I was very disapointed when I did him cause he died in 3rounds so I didn't see if he had any new mechanics or whatever in Tactician.
I think I've sadly reached the "I min maxed too much and now my group is OP and everything is a snoozefest" point already. Took longer than with the old sneak backstab rogue or the lone wolf glass canon 2H flurry warrior+buff mage, but still pretty fast. Also a bunch of the tactician changes don't really affect me like fire immunity auras, which seems to be a lot of the changes. I never used barrel strats so meh. Plus I can kill the mob on the first turn if I wanted to.
This is all new to me (played up to early second area in original version), so I'm not overpowered at all. Probably underpowered...I just find the inventory, and in turn crafting, to be tedious.
So how exactly should one understand the tone of the game? Is it supposed to be a comedy? Satire? Or just light-hearted fun?
Most of the time I'm a story first gamer (love Planescape: Torment, Shadowrun games, etc), but I'm honestly just breezing through most all of the dialog and enjoying the gameplay. The humor just isn't my style.