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DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down, Joining Clinton campaign

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steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Both candidates are garbage for two different reasons. This Election isn't about who we want, it's about whose bullshit you can put up with for the next 4 years.

Let me guess, South Park is your favorite show, right?


Bernie Sanders... the spotlight will be on you when you get your time to speak. He said that Wasserman should step down, which she does but gets picked up by Clinton... What do you say Now ?


Possibly, but this idea that a Trump presidency is going to suddenly destroy the duopoly and create a better system from the ashes is fallacious.

It may certainly uproot the current system. I think the evidence that it will produce short or long term shift to the ideals people are seeking is 100% without merit.

It's a dangerous type of wishful thinking.


This, right here..is more ignorant than anything I could ever possibly say. Not once did I say I don't care what happens, and I sure as shit have a LOT of stakes in this, everyone does. Trump is an asshole, a fucktwit who has no reason being President of the United States and I disagree with everything he stands for. Don't think for one second that because I say I prefer one thing over the other it means I even remotely agree with anything he has to say.

This Election is lost, we have our choices and neither are good. My question is, of these two Candidates, which is likely to cause the most positive change in the future? Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?
When you say you would rather just let this thing burn down you are actively advocating for a situation in which minorities get fucked over for generation in the hopes that the system will be better down the line. There is no guarantee things get better in such a situation. In fact things could get much much worse. That's the problem. It's easy as fuck to say well the damage to minorities might only last 30 years, but after that things should get better so in the long run we will be better off. As a minority I don't want to live through this bullshit in the slim hope that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Especially when there is a much better path to get long lasting change in the U.S. given the current demographics.

There is no question given the current demographics in the U.S. that a Clinton presidency would be much better over the long run. The U.S. is slowly turning into a minority majority, and only one of these two sides actively courts minorities. Only one of these sides don't view minorities as lesser people. Clinton is going to get a left leaning judge, and then if we are lucky come 2020 the dems can start to undo some of the bullshit gerrymandering. Those two things alone would be incredible for the future of the U.S. It would mean that long lasting change could actually be done. It would mean that Republicans would no longer have the House on lockdown. They would be forced to adapt their platform or die. Can't keep getting away with being racist and doing all this bullshit with a shrinking white base.
Bernie Sanders... the spotlight will be on you when you get your time to speak. He said that Wasserman should step down, which she does but gets picked up by Clinton... What do you say Now ?

She's not with the DNC and in an honorary position. Not sure why Sanders should care about it one way or another.
Bernie Sanders... the spotlight will be on you when you get your time to speak. He said that Wasserman should step down, which she does but gets picked up by Clinton... What do you say Now ?

if it's anything like his response to the actual leak, probably nothing

Jake Tapper asked Sanders for his reaction to those emails. Sanders said, “It’s outrageous, but it is not a great shock to me… It’s what we talked about six months ago.”

He firmly insisted that he’s not an atheist, but made it abundantly clear that this changes nothing and he’s still committed to helping Hillary Clinton defeat Donald Trump.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Bernie Sanders... the spotlight will be on you when you get your time to speak. He said that Wasserman should step down, which she does but gets picked up by Clinton... What do you say Now ?
He didn't want her running things and she's not. So he got what he wanted here.
When you say you would rather just let this thing burn down you are actively advocating for a situation in which minorities get fucked over for generation in the hopes that the system will be better down the line. There is no guarantee things get better in such a situation. In fact things could get much much worse. That's the problem. It's easy as fuck to say well the damage to minorities might only last 30 years, but after that things should get better so in the long run we will be better off. As a minority I don't want to live through this bullshit in the slim hope that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Especially when there is a much better path to get long lasting change in the U.S. given the current demographics.

There is no question given the current demographics in the U.S. that a Clinton presidency would be much better over the long run. The U.S. is slowly turning into a minority majority, and only one of these two sides actively courts minorities. Only one of these sides don't view minorities as lesser people. Clinton is going to get a left leaning judge, and then if we are lucky come 2020 the dems can start to undo some of the bullshit gerrymandering. Those two things alone would be incredible for the future of the U.S. It would mean that long lasting change could actually be done. It would mean that Republicans would no longer have the House on lockdown. They would be forced to adapt their platform or die. Can't keep getting away with being racist and doing all this bullshit with a shrinking white base.

