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DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down, Joining Clinton campaign

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Likely wasn't a choice but a "demand" for DWS to save face for her resigning.
And if this is the case it gives weight to the criticisms of her being self centered and egotistical. She must know the baggage she carries, justified they may be or not. To willingly expose the campaign to that is selfish as hell when so much is riding on Clinton's candidacy.
Here we have people eating out of the palm of Russians trying to put their fingers on the scale of a United States election.

Meanwhile Trump has objectively verifiable financial ties to Putin's administration and other Russian oligarchs and people hemm and haw.

Like what the fuck is happening in this country. Is there some cosmic force that is compelling the population to just handing Trump the election? The double standards are fucking astounding.
It would be better if she had just stayed instead of this

Yu~p. To repost what I said earlier in this thread:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz keeping her chair and remaining a lightning rod for criticism until after the convention or November would have been preferable, I think. For Clinton to loudly announce that she is hiring the very same person who is stepping down after accusations of giving preferential treatment to the Clinton campaign is horrible optics. There is no way to sugar coat this; It simply looks bad.

That DWS's new "honorary" position has no power or duties is irrelevant. That the DNC leaks have revealed no actual corruption or primary tampering (yet) is also irrelevant. Both the content and timing of Clinton's release is going to add unnecessary fuel to the insanity brewing before the convention and I am having a hard time grasping how someone thought it was a good move.

One of the reasons I support Clinton is because of how solidly and consistently smart and pragmatic she has been throughout her career, how she has managed to navigate political shitstorms and how she has run this campaign specifically. This deflates a significant bit of the elation that came from discovering what an amazing and smart pick Kaine was for her. I don't particularly care about DWS being given a window seat and the act itself doesn't alarm me. Rather, I'm disturbed by how poorly it has been handled and how it appears to expose the campaign to the fallout from the DNC leaks at such a pivotal moment. "But Clinton had nothing to do with the DNC emails" is still technically accurate a defense, but boy does it feel hollow now.
Here we have people eating out of the palm of Russians trying to put their fingers on the scale of a United States election.

Meanwhile Trump has objectively verifiable financial ties to Putin's administration and other Russian oligarchs and people hemm and haw.

Like what the fuck is happening in this country. Is there some cosmic force that is compelling the population to just handing Trump the election? The double standards are fucking astounding.

Trump's strategy has been divide and conquer from day one. I now realize that he jumped into the 16 candidate primary because he knew exactly how to manipulate it. He might be totally incompetent in terms of governing or being educated but he understands human nature.
Here we have people eating out of the palm of Russians trying to put their fingers on the scale of a United States election.

Meanwhile Trump has objectively verifiable financial ties to Putin's administration and other Russian oligarchs and people hemm and haw.

Like what the fuck is happening in this country. Is there some cosmic force that is compelling the population to just handing Trump the election? The double standards are fucking astounding.

I don't see how calling out the Democrat shitshow means giving a pass to Donald Ilyanovich Trump and his merry band of fascists.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Yes, I assume they're going for maximum damage. Though I hope that the damage isn't just debilitating... The worst-case would be crippling HRC to the point where she can't win but can still justify being in the race.

If you do believe it's the Russians behind all this, then headlines like this are pretty scary:

Bloomberg: Clinton Foundation Said To Be Breached By Russian Hackers

It's fucking terrifying.

Assange's promise was "certainly enough for an indictment [of HRC]."

This was a pretty big first release... What's their second release going to be?

Well, look at it this way, if there's really nothing incriminating or sleazy or anything like that for the Russians to find then there should be no problem and there's nothing to be worried about, yeah?

*Hopefully* transparency is not something that foreign actors must actually drag out from the people that you're supposed to give the future of your country to.

Here we have people eating out of the palm of Russians trying to put their fingers on the scale of a United States election.

Meanwhile Trump has objectively verifiable financial ties to Putin's administration and other Russian oligarchs and people hemm and haw.

Like what the fuck is happening in this country. Is there some cosmic force that is compelling the population to just handing Trump the election? The double standards are fucking astounding.

If you read this thread and the conclusion you're giving is people "hemm and haw" then I don't know what you've been smoking. People are harsh, as always--and as they should--towards Trump in here. Like, you can also criticize Hillary while at the same time acknowledging Trump is a disaster, rational humans are capable of thinking critically towards more than just one thing exclusively, you know.
If they didn't want her as chair, they should have gone on TV and joined Sanders in publicly calling for her resignation.

