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Do you like ASMR?

Bullet Club


The sound of this dog eating popcorn is probably giving someone somewhere a boner. Popcorn boner!

I should replace the "someone somewhere" bit in the sentence above with vis_name, that would freak some people out.


Not really my thing but one of our broadcasters here in the UK ran these idents a few years ago, the rolling sticks of rock/candy was quite pleasant!

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I don't see the appeal. Like are people new to sound? Girls on YouTube are making fat stacks by brushing mics with feathers and shit wtf lol. People eat it up.


The only sensation I have experienced from ASMR is feeling like an idiot. At least it was short lived.


I tried ASMR out of desperation when trying to sleep after an operation, I was on quite a bit of morphine at the time too, did ASMR help me relax and sleep? Did it fuck.


No I hate it lolol its just so stupid to me. Im like Fck talk louder you ass I cant hear what the hell your saying lol. But seriously I had no idea this was even a thing until recently, it's like the emperors new clothes. Everyone is saying it's cool and whatever but i'm like... dude its just whispering and it's lame. My opinion so feel free to disagree.


ASMR does and does not work for me. When it's itentional, I usually neither find it appealing nor does it really work. So all that scratching, whispering and rubbing a cheese grater against your mic puts me off instantly.

But there's a bunch of videos about building stuff and cooking, with no music, that I find extremely relaxing and mesmerizing.

The stuff people consider ASMR nowadays is BS. I would throw my PC out of the window if I had to rub a bunch of plastic ears on Twitch every night.


I'm sure it's just a coincidence that many of these are attractive women.

Where's the ASMR of some fat lad doing a nasty big shite after a night out on the beers, finished off with a kebab?
Imagine just lying back and listening to the sounds of his hairy arsehole pushing out a slimy stink log as he breathes and groans laboriously.


Imagine just lying back and listening to the sounds of his hairy arsehole pushing out a slimy stink log as he breathes and groans laboriously.



I'm sure it's just a coincidence that many of these are attractive women.

Where's the ASMR of some fat lad doing a nasty big shite after a night out on the beers, finished off with a kebab?
Imagine just lying back and listening to the sounds of his hairy arsehole pushing out a slimy stink log as he breathes and groans laboriously.



I've being following ASMR youtubers since late 2015.

I enjoy it a lot but yeah there is some questionable things going on, like borderline camgirls using asmr as a gateway to their patreon porn. There was always a sexual element to the videos but now you have all this young white girls pushing the sexual aspects up to eleven. You can still find some good channels though.

This is my top 5:

Pelagea ASMR

Davey Cakes

Sophie Michelle is probably my favorite. I'm not really in it for the "tingles" so much as I just enjoy the relaxation aspect when I want something to help me sleep.

Davey Cakes

Might as well call me a boomer, since I don't get the point of asmr at all.
I mean, if you're of an age that can relate to Boomers, Gen X, or early/middle Millenials, then just think about the days when you'd go the store and see CDs with pictures of oceans or rain as the album art. You know, those atmospheric things that would help people chill.

It's kind of like that. Calming, comforting effect. Obviously some people who enjoy the visual aspects of it will take comfort in being touched and caressed with plenty of eye contact. That's usually optional if the audio is still there.

We all have ways to unwind.
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you should get her onto CherryCrush........

If you REALLY like her, you should go to her Pornhub account.

Yeah I love ASMR. So much that I even did some of my own at one point.

Alhough, nowadays I prefer the Unintentional kind. Better sounds and it's not as intense half the time. The new ASMRists are too...weird sometimes.

Except for Ephemeral Rift. I love that dude.

Those vids with the kids are creepy, wtf?

I've discussed that with Kadayi in the past, ASMR videos like the above don't do anything for me, but from what Kad describes it's the same sensation I get from listening to certain types of music.

This is my ASMR:

That's called Frisson
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This is what always happens. A thing becomes popular and thots come in to make easy money. See twitch, asmr etc. thus ruining the reputation of the whole thing.


I suppose I have misophonia, so I can't say I get any of this in the slightest. I had never heard of ASMR before, but even reading the description made me feel a bit queasy. If someone around me is making particularly loud chewing or lip smacking sounds, I have to take a moment to gather myself and try to go to a happy place.

I did immediately click on the video of the dog eating popcorn though, because animals eating is just adorbs. Not sure why that's fine and human noises are not, but this is just the cutest;

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Gold Member
I was about to make a thread on this, but thankfully I found this thread and it's not that old. It wasn't until this year that I finally found out that there's a term for the sensation that I get when I watch someone do something intricate. I know a lot of ASMR uses the definition of purely audio queues, but the feeling is also triggered through visual queues.


However, this week, I found something that for me seems to make both the visual and audio people happy.

He makes 2 videos for each piece of art he's restoring. One is just the sounds and the visuals and then he posts the exact same video with him doing a VO explaining what he's doing.


I do agree with the comment earlier that there's been an increase in sexualised ASMR, though I guess when you are competing for views using thumbnails you've got to generate those clicks. However there are still a lot of people out there doing just straight forward ASMR . Also sure, a lot of pretty girls/women, but there are some quality dude ASMR artists also, like Massage ASMR: -

Someone I've really gotten into watching is this Chiropractors dudes ASMR videos of late: -

I find stuff like that pretty fascinating just to wind down to towards the end of the evening. Restoration videos are pretty cool also: -



Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It's not calming for sensual for me. Rather, it's like a way to constantly mildly agitate anxiety. Like a fly buzzing around your head and landing on your neck or something. It's like, please stop doing that.

The description Kadayi posted applies except for being in a "positive" way. Tingles, yes, yet not "eurphoria" but rather "cringe" or "creeped out" kind of feeling.

Edit: If we're talking about music-based euphoria. See something like Opus by Eric Prydz. That's as close to audio sex as you'll get and homeboy carried that eargasm for solid minutes. An EDM masterpiece, whole body experience, no drugs required. Before that the last real one I remember was track 2 from Orbital's UK-only special EP for The Box (sorry youtube ruins audio quality/depth/impact) when that harpsichord drops like a fucking meteor and all the prior layers come back.
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Gold Member
These are my favorite, just posted a montage instead of all the individual ones.

Although I think Paris Hilton gave my earhole herpes
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It looks like the banana girl died over the weekend of an overdose in her sleep. So sad.

I liked her stuff when she started but I believe her parents kicked her out of her house. I kept up with her stuff here and there but it was like a car crash in slow motion. Kept hoping she’d get her shit together.


It looks like the banana girl died over the weekend of an overdose in her sleep. So sad.

I liked her stuff when she started but I believe her parents kicked her out of her house. I kept up with her stuff here and there but it was like a car crash in slow motion. Kept hoping she’d get her shit together.

damn that shit is dark as a mudda fucka, rip girl thanks for the tingles


Gold Member
Nah, i just check topic on forums about it because sometimes people post video of beatiful chicks doing strange shit in underwear...

My insomnia can't be solved by a guy chewing some tobacco...
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For some reason can’t post twitter links from my phone but her boyfriend she just hooked up with in the past month broke the news. Now someone is calling him out for calling 911 then bolting for the paramedics and her dad to find her.

Shame. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
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It looks like the banana girl died over the weekend of an overdose in her sleep. So sad.

I liked her stuff when she started but I believe her parents kicked her out of her house. I kept up with her stuff here and there but it was like a car crash in slow motion. Kept hoping she’d get her shit together.

I remember watching this video back when it was released. She really looked like a trainwreck type but i didn't think it was that bad.

Rest in peace.
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