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DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down, Joining Clinton campaign

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Maybe wikileaks isn't trying to help Trump as much as they are trying to expose corruption?
They're certainly trying to expose social security numbers and allow identity theft.



Nuclear- push the button.. always an option

No its not.

This election is between two parties. The party that wins will not go into any sort of nuclear free fall. If anything, if it is Trump, they will be positioned with a rubber stamp congress and the ability to stack the supreme court. The party will change, shift, but it won't be reduced to rubble. It will in all likelihood be even more powerful. Just in a different way with a different identity.

There is not the scenario where both parties are reduced to ashes. That is ignorant fantasy.



A fierce lineup of candidates and, indeed, the primary ended up being extremely close by the end. You are comparing the number of debates needed for 7 people in a hotly contested race to that of this undeniably tamer cycle where we only had Clinton, Sanders and (briefly) that other guy. I am not convinced this is a great argument showing DWS's bias.

There was only one debate on local TV (PBS), and there's that whole thing about the odd days and odd hours. I'm not saying they were shooting out Bernie's tires, but you're gonna tell me there wasn't anything unfair about it? Even considering that DWS ran a campaign for Clinton 8 years earlier?

This is Politifact, giving DWS a "False" for her claim that the debate schedule was made to "maximize exposure":

I'm not a member of Politifact but I have eyes, so I wasn't surprised to see their conclusion.


Russia has pretty much always wanted to show corruption of the west. That isn't an amazing thought.

The hackers didn't decide the timing. Wikileaks did.
The timing was effective as wikileaks wanted to be sure the spotlight was on the DNC before exposing the them.

Russia isn't above involving themselves in this election. They do propaganda campaigns all the time for all sorts of things domestic and international. And they're definitely down for the guy who suggested we shouldn't be committed to NATO.
There was only one debate on local TV (PBS), and there's that whole thing about the odd times and odd hours. I'm not saying they were shooting out Bernie's tires, but you're gonna tell me there wasn't anything unfair about it?

Even Joe Trippi said that if the national party isn't fighting against you then you aren't really running an insurgency campaign. Outsiders get to promise to fix all of societies problems and the establishment has institutional tools to limit their exposure. This isn't unethical or immoral, its just politics.
There was only one debate on local TV (PBS), and there's that whole thing about the odd times and odd hours. I'm not saying they were shooting out Bernie's tires, but you're gonna tell me there wasn't anything unfair about it?
The timing of the debates was suspect and I acknowledge that. Remember, though, that you replied to my post pointing out the lack of evidence in the email leaks that incriminate the DNC.

Edit: Your edit is pretty damning; I hadn't seen the politifact article. Thanks.


No Scrubs
The timing of the debates was suspect and I acknowledge that. Remember, though, that you replied to my post pointing out the lack of evidence in the email leaks that incriminate the DNC.

At the same time everyone was sick of debates by the 5th one.


At the same time everyone was sick of debates by the 5th one.

Bernie needed to switch things up a notch, it was getting tiring to hear mostly the same thing again and again. I can see why they many got sick of the debates quickly.

It's amazing how the same people who rightfully trashed Gawker for that shit are bending over backwards for this fuckwads.

"It's wrong that they did that unless it meets my agenda."


Unconfirmed Member
Yu~p. To repost what I said earlier in this thread:

One of the reasons I support Clinton is because of how solidly and consistently smart and pragmatic she has been throughout her career, how she has managed to navigate political shitstorms and how she has run this campaign specifically. This deflates a significant bit of the elation that came from discovering what an amazing and smart pick Kaine was for her. I don't particularly care about DWS being given a window seat and the act itself doesn't alarm me. Rather, I'm disturbed by how poorly it has been handled and how it appears to expose the campaign to the fallout from the DNC leaks at such a pivotal moment. "But Clinton had nothing to do with the DNC emails" is still technically accurate a defense, but boy does it feel hollow now.

This sort of thing shouldn't be a surprise at all.

If Hillary cared about looking trustworthy, she wouldn't have lied about Bosnia sniper fire, she wouldn't have given paid speeches to wall street, and she wouldn't have set up a private server to avoid transparency laws.

nick nacc

This sort of thing shouldn't be a surprise at all.

If Hillary cared about looking trustworthy, she wouldn't have lied about Bosnia sniper fire, she wouldn't have given paid speeches to wall street, and she wouldn't have set up a private server to avoid transparency laws.

Yep. This is NeoGAF politics, an echo chamber of outrage and disgust towards anything right wing. Half the shit Hillary is doing that is corrupt isn't even posted .


Fail out bailed
Yep. This is NeoGAF politics, an echo chamber of outrage and disgust towards anything right wing. Half the shit Hillary is doing that is corrupt isn't even posted .