Instead, she's on CBS saying "well I don't know anything about the DNC email leak. I'm too busy dealing with the convention."




And if this is the case it gives weight to the criticisms of her being self centered and egotistical. She must know the baggage she carries, justified they may be or not. To willingly expose the campaign to that is selfish as hell when so much is riding on Clinton's candidacy.

People will do whatever it takes to protect themselves and their jobs. It's a cut-throat world.
I don't see how calling out the Democrat shitshow means giving a pass to Donald Ilyanovich Trump and his merry band of fascists.

Because we at some point have to realize we're being played.

If you read this thread and the conclusion you're giving is people "hemm and haw" then I don't know what you've been smoking. People are harsh, as always--and as they should--towards Trump in here. Like, you can also criticize Hillary while at the same time acknowledging Trump is a disaster, rational humans are capable of thinking critically towards more than just one thing exclusively, you know.

The hemming and hawing I'm referring to is not from GAF, it's from the rest of the media at large who for some inexplicable reason have not pounced en masse about the origin of these emails and the deep financial ties between Trump and Putin's administration.


This is hilarious. Are you just pretending to not be aware of what was happening?

The Sanders camp was always complaining about the scheduling because the dates and times chosen were consistently not good times to maximize viewership.

Sanders as the less known underdog had more to gain with exposure. Something that the data supported. His polling went up over time, as Clinton's went down. By the end of the primary he had overcome a 60 point deficit.

O malley also criticized the schedule.


Also compared to the gop debates, look at times and days of the week.

Oh, but it's all a conspiracy! Nah to anyone with a brain it's obvious dws and the dnc itself were pushing clinton. It's not surprising. Im sure dws was canned for no reason.

Gotta love how easily this post got ignored. People are so eager to brush off the idea that there was anything unfair in the way the DNC handled Sanders yet they don't have a good answer as to why a former Clinton campaign manager would schedule only 6 debates after having 26 in 2008. Sanders had to fight tooth and nail to get the rest of them.



The very fact that they're holding some back should be proof enough that they have an agenda. Keep bushwacking the public with emails, most of which are nothing, and keep riling up Sanders supporters until they go vote for Trump. Oh and btw, fuck you to the donors whose credit card numbers and social security numbers get leaked right along with it.
Gotta love how easily this post got ignored. People are so eager to brush off the idea that there was anything unfair in the way the DNC handled Sanders yet they don't have a good answer as to why a former Clinton campaign manager would schedule only 6 debates after having 26 in 2008. Sanders had to fight tooth and nail to get the rest of them.

If Jeff Weaver and Sanders can forgive it and move on to Trump, why can't we all?
People will do whatever it takes to protect themselves and their jobs. It's a cut-throat world.
Indeed it is. I am just disappointed at the parties involved not being smart enough to do so in a way that doesn't risk damaging the democratic ticket.

Dead Man

I learned back during the "big banking revelation" releases to just wait and react to stuff they actually put out. They like to hype up their releases.

Probably the only way she would resign quickly and easily.
Yeah, but announce it after the election. Find a non campaign position for her then.


Likely wasn't a choice but a "demand" for DWS to save face for her resigning.

But she has no power. Today, when she became the Ray Rice of the Democratic party, Hillary stood up and said "I want her on my team". Wassserman's speech at the convention is likely to be nothing but people booing her.
I am terrified that the Democrats are going to fuck this up and hand the White House to a madman. They need to get their shit together, because right now they are not inspiring a lot of confidence.

I definitely understand the sentiment, but I think at some point if we let terror drive most of the discussions around the Democratic side of the election it's just going to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I think at this point we need to start putting this entire thing into context, that this is a collection of stolen data by a Russian entity and carefully released by pro-Russian organization that is part of an extremely obvious attempt at influencing the election. Panicking about what the emails contain is exactly the reaction these groups want. It plays into their entire plan of putting Trump into the White House.


If Jeff Weaver and Sanders can forgive it and move on to Trump, why can't we all?

Its because I think Sanders is ultimately a pragmatic guy and realizes the gravitas of the situation. He did register as a Democrat just for this election, so maybe he feels a sense of party loyalty, even he knows not helping Clinton beat Trump looks bad on him. His followers however are not beholden to any commitment, so that's why they feel the need to raise the issues. I do understand why, forgiving the DNC for their blunders just encourages sedateness and compliance as opposed to change and revolution.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
If they didn't want her as chair, they should have gone on TV and joined Sanders in publicly calling for her resignation.

