Disc rot already affects your physical game collection


Gold Member
Source: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2025/03/disc-rot-already-afflicts-your-physical-game-collection

[..] some fresh fuel has just been dumped on the fire: did you know that your physical game collection is rotting as we speak, and the valuable discs themselves, rather than outlasting digital servers forever, are rapidly approaching their use by date?

TheGamer just published a fascinating article that looks into Warner Bros.' new DVD exchange program for those experiencing premature disc rot, sometimes known as laser rot. Regardless of the name, disc rot refers to the chemical deterioration that affects all discs sooner or later, eventually making them unreadable.

Despite being the newest iteration, the Blu-ray discs PS5 games are printed on have the shortest life expectancy and are only estimated to last around 20 years under ideal conditions.

Streaks, spots, shadows, and other discolouration on the underside are all tell-tale signs that the degradation process is underway. As TheGamer notes, it's ironic that the best thing you can do to preserve your physical game collection is to back it up digitally.


Would you expect publishers to replace your physical discs if they deteriorated enough to be unplayable within, say, ten years?


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
In 20 years, we'll have full dumps of all these games available online, and powerful enough PCs to emulate them easily.

Just go look at a list of games from 2005, and I dare you to find one that can't be played from a PC emulator. It's not that I'm advocating piracy, I'm just saying that if you still want to play your games 20 years from now (when these PS5 discs will supposedly stop working), there will be options.


Dual Sense Edger and Blower
Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to hear it in your pod
Own nothing, be happy
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no car
But twenty-five booster shots in your arm
Own nothing, be happy

You can't even buy shit in ze store
Because of your low social credit score
Own nothing, be happy



Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
In 20 years, we'll have full dumps of all these games available online, and powerful enough PCs to emulate them easily.

Just go look at a list of games from 2005, and I dare you to find one that can't be played from a PC emulator. It's not that I'm advocating piracy, I'm just saying that if you still want to play your games 20 years from now (when these PS5 discs will supposedly stop working), there will be options.

Which is why I fall in love with PC more and more each year. It’s the forever console, basically.

I probably spend the most of my play time playing PS2 games, and it’s done on my PC.
Been too used to digital once I made the jump to PC fully towards the end of the PS3 era. But I have nothing against physical stuff as I still want to eventually do a physical movie collection for display when I get a bunch of extra cash to spare in the future.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Interesting that their life span is getting longer everytime they come up with this, and now Blu-ray is the shortest with a 20 years life span, remember the 10 & 15 years of CD/DVD?
But that particular number is actually the shortest it will last.
Most Discs can last if kept in good condition for over 100 years.
On the topic of the the whole Warner Bros situation, they are only discs produced during 2006-08, it's not all of them and was probably a manufacturing flaw.


I had a huge dvd collection, when I realised I wasted many hours of my life and wanted to reclaim the entire room they filled I found out that about half of them were suffering from disc rot.
In 20 years, we'll have full dumps of all these games available online, and powerful enough PCs to emulate them easily.

Just go look at a list of games from 2005, and I dare you to find one that can't be played from a PC emulator. It's not that I'm advocating piracy, I'm just saying that if you still want to play your games 20 years from now (when these PS5 discs will supposedly stop working), there will be options.

IMO it's not piracy at that point if I paid for it and I don't care what the law says. I could pirate all the games right now if I wanted to (well I'd have to build a gaming PC again) but I never did it even when I had one because I want to support the industry.

When I was a kid I pirated games all the time but I was poor and I was never going to buy the games anyways. At least this way it kept me involved in gaming and now I can support it as an adult.

Naked Lunch

Disc rot is not a thing unless you're a messy dirtball and don't know how to take care of your shit.
I have games from the mid 90s that work perfectly fine. Not to mention music cds.

I even have a shitton of Dreamcast CDRs from 1999 that work good as new.
That is 25+ years of scientific proof right there.

I only saw disc rot once from some shady ebay seller. Obviously an aforementioned dirtball.


Why would this affect physical disc media in future, even if they lasted only 10 years. Some people prefer physical for value and options, not just because they are a collector.


