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Doctor Strange |OT| By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth

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Lol I find criticism of the story following "The Hero's Journey" hilarious as most every popular narrative follows it to some degree. That's literally where it comes from in the first place, the idea of it being applicable to multiple fairytale. It isnt a criticism as Duckroll thinks it is.


Lol I find criticism of the story following "The Hero's Journey" hilarious as most every popular narrative follows it to some degree. That's literally where it comes from in the first place, the idea of it being applicable to multiple fairytale. It isnt a criticism as Duckroll thinks it is.

The criticism isn't that it uses a template, the criticism is that it does nothing remotely interesting with the template to make it stand out in any way. The keyword there is 101. Your deflection isn't as clever as you think it is.


I just watched this and it's a very decent origins movie, actually is my second favorite of MCU (GotG is unreachable I think).

I only disliked the ost, it sounds like a mix between Star Trek 2009 and X-men.
The criticism isn't that it uses a template, the criticism is that it does nothing remotely interesting with the template to make it stand out in any way. The keyword there is 101. Your deflection isn't as clever as you think it is.

I came off as really condescending, apologies. It is quite a basic origin story, but I thought there was enough subversion in there
particularly in Strange's group of contemporaries, Mordo going aggro and The Ancient One being surprisingly flawed.
First misfire Marvel has had?

Not a chance.

I saw it a few hours ago in the UK and I posted this as my facebook status:

Credit where credit is due Marvel know what they're doing. In other words: The Doctor Strange movie was... delightful.

I joked that it was going to be a cinematic LSD trip, but in parts it really was. You'll know which sequence I'm talking about when you see it.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
The film confirmed for me that I like the movies focusing on one hero more, or a small set. My favorites are GoTG, IM1, Ant-Man and now this one. I enjoyed this so much more than Civil War.


Just got back. It's possibly my favourite Marvel film to date largely to do with how much the last half hour excited me about the rest of the MCU's potential.

- Cumberbatch is great once he gets out of the Sherlock/Dr.House groove of the first 15 minutes.
- Visual effects are mindblowing and varied. -1 point for Quantic Dream Tilda Swinton on the balcony.
- The gearing up of an all-out Astral/Physical/Space war in Infinity War is ridiculous. This film showed me how much further Marvel Studios can take their set-pieces.

Only thing that sort of bothered me was how nearly everyone at the temple in Nepal was white/western. Also, Chiwetel Ejiofor didn't really receive enough screen-time.


Just came back, pretty decent movie. It's your basic reluctant hero origin story, but the visuals take it to another level. Ranking wise, I'd put it on par with Iron Man.

Acting wise, there's not a single weak link in this movie. Everyone was on point.


The criticism isn't that it uses a template, the criticism is that it does nothing remotely interesting with the template to make it stand out in any way. The keyword there is 101. Your deflection isn't as clever as you think it is.
Why do you think it's been so well received? Is it just a matter of style making up for lack of substance, much in the same vein as Avatar?


tagged by Blackace
How much do y'all think Batman Begins factors into impressions of "basic superhero origin story/journey"?

We're not talking about an insignificant frame of reference either.
I enjoyed this, primarily because of Cumberbatch and Swinton's performances, and the film's sheer devotion to spending hundreds of millions in putting Weird Shit in their movie.

Boy oh boy, is there ever some Weird Shit in this movie.
Was decent. Visually pretty great, and made the action sequences better than they usually are in these films; the best action sequences along with the end of Ant-Man and some Winter Soldier stuff.

Script was awful though; all exposition, extremely humourless, foggy character motivations - not really sure why Mordo was so pissed all the time. Good climax conceptually but shitty parts -
i liked that he solved it through mediation and perseverance and all that, but Dormammu looked fucking crap

Good acting mostly; Cumberbatch decent but not allowed to be as charming as he usually can be. Ejiofor and McAdams in thankless roles but would rather have actors of their calibre than others. Swinton very good, very ethereal and otherworldy even when spouting endless exposition. Mikkelsen decent, some weight to a typically Marvelish boring villain.

