident.

Not only is he not bad, he looks a bit too nice. He seems to be letting The Boss beat him in the scenes they show in the trailer. He's not putting up much of a fight at all.

The Boss fight with her should be really epic.

"This can't be the last episode!!! What the f@ck happened after MGS2????"

It's the last ep of MGS, not the final game in the entire MG series.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
lunlunqq said:
NOOOOO!!! This can't be the last episode!!! What the f@ck happened after MGS2???? Who are the "patriots"???? I WANT the answer!!!!!

Metal Gear Ac!d takes place in the year 2016, I think that would be a few years after MGS2. Maybe some answers will come out of that game...I doubt it though.

They could answer the question of The Patroits in MGS3. We seem to have a pretty good glimpse into why Big Boss ends up hating America, I'm sure there is a lot more that we aren't seeing. He seems like a nice guy, it interesting to see someone change from that into a future villian.
The Patroits might want The Boss dead for some other reason than this terrorist act, so they use Snake to kill her. Maybe she knows their identity or something. He finds out after killing her, and hates America because it is run by The Patroits...I don't know, something like that.
head hurting....last MGS game...but it's about a "dead" guy a flash back. Maybe Big Boss really isn't dead.

The trailer confused me, or maybe it's 5 am and I should go to sleep. Was that Raiden? Will monkeys be in the game? Hell if I can shoot monkeys for fun that make crude gestures it's more then worth the price of the game.

Does this mean I'm gonna have wait till sometime after the PS3 get released to find out WTF is with Liquids arm taking over Ocolots body amongst other things?!

There is one thing that annoies me alot about Big Boss and Snake sounding and looking a like, and Liquid must have been the super powered mail mans kid. Yet I'll bite my lip till I actually play MGS3....which can't come out soon enough :(
Grizzlyjin said:
They could answer the question of The Patroits in MGS3. We seem to have a pretty good glimpse into why Big Boss ends up hating America, I'm sure there is a lot more that we aren't seeing. He seems like a nice guy, it interesting to see someone change from that into a future villian.
The Patroits might want The Boss dead for some other reason than this terrorist act, so they use Snake to kill her. Maybe she knows their identity or something. He finds out after killing her, and hates America because it is run by The Patroits...I don't know, something like that.

She mentioned in another trailer that she'd been lied to alot by the US. So that likely has alot to do with her turn. Solid Snake has went through alot of that too. Being lied to by the government to accomplish a certain mission. So seeing how close The Boss and Snake seem to be, it'd make alot of sense that if he's being lied to that he'd turn against the US for making him kill her.

"Was that Raiden?"

Nothing's confirmed, but it really doesn't look like him if you pause it and look at an actual pic of Raiden and that guy. It's probably someone related to him.

"Will monkeys be in the game? Hell if I can shoot monkeys for fun that make crude gestures it's more then worth the price of the game."

It's a mini game called Snake vs. Ape. Think of it like a VR Mission.

"Does this mean I'm gonna have wait till sometime after the PS3 get released to find out WTF is with Liquids arm taking over Ocolots body amongst other things?!"

'Nothing's confirmed, but it really doesn't look like him if you pause it and look at an actual pic of Raiden and that guy. It's probably someone related to him.'

Just did that I see what ya mean...maybe Solid Snake is in a VR type mission like Raiden in MGS2 and an older raiden is watching him kill monkeys....lol


Damn looks Like a PS3 for me.

I watched the Trailer again. I assume the 2 children Boss talks about is Soild and Liquid, but she's a "Mother" figure to Snake?! Or is Soild's mom also his grandma...
Great Wasabi Man said:
I watched the Trailer again. I assume the 2 children Boss talks about is Soild and Liquid, but she's a "Mother" figure to Snake?! Or is Soild's mom also his grandma...

I'm guessing the "sons" she's referring to are The Fear, The Sorrow, The End and the Fury. She "The Boss" of all of them.
Now with Snake, it seems like he could really be her son. He mentions that half of him belongs to her, which would make sense if she's his mom. There's definetly a very strong connection there with them. Solid Snake didn't know Big Boss all to well to have any problem killing him, Snake seems to be having problems bringing himself to kill The Boss though.


Console Market Analyst
SolidSnakex said:
I'm guessing the "sons" she's referring to are The Fear, The Sorrow, The End and the Fury. She "The Boss" of all of them.