Crushing blow for disc guys. Gonna be even worse when they find out about the eyes and ears they use to consume the games.
It will be a problem for future me. Right know I like discounts and prices on physical more, and I like the possibility of reselling stuff I don't want anymore
I have a collection of games from PS1, PS2, GC, 360, PS3... and they all work perfectly (yes, I replay old games from time to time on original hardware). I'm not saying that disc rot doesn't exist, but it is neither as frequent nor does it inevitably occur in all discs.


I have never seen a CD that suffers from disc rot. hell, me and a friend just recently played old PS2 games I burned onto some Verbatim DVD-Rs in 2005, which I found in an old cardboard box, half loose as many fell out of the cheap disc bag... they still worked.

if a DVD-R from 2005, that was stored in bad conditions, still works without issue 20 years later... I think we'll be fine.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Disc rot isn't anything to do with storage, its a manufacturing issue. Its the glue between the layers failing, and in bad runs of discs can manifest in months not years so I wouldn't at all be surprised if more discs are affected over time.


Source: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2025/03/disc-rot-already-afflicts-your-physical-game-collection

[..] some fresh fuel has just been dumped on the fire: did you know that your physical game collection is rotting as we speak, and the valuable discs themselves, rather than outlasting digital servers forever, are rapidly approaching their use by date?
Ahhh fear mongering about disc rot, but those discs will last longer than those servers. Servers need to be replaced.


Gold Member
I've lost a handful of discs to disc rot over the years. Mostly CD's and DVD's. It happens sometimes.


Disc rot is not a thing unless you're a messy dirtball and don't know how to take care of your shit.
I have games from the mid 90s that work perfectly fine. Not to mention music cds.

I even have a shitton of Dreamcast CDRs from 1999 that work good as new.
That is 25+ years of scientific proof right there.

I only saw disc rot once from some shady ebay seller. Obviously an aforementioned dirtball.
This. Ive got decades of cds, dvds, and cdrs. All fine.


Disc rot is not a thing unless you're a messy dirtball and don't know how to take care of your shit.
I have games from the mid 90s that work perfectly fine. Not to mention music cds.

I even have a shitton of Dreamcast CDRs from 1999 that work good as new.
That is 25+ years of scientific proof right there.

I only saw disc rot once from some shady ebay seller. Obviously an aforementioned dirtball.
I have many, many games from the same period and not a single one of them have any issues. If you take care of your shit, and don't subject those discs to extreme conditions, they tend to last a long time. Do I think they will last forever? Probably not, but the disc rot Boogeyman "plaguing" all these discs is always overblown, and never takes into account the conditions some of these discs were subjected to.
I'm all digital. The only physical I buy are the occasional PS3 title or Japanese Saturn title for artwork purposes.

No regrets.


Physics and I’m sure somehow cheapness:
flights ua GIF

In all seriousness, I’m glad they could save a penny a CD so my discs could be useless in a few years


Gold Member
WB had a manufacturing defect in their contractor factories. There was something similar with certain PSX and Saturn titles.

Properly manufactured Blu-Rays should last 50 years.


Not the YouTuber
I’ve got burnt cd compilations we made and burnt ourselves in the early 90s like 91/92 that still work to this day, nothing professionally pressed I’m talking burnt media at home. Closing in on 40 years later and still fine.

Never had a PS1 disc fail yet either. Same with audio cds, this gets thrown around every 5 years and everything still working and they push it a bit further…


20 year shelf life? fucking lol

my VHS collection will outlive all those discs you physical collectors store

how does that make you feel
Those VHS tapes will demagnetize before properly manufactured optical media dies. You'd be better off with the laserdiscs.

And as someone who also has a lot of VHS, mould growing on the tape is the real threat.


I have a burned disc on cheap, cheap media when I downloaded Motocross Madness 1 so I could play with my brother. It has a virus on it and it's scratched to high heaven. That disc still works like a charm.
Those VHS tapes will demagnetize before properly manufactured optical media dies. You'd be better off with the laserdiscs.

And as someone who also has a lot of VHS, mould growing on the tape is the real threat.
VHS tapes last longer than discs, especially crappy discs like this thread is about.

I have literally thousands of tapes, some dating from the 70s, that all play just fine. Including the lowest quality tapes used for b flicks.
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