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Doctor Who Series Seven |OT| The Question You've Been Running From All Your Life

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Tennant also did an interview last week where he says he's not involved, so perhaps the multi Doctor story rumours are wrong. Or perhaps it is the RTD-style troll somebody suggested in this thread and it is called the 11 Doctors but all of them are Matt Smith. Video here.

That said, he is awfully... furtive in his answer. I think he's lying, to be honest.

As far as Rose goes, I'm glad, but I'd also say she's a never-say-never one until Smith leaves - he and Piper are massive buddies, and he's talked a lot about wanting her to come back to he can do some episodes with her.

Side note: Another Who baby on the way, as Tennant and Georgia Moffet (Jenny in Series 4, and 5th Doctor Peter Davison's daughter) are expecting a second baby! I almost feel like one of these children is destined for this role in 30+ years' time.
Tennant also did an interview last week where he says he's not involved, so perhaps the multi Doctor story rumours are wrong. Or perhaps it is the RTD-style troll somebody suggested in this thread and it is called the 11 Doctors but all of them are Matt Smith. Video here.

That said, he is awfully... furtive in his answer. I think he's lying, to be honest.

He's probably lying. He's already proved with Jenna Louise Coleman's character(s) that he'll straight up bullshit you if you ask him a question. I can't imagine that if he'd lie about that, he wouldn't lie (and ask everyone else to lie) about the 50th episode.



From facebook:
Big Finish Productions are releasing their biggest ever Doctor Who audio at the end of the year to mark the 50th anniversary. 'Doctor Who: The Light at the End' will feature not one, but FIVE Doctors whose paths suddenly intersect when they face imminent destruction! Find out more here: http://bit.ly/Xkihp7


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Well, that was a marvellous day out!

To start with it felt like it was going to be a bit of a disappointment - sat with the tour in a crappy little cinema thing ... then it opened out, and out, and out.

I got to drive the Tardis!

Walked through the forest full of creepy Angels - trying and failing not to blink. Ooo-er.

Got attacked by Daleks!

Was giggling like a little kid.

Awesome exhibition at the end too. Every Dalek variant since 1963. Every cyberman variant, Every Sontaran even. Four original Tardises. Costumes galore, set mockups, the tenth Doctors' Tardis control room and two (three? four? I forget ...) others. Every damn sonic screwdriver. Even part of the set from the last Chrismas Special.


Shame the shop was full of the usual overpriced stuff (would I like a Matt Smith jacket? sure. Have I got £250? not for that.)
BF have been running a few stories at £2.99 over christmas for 48 hours. Might be able to grab a few of them. I'm fairly sure that this will be a "standalone" so that you won't have a load of backlog to understand it. If you do want to try the audios, have a dig round the bf site. There are a few podcasts where they "give" the first episode of a play away.



NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Oh dear. Dearie me.

I just worked out the one thing in the DW exhibition that I didn't get a good close look at. There were a couple of Silents manning their Tardis console.

I remember now catching it out the corner of my eye, but then I turned away and forgot all about it.

That is spooky.

I still can't honestly say whether it was really there or whether it was some sort of effect.

Oh dear.


Netflix put the "New episodes!" badge on Doctor Who today, but I don't see any actual new episodes. Are they getting ready to add the first part of S7? Or is there something else they've added?
Could potentially be a region bug, as on Netflix UK we just now got Series 5 and Tennant's final 3 episodes - so that got the new episodes badge here as a result of that.


Could potentially be a region bug, as on Netflix UK we just now got Series 5 and Tennant's final 3 episodes - so that got the new episodes badge here as a result of that.

Here on the US end of things, it looks like they merged the Tennant specials into the larger NuWho catalog on Netflix, before they were separated.


I really love Big Finish. I don't pay much attention to anything outside