I would sincerely love you to do so. I am actually pretty curious about what all these sins are but they are hard to find in one place.


Yep. This is NeoGAF politics, an echo chamber of outrage and disgust towards anything right wing. Half the shit Hillary is doing that is corrupt isn't even posted .
You have thread-making rights, don't you? Post it. Make a thread about all the Hillary corruption that was never mentioned here.

nick nacc

Left wing bullying, man this culture is so gross. You just gonna ignore the racist shit said in the leaked emails I'm guessing.cool. feel good about yourselfs. Out.


Fail out bailed
Left wing bullying, man this culture is so gross. You just gonna ignore the racist shit said in the leaked emails I'm guessing.cool. feel good about yourselfs. Out.

Umm... Bullying? Nearly every reply was just people telling you to go ahead and show some receipts. I was genuinely curious.


Yep. This is NeoGAF politics, an echo chamber of outrage and disgust towards anything right wing. Half the shit Hillary is doing that is corrupt isn't even posted .

Nice derail.

At some point I had a witty comment about Democrats using whataboutism to deflect criticism in a thread where we're talking about Russian propaganda. But now I can't remember how it flowed so this is what you get.
This sort of thing shouldn't be a surprise at all.

If Hillary cared about looking trustworthy...

You don't appear to be a member of the Clinton Cool Kids Club but I think you would agree that she wants to be elected, yeah? Thus it's reasonable to assume Hillary cares very much about looking trustworthy as the appearance of trustworthiness is a valuable tool to convincing people to vote for you.

I acknowledge the citation of her screw-ups that followed the rest of your post but it doesn't seem relevant to the topic at hand.
Russia has pretty much always wanted to show corruption of the west. That isn't an amazing thought.

The hackers didn't decide the timing. Wikileaks did.
The timing was effective as wikileaks wanted to be sure the spotlight was on the DNC before exposing the them.

Russia wants to expose western corruption ? Russia's oligarchs and the way they got into their positions (Putin's "friends") are like the textbook examples of actual, proper corruption, not whatever Bernie or Busters or insane Trump supporters chose the word to mean.

It's like people are just deciding what plane of reality they want to live in.
Russia has pretty much always wanted to show corruption of the west. That isn't an amazing thought.

The hackers didn't decide the timing. Wikileaks did.
The timing was effective as wikileaks wanted to be sure the spotlight was on the DNC before exposing the them.

If they're only doing this to "show corruption", why dox donors? Where are the emails from the GOP? Why were they quiet as a mouse the entire past week?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
If they're only doing this to "show corruption", why dox donors? Where are the emails from the GOP? Why were they quiet as a mouse the entire past week?

they're not (as you know).

It's about the election. Hence calling them "Hillary Leaks" despite having nothing* to do with hillary

Unless one of the upcoming leaks is from her server.


Can’t stump the diablos
Russia wants to expose western corruption ? Russia's oligarchs and the way they got into their positions (Putin's "friends") are like the textbook examples of actual, proper corruption, not whatever Bernie or Busters or insane Trump supporters chose the word to mean.

It's like people are just deciding what plane of reality they want to live in.

One does not have to be free from corruption to expose corruption somewhere else. I don't think anybody here is saying Russia doesn't have a corrupt structure.

If they're only doing this to "show corruption", why dox donors? Where are the emails from the GOP? Why were they quiet as a mouse the entire past week?

My guess is they wanted to show how loose and dumb the DNC was being by sending that info over email. The only other thing I can think of is if there is something uniquely important about those numbers since censored SS numbers could prove the first point.


My guess is they wanted to show how loose and dumb the DNC was being by sending that info over email. The only other thing I can think of is if there is something uniquely important about those numbers since censored SS numbers could prove the first point.

Ya know if they blotted out the SS and CC numbers people would still see that the DNC had emails with that information, right? The only reason not to do that is to expose people to identity theft.

Edit: Man it's late and I totally skipped over the part of your post saying the same thing.


One thing I never hear brought up is the fact the Bernie wasn't even in the Democratic Party until he decided to run for president. He actively ran against democrats and defeated a few in Vermont.

Don't spend a large portion of your career saying you're not a democrat and then feel bad when the party treats like a second class citizen.

Oh he also hooked up with Cornell west a dude basically called Obama an Uncle Tom.

Sanders has always been on good terms with the Democrats though. He caucuses(?) with them and is a member of the progressive caucus in the house. I even believe Obama campaigned for him and vice versa. There wasn't really any heat between Sanders and the DNC until this election cycle.
One does not have to be free from corruption to expose corruption somewhere else. I don't think anybody here is saying Russia doesn't have a corrupt structure.

