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DmC |OT| No, F*ck You!

Mike M

Nick N
I thought it odd that Hell Knights at all difficulties and Frost Knights below SoS are so much easier than Death Knights. HKs seem to spend every available moment doing that inferno attack. The one you're immune to if you're in demon mode. Which you're already in, because they're only vulnerable to demon mode weapons...

Frost Knights at least pick up a shield at SoS and require new tactics...

Now if color coding required the *opposite* color to attack, Hell Knights might have been more interesting.


I mentioned it in my review nobody read :(



I really need another action game to play. Son of Sparda in DmC is fucking terrible and is souring my positive experience with it. Why are these Japanese publishers so adverse to putting their stuff on Steam? Do they not see the money????

Glad to see I'm not the only one. Really went into this game expecting to like it and I genuinely did bar a few annoying enemies.

The 'insane' enemy waves on SoS mode are just putting together all the worst aspects of the game though and it's not fun.


After playing an hour or so of DmC, I thought I share my opinion about it so far. I though I was going to really dislike this one (I've never been a huge fa of NT games), but for some reason, I'm finding the game to be a blast, it's not the DMC I grew up with, but it's a really good action game that stays pretty true to its roots


Wouldn't big picture mode fix that? At the least you could manually set the font size in the .ini. That is what I did before BP mode.
I've never even tried BPM. Good suggestion, I'll check it out next time I launch the game.

I'm a total n00b to downsampling, DmC is the first game I've ever done it with. But certainly not the last.


Because like I said before, they've ported those games all over the place, and Namco seems to stepping up their PC releases as well. Shame it hasn't happened yet.

It is getting better. Dark Souls petition actually worked. Capcom has gotten way better about releasing more timely and quality ports--Dead Rising, Resident Evil 4, 5 and Raccoon City, DmC etc. Konami announced Castlevania: LOS 2 and Metal Gear 5, and possbly Vengeance.


Just fought the Mission#14 boss fight and T_Toasty is right... getting behind him and hitting his left hind leg basically is the easiest way to beat the fight. During the 2nd phase he barely even attacks you at all and you can just go ham at him. It's even easier than sitting back at long ranged and spamming Overdrive.

I couldn't find any parry opportunity, I died 3 times looking for it. I even tried parrying the disco ball, no luck.


It is getting better. Dark Souls petition actually worked. Capcom has gotten way better about releasing more timely and quality ports--Dead Rising, Resident Evil 4, 5 and Raccoon City, DmC etc. Konami announced Castlevania: LOS 2 and Metal Gear Vengeance.

Well Metal Gear was confirmed than taken away. Right now its just back on the table.
Konami really does need to get in on some PC action though. He'll they didn't even bother bringing downpour but we got homecoming on PC seriously wth
Well just finished it up. Ran though it pretty much non stop from start to finish beginning yesterday afternoon. Total time was just over 8 hours in total. I didn't plan on doing it, it just ended up that way.

I think the game is really good. Played through it entireky kn Nephilim difficulty. The platforming was kinda meh IMO (but also broke up the action) The amount of buttons required to play the game was a little too much. I was using all the bumpers the dpad and all the face buttons pretty much constantly to cycle through the 7 weapons while also evading and attacking. It did add differentiation to the battles, but seemed like a lot.

I really think it was a drastic step up from DMC4.


Well Metal Gear was confirmed than taken away. Right now its just back on the table.
Konami really does need to get in on some PC action though. He'll they didn't even bother bringing downpour but we got homecoming on PC seriously wth

I actually meant MGS 5, which I believe is confirmed PC. Vengeance is back in limbo, you are right.


I'm not convinced the petition was why we got a PC port for Dark Souls.
Either way, I am just glad it happened even bare bones (it was at least pretty stable and bug free). It is probably my favorite game in years. And now DS2 day and date.

These are the kind of games I dont even wait for Steam sales for. I preordered Dark Souls, DmC, and Sonic Racing Transformed. Steam is now my home. I want more Japanese devs to get the message.


Ok I caused a Dreamrunner to glitch out and I have no idea how I did it.

