Enjoying this game so far.
The quest log shit drives me absolutely bonkers. The ability to accidentally break a quest is super annoying too.
Otherwise the only thing I can't stand atm is the camera. Just awful. So many instances where I have to constantly fidgit with the view to see what I need to.
The combat/status effect system I find slightly annoying. I've only just finished Act 1 so maybe it levels out, but currently by the time I lower armor or magic armor, I hardly need status effects anymore cause the enemy will be dead before it really matters and all their big cool downs are already used anyways.
I also find I have to choose armor vs magic armor to bring down, making me split my dps all the time cause it's often a waste to bother bringing down both unless it's a "boss" type fight. There are so many times I have enemies who have either no Phys or Magic armor left, then I have to skip turns on anyone who doesn't have the appropriate damage type because the enemy will die before I bring their fuller armor type down anyways.
Game still hasn't reached anywhere near DA:Origins levels for me, gameplay, story, or character wise, but it's a solid RPG for sure.