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Division 2 Review Thread


Not quite sure why you say less inspired. Sure it's in the same area, but different neighborhoods. Probably all the areas look similar, but you can't do that within the same city. Unlike Destiny or Diablo where different chapters were on different environments, but the enemies and premise were the same.

Also not quite sure why the game loop be any different than Destiny where all you do is go from story point or from public event to another public event to get more gear. Overall I think it's the samey environment makes the game feel the same from low level to high level. There doesn't seem to be a visible progression outside of each neighborhood and their level gate.

Not saying it's a terrible game, just looks samey.

When you compare weapons/gear to something like Destiny, the genre lends more opportunity for creativity. Just found it a tad dull.


That cheat code review is something else. Literally spends half the review lamenting the story then the rest is left to barebones review the content which they most likely never got higher then 10 to do so. It came out on launch day with a score, which I know Gold edition had 3 extra days to play but boy it's clear they didn't.

The reviewer literally says there is a lack of content and then only mentions "dungeons" and missions. Oh wait they then say dark zones once. Don't even talk about character upgrading, skills, itemisation presentation which is top fucking notch and you know the side missions to resupply settlements that are actually fun. Instead he blabbers on for almost all the review about the fucking story in a loot shooter.

I give the review a 1/5 but my average is actually 0.5/5.
The VG247 review in does something similar, but there's actually a decent amount of praise for the game - but "unfortunately" it lacks any real political message, apparently. Naturally, that means it lacks the proper political message, as the whole premise is predicated on a pro-gun stance.

Reading the review, I'm not so sure the reviewer was able to get over the "ickiness" of guns and having to shoot digital people over and over. He clarifies in the comments saying "It does have a message, though: "guns are good and violence is a valid solution to problems". It says that without examining it at all." and when someone chimed in saying that describes most shooting games, he retorted "Most shooting games don't open with the line, "Did you own a gun? Did your neighbour?" So yeah, that should tell you all you need to know about the influence of political leanings on the review.
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The people that were mocking the game sub-80 meta, concern-trolling or industry analysts saying that it was expected, where are they now? :goog_unsure:

(hopefuly, enjoying the game too!)


I think the reviews are pretty bang on. Totally worthy of a buy, imo, especially if you enjoyed The Division 1 in its final state. The story in Div 2 is pretty lackluster (I don't even feel like I'm part of any sort of narrative). It just go to this block, do the story mission, get the control points, get the shade tech, do the side missions, move to next block. Head back to the base to unlock skills, Repeat.
I really don't feel like I'm part of any story, but I know what I'm tasked with and I enjoy the grind.

Looking forward to hitting level 30, and gearing up through the World Tiers, farming hard modes for gear sets, and of course doing the Dark Zone :p


Meta scores updated... 79 MC / 80 OC.

The people that were mocking the game sub-80 meta, concern-trolling or industry analysts saying that it was expected, where are they now? :goog_unsure:

(hopefuly, enjoying the game too!)

WOW PC dropped 2 points already.
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Meta scores updated... 79 MC / 80 OC.

WOW PC dropped 2 points already.
Well, that's bound to happen when your review blurb for a looter shooter reads like this;

"Variety - It’s remorseless violence, repetitious and ingrained after only a few hours. The Division 2 becomes a passive activity, blind to basic narrative technique and crass in form. No characters stand out, no personalities prove memorable, while the ultimate purpose seems to only instill an eventual tyranny. "

...and you slap a score of 40 on it.

EDIT: I don't even want to bother linking to it, but the review mentioning Tucker Carlos 4 times should also tell you something.
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Well, that's bound to happen when your review blurb for a looter shooter reads like this;

"Variety - It’s remorseless violence, repetitious and ingrained after only a few hours. The Division 2 becomes a passive activity, blind to basic narrative technique and crass in form. No characters stand out, no personalities prove memorable, while the ultimate purpose seems to only instill an eventual tyranny. "

...and you slap a score of 40 on it.

I bet the same reviewer wouldn't think twice of doing the exact same thing(shooting everything that move) in Last of Us and give it a 95.


ok I am 13 hours into the game and... this political agenda isn't really striking me like these reviewers are supposedly claiming. The game seems fairly neutral(as far as agendas go) actually... I am also the kinda person to eyeroll when I see something that could even be construed as a political motivator/agenda pusher. The gun mention in the opening cinematic made me laugh at its absurdity but that was where that ended.

