Before all the advertisement, why wasnt this a valid guess?There are people saying the game will bomb like The Wonderful 101 and you are categorizing those opinions as "valid"???
Before all the advertisement, why wasnt this a valid guess?There are people saying the game will bomb like The Wonderful 101 and you are categorizing those opinions as "valid"???
Before all the advertisement, why wasnt this a valid guess?
Was there any info on that? The only pre-order info i've seen is like 116 copies at Comgnet (a store chain that concist of 19 store or something) in Japan, and this number was much lower about 3 weeks ago.Preorders had already dwarfed W101 launch sales by wide margins.
Was there any info on that? The only pre-order info i've seen is like 116 copies at Comgnet (a store chain that concist of 19 store or something) in Japan, and this number was much lower about 3 weeks ago.
COMG ranking of May 26, 2015
04. [WiiU] Splatoon - 142pt
Yeah, based on that, the game should be around 100k or something for the first week in Japan indeed. But as i mention, that number was however much lower about 3 weeks ago. And its also only for Japan, i assume that people here are talking about worldwide sales at least. If someone made the Wonderful 101 comparison quite recently, it would be different, but if someone made it weeks ago, i'm just wondering why it wouldnt be a valid guess.1 point usually > 1.000 sales. At least it was for the past Wii U releases.
That depends on if Nintendo provides extra manpower to get the update out sooner.I wonder if the Splatoon's initial sales exceed Nintendo's expectations will they speed up the timetable on the aforementioned August patch to something earlier like July?
1 point usually > 1.000 sales. At least it was for the past Wii U releases.
COMG ranking of May 26, 2015
04. [WiiU] Splatoon - 142pt
Yeah, based on that, the game should be around 100k or something for the first week in Japan indeed. But as i mention, that number was however much lower about 3 weeks ago. And its also only for Japan, i assume that people here are talking about worldwide sales at least. If someone made the Wonderful 101 comparison quite recently, it would be different, but if someone made it weeks ago, i'm just wondering why it wouldnt be a valid guess.
Personally, i think that Splatoon will sell much more copies than i thought about 3 weeks ago, mostly because of all the advertising that started.
Based on pre-order data it is expected to debut higher than X did on WiiU. This means Splatoon is set to sell more in japan alone than W101 did worldwide.
500k worldwide in it's first 2 weeks sounds way more reasonable.
120k in japan, 250k in US and 140k in EU.
500k worldwide in it's first 2 weeks sounds way more reasonable.
120k in japan, 250k in US and 140k in EU.
It seems pretty much a given at this point that they'll do a sequel for their next console.
I hope they don't just see it as a multiplayer franchise going forward; the single player is soo good, and I'd love to see a more fleshed out storymode.
I still wonder why some thought it would do W101 numbers, just the fact that it got its own Amiibo already prevented that.
Yeah, 120k first day in Japan I think is a good indicator that we've moved passed any worry of a W101 level bomb.
Next stop: Worrying about it being a Bayo 2 level bomb!
That's more than W101's worldwide LTD i think.Yeah, 120k first day in Japan I think is a good indicator that we've moved passed any worry of a W101 level bomb.
That's more than W101's worldwide LTD i think.
So unless there's more coming in before the weekend, retailers essentially low-balled their expectations for it and it'll have a stock shortage.
The Amiibo helped, but what I think is going to sell this game, that I previously assumed was going to bomb, is that Nintendo are actually trying to be competitive and are advertising the damned thing.
Credit where it's due, they've really given it their all when it comes to getting the message out there this time.
Nintendo games have never bombed because they weren't good, they've bombed either because no one knew they existed, or because they didn't know why they should care about them.
Hopefully this will be the stratergy for more games going forward.
Uot? Bayonetta2 wasn't able to sell 120k LTD in Japan, Splatoon sold that number in 1 day
Bayo2 sold 39k in its first week in Japan, and was around 50K after 1 month on the market.
It seems that it did better in the West (I think it sold better than the PS3 version on Bayo1 in US), but I think that also Splatoon will sell at least decently oversea.
True, but how much they grow and how early/late they enter the Comg charts variates from game to game. Back then, 12pt wasnt exactly very optimistic concidering that it was relatively close to the launch of the game, in my opinion, so i just wanted comment on that. The game did however see more point gains out of the ordinary as time went by =) Not that all this matters that much now anyway, the game is clearly going to sell a lot more than The Wonderful 101, especially in Japan.All Comgnet numbers start low and grow as time passes, generally peaking about 1-2 weeks before the release date. Its starting position on the ranking (12pt back in April) was already higher than the starting position for W101, if I remember correctly, and has grown with each successive report since.
It's not
I'm aware, that's the joke.
This thread brought up W101 and B2 a lot as a barometer for failure, and Splatoon is looking to easily pass both of those. It really shouldn't have much trouble reaching 1 million and beyond sales this year. The interesting part is whether or not it'll have legs/tentacles.
Any updated numbers somewhere? I'm interested
Fuck knows where sorry, if I remember right Japan was at 26k and America at something like 70k, add in the rest of the world and it'll be above 120k for sure, maybe not by much
Yea, but this is Nintendo we're talking about . Either the IP hits a million or it hits the bin.120k first day plus what follows in the week end might push it over 150k until the sales come in next week. Really good for a new IP.
Yea, but this is Nintendo we're talking about . Either the IP hits a million or it hits the bin.
Easy 1m LTD. Splatoon 2 on NX is practically confirmed.
Yea, but this is Nintendo we're talking about . Either the IP hits a million or it hits the bin.
It got good reviews, it fills a void in their portfolio and it would be nintendo's biggest new console IP since Wii Fit (according to mediacreate thread). I'd say Splatoon as a returning nintendo IP for next gen seems almost confirmed.
The foundation is there, and it seems like a solid base to build future games upon.
Because it's made by Nintendo and not a hardcore niche game.Before all the advertisement, why wasnt this a valid guess?
Splatoon 2: SplatoonerSpla2n.
Fuck knows where sorry, if I remember right Japan was at 26k and America at something like 70k, add in the rest of the world and it'll be above 120k for sure, maybe not by much
Splatoon 2: Splatooner
Everybody that I know that has a Wii U bought it. Also, I work at Gamestop and we had more preorders for Splatoon right now than we do for both Mad Max and slightly under what we had for the Witcher 3.
Yeah. Seriously.
Everybody that I know that has a Wii U bought it. Also, I work at Gamestop and we had more preorders for Splatoon right now than we do for both Mad Max and slightly under what we had for the Witcher 3.
Yeah. Seriously.
To answer the question of the title - it already is.
We saw a Splatoon advert in the cinema before Mad Max, which was a big deal considering there were never any Mario Kart or Smash adverts and I'm in the UK.