Basically Arbiter owns the Dreamrunner. The way to beat a Dreamrunner is to parry him but it's not by ordinary means. You have to throw out a Flush, he will parry it back but you can parry your own Flush back at him. There's even a tip guide that shows up (which apparently I never read when I first saw it). If you do it he is stunned for a long time and makes him easier to take down.

You can still wait for his teleport slash, demon dodge it and then go ham with Arbiter. If you do land a Flush without him parrying it he gets stunned anyway, it's a great move all around against him.


sweet tips

I didn't know about that Tyrant shotgun tip, very useful.

If you're as bad as I am at interrupting tyrants with the charge uppercut just wait until you pull them down. There's also a secret mission that only spawns a tyrant if you want to step up your game. I should try that later.


(18MB gif, original size)

I don't bother grabbing the witch swords instead I run up to its face and use prop to help destroy the shield and reflect the swords. Always works

Dreamrunners are ez mode with shotgun>grapple>grapple


(13MB gif , original size)

Maybe someone can help make those gifs better
I'm bad at computer

I also have some auto lock on shenanigans that you can see at the start of the first gif
First shot hits the tyrant but the second shot is auto aimed to the right.
There were no other enemies so I wasn't using the left stick to aim, shouldn't have to.


Reak talk, Snake Eyes destroys everything in this game. Just charge that shit and wait for someone to get close enough.

Butcher: charge that shit.
Chainsaw man: charge that shit.
Dreamrunner: wait for the ninja to hop out of his portal and let him taste the fist.



I'd be in the dick
Reak talk, Snake Eyes destroys everything in this game. Just charge that shit and wait for someone to get close enough.

Butcher: charge that shit.
Chainsaw man: charge that shit.
Dreamrunner: wait for the ninja to hop out of his portal and let him taste the fist.


Yep. So awesome. I love Eryx.
Those enemy tips just reminded me of how frustrating it is when you want to prioritize an enemy but Dante keeps using auto-target moves on the wrong enemy.


love on your sleeve
Those enemy tips just reminded me of how frustrating it is when you want to prioritize an enemy but Dante keeps using auto-target moves on the wrong enemy.

Speaking of, does anyone else have an issue with Dante occasionally not targeting demon shards? I'm literally standing right next to those things and Dante will shoot the wall next to it. Feels bad, man.

Mike M

Nick N
Speaking of, does anyone else have an issue with Dante occasionally not targeting demon shards? I'm literally standing right next to those things and Dante will shoot the wall next to it. Feels bad, man.
Occasionally nothing, they flat out don't register with auto targeting .
Reading a few of these tips, I'm starting to realize how much of a brute I am with some of the enemies. I'm going to be using the shotgun a lot more now.


Just played for a few hours. I have to say, I'm really digging it thus far. Great level design and art, combat that progressively opens up, fun boss battles, and Dante is nowhere near the douche I expected. It's a great game.


Just started Chapter 6. This is a fun fucking game.

Chapter 5 (the one with the cameras; ( I think that is 5) is fucking awesome. I don't know who said the platforming in this game was bad or uninteresting because platformers are one of my favorite genres and that level had some of the best platforming in any game I've played in years. I wouldn't mind a lot more of the platforming. The double jump+glide feels awesome and you can even use your perry to get a bit of extra kick up at the end. it's fun just to do on it's own. And the two claws: pull to you and pull yourself to it are fantastic mechanic.


love on your sleeve
Chapter 5 (the one with the cameras; ( I think that is 5) is fucking awesome. I don't know who said the platforming in this game was bad or unintersting because platformers are one of my favorite genres and that level had some of the best platforming in any game I've played in years. I wouldn't mind a lot more of the platforming. The double jump+glide feels awesome and you can even use your perry to get a bit of extra kick up at the end. it's fun just to do on it's own. And the two claws: pull to you and pull yourself to it are fantastic mechanic. It's especially great when they start mixing all this stuff together although I fear they probably toned it to try to appease the cry babies who weren't going to be happy no matter how the game turned out.



Haha best platforming in years....

The platforming in this game puts me right to sleep. On my second walkthrough dropping a jump or hook was causing me to get lower rank for time and its frustrating every time. Mostly because the platforming isn't a matter of skill but rather you just following on screen instructions. If you don't follow it exactly you either run into a glitch or you fall and get reset back like 15 seconds which adds up rather quickly over the course of a mission.