Hey lets let the shit hispanics/gays/blacks/muslims get even worse because I want to rage against the machine like an angsty 16 year old!


Wow, I make one comment about a Trump Presidency and I get accused of being..

A White Nationalist.
Not American

You sure you guys aren't Trump Supporters?

Both candidates are garbage for two different reasons. This Election isn't about who we want, it's about whose bullshit you can put up with for the next 4 years.
SCOTUS justices last a lot longer than four years.

Saying you'd like to see Trump get elected just to see the whole system burn to the ground is going to get you piled on, and deservedly so. It's a selfish, foolish comment that reflects that a total lack of empathy for the millions of Americans whose lives would be assuredly hurt by a Trump presidency.

More than that, I have no idea what "burn the whole system down" means anyway. What do you think would happen? How does that manifest itself? Do political parties get dissolved? Do lobbyists and special interests quit what they're doing and just go home? Are taxes abolished? Martial law imposed? Please tell
me, what does burning the system down entail, why is that worth electing Trump, and why is that good for millions of people whose livelihoods depend on the system functioning?


You think any of them can hold out for another 4 years? I gotta admit I would love to see Supreme Court Justice Omarosa.

Can't we just nominate Obama for a 3rd Term? We're technically at War with ISIS.

Revolution Baby! That's what this county needs.

Have you actually bothered to study revolution?

Electing a borderline fascist is never the answer if you seek a more liberal, transparent, democratic society. Unless you want to suffer through some horrible shit with no guarantee of an outcome that will look better then what was before when it is all said and done.

Walk me through what you expect a Trump presidency to accomplish? Heck walk me through with your ideals and why Trump can best achieve them?
Bernie Sanders... the spotlight will be on you when you get your time to speak. He said that Wasserman should step down, which she does but gets picked up by Clinton... What do you say Now ?

He will say what he needs to say and fire up his supporters about defeating Trump. The ones he can't reach are so few as to not matter. I don't think the DNC and DWS will be a big part of his speech.


Are you ironically posting this from the washtingtontimes or not?

I'm not saying it will. I'm just saying people who seem to believe this is going to bring about some Phoenix rising from the ashes thing don't know what they are talking about.

is the WashingtonTimes not allowed on Gaf ?


this reminds me of when hillary praised a war criminal. like, sometimes you just gotta burn those bridges and not surround/associate yourself with terrible people.
Wow, I make one comment about a Trump Presidency and I get accused of being..

A White Nationalist.
Not American

You sure you guys aren't Trump Supporters?

Both candidates are garbage for two different reasons. This Election isn't about who we want, it's about whose bullshit you can put up with for the next 4 years.

The repercussions of a trump election would last far beyond 4 years and if you can't see that then you need to look at the bigger picture.

A vote for trump and the gop is equal to allowing the rights of non-straight, non-white people to be trampled on for the foreseeable future.
I'm neither a Repub or a Demo but...

At this point... I'd rather Trump get elected so he can burn the whole damn system to the ground than continue dealing with this political bullshit.

This is some cold shit on Hillary and spits in the face of all the Bernie supporters she's trying to recruit.

At this point the only difference between Hillary and Trump is one calls you a moron and punches you in the face, while the other smiles and acts nice before stabbing you in the back.

Fuck this Election.
How smug and self righteous you are. Burn it all down~, fuck the election~. Listen to that nonsense, really. It's like you have a mental image of yourself as Rorschach, perched high in the night, looking down on the rest of us.


That's you, is it? What a joke. We are at a fork in the road and no intelligent, empathetic person who has been touched by discrimination or cares for those who have would look at the two choices before us and waver in choosing one.

So please, Pendas, stop pretending. Stop the act. Get off your perch, take off that hat, you look silly in cosplay. You talk like you're morally incensed, too disgusted by political theater to involve yourself in it. But what you are is shallow. Your motivations are shallow. Your empathy is shallow. Your understanding of the political reality of the United States is as lacking as your ability to critically think, and that you want to see everything burnt to the ground suggests you believe you'll still be standing after it does.

How noble!

You're as selfish as Donald Trump and as morally reprehensible as you so passionately believe Clinton to be. For all your grandstanding you will join the millions like you in the past, the apathetic and willfully ignorant, who never did shit but add weight to the backs of people in this country who have dragged progressivism forward inch by inch by inch by inch.

