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DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down, Joining Clinton campaign

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Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Wow, I make one comment about a Trump Presidency and I get accused of being..

A White Nationalist.
Not American

You sure you guys aren't Trump Supporters?

Both candidates are garbage for two different reasons. This Election isn't about who we want, it's about whose bullshit you can put up with for the next 4 years.
So how is Hillary bullshit, I mean the worst you can do is call her liar, but so is every other politician including Trump.


Please explain to to me how Hilary is just as bad as an openly bigoted demagogue.

"B-b-b-both sides"

Explain yourself then, why is Clinton worse than a proven racist xenophobe?

Never said she was worse. If you honestly think I'm going to waste my time listing all the problems I have with Hillary just for you to counter with how they're good, or how Trump is worse, then you're mistaken. You have a bias and nothing I say is going to change your minds.

"Burn to the ground".... What a fucking stupid thing to say.

Yeah, metaphors are stupid! Fuck those guys who don't take everything literally!


It's bigger than the candidates themselves. I can call the Clinton statement gross while still reconciling which political platform I agree with for the direction of the country.

There will always be bullshit in politics, but there are clear differences in policy, temperament and what we stand for as a country at play. It's our job as citizens to cut through the bs, do the research, read the articles, watch the debates and then make a decision. It will not always be inspiring, it usually isn't, but that doesn't make it any less important.

Now this is a good response. Thank you.


Both candidates are garbage for two different reasons. This Election isn't about who we want, it's about whose bullshit you can put up with for the next 4 years.

This is life. No person is perfect. Almost no choice you'll ever have to make is perfect. There's always bullshit, especially when you're dealing with humans. Deal with it, I guess, and make the best choice you can.
Never said she was worse. If you honestly think I'm going to waste my time listing all the problems I have with Hillary just for you to counter with how they're good, or how Trump is worse, then you're mistaken. You have a bias and nothing I say is going to change your minds.

You're the one who came here and to tell everyone that the difference between who was in office was negligible. Don't act surprised when you make comments like that and people ask for an explanation as a response.


Wow, I make one comment about a Trump Presidency and I get accused of being..

A White Nationalist.
Not American

You sure you guys aren't Trump Supporters?

Both candidates are garbage for two different reasons. This Election isn't about who we want, it's about whose bullshit you can put up with for the next 4 years.

You made an incredibly stupid comment. It's easy as fuck to say I don't care what happens let's just burn all this shit to the ground when you have no real stakes in the game. A Trump presidency would do damage to minorities, woman, LGBT community, and many other for years to come. We aren't talking about an election cycle or two. We are talking about decades long damage that cannot be easily undone given the system we have in place. For example, Trump is at minimum going to get one conservative justice, and quite possible replace 1 or 2 more after that. Those are justices for life. He's going to nominate younger justices and now the supreme court is going to have a conservative majority for 20+ years easily.

Not only that it will be quite possible in a Trump presidency for Republicans to control both the Senate and the House. That means that they could pass whatever the hell they wanted to pass, and there would be nothing anyone could do about it. Let's say best case scenario Democrats gain majority of both the House and Senate after the first 4 years, and get a Democrat elected as president. It still wouldn't matter because everything they would try to pass to repeal any of the bullshit Republicans do will die on the supreme court every time. Those justices won't be replaced for 20+ years, and even when they are replaced undoing the damage will take decades.

You essentially just advocated fucking over minorities and many other communities just to see this system burn down. Can you understand why people are now going to actively call you out on that bullshit reasoning? It's quite frankly gross.


This is life. No person is perfect. Almost no choice you'll ever have to make is perfect. There's always bullshit, especially when you're dealing with humans. Deal with it, I guess, and make the best choice you can.

I know. It's just reached the point where the Bullshit is front and center and still nobody seems to care. Shady stuff has been going on behind the scenes for years and we could all at least feign ignorance... but now it's front and center, and people still choose to be ignorant even though it's right in their face.

boiled goose

good with gravy
I love that folks still claim that the debate thing is somehow tilted.