Was okay. Around as good as literally every other Marvel film; maybe a little less because I usually find the scripts much better, with more rounded characters, humour and interaction.
I saw the movie this afternoon

I have very few complains .. i really liked it and i think the movies was elevated by the 3D effects especially during the various chases.

The last 2 skits at the end were great


Fantastic superhero origins movie overall. Benedict and Swinton were perfect for their roles and the script delivered great gags
Wifi password ROFLOL
as well as satisfying plot points (the confrontation with with big bad felt especially clever, and nicely in line with the magic theme).

The initial fighting scene was unnecessary imo, but I get that the pre superhero origins part would have bored some people without that scene.

The movie also glossed over Strange's ascension from a being novice to a powerful magician. It seemed like it all happened in a couple of days, but I don't know if it was their intention to indicate that.

Great movie tho. The only sad thing is that the infinity stones are now all lined up for Thanos to steal ... :(
Am I alone in coming away from it thinking that some of the CGI was Blade 2 levels of bad? (as in a modern equivalent) Some of the visuals were amazing like when Batch went through the many planes of existence or when architecture shifted into death traps, but whenever anybody fell from a wall to a floor it looked like they were super shitty WWE 2k render.

Swinton was the runaway star of the movie for me as a playful take on the old wise master in a big budget movie. Cumberbunch came across well but his accent slip whilst he was streaming was really distracting. Benedict Wong was fab as brief as his time on screen was. Mads was a nothing character so it was hard to be let down and I was a little disappointing that Chiwetel was essentially played his role no different from The Operative.

The acting was good, most of the visuals were great but the whole plot felt paper thin.
Strange going from nothing to a magic man who could defeat the most powerful entity in the multiverse in the course of one movie felt pretty unsatisfying and I feel if they wanted the big bad of the movie to be Dorm then he should have been the focus rather than wasting time on Mads.
In the theater now. Hope it's good!

Edit: it was pretty dope.

I really like that it didn't end with a big crazy battle vs a million minions.


In a year when most of the high profile, big budget action/comedy films have been atrocious, I'll gladly take Strange's "entertaining but narratively pedestrian".

The film does have moments that start to differentiate itself, such as the resolution of the climax. They're too small to give this film a unique feel but I'm optimistic for a sequel that expands on that part.


Maybe i should say mcu is losing steam, and marvel is desperately hanging on as evident by dr strange, they hoping to extend the mcu by going in circles, but the formula is becoming formulaic!

AoU = suck
CA:CW = BvS mess
Dr strange = refresh rehash.

time to cut the rope kevin!
They will cut the rope or change things up when these films stop making money, which isn't going to happen any time soon. No one at Marvel is in it for the art, so the "quality" of the films doesn't actually matter.


it was fun, but I felt like I was mostly in it for the visuals and to some extent cumberbatch being a charismatic asshole on a rdj/stark level

some of it felt like inception had been totally about fighting fools with magic in a weird dreamscape


It's inoffensive, has known stars in it, good production values, and makes people laugh.

In other words


I'm ok with it being Ant-Man tier, a film I enjoyed but found also found rote.


It's not a bad film by any means. I thought the humor was pretty funny, there was a lot of it, and the effects were for the most part really well done. The dimensional stuff looked great. It's just wasted potential and unfulfilling if you want something more than just a 2 hour time waster that makes you laugh. While the effects were nice, I didn't like the actual fighting much. Felt like a videogame with QTEs and timed blocks and counters.

I don't like Sherlock's take on Strange either. Too openly arrogant and sarcastic without the presence of being a dangerous man. But what I did like was the Ancient One. Stand out performance. She played really well against the entire cast, elevating what little there is to elevate in otherwise pedestrian scenes.