It's a disgrace to Bernie Sanders that so many of the moths that flickered toward his flame were just temporarily confused and misdirected pests. And when he returns to Vermont they will return to fluttering around aimlessly in the dark, as useless as ever.


You think any of them can hold out for another 4 years? I gotta admit I would love to see Supreme Court Justice Omarosa.

Uh.. What? You realize supreme court justices are lifetime appointments and there's currently an empty seat that the next president will fill, right?

Can't we just nominate Obama for a 3rd Term? We're technically at War with ISIS.

Huh? If you want third term Obama I don't see how Hillary is very far from where you want to be. The main difference between them is that she's to the left of him domestically, and to the right of him on foreign policy. I mean, yeah, she's not as good an orator as Obama, but who is? You're making no sense.

Revolution Baby! That's what this county needs.

You have to know the burn the whole system down people are straight middle class or wealthy white people. It would be nice while the system burns down you won't have to suffer the consequences minorities will


Wow, I make one comment about a Trump Presidency and I get accused of being..

A White Nationalist.
Not American

You sure you guys aren't Trump Supporters?

Both candidates are garbage for two different reasons. This Election isn't about who we want, it's about whose bullshit you can put up with for the next 4 years.
Welcome to Neogaf.


Get fucked if you're parading this nonsense about Trump crashing "the system" due to some magic coalition that forms en masse to stop him if he somehow still manages to win, as if the entire Republican party hasn't decided to fall in line when his own god damn VP was calling him out on his bullshit 7 months ago.

Trump isn't going to magically don his crown and enact everyone back into chains, he will not become the fucking czar, Trump will become the President, an ultimately limited but highly influential figure, and he's going to do exactly what the Republicans have been doing for the past 30 years and that people in large enough quantities continue to ignore despite their best intentions, which is slowly attempt to erode the rights of minorities by masking that erosion through obfuscation, flowery language and general policy stances.

You're either hopelessly naive or talking some horseshit to mask some deeper rooted fuckery that you don't want to actually get called out on if you keep spewing these stupid ass "I hope Trump burns everything to the ground" posts. Join us back in reality.


You have to know the burn the whole system down people are straight middle class or wealthy white people. It would be nice while the system burns down you won't have to suffer the consequences minorities will

I can see anyone in any situation think "burn it all down". It just requires the person thinking it to be extremely edgy and poorly informed on reality.


This is hilarious. Are you just pretending to not be aware of what was happening?

The Sanders camp was always complaining about the scheduling because the dates and times chosen were consistently not good times to maximize viewership.

Sanders as the less known underdog had more to gain with exposure. Something that the data supported. His polling went up over time, as Clinton's went down. By the end of the primary he had overcome a 60 point deficit.

O malley also criticized the schedule.


Also compared to the gop debates, look at times and days of the week.

Oh, but it's all a conspiracy! Nah to anyone with a brain it's obvious dws and the dnc itself were pushing clinton. It's not surprising. Im sure dws was canned for no reason.
When they scheduled a debate during an NFL playoff game, there became no doubt it was a sham.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
It must be so nice to be Hillary nowadays.

I mean, whatever mistakes you make you can easily counter it by "But Trump!" and be done with it, people will excuse you and forget about it, lol.

Like this thread, for example; all it takes to completely turn the conversation away from DWS joining Clinton's campaign immediately after she resigned is a single poster saying Trump will burn the whole system down and off you go, a hundred people immediately make the thread suddenly about that, instead of the actual main topic stated on the title's thread, heh :p


Yeah I really don't see why Obama and Clinton have such fierce loyalty to her. She must be good at something

she was the first jewish congresswoman elected from florida. she has a lot of influence down here and it's been told that she raises money like a beast. it's good to have her on your side.


When you say you would rather just let this thing burn down you are actively advocating for a situation in which minorities get fucked over for generation in the hopes that the system will be better down the line. There is no guarantee things get better in such a situation. In fact things could get much much worse. That's the problem. It's easy as fuck to say well the damage to minorities might only last 30 years, but after that things should get better so in the long run we will be better off. As a minority I don't want to live through this bullshit in the slim hope that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Especially when there is a much better path to get long lasting change in the U.S. given the current demographics.