Does Hillary do better on certain nights? Do TV broadcasts to receptive Bernie voters fuzz-out on certain days? Did DWS figure-out that Bernie get a +10% Personality boost on certain moon phases? How does this magic work?

This is hilarious. Are you just pretending to not be aware of what was happening?

The Sanders camp was always complaining about the scheduling because the dates and times chosen were consistently not good times to maximize viewership.

Sanders as the less known underdog had more to gain with exposure. Something that the data supported. His polling went up over time, as Clinton's went down. By the end of the primary he had overcome a 60 point deficit.

O malley also criticized the schedule.


Also compared to the gop debates, look at times and days of the week.

Oh, but it's all a conspiracy! Nah to anyone with a brain it's obvious dws and the dnc itself were pushing clinton. It's not surprising. Im sure dws was canned for no reason.
Never said she was worse. If you honestly think I'm going to waste my time listing all the problems I have with Hillary just for you to counter with how they're good, or how Trump is worse, then you're mistaken. You have a bias and nothing I say is going to change your minds.

Yeah, metaphors are stupid! Fuck those guys who don't take everything literally!

People perfectly understand what you meant by "burn to the ground." It's because they understand what you mean that people are responding to you in this way.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I know. It's just reached the point where the Bullshit is front and center and still nobody seems to care. Shady stuff has been going on behind the scenes for years and we could all at least feign ignorance... but now it's front and center, and people still choose to be ignorant even though it's right in their face.
Just say the bullshit that is front & center...that she's a liar? Is that the only issue?


This is hilarious. Are you just pretending to not be aware of what was happening?

The Sanders camp was always complaining about the scheduling because the dates and times chosen were consistently not good times to maximize viewership.

Sanders as the less known underdog had more to gain with exposure. Something that the data supported. His polling went up over time, as Clinton's went down. By the end of the primary he had overcome a 60 point deficit.

O malley also criticized the schedule.


Also compared to the gop debates, look at times and days of the week.

Oh, but it's all a conspiracy! Nah to anyone with a brain it's obvious dws and the dnc itself were pushing clinton. It's not surprising. Im sure dws was canned for no reason.
Someone who is unknown does better over time as people get to know him. News at 11. I would take Sanders and his camp seriously on this issue if he didn't find a new excuse every single time something didn't go his way. At every point they would find something new to blame their failures on. At the end of the day Sanders fucked Sanders. His decision to not contest the south, and his poor job at reaching minority voters is what doomed him. Tired of hearing excuse after excuse from Sanders camp. Every time something didn't go their way it was always an excuse. If he and his camp didn't come up with an excuse every time something didn't go their way I would believe this. As it stands his camp is like the boy who cried wolf. Hard to take them seriously when it comes to how the debates were scheduled.


Why in the world would they put this statement out right now?
Hey, at least they are replacing her with Donna Brazile, a woman of impeccable character:

I know. It's just reached the point where the Bullshit is front and center and still nobody seems to care. Shady stuff has been going on behind the scenes for years and we could all at least feign ignorance... but now it's front and center, and people still choose to be ignorant even though it's right in their face.

Politics is a dirty business. Does anyone know how Lincoln got the Republican nomination to become President? The convention was in his home state and his team isolated the Seward campaign from the other delegates and cut a bunch of deals. Thats like 50x dirtier than whatever Clinton did and I'm goddamned glad they did it. Vote for whoever is going to make the country a better place and don't pretend we're ever going to be ruled by saints.


This is hilarious. Are you just pretending to not be aware of what was happening?

The Sanders camp was always complaining about the scheduling because the dates and times chosen were consistently not good times to maximize viewership.

Sanders as the less known underdog had more to gain with exposure. Something that the data supported. His polling went up over time, as Clinton's went down. By the end of the primary he had overcome a 60 point deficit.

O malley also criticized the schedule.