Instead, she's on CBS saying "well I don't know anything about the DNC email leak. I'm too busy dealing with the convention."

Ok how the hell isn't this dude arrested yet?

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
The hemming and hawing I'm referring to is not from GAF, it's from the rest of the media at large who for some inexplicable reason have not pounced en masse about the origin of these emails and the deep financial ties between Trump and Putin's administration.

Hmmm well The Guardian, for example, has done exactly the opposite of what you're saying: they're really busy pointing Putin Putin Putin Putin in basically all the articles about this, and they *always* snuck Trump in. Although they're never been shy about how biased they are towards Clinton, even when Sanders are still around, hahah.

Don't know about US-based medias though, although I can imagine surely they're not being friendly towards Trump?
Its because I think Sanders is ultimately a parametric guy and realizes the gravitas of the situation. He did register as a Democrat just for this election, so maybe he feels a sense of party loyalty, even he knows not helping Clinton beat Trump looks bad on him. His followers however are not beholden to any commitment, so that's why they feel the need to raise the issues. I do understand why, forgiving the DNC for their blunders just encourages sedateness and compliance as opposed to change and revolution.

It's unfortunate that change and revolution has to come up during THIS election of all ones.
But she has no power. Today, when she became the Ray Rice of the Democratic party, Hillary stood up and said "I want her on my team". Wassserman's speech at the convention is likely to be nothing but people booing her.

She had one power, making her forced departure a painful, horrible and long experience for democrats, something most of us wouldn't put past her. Clinton, Obama and Sanders wanted her gone prior to the convention, so we got this issue instead. Sadly out of the shit sandwich handed to them, this was the best choice (Clinton campaign did fucked up with that Press Release though both wording and timing) and will not haunt them for long thanks to the fact the media and voters have short attention spans.
She had one power, making her forced departure a painful, horrible and long experience for democrats, something most of us wouldn't put past her. Clinton, Obama and Sanders wanted her gone prior to the convention, so we got this issue instead. Sadly out of the shit sandwich handed to them, this was the best choice (Clinton campaign did fucked up with that Press Release though both wording and timing) and will not haunt them for long thanks to the fact the media and voters have short attention spans.

Trump and the rest of the GOP are going to hammer this into the fucking ground. This fits perfectly into their "Crooked Hillary" narrative.

It is just a foolish move, and despite most of GAF thinking those emails are no big deal, they justifiably give rise to suspicion, and this only fuels that fire even more.
Hmmm well The Guardian, for example, has done exactly the opposite of what you're saying: they're really busy pointing Putin Putin Putin Putin in basically all the articles about this, and they *always* snuck Trump in. Although they're never been shy about how biased they are towards Clinton, even when Sanders are still around, hahah.

Don't know about US-based medias though, although I can imagine surely they're not being friendly towards Trump?

There's the occasional article on it but nothing much has gained traction. The attention is very clearly being given into what the emails contain, which to them is "juicier" and has more "drama". The American media has taken similar bait numerous times, such as highly publicizing exactly the wrong kind of information during terrorist attacks to make the organizations behind them look as fearful and menacing as possible, because that's what keeps people clicking the articles and tuned in.


If Jeff Weaver and Sanders can forgive it and move on to Trump, why can't we all?

They actually haven't forgiven it, even though they've moved on to Trump. They still contend that the election was unfairly skewed.

Of course none of that has anything to do with us now, here on NeoGAF, talking about it.


Lttp here, why does Clinton want Debbie on her team instead of distancing herself from her?

If you are going to make someone the fall guy, actually make them the fall guy. You can privately support them all you want, but I feel like politically it's a mistake to have her be a Clinton surrogate or something after she is resigning...

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
One thing I never hear brought up is the fact the Bernie wasn't even in the Democratic Party until he decided to run for president. He actively ran against democrats and defeated a few in Vermont.

Don't spend a large portion of your career saying you're not a democrat and then feel bad when the party treats like a second class citizen.

Oh he also hooked up with Cornell west a dude basically called Obama an Uncle Tom.


Lttp here, why does Clinton want Debbie on her team instead of distancing herself from her?