You got all this from the phrase "Burn everything down..."?

Are you an English Major?

Walk me through what you expect a Trump presidency to accomplish? Heck walk me through with your ideals and why Trump can best achieve them?

Trumps Ideals are toxic and idiotic, but in order for things to get better they have to get worse. We've been riding a good train in America for the last 30+ years. We're getting lazy and have to realize we're ruining everything good that we have.


When they scheduled a debate during an NFL playoff game, there became no doubt it was a sham.

To be fair, the DNC actually agreed with Sanders on the reschedule of that one.

Trumps Ideals are toxic and idiotic, but in order for things to get better they have to get worse. We've been riding a good train in America for the last 30+ years. We're getting lazy and have to realize we're ruining everything good that we have.

??? You think the solution to ruining everything we have is to ruin everything we have. What's the actual logic behind that?
well, that guy's right about one thing, and it's not in the way that he thinks

this election isn't currently about who we want, because certain people have it in their minds that clinton's furthest-left-since-1972 platform (see, generally, this post) is going to get completely reneged on in spite of literally all evidence from her career pointing toward the contrary
You got all this from the phrase "Burn everything down..."?

Are you an English Major?

Trumps Ideals are toxic and idiotic, but in order for things to get better they have to get worse. We've been riding a good train in America for the last 30+ years. We're getting lazy and have to realize we're ruining everything good that we have.

And what if they don't get better after getting worse? What if they just get even more worse? What if our society gets fucked for many decades, and we see white supremacy inevitably retake control?
Get fucked if you're parading this nonsense about Trump crashing "the system" due to some magic coalition that forms en masse to stop him if he somehow still manages to win, as if the entire Republican party hasn't decided to fall in line when his own god damn VP was calling him out on his bullshit shit 7 months ago.

Trump isn't going to magically don his crown and enact everyone back into chains, he will not become the fucking czar, Trump will become the President, an ultimately limited but highly influential figure, and he's going to do exactly what the Republicans have been doing for the past 30 years and that people in large enough quantities continue to ignore despite their best intentions, which is slowly attempt to erode the rights of minorities by masking that erosion through obfuscation, flowery language and general policy stances.

You're either hopelessly naive or talking some horseshit to mask some deeper rooted fuckery that you don't want to actually get called out on if you keep spewing these stupid ass "I hope Trump burns everything to the ground" posts. Join us back in reality.

Yep trump is elected and then the rest of the GOP do nothing to enact the most conservative and hateful platform in their history. They don't nominate and confirm highly conservative supreme Court justices to keep the rights of women and minorities from progressing.

Trump isn't the only one up for election in November.


It must be so nice to be Hillary nowadays.

I mean, whatever mistakes you make you can easily counter it by "But Trump!" and be done with it, people will excuse you and forget about it, lol.

Like this thread, for example; all it takes to completely turn the conversation away from DWS joining Clinton's campaign immediately after she resigned is a single poster saying Trump will burn the whole system down and off you go, a hundred people immediately make the thread suddenly about that, heh :p
Pendas is a Correct the Record plant, confirmed!


So people thought this lady was favoring the Clinton campaign during hey duties with the DNC. So to save face she resigns from the DNC..... and joins the Clinton campaign? What's the point resigning? She probably got a party raise. It's this supposed to appease a portion of the electorate? If not, why do it?


that is the campaign equivalent of that one episode of futurama that ends on fry being promoted to "executive delivery boy", except in this case DWS doesn't even have the "delivery boy" responsibilities.

it's basically "sit in the corner for a few months, maybe walk out in the state of florida only, and feel good about this meaningless title" in terms of practical consideration
Why would they feel like they need to do this now, though? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. If they just had to make sure she was employed at some point, they could have hired her after the election or, at the very least, waited a few weeks and not immediately after she resigned for making the party as a whole look bad. It's so fucking dumb and I don't understand why it happened.


Why would they feel like they need to do this now, though? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. If they just had to make sure she was employed at some point, they could have hired her after the election or, at the very least, waited a few weeks and not immediately after she resigned for making the party as a whole look bad. It's so fucking dumb and I don't understand why it happened.

Because it's likely the only thing that got her to step down in the first place.