Also compared to the gop debates, look at times and days of the week.

Oh, but it's all a conspiracy! Nah to anyone with a brain it's obvious dws and the dnc itself were pushing clinton. It's not surprising. Im sure dws was canned for no reason.
Similarly, they reduced the amount of debates to six versus the twenty some odd debates in 2008.


It's easy as fuck to say I don't care what happens let's just burn all this shit to the ground when you have no real stakes in the game.

This, right here..is more ignorant than anything I could ever possibly say. Not once did I say I don't care what happens, and I sure as shit have a LOT of stakes in this, everyone does. Trump is an asshole, a fucktwit who has no reason being President of the United States and I disagree with everything he stands for. Don't think for one second that because I say I prefer one thing over the other it means I even remotely agree with anything he has to say.

This Election is lost, we have our choices and neither are good. My question is, of these two Candidates, which is likely to cause the most positive change in the future? Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?
This Election is lost, we have our choices and neither are good. My question is, of these two Candidates, which is likely to cause the most positive change in the future? Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?
Most positive changes come from the Supreme Court. So, Clinton.
This Election is lost, we have our choices and neither are good. My question is, of these two Candidates, which is likely to cause the most positive change in the future? Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?

Yeah this election is lost. The choice is between someone who may be lied about her email and facist white nationalist.

Give me a freaking break.
This Election is lost, we have our choices and neither are good. My question is, of these two Candidates, which is likely to cause the most positive change in the future? Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?

After the UK voted to leave the EU there was a documented surge in harassment and violence against minorities. We're seeing white nationalists feeling empowered here by Trump just being nominated. Him being elected would lead to real people being threatened, beaten, and possibly expelled from the country. How much actual, quantifiable blood do you want spilled in order to achieve some kind of improvement to the political system?


This, right here..is more ignorant than anything I could ever possibly say. Not once did I say I don't care what happens, and I sure as shit have a LOT of stakes in this, everyone does. Trump is an asshole, a fucktwit who has no reason being President of the United States and I disagree with everything he stands for. Don't think for one second that because I say I prefer one thing over the other it means I even remotely agree with anything he has to say.

This Election is lost, we have our choices and neither are good. My question is, of these two Candidates, which is likely to cause the most positive change in the future? Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?

How would Trump getting elected cause a complete restructure of our political system? And, if there is a restructure, why would it be beneficial to your particular views on politics? What's the endgame?


This Election is lost, we have our choices and neither are good. My question is, of these two Candidates, which is likely to cause the most positive change in the future? Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?

And you think it'd be Trump? How? Why? If Trump gets elected then the system worked as intended and he got voted in, why would that lead to a wild
restructuring of the political system?


This makes me even angrier that no one better than the also-rans we got during the primary stepped up to beat her. They're gonna fuck around and hand Trump a victory because they can't get out of their own way.


I'm neither a Repub or a Demo but...

At this point... I'd rather Trump get elected so he can burn the whole damn system to the ground than continue dealing with this political bullshit.

This is some cold shit on Hillary and spits in the face of all the Bernie supporters she's trying to recruit.

At this point the only difference between Hillary and Trump is one calls you a moron and punches you in the face, while the other smiles and acts nice before stabbing you in the back.

Fuck this Election.

Fuck off, that's an atrocious opinion


This, right here..is more ignorant than anything I could ever possibly say. Not once did I say I don't care what happens, and I sure as shit have a LOT of stakes in this, everyone does. Trump is an asshole, a fucktwit who has no reason being President of the United States and I disagree with everything he stands for. Don't think for one second that because I say I prefer one thing over the other it means I even remotely agree with anything he has to say.

This Election is lost, we have our choices and neither are good. My question is, of these two Candidates, which is likely to cause the most positive change in the future? Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?
Clinton, and its not even close.
I'm neither a Repub or a Demo but...

At this point... I'd rather Trump get elected so he can burn the whole damn system to the ground than continue dealing with this political bullshit.