If you are going to make someone the fall guy, actually make them the fall guy. You can privately support them all you want, but I feel like politically it's a mistake to have her be a Clinton surrogate or something after she is resigning...

It's carrot they threw her to get her to resign.

She's not being 'hired' like with a paycheck btw -- she's an active Congresswoman -- it's an 'honorary' chair.


It's carrot they threw her to get her to resign.

They probably should have thought about the carrot and the timing of it all more. I don't follow their logic at all. If DWS is toxic and had to go, why are you associating her with your campaign? Seems like a pointless misstep.


One thing I never hear brought up is the fact the Bernie wasn't even in the Democratic Party until he decided to run for president. He actively ran against democrats and defeated a few in Vermont.

Don't spend a large portion of your career saying you're not a democrat and then feel bad when the party treats like a second class citizen.

Oh he also hooked up with Cornell west a dude basically called Obama an Uncle Tom.
Lol what? This has been brought up a countless number of times.
One thing I never hear brought up is the fact the Bernie wasn't even in the Democratic Party until he decided to run for president. He actively ran against democrats and defeated a few in Vermont.

Don't spend a large portion of your career saying you're not a democrat and then feel bad when the party treats like a second class citizen.

Oh he also hooked up with Cornell west a dude basically called Obama an Uncle Tom.

Yeah but at this point who cares.

I want to follow Bernie's example and not let a Russia approved white supremacist get the white house


Frankly for me, when I sit back and think about it, look at the evidence, would we expect any different? Any better? If this were leaks from the RNC?

Something says not only "no" but "FUCK NO!" Probably even worse TBH.

That doesn't excuse stuff but I do think it is necessary to understand context within the larger picture.

Unfortunately most of the electorate doesn't have that sort of critical thinking process so the optics will be this is an isolated Democratic problem when it really isnt.


Can’t stump the diablos
Man fuck Wikileaks and their anti-semetic leader who clearly is trying to help Trump

Maybe wikileaks isn't trying to help Trump as much as they are trying to expose corruption?

The DNC dug this grave.
I'm eager to see what the rest of the upcoming leaks have inside.

Kinda want them to dump RNC dirt as well. Show how both establishments run against the people.
Maybe wikileaks isn't trying to help Trump as much as they are trying to expose corruption?

The DNC dug this grave.
I'm eager to see what the rest of the upcoming leaks have inside.

Kinda want them to dump RNC dirt as well. Show how both establishments run against the people.

Oh please.

They got these emails from the fucking Russians. Their agenda is to fuck with the DNC. They specifially released the emails at this time to do the most damage. Its not about transparency
One thing I never hear brought up is the fact the Bernie wasn't even in the Democratic Party until he decided to run for president. He actively ran against democrats and defeated a few in Vermont.

Don't spend a large portion of your career saying you're not a democrat and then feel bad when the party treats like a second class citizen.

Oh he also hooked up with Cornell west a dude basically called Obama an Uncle Tom.
The DNC's not favoring Bernie is understandable but they are still tasked with being impartial in their treatment of him. Citing his history prior to joining the party is a weak defense, as it suggests they are at fault. I think those of a mind to defend the Party would be better served highlighting the lack of evidence showing Sanders was ever actually acted against by the DNC in any way that affected the primary, regardless of their low esteem of him.


Can’t stump the diablos
Oh please.

They got these emails from the fucking Russians. Their agenda is to fuck with the DNC. Its not about transparency

Pretty sure Russians weren't the only ones that hacked that server. It's a good narrative I guess.

Doesn't matter who hacked it. The info appears to be legit.
Maybe wikileaks isn't trying to help Trump as much as they are trying to expose corruption?

The DNC dug this grave.
I'm eager to see what the rest of the upcoming leaks have inside.

Kinda want them to dump RNC dirt as well. Show how both establishments run against the people.

It's about ethics in American politics*

*Please don't mind all the social security numbers we purposefully exposed


Sure, just explain why you waited until right before the democrat national convention to release those emails, and why you've held some of them back for a future release. What agenda are you pushing?

Has anyone disputed the authenticity of the emails?


Maybe wikileaks isn't trying to help Trump as much as they are trying to expose corruption?

The DNC dug this grave.
I'm eager to see what the rest of the upcoming leaks have inside.

Kinda want them to dump RNC dirt as well.
Show how both establishments run against the people.

Weird how they haven't right?
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