So people thought this lady was favoring the Clinton campaign during hey duties with the DNC. So to save face she resigns from the DNC..... and joins the Clinton campaign? What's the point resigning? She probably got a party raise. It's this supposed to appease a portion of the electorate? If not, why do it?

Her resigning and then immediately joining Hillary's campaign is a net negative. DWS just needed to leave, sit out the election, and then take on a cozy role after things blow over. Instead, we get this, which seems really out of touch on the part of Hillary.

Because it's likely the only thing that got her to step down in the first place.

Immediately joining Hillary does more damage than just minimizing her DNC activity and leaving her in place.


You got all this from the phrase "Burn everything down..."?

Are you an English Major?

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't know what you were actually implying when you said to burn the whole system down...

Trumps Ideals are toxic and idiotic, but in order for things to get better they have to get worse. We've been riding a good train in America for the last 30+ years. We're getting lazy and have to realize we're ruining everything good that we have.

...well, never mind!
Why would they feel like they need to do this now, though? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. If they just had to make sure she was employed at some point, they could have hired her after the election or, at the very least, waited a few weeks and not immediately after she resigned for making the party as a whole look bad. It's so fucking dumb and I don't understand why it happened.

two things:

1) as shem just said, it might've been the "pound of flesh" enacted to get her to smoothly step down, and

2) the clintons are absurdly loyal to their personal friends, which was best shown in 2008 with mark penn somehow continuing to have a job throughout the campaign in spite of clearly being incompetent (that's the guy who signed off on ignoring all the caucuses to fixate on big states, which didn't work because the minorities in those big states would generally support obama and keep her margins low, and which was pretty obvious within the first month). so hiring on DWS to a pointless position just so her feelings aren't hurt, ultimately, doesn't really surprise me within that framework.


It must be so nice to be Hillary nowadays.

I mean, whatever mistakes you make you can easily counter it by "But Trump!" and be done with it, people will excuse you and forget about it, lol.

Like this thread, for example; all it takes to completely turn the conversation away from DWS joining Clinton's campaign immediately after she resigned is a single poster saying Trump will burn the whole system down and off you go, a hundred people immediately make the thread suddenly about that, instead of the actual main topic stated on the title's thread, heh :p
When something is not good its not good. People say that they are both the same because they are not perfect.

Can't just point the finger at the other side and never look at your own side. You just have to call it out. The truth


Because it's likely the only thing that got her to step down in the first place.
If she refused to step down, then there would at least be distance between them and Hillary's campaign could point to their emails telling the DNC to not go ahead with the Bernie attacks as proof. Now it just looks like they confirmed what all the Bernie fans thought to begin with.


I really don't understand what the point of this honorary position in the Clinton campaign is. I imagine Clinton feels Schultz is being unfairly thrown under the bus for recent events; even if I agreed with that (which I don't know as I do), Schultz is still a member of Congress and would likely still have other roles to take on once this election blows over. This seems like unnecessary baggage to be taking onto the campaign right now, especially so if her honorary position isn't very meaningful in practice.


You got all this from the phrase "Burn everything down..."?

Are you an English Major?

Trumps Ideals are toxic and idiotic, but in order for things to get better they have to get worse. We've been riding a good train in America for the last 30+ years. We're getting lazy and have to realize we're ruining everything good that we have.

so, lets say since 2008, how is the country now in 2016 regressing to such a state that you think we need to do what you say?


I really don't understand what the point of this honorary position in the Clinton campaign is. I imagine Clinton feels Schultz is being unfairly thrown under the bus for recent events; even if I agreed with that (which I don't know as I do), Schultz is still a member of Congress and would likely still have other roles to take on once this election blows over. This seems like unnecessary baggage to be taking onto the campaign right now, especially so if her honorary position isn't very meaningful in practice.

From the sound of things DWS was throwing a hissy fit about it, and the position was an olive branch.

She didn't have to step down voluntarily is the problem.


Immediately joining Hillary does more damage than just minimizing her DNC activity and leaving her in place.

You're acting like she did something illegal. She wrote a couple e-mails that were leaked that made it appear she may have not been 100% neutral at the DNC. That's it.

Folks are going to have to suck it up and realize that you're not going to agree with every political candidate on 100% of the issues or like 100% of the people who are working for those political candidates.

Mr. X

People saying let's shake things up are really in an ivory tower trying to fuck over all people not a straight, white Christian male in the USA lol
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