The platforming isn't just a way to give you pause from the action but rather it feels like platforming is a good 30-40% of the game. One mission is essentially 100% platforming.


ezekial45 is gonna have to give up the throne

I can't argue with you guys about frame cancels or whatever other bullshit you guys rock off on while watching youtube videos. I'm an average action game player at best, though I like the genre.

But I've been playing platformers for thirty years and I know what I like. The triple jump mechanic in this game feels tight and is fun to use. You can throw all the .gifs and memes at me you want. Those aren't arguments.



Broken, broken Leaderboards, sigh.

So with Devil May Cry games i like to try and do well on the leaderboards and with this game i'm regularly getting top 100 scores. I've completed Devil Hunter, Nephilim, Son Of Sparda and Dante Must Die difficulties and my scores for the both the individual level leaderboards AND my total score leaderboard updated perfectly fine every time. I was having great fun, i was top 50 on the total score leaderboard and i was easily going to break in to the top 10, maybe even top 5.

However since i've completed Dante Must Die mode although indiviual level leaderboards still update for me when i finish a level the total score leaderboard refuses to update.

I've had to waste hours experimenting to try and see what's going on. but from what i can see, whenever i now play a level/difficulty for the first time (Human or Heaven & Hell) or i go back and beat a high score (Devil Hunter, Nephilim or Son Of Sparda) although the individual leaderboard updates, my total score refuses to update with it. The only exception to this rule is if i go back and beat a score on Dante Must Die mode, ONLY then does my total score go up, but only for the Dante Must Die level i just did, literally hundreds of millions of points are missing from my total score WTF?

I haven't finished Heaven or Hell mode yet or unlocked Hell & Hell but i don't see how that would effect my total leaderboard score not updating except for Dante Must Die mode.

I'm on the 360 so i don't know if this happens in other versions of the game, does anybody have any clue what's going on, or had similar things happen to them?


Haha best platforming in years....

The platforming in this game puts me right to sleep. On my second walkthrough dropping a jump or hook was causing me to get lower rank for time and its frustrating every time. Mostly because the platforming isn't a matter of skill but rather you just following on screen instructions. If you don't follow it exactly you either run into a glitch or you fall and get reset back like 15 seconds which adds up rather quickly over the course of a mission.

The platforming isn't just a way to give you pause from the action but rather it feels like platforming is a good 30-40% of the game. One mission is essentially 100% platforming.

That's good to hear. I'm going it ignore the part where you are trying to be all elistist and insulting. It's cool to know there is more of the platforming to look forward to, though.

Mike M

Nick N
My biggest gripe with the platforming is that I didn't always find it clear whether or not a grapple was in range or if you had to air dash first. Game had an annoying tendency of not letting you latch on should you attempt to grapple before dashing, despite not really losing much altitude and the whip having insane reach sometimes.


Is rock off another word for masturbating?

Most of us here have played platforming games too and the platforming in this game is comparable to PoP 2008. Its easy mode and automatic with minimal risk involvement. The mechanics presented in the first 5 missions are essentially the same throughout the game as far as platforming goes, only the locales change.

Its repetitive and dull, I don't see how anyone can really debate otherwise.


Is rock off another word for masturbating?

Most of us here have played platforming games too and the platforming in this game is comparable to PoP 2008. Its easy mode and automatic with minimal risk involvement. The mechanics presented in the first 5 missions are essentially the same throughout the game as far as platforming goes, only the locales change.
I agree with this, but I liked the platforming in PoP and I sort of like it in DmC, too. It's not great, but on the first playthrough it's not offensive.


My biggest gripe with the platforming is that I didn't always find it clear whether or not a grapple was in range or if you had to air dash first. Game had an annoying tendency of not letting you latch on should you attempt to grapple before dashing, despite not really losing much altitude and the whip having insane reach sometimes.

That's true, I guess. But I just tend to always use the air glide regardless. I just like the feel of those the double jump+glide. Very few games pull of a triple jump type mechanic that feels good. The way you can kick up for a bit more distance by using the dodge is great too. It's a fun set of mechanics especially when mixed with the grapple mechanics and the evolving level design.
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