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DNC staffer berates Donna Brazile for helping elect Donald Trump

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Loves the Greater Toronto Area
That's worked out wonderfully for the Republican party..
Trump got elected on a radicalized Tea Party platform. And every congressional race that hitched their wagon to his got elected as well. So yeah that did work out wonderfully for them. The problem with the Tea Party was that they always stopped six steps shy of bat shit crazy. Trump saw this nearly 3 years ago.
"Bu bu bu- you'll simply let a racist take over!!?!?" I don't vote to keep the other guy out. I vote because my vote goes to someone I truly want in. I'm not going to play a fucking game of lesser of two evils. Another lesson to be learned here. No one will, and that's why she lost.

Terrific, so that statement alone means you don't care about minorities like me, women & LGBT rights, & don't care if we suffer.

That's what you're telling us.
That's worked out wonderfully for the Republican party.

I seriously doubt it. We haven't a recession in a long time. I would expect one to occur during his presidency. Plus, he's Donald Trump. He'll crash and burn eventually.

You're right...Remind me who controls all 3 branches of government? And has controlled the house for 6 years? But it sure hasn't worked out for the Tea Party....sigh

There is no scenario where Bernie made up the deficit of millions of votes unless you just don't allow "the south" to vote in (D) primaries any more.

Jesus christ...when will you clintonista's realize that the whole reason Clinton got more votes was because of the tipping of the scales by the DNC in her favor? Is it that you can't learn or choose not to?

If the time for recriminations is not now, when will it ever be time fir it?

When the Democrats get blown out again in 2018?
When Trump is re-elected in 2020?

Please, anyone whining about the DNC getting raked over the coals, when will it be time to actually get mad and fight for the Democratic party?

Never apparently. I swear...



What more evidence do you need that a populist, reactionary group can galvanize people to vote? I'm not saying be insane like the Tea Party, but let's harness that Occupy energy and give people something to actually do and a goal to actually win, like turning states Blue? I dunno, just a thought.

Or we can just accept this as business as usual! Oh well, we'll get 'em next time!

To add to your list...Supreme Court


Step down? She needs to be fired.

Dean threw his hat in the ring. Her time is over. Don't let her finish the couple of months left. Fire her now.


She lost white voters that she thought were in the bag. Because white collar workers are, surprise! traditional dems.

But the democratic party ignored them and their very real fears and concerns and they lost. They propped up an unlikable candidate and said "vote for her she's the lesser of two evils" which galvanized no one.
You're right, she didn't have a message beyond "Trump is bad" and "our country is on the right track". I'm annoyed that she neded more than that because she was fucking right, but that's not how American politics works. We needed someone that could appeal to WCW that didn't have the socialist baggage Bernie had. We needed Biden.


Again, context. It's like if I studied for an exam, but got distracted, and the failed. A group of friends are cheering me up for it, and we're all trying to feel better. Lessons have been learned, but at this point it was a time for healing. Then all of a sudden, this punk comes out of nowhere and starts screaming in the face of the person who was cheering me up because at one time they asked me to hang out when I needed to study. It's just grossly inappropriate.

The time for recrimination is later. Everyone just went through a trauma, we need to move forward, not tear at each other like children.

Except your exam score affected many peoples' livelihood and you've proven to be an irresponsible, arrogant person. Then I'm sure they would be mad.

People aren't being listened too and this is the only way they are going to get the message. This whole election is the result of people not listening to each other. We can't just calmly sit down because we've been doing that and it hasn't worked. It's time to step it up now. We just can't afford to do this again. The DNC is just showing that they want to recede back into their bubble that got them into this trouble to begin with.


Too add to your list...Supreme Court

I mean, yeah, but they aren't elected. Turns out, democrats didn't really care about the Supreme Court.

Terrific, so that statement alone means you don't care about minorities like me, women & LGBT rights, & don't care if we suffer.

That's what you're telling us.

No, he's saying that without a galvanizing figure, most people won't vote. They want someone they are excited for. This is just reality. I give a shit, hence why I stood in line and voted for Hillary, but for every person like me, there were fifteen people who wouldn't because they didn't like her.

It's the candidate, stupid. No more coronations. No more "it's their turn." We need to coalesce around someone that is generally liked and has a relatively clean history.