This is some cold shit on Hillary and spits in the face of all the Bernie supporters she's trying to recruit.

At this point the only difference between Hillary and Trump is one calls you a moron and punches you in the face, while the other smiles and acts nice before stabbing you in the back.

Fuck this Election.

What a shitty, garbage, completely uninformed opinion.


DWS is radioactive. Absorbing her into Hillary's campaign arguably does more damage than just leaving her at the DNC. What the hell?


Wow, these people that want Trump just so he can burn it all down. I just have no words. People have to live here damn it. Its not a game. This man is dangerous. This isn't some fucking TV show or movie.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I'm neither a Repub or a Demo but...

At this point... I'd rather Trump get elected so he can burn the whole damn system to the ground than continue dealing with this political bullshit.

This is some cold shit on Hillary and spits in the face of all the Bernie supporters she's trying to recruit.

At this point the only difference between Hillary and Trump is one calls you a moron and punches you in the face, while the other smiles and acts nice before stabbing you in the back.

Fuck this Election.

You know the system will be burning for years. A SCOTUS appointment is up and possibly 2. This isn't a 4 year thing. This could turn into a 20 year thing.

If you don't see how these 2 people are different you are either blind or lying to yourself.


This Election is lost, we have our choices and neither are good. My question is, of these two Candidates, which is likely to cause the most positive change in the future? Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?

Considering what's at stake with the Supreme Court, I surely hope you're joking.
I'm neither a Repub or a Demo but...

At this point... I'd rather Trump get elected so he can burn the whole damn system to the ground than continue dealing with this political bullshit.

This is some cold shit on Hillary and spits in the face of all the Bernie supporters she's trying to recruit.

At this point the only difference between Hillary and Trump is one calls you a moron and punches you in the face, while the other smiles and acts nice before stabbing you in the back.

Fuck this Election.

Trump isn't going to burn anything to the ground. He's going to enjoy the prestige and power of being the president, while handing off almost every major decision to the VP while spewing hateful rhetoric. There will be disarray within the Republican Party, but that's about it.


Wow, I make one comment about a Trump Presidency and I get accused of being..

A White Nationalist.
Not American

You sure you guys aren't Trump Supporters?

Both candidates are garbage for two different reasons. This Election isn't about who we want, it's about whose bullshit you can put up with for the next 4 years.
pigeon read a research paper that calling people racist makes them strive to be less racist. Noble intentions.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Trump isn't going to burn anything to the ground. He's going to enjoy the prestige and power of being the president, while handing off almost every major decision to the VP.
That's even scarier. The stuff Pence has done in his home state.


So the other thread got closed down just now but I thought it deserved it's own thread but what Do I know ?


Wasserman Schultz immediately joins Clinton campaign after resignation


She may be done with the Democratic National Committee, but former chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was quickly picked up by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Ms. Wasserman Schultz was widely criticized during the Democratic primary by supporters of Bernie Sanders of using her position at the DNC to tip the race toward Mrs. Clinton. At least some of that was confirmed at the weekend by the release by Wikileaks of internal DNC emails, which forced her to announce her resignation Sunday.

The statement went on to say that Ms. Wasserman Schultz “will continue to serve as a surrogate for my campaign nationally.”

but once more .... Damn


I'm neither a Repub or a Demo but...

At this point... I'd rather Trump get elected so he can burn the whole damn system to the ground than continue dealing with this political bullshit.

This is some cold shit on Hillary and spits in the face of all the Bernie supporters she's trying to recruit.

At this point the only difference between Hillary and Trump is one calls you a moron and punches you in the face, while the other smiles and acts nice before stabbing you in the back.

Fuck this Election.

The thing people like you don't realize is that history is much more likely to produce a Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin or Erdogan out of those ashes instead of an FDR.

The whole "burn it to the ground, let people see how bad it could REALLY get" are some of the most dangerous, short-sighted, historically ignorant radicals that exist.