Actually, I don't think The End is a "son". He might have been her mentor. The rest, I do believe were each an apprentice of The Boss. Look at that one line of dialogue:

I'm loyal to the "end". To my purpose.


Just wow. Most beautiful trailer ever : )
So, when is MGS3 coming again, for all 3 markets ?

So this should confirm you play as big boss right ?


Kojima's team confirms itself as the true master of PS2 hardware.
The story between Snake and The Boss seems intriguing too.The other bosses don't convince me completely,they're just too ridicolous :D


Did MGS2 mention anything about the originality of the TRUE Sons of Liberty? John Adams and the other guy, and why it was formed to fight off the king's men and his rules? I don't remember MGS2 very well......


Elios83 said:
Kojima's team confirms itself as the true master of PS2 hardware.
The story between Snake and The Boss seems intriguing too.The other bosses don't convince me completely,they're just too ridicolous :D

I don't think so. MGS is about mixing reality and those insane characters from Kojima's mind.
bobafett said:
I don't think so. MGS is about mixing reality and those insane characters from Kojima's mind.

Yeah, but as much as I've always been pro-Japanese voices for MGS3, I have to say that I cringed at many of the bosses' voice acting in this trailer, it felt too generic-anime-cliche for my tastes... But Japanese Snake voice actor >>> David Hayter as far as I'm concerned. I'm buying the English version anyway, but I would really like to play the Japanese version at some point as well, here's hoping it's HDLoader compatible.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Just like to add how much I enjoy Kojima's dialogue, however melodramatic.
I know, same here :D There's just such nice awkward charm behind every dialogue, much like the jokes in the actual game :)

Downloading trailer now. I avoided watching the handycam version, so this is the first for me.


Woahhhh.... that was freaking awesome. The new bosses are sweet as hell! These guys make you forget Fatman even existed. @_@
adelgary said:
Yeah, but as much as I have always been pro-Japanese voices for MGS3, I have to say that I cringed at many of the bosses' voice acting in this trailer, it felt too generic-anime-cliche for my tastes... But Japanese Snake voice actor >>> David Hayter as far as I'm concerned. I'm buying the English version anyway, but I would really like to play the Japanese version at some point as well, here's hoping it's HDLoader compatible.

This might interest you if Kojima can do it:

"During a brief Q&A session at E3, Kojima said he hoped the option for Japanese language support would be in the US version, but there's no telling if it'll happen until the final comes around."


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The other bosses don't convince me completely,they're just too ridicolous
They are much like comic book characters. Sure, they exist in what looks like our reality, but their existence seems unrealistic, and possible only after a large stretch of imagination. It's that balance between possibility and impossibility that makes comic book characters what they are, and makes them fun.
SolidSnakex said:
This might interest you if Kojima can do it:

"During a brief Q&A session at E3, Kojima said he hoped the option for Japanese language support would be in the US version, but there's no telling if it'll happen until the final comes around."


I have been wishing for that since forever, but I had almost no hope of it actually happening... It's great to know that Kojima is really considering it, I would be SOOO HAPPY if they end up including the Japanese voices as an option in the English version. If it's a dual-layered disc I don't see the excuse not to.


AssMan said:
Did MGS2 mention anything about the originality of the TRUE Sons of Liberty? John Adams and the other guy, and why it was formed to fight off the king's men and his rules?
i played it a month or two ago, but i don't remember anything about that.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I do not know if The Boss is his mother: they lived together for 10 years but she seems to say that she was waiting for him to be born and to grow like she knew of him and wa waiting for him: I could understand if she said "to grow" only as the baby could have been separated from her... well it could be a cool plot element :).
That flower field looks like it could be the final fight location. Snake seems to have a completely different camo (the other camos keep the same straps on the back, but change the coloring), and as DSN2K pointed out he has his patch on.



It seems to be alot more protective than the other camo suits.


Shit...the E3 trailer kind of turned me off...but this trailer had the total opposite effect! I'm really excited about MGS3 again...looks amazing, and the music is great as well...I especially liked the first song in the trailer.
DSN2K said:

didnt think they would say that :D

Anybody who interprets that directly clearly has never read between the lines before. It's roughly equivalent to saying "The 3rd of 3 games! with no restrictions on there being a fourth (douglas adams logic) or just changing the name (star wars logic).

In any case, damn fine trailer.
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