Yeah, I'm right there with you. It sucks, but it's part of having a game with this sort of breadth.
And yeah, did you ever figure out how to actuallykill the mother tree? Saheila said stab it in the heart, so I go down there but I can't attack it. Fighting the scion didn't do anything either. Then of course I get jumped to Act 4 and all of the sudden Saheila's a dryad. Didn't even get an ending note on Saheila's after that, which is funny because I got one from her mother that was obviously supposed to be led into by Saheila's.
Nope, my quicksaves by the time I reached the point of no return had overridden the chance to go back. I assume you just right click and manually attack it? Will try in future playthroughs regardless haha.