Just because there would be lessons to be learned from that sort of scenario does NOT mean those lessons you want society to learn will be.
This, right here..is more ignorant than anything I could ever possibly say. Not once did I say I don't care what happens, and I sure as shit have a LOT of stakes in this, everyone does. Trump is an asshole, a fucktwit who has no reason being President of the United States and I disagree with everything he stands for. Don't think for one second that because I say I prefer one thing over the other it means I even remotely agree with anything he has to say.

This Election is lost, we have our choices and neither are good. My question is, of these two Candidates, which is likely to cause the most positive change in the future? Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?

You keep making this claim that both our choices are bad but yet you don't substantiate it with anything. What exactly is it about Hillary Clinton that has you so hot and bothered?

If you keep making claims that come across as baseless people will call you out on it.
This Election is lost, we have our choices and neither are good. My question is, of these two Candidates, which is likely to cause the most positive change in the future? Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?

Trump could legitimately take the world closer to World War 3, among other things. As much as I may dislike Hillary there really is no comparison between her and Trump. In any other year I think she probably loses, but Trump is as close as this country has ever come to fascism. He's not worth "shaking things up".


Even if it means things getting so bad, it demands a complete restructure of our political system?

Have you considered the possibility that if things get so bad that they demand a complete restructure of our political system that the new structure might be both substantially worse that what we have now and substantially more difficult to change for the better?
Jfc if you want trump to win because of a fuckup like this then you are missing the point entirely and deserve to be shamed for rooting for the erosion of civil rights of lgbt, women and minorities. Fuck off with that shit already.

Yes it fucking sucks and yes its emblematic of the problems in our political system but its nothing compared to the bullshit Trump would put myself, my family and my friends through for decades to come. Get a fucking grip.


Most positive changes come from the Supreme Court. So, Clinton.

You think any of them can hold out for another 4 years? I gotta admit I would love to see Supreme Court Justice Omarosa.

Yeah this election is lost. The choice is between someone who may be lied about her email and facist white nationalist.

Give me a freaking break.

Can't we just nominate Obama for a 3rd Term? We're technically at War with ISIS.

After the UK voted to leave the EU there was a documented surge in harassment and violence against minorities. We're seeing white nationalists feeling empowered here by Trump just being nominated. Him being elected would lead to real people being threatened, beaten, and possibly expelled from the country. How much actual, quantifiable blood do you want spilled in order to achieve some kind of improvement to the political system?

Revolution Baby! That's what this county needs.


This makes me even angrier that no one better than the also-rans we got during the primary stepped up to beat her. They're gonna fuck around and hand Trump a victory because they can't get out of their own way.
The only one who legitimately tried wasn't even a god damn Democrat.

The Party collectively Decided that it was Hillary's turn.

If Bernie hadn't bothered giving it the old college try, she would have had a primary campaign reminiscent of a presidential incumbent. Kid gloves. It's a failure of one political party that would be a nonstop talking point in a standard election...had the other party not failed in such a more cataclysmic way.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So the other thread got closed down just now but I thought it deserved it's own thread but what Do I know ?


Wasserman Schultz immediately joins Clinton campaign after resignation


but once more .... Damn
Are you ironically posting this from the washtingtontimes or not?

Possibly, but this idea that a Trump presidency is going to suddenly destroy the duopoly and create a better system is fallacious.
I'm not saying it will. I'm just saying people who seem to believe this is going to bring about some Phoenix rising from the ashes thing don't know what they are talking about.
So the other thread got closed down just now but I thought it deserved it's own thread but what Do I know ?


Wasserman Schultz immediately joins Clinton campaign after resignation

that is the campaign equivalent of that one episode of futurama that ends on fry being promoted to "executive delivery boy", except in this case DWS doesn't even have the "delivery boy" responsibilities.

it's basically "sit in the corner for a few months, maybe walk out in the state of florida only, and feel good about this meaningless title" in terms of practical consideration
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