I thought review bombing was supposed to be for the users and not the so called journos.
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ok I am 13 hours into the game and... this political agenda isn't really striking me like these reviewers are supposedly claiming. The game seems fairly neutral(as far as agendas go) actually... I am also the kinda person to eyeroll when I see something that could even be construed as a political motivator/agenda pusher. The gun mention in the opening cinematic made me laugh at its absurdity but that was where that ended.

I thought review bombing was supposed to be for the users and not the so called journos.


Well, that's bound to happen when your review blurb for a looter shooter reads like this;

"Variety - It’s remorseless violence, repetitious and ingrained after only a few hours. The Division 2 becomes a passive activity, blind to basic narrative technique and crass in form. No characters stand out, no personalities prove memorable, while the ultimate purpose seems to only instill an eventual tyranny. "

...and you slap a score of 40 on it.

EDIT: I don't even want to bother linking to it, but the review mentioning Tucker Carlos 4 times should also tell you something.
Somebody give the game a 40/100? Ohhh God.


Yeah the whole "did you have a gun?" "your neighbour did" lines are not political in any fucking sense and I'm Australian. It's literally saying "hey world is going to shit and if you can't survive you are dead." It isn't pro guns in the fucking slightest outside of it being a bloody Tom Clancy game and the whole premise of that series is military.

When the world goes to shit you just know the people who lament a video game for having guns and shooting digital pixels are going to die first.


Really want to purchase this on PC. Can someone convince me please.
Because I apparently ran out of time to edit I'm gonna double post to give you some information.

If you enjoyed the original but wanted more tactics to encounters, better enemy variety that handles health bars not as sponges but as situational exposure through tactics, weapon modding until your heart is content, actual skill variety that can influence combat instead of just be a number bonus, side missions that actually have story to them, oddly enough not as much atypical Ubisoft capture points but instead bolstering settlements, end game has tiers that when unlocked will influence the world for everyone and just some really fucking fun gameplay.

Also they have made the movement so much better, it's smooth and responsive and just fun.


gun control is contingent on agents of the government having a (near) monopoly on violence. i don't know if anyone has actually tried to run with that line

anyway, I don't like loot shooters with the exception of Borderlands so I'm a bit meh so far on the game but I'm going to try to spend some time to get into it as much as possible because I bought it to play with my brother. I'm hoping the gunplay gets better with upgrades


I think the reviews are pretty bang on. Totally worthy of a buy, imo, especially if you enjoyed The Division 1 in its final state. The story in Div 2 is pretty lackluster (I don't even feel like I'm part of any sort of narrative). It just go to this block, do the story mission, get the control points, get the shade tech, do the side missions, move to next block. Head back to the base to unlock skills, Repeat.
I really don't feel like I'm part of any story, but I know what I'm tasked with and I enjoy the grind.

Looking forward to hitting level 30, and gearing up through the World Tiers, farming hard modes for gear sets, and of course doing the Dark Zone :p

I feel the same. I am enjoying Division 2 but at no point is anything story wise even sticking in my head halfway through the current mission, which is kind of fine cause I'm having fun and there is tons of loot (Destiny 2 could learn from this). I just hit level 17 I think last night so got a ways to go before hitting max and needing to worry bout loadouts.

I'd give it something around an 8.5 if I was a reviewer though. Well worth the money and you'll get alot of play out of this over the year with the free content drops too.


As a videogame I'd say those averages are OK. Within the genre itself though I'd rate it quite a bit higher.


Gold Member
Actual Reviews as opposed to SJW drive-by hit pieces. Funny that there were people trying to use those shit reviews to drag this game down. General consensus is that The Division 2 is better than the first game, the most stable loot shooter on release, and possibly the best loot shooter on the market...already in just the first week:

The Division 2 is a significantly more focused beast, bringing back 90% of what made the first game great and removing 90% of what dragged it down. It is a fast paced tactical shooter focused on intense firefights that necessitate the use of cover, all set in a supremely detailed recreation of Washington DC following the outbreak of a deadly smallpox virus.

Managing to remedy virtually every single flaw one could find in the series' first game, The Division 2 is the greatest possible sequel we could have hoped for, and quite possibly the best "Looter Shooter" game out there at the moment.

Ubisoft and Massive have created a new reference on how a loot shooter can look at release. I had more fun with The Division 2 at launch than with any other loot-ballerei.

The Division 2's campaign is full of great gunplay, loot, and missions. Only toward the end of my 60 hours of play did it start to suffer from a lack of interesting incentives, but the journey was enough fun that it made up for the destination.