And to go against Trump? We need someone young. Someone with energy.


DWS, Tim Kaine and Donna Brazille destroyed everything Howard Dean built in the DNC. DWS used it as her personal fund raising tool. Fuck all of them. Dean as chair and a new staff is needed.


Jesus christ...when will you clintonista's realize that the whole reason Clinton got more votes was because of the tipping of the scales by the DNC in her favor? Is it that you can't learn or choose not to?
This ridiculous belief needs to die. Bernie lost because he ran a god awful campaign and got his shit together way too God damn late. You wanna win a Dem Primary, then you go to the South and try like hell to appeal to black voters. Bernie didn't do that and he lost plain and simple. Things like Donna Brazille sending Hillary worthless questions didn't change shit and the sooner you realize that the better.
You're right, she didn't have a message beyond "Trump is bad" and "our country is on the right track". I'm annoyed that she neded more than that because she was fucking right, but that's not how American politics works. We needed someone that could appeal to WCW that didn't have the socialist baggage Bernie had. We needed Biden.

Oh ffs...enough with this "socialist baggage" bs. But keep doubling down on the current strategy. That surely will work!

I'm honestly starting to believe the democrats are a lost cause and needs to die.

This ridiculous belief needs to die. Bernie lost because he ran a god awful campaign and got his shit together way too God damn late. You wanna win a Dem Primary, then you go to the South and try like hell to appeal to black voters. Bernie didn't do that and he lost plain and simple. Things like Donna Brazille sending Hillary worthless questions didn't change shit and the sooner you realize that the better.

Belief? Are you serious? The DNC emails are just a belief? DWS having to step down (along with 4 others) is just a belief?

You mean the south that was never going to go for Hillary ever during the GE?


Right now is the perfect time to get shit done so we can win in 2018, we can't wait any longer

Yep. We either react now while the iron is hot or we risk losing AGAIN in two years. Start with local elections for the next year. And then the midterms. And then local. And THEN we get our window to throw Trump out and begin undoing everything he did.

But it starts right now.
Terrific, so that statement alone means you don't care about minorities like me, women & LGBT rights, & don't care if we suffer.

That's what you're telling us. What a piece of work.

I'm a minority and this reality sucks. But to get the votes needed, that's how a campaign is going to have to be run. If you can't get elected, then none of your policies matter.

Get elected first, then worry about the rest. Playing on fear does not work. Ignoring a critical part of the voting base because you think you have them in the bag does not work either. Ignoring them because you think (or know) they are racist or beneath you. Does. Not. Work.


Oh ffs...enough with this "socialist baggage" bs. But keep doubling down on the current strategy. That surely will work!

I'm honestly starting to believe the democrats are a lost cause and needs to die.

I'm sick of it too. I've never heard anyone complain about Bernie being a socialist (besides the people worried about others complaining.) Trump just won the presidency! It's safe to say that people were tired and would've gladly voted for an exceptional candidate. Just think of what we could've had. If we wanted to jump to the left and make progress, this was our election and we blew it.


I'm a minority and this reality sucks. But to get the votes needed, that's how a campaign is going to have to be run. If you can't get elected, then none of your policies matter.

Get elected first, then worry about the rest. Playing on fear does not work. Ignoring a critical part of the voting base because you think you have them in the bag does not work either. Ignoring them because you think (or know) they are racist or beneath you. Does. Not. Work.

What this election showed is that it's too soon for identity politics to make a real difference. Too many racist/sexist whites who don't like being called that. We do have to coddle bigots or step lightly around them, at least for the next few elections, until minorities become the majority.

But it appears that calling it like it is and saying that half the voting base is deplorable is a losing strategy. White fragility is a very real thing.


Couldn't it simply be that they booed him for being a dick?

I expect major changes in the party but maybe not 2 days later.


What this election showed is that it's too soon for identity politics to make a real difference. Too many racist/sexist whites who don't like being called that. We do have to coddle bigots or step lightly around them, at least for the next few elections, until minorities become the majority.

But it appears that calling it like it is and saying that half the voting base is deplorable is a losing strategy. White fragility is a very real thing.

Or tailor your message for the audience. How does politics work again?


Good. Brazile, Wasserman and all the entrenched and corrupt party elite need the boot. New blood makes all the difference. Look at when Trump switched campaign managers. There is a reason Bernie and Trump were popular this year and why establishment candidates were blown away.