Yep definitely echos my feelings as well, saw it today.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I feel like with this movie, its widening the gap between dc and marvel's movies quality

Sure hope DC will catch up quick


Visually the movie is amazing and even though it doesn't break new ground its so well executed that I can't help but love it.
fucking amazing movie. Loved this. 9/10

the time loop ending and not having a boss fight
was a nice change of pace.

Amazing visuals, quite funny and cast perfectly.

Will probably rewatch and will definitely buy the bluray. Incredible CGI work.

reading up, people don't like cumberbatch as DS? He was pretty perfect.


The criticism isn't that it uses a template, the criticism is that it does nothing remotely interesting with the template to make it stand out in any way. The keyword there is 101. Your deflection isn't as clever as you think it is.

The story isn't interesting, the visuals are.

It's the first genuinely interesting Marvel film visually. Some stunning stuff on there, where it seems they put effort into making it look stunning rather than merely servicing the story.

And if Doctor Strange is trippy to look at, that's most of the work done already. The fact it's pretty much poor mans The Matrix story wise is ultimately immaterial.


The story isn't interesting, the visuals are.

It's the first genuinely interesting Marvel film visually. Some stunning stuff on there, where it seems they put effort into making it look stunning rather than merely servicing the story.

And if Doctor Strange is trippy to look at, that's most of the work done already. The fact it's pretty much poor mans The Matrix story wise is ultimately immaterial.

I can't agree with that. It's the same problem I had with Avatar - if you're going to spend so much money and skill on visuals, why not spend some time to try and tell even a vaguely interesting story? It's especially jarring with Strange, because the concept allows for some honestly interesting material to be created. Instead, it's all incredibly standard, shallow stuff. It's so frustrating that they have the right cast, the right visuals, and they don't really do anything with it apart from those showcase dimension scenes.

I don't think it's wrong to ask more from your movies. Frankly, with these kind of visuals/cast members this could have been a classic with a better, deeper story. Now it's just a forgettable summer flick.

This is simply not a movie I'll ever want to rewatch, apart from some of the LSD scenes when they inevitably show up on youtube.


I can't agree with that. It's the same problem I had with Avatar - if you're going to spend so much money and skill on visuals, why not spend some time to try and tell even a vaguely interesting story? It's especially jarring with Strange, because the concept allows for some honestly interesting material to be created. Instead, it's all incredibly standard, shallow stuff. It's so frustrating that they have the right cast, the right visuals, and they don't really do anything with it apart from those showcase dimension scenes.

I don't think it's wrong to ask more from your movies. Frankly, with these kind of visuals/cast members this could have been a classic with a better, deeper story. Now it's just a forgettable summer flick.

This is simply not a movie I'll ever want to rewatch, apart from some of the LSD scenes when they inevitably show up on youtube.

Fair enough. For me it was just refreshing to see an MCU film that had effort put in visually beyond "capture cool shit, go home."

That and the fact it was as close as we'll get to a new Matrix style film. Not close to that quality wise, but stylistically in a ballpark.
Really enjoyed it, but this was a film that succeeded despite a weak, rote script. Motivations weren't great, Strange seemed to have a pretty easy go at getting to be god-tier magician, love interest was weak, villain was weak.
Visuals and actors were great, though - without this cast, with a weaker production crew and director, this would have been awful.
Still, really enjoyable and love that Marvel went in hard on the weird.


This movie has together with Winter Soldier the best fight scenes.

Who agrees, who disagrees?

Fights were boring, the visual effects in the background during fights were cool. Not enough for me. Better action than Guardians but worse than Ant-Man. Choreography > VFX gimmicks.
Fights are great, I never expected the battle in Dr Strange to basically be kung fu action with light shows. Remind me of Avatar The Last Airbender or Naruto fights


Fights were boring, the visual effects in the background during fights were cool. Not enough for me. Better action than Guardians but worse than Ant-Man. Choreography > VFX gimmicks.
I am not talking about the backgrounds, I liked how they did Kung-Fu with one fighter on the ground while the other stood on the wall.
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