Fun, nervous and complete, The Division 2 is certainly the strongest game in its sector and will guarantee hours and hours of fun despite its few faults that remain here and there.

A packed, rewarding, and frequently thrilling looter shooter that should have a bright future.

[The Division 2]obviously uses all things that made the first one successful and it is difficult to blame them for that. However, it refines a great many aspects with small adjustments. This makes it more enjoyable and even more effective if you can play regularly as a team to go even further and live intense moments in the Dark Zone.

It is somewhat unique within the looter shooter genre in that it is launching with plenty of content and a stable foundation off which Massive can build something truly great.

Massive Entertainment have outdone themselves in crafting a sequel for the ages. They understood the shortcomings of the first game and doubled-down on what made fans stay for the long haul. Although there are some issues, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 exemplifies what happens when you do an online, shared-world looter-shooter the right way from the get-go. This is something that Destiny 2 struggled with in the past, and what Anthem can’t seem to solve.

That's about where I rate the game. PC critics and gamers usually judge games a little harder, but in this case the low-IQ console review nut bags tried to drag it down. If it had full story maybe with branch dialogue, even with silent protagonist, just for the choice...this would be a masterpiece. Cyberpunk will deliver something like that, but probably without the massive online and co-op/mp focus.
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Prepare yourselves for the worst review ever written. Presented in an archive link because fuck giving Variety clicks.

Dude is completely obsessed with Tucker Carlson and it overshadows his entire time with the game.

Yeah I read it, it's such a crappy review, the size of an email and doesn't really say anything about the game. It's like...I have an opinion about something and I need a game to cover it up with. xD


Meh...I played the first one and it wasn't really my thing. Very boring after lvl 30. If they fixed it on this one, it's probably worth a shot.

Xaero Gravity

My biggest issue with the game is a lack of a compelling narrative. It's not necessarily needed in a loot driven game where the main carrot on the stick is getting better gear rather than having a gripping story that has you dying to find out what happens next, but I just wish we could have both. Maybe it has one buried in the echos and collectibles like the original did.

Other than that, I'm absolutely loving the game. Huge improvement over the first one.


I don't know what kind of game The Division 2 is or trying to be. I thought it was live service game like Destiny, where it has a story you progress and level through as you loot gear and level up skills. But they have dailies and group missions that go up in in difficulty that you keep doing. PVP and loot in the dark zone. I came into this game thinking its a game you can play everyday. Not what I expected at end game. I feel there is no end game at all. I have nothing to do and had to stop playing. My brother and friends I played with also stopped playing days ago. We had fun and want to play more there just is nothing else to do.

Problem is it takes nothing to get best gear and when you do theres nothing to play for. You don't find loot for alts, or need to reroll a new class and play. Game is just over. You can do some little things but the main game is over. There is nothing to grind. PVP is pointless. Dark zone is suppose to offer best loot and have high risk. But gear means nothing so defeats the purpose of DZ.

I bought $100 gold version on PC. If I had a time machine I would of passed on the game at release. I would of let them iron out the bugs and release tier 5 or some DLC and buy it on sale. I would of bought it on my xb1x instead. Just played solo and enjoyed it as a story game and took my time.

i thought this would be a competitive loot, pvp game so I got it on PC played the crap out of it to get ahead for pvp whcih meant nothing.

If I am giving the game a score 1-10 for a story game you beat and move onto another game I give it a 8/10. Its very repetitive. If I am rating the game as a live service game like destiny, or mmo type shooter I give it a 5/10 and would say avoid unless they add a amazing end game.


I think the Devs said in stream today only 10% of player base hit level 30. I hit level 30 in 2 days like 20hrs playtime with my friends. 28hrs In I had 450 gear score which is max. Spent 8hrs in DZ solo and farmed hundreds of 450 gs loot and geared my guy up with best gear game offers. After that I had best items you could get. I got to max dark zone level 50 in about 10hrs in there. Everything else I did was littl epointless things trying to find stuff to do.

I played with my brother and 2 friends. We all are no longer playing as theres nothing to do. We are waiting on more content. Myself I think I am just going to move on forget the game find something else to play. Don't think this game will ever offer me more then a day or two of playtime once all dlc and updates release.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
I think the Devs said in stream today only 10% of player base hit level 30. I hit level 30 in 2 days like 20hrs playtime with my friends. 28hrs In I had 450 gear score which is max. Spent 8hrs in DZ solo and farmed hundreds of 450 gs loot and geared my guy up with best gear game offers. After that I had best items you could get. I got to max dark zone level 50 in about 10hrs in there. Everything else I did was littl epointless things trying to find stuff to do.