Good. Brazile, Wasserman and all the entrenched and corrupt party elite need the boot. New blood makes all the difference. Look at when Trump switched campaign managers. There is a reason Bernie and Trump were popular this year and why establishment candidates were blown away.

The hubris of giving DWS a spot at the Hillary campaign was mind blowing.
who ran the DNC when Obama first won, and in 2012? why are they so pathetically incompetent this time around?

Kaine during the First and DWS during the second and it was only due to Obama that the dems even picked up seats during the last presidential (which usually happens with a candidate people like).


Yup. No reason to necessarily abandon social issues. But don't bring it up in the rural areas. Talk about the economy. Save the social issues for the urban centers where it is more relevant anyway.

Fair enough. But so much is made of how ignorant and racist people are and that's not an uplifting message. It's not an inclusive one.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
No this election has also proven that the average voter, when confronted with two choices he/she doesn't like, simply won't vote.
Ding ding ding ding. We have a winner.

I also think this election cycle has shown more than ever.... the US voter is tired of establishment politicians. They should have seen it when Obama was elected but they seemingly learned absolutely nothing from 2008.
This ridiculous belief needs to die. Bernie lost because he ran a god awful campaign and got his shit together way too God damn late. You wanna win a Dem Primary, then you go to the South and try like hell to appeal to black voters. Bernie didn't do that and he lost plain and simple. Things like Donna Brazille sending Hillary worthless questions didn't change shit and the sooner you realize that the better.

Too bad the south counts for shit in the general. Besides Florida. The primary system is flawed it's not the way to pick a winner. What's the point of counting states you're guaranteed to lose or win in the general?
The hubris of giving DWS a spot at the Hillary campaign was mind blowing.

The optics was bad, but it was basically just a way to shut her up, because she only held onto the power she had by threatening to go nuclear with gossipy bullshit we don't even know about that would have apparently sunk the campaign worse than it had.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
hey hillgaf if hillary runs a third time you're not going to try to browbeat and depress democratic voters again right

"Looks like it's someone's first election"

"Kids these these know nothing about Hillary's GROUND GAME"



Yup. No reason to necessarily abandon social issues. But don't bring it up in the rural areas. Talk about the economy. Save the social issues for the urban centers where it is more relevant anyway.

Why can't we have both? Bernie was able to, despite the fact that Hillary's people built up some narrative that he though social issues were a distraction to economic ones (lol).
Fair enough. But so much is made of how ignorant and racist people are and that's not an uplifting message. It's not an inclusive one.

Right. That has to go away too. Even if it is partially true. Positivity, optimism, looking to the future, excitement, etc.

The stuff that allowed Obama to do what he did. Yes, I do know he had the benefit of an unpopular GOP candidate, but he energized a base like nobody in history.


Unconfirmed Member
What is so unbelievable? Policies won't be any different. Minorities will be better off. But the messaging has to change or middle america will revolt.

So is the Bernie wing now the pragmatists, while the Hillary wing is the idealists?
Messaging has to be tailored to different types of bases. It's not that hard.

Why can't we have both? Bernie was able to, despite the fact that Hillary's people built up some narrative that he though social issues were a distraction to economic ones (lol).

What I mean is bring up social issues where it matters more. That does not mean instead of economic issues that affect people in urban areas too.

If you wanna keep bringing it up and calling rural white voters them stupid racist rednecks at every chance, thats perfectly fine. Just don't be surprised and come here whining when they either vote red next election or just don't vote at all. NOBODY likes being yelled at and told they're stupid/evil. The moment you do, they tune out anything else you say, however fact-filled and even helpful to them it might be.
We have to change. We have to get people excited. We have to actually care. We have to listen to folks like Zach. We are going to either have radical change that excites or fail. We have to get going. No time for bullshit. She needed to get yelled at, and she needs to leave. Same with all who booed.

It's go time! I want to see shit happen now! Right now!


We're gonna need this mentality from here on out. Swallow your pride and vote. It sucks, but the alternative is what we have now.

If you find the right candidate, it won't be that bad. You'll be excited. Energized.

Too few were that way with Hillary. Too many of us had to swallow our concerns and vote.

Find someone goddamn charismatic.
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