My guess is they wanted to show how loose and dumb the DNC was being by sending that info over email. The only other thing I can think of is if there is something uniquely important about those numbers since censored SS numbers could prove the first point.

There is no corruption on display in those emails. There genuinely isn't

I'm sitting here, over in europe, and I genuinely can't believe that you don't get why Russia released those emails.

They want a fascist idiot in charge of the USA to weaken NATO and the EU as a whole so nobody gets in the way of his Russian empire aspirations.

It's like counting 2 and 2 together. There are no noble intentions. They want Trump so they can get away with fucking the rest of the world in the future.
There is no corruption on display in those emails. There genuinely isn't

I'm sitting here across the atlantic ocean and I genuinely can't believe that you don't get why Russia released those emails.

They want a fascist idiot in charge of the USA to weaken NATO and the EU as a whole so nobody gets in the way of his Russian empire (or european surrogate state )aspirations.

It's like counting 2 and 2 together. There are no noble intentions. They want Trump so they can get away with fucking the rest of the world in the future.

Don't bother. We have all tried explaining but he refuses to listen.

Also Doxxing is apparently okay
One does not have to be free from corruption to expose corruption somewhere else. I don't think anybody here is saying Russia doesn't have a corrupt structure.

My guess is they wanted to show how loose and dumb the DNC was being by sending that info over email. The only other thing I can think of is if there is something uniquely important about those numbers since censored SS numbers could prove the first point.

So you're literally excusing doxxing now... Wow.


There is no corruption on display in those emails. There genuinely isn't

I'm sitting here, over in europe, and I genuinely can't believe that you don't get why Russia released those emails.

They want a fascist idiot in charge of the USA to weaken NATO and the EU as a whole so nobody gets in the way of his Russian empire (or european surrogate state )aspirations.

It's like counting 2 and 2 together. There are no noble intentions. They want Trump so they can get away with fucking the rest of the world in the future.

I mean, I thought this is quite obvious. Trump even stated about weakening the U.S.'s involvement in NATO, SK, and Japan just the other day. Putin obvious has a massive goal in all this, and it's not to show supposed corruption in the DNC.


There is no corruption on display in those emails. There genuinely isn't

I'm sitting here, over in europe, and I genuinely can't believe that you don't get why Russia released those emails.

They want a fascist idiot in charge of the USA to weaken NATO and the EU as a whole so nobody gets in the way of his Russian empire (or european surrogate state )aspirations.

It's like counting 2 and 2 together. There are no noble intentions. They want Trump so they can get away with fucking the rest of the world in the future.

I agree with the rest of your post but I do think the emails are pretty sketchy and I can see why some would see public interest in releasing them. It doesn't change the fact that we know what Russia's motives are here and they have nothing to do with trying to clean up the DNC.
Bernie needed to switch things up a notch, it was getting tiring to hear mostly the same thing again and again. I can see why they many got sick of the debates quickly.

I'd suspect that since these debates are crucial in getting out to hundreds of millions of people who don't know who he is; A vast number of people probably wouldn't watch every debate. I'd imagine that the more debates = getting out to more people?

But wasn't the other thing also that they made done something against unsanctioned debates? This Guardian Article mentions that O'malley had a problem with it as well; https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/06/democrats-debate-schedule-hillary-clinton
My guess is they wanted to show how loose and dumb the DNC was being by sending that info over email. The only other thing I can think of is if there is something uniquely important about those numbers since censored SS numbers could prove the first point.

What does this even mean? Some Da Vinci code shit where we're supposed to uncover a massive international conspiracy? There's no reason for them to dox. No, making up random reasons alluding as to the secret significance of SSNs does not constitute a legitimate reason. They're not going to do anything about the Republicans either, since their convention just came and went and we didn't hear a peep from that camp.

You can choose to cling on to the contents of the emails as much as you want (none of which actually show any kind of "corruption", by the way), it's insane to be willfully oblivious as to the ulterior motive for why this information is getting leaked in the first place. Posting social security numbers for the entire world to see does absolutely nothing to expose any kind of corruption and is just disgusting, I can't believe we have Russian intelligence stealing American information and all you're thinking about is "well they just wanna expose corruption, mang!"


Watching and reading the spin from all of this has been captivating. Real life House of Cards. Looking forward to more leaks and the creative responses.


People mad at Wikileaks for showing the truth instead of being mad at the Democratic National Committee for being corrupt and doing exactly the opposite of their work.

grow up.
People mad at Wikileaks for showing the truth

keep brushing off identity theft in this case & the willful endangerment of innocents in the case of the afghan war leaks from 6 years ago (alongside cheerleading a regime that puts the corruption in basically every western country combined to shame) in your moral crusade against the neoliberals
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