I played with my brother and 2 friends. We all are no longer playing as theres nothing to do. We are waiting on more content. Myself I think I am just going to move on forget the game find something else to play. Don't think this game will ever offer me more then a day or two of playtime once all dlc and updates release.
Sounds like you had a great time with the game, congrats!

And yes, it’s a shame a single game cannot entertain us forever. Fucking lazy devs.


Sounds like you had a great time with the game, congrats!

And yes, it’s a shame a single game cannot entertain us forever. Fucking lazy devs.

Was fun leveling because I was excited for end game, pvp and loot grinding. Game offers none of this. I wouldnt even call this a loot game. You don't find good loot. You get a loot score and the game gives your the same items just a couple % better. If you have a chest with a gear score of 400. Next time you loot a chest it will have a gear score of 400-410. So now after hr of playing all your gear is 400-410. Now your gear that drops will be 410-420. If you play with other people who are 450 gear score they can just drop you 450 items and all yours drops will be 450 as well.

End game is as stupid as I ever played in a game. So yes I enjoyed the game until I got to the end and disapointment set in. If i knew what I know now I would of never bought the game. If the game was so fun I would level a new character. I wouldn't level a new guy if someone paid me.


Spieltimes updated they review-in-progress.

Spieltimes 8/10 "The Division 2 is a breath of fresh air in a crowded genre. It’s not trying to reinvent the loot shooter, and it doesn’t need to. Instead, Ubisoft has focused on carefully refining and polishing the base elements of gameplay. The excellent shooting and dynamic cover system. The wide variety of enemy types. The diverse and thrilling encounters with effective level design. When you add it all up, you get a truly special game. It’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination: they need to work on its technical issues, and the story is barely there and completely forgettable. But its story isn’t what The Division 2 is all about: it’s about exploring this destroyed city with friends and blasting your way through tense, challenging battles. Expect to get around thirty hours from the main campaign, and dozens more from endgame. Ubisoft has made a game that’s jam-packed with content, and they should be rewarded for it: The Division 2 is worth playing for anyone even remotely interested in the genre."


I'm almost at Lv30, finally, after 32h of gameplay. There's plenty of activities to do, didn't touch Dark Zone and Bounties yet, I'm cleaning the missions, projects and SHD caches, while also helping some distress calls from other players.


The game is a blast. Can't wait to start making builds. Seems easier this time around too, with the more streamlined skills. Some things are still a bit confusing, but I'll take my time to learn.

My only pet peev until now is how rare is to find cosmetics now, and no Level Scaling to lower levels.

As now, the game is a solid 8/10 for me.
Yeah a lot more options with builds this time, and we haven't even seen the gear sets (as opposed to brand sets.)

Glad to see this game reviewing well!


game is once again unfinished and the only thing they improved upon is on the dynamic aspect of the world. its still riddled with bugs, skill power shit just like in div 1 is all over the place and the PvE hasn't evolved one bit. There's NOTHING new outside the black tusk robot dog / drones flying at you. No new mechanics or anything in the missions, like what the hell man, you just had to follow up on Last Signal from Division 1 and offer MORE of that. This is not a benchmark of anything
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The level detail and overall graphic quality are excellent. Everything else is a festering repetitive mediocre drivel fest, lacking creativity in what the player can do. A running simulator infused with too much voice-over from that guy that does every single Ubisoft game voice-over. Too many fetch and errand quests. Terribly repetitive music. Not enough survival elements. A lack of atmospheric and audio detail quality. Too much fog and not enough rodents running around the streets . None of the trash being burned in the streets either? There's gas tanks everywhere. The games difficulty makes it far from fun and ends up just being a pain in the ass to play.

The series needed mutants, giant abominations, destructable buildings, creepy crawlies and hive-infested subways. Junkyards in which to scavenge and build your own base. Animals in which to hunt. A grappling hook in which to climb onto a roof with backpack en tow, for a nice meal, shelter and campfire. Ubisoft is afraid to go the monsters and ghouls route it seems (for a third-person game using the Snowdrop Engine). Someone out there will pick up what Division created and make something even better. Not battle royale bullshit. Something totally unique.
I want to play this now!
The Angry Joe review is bad (misinformation). But they were actually generally favorable about the game (7/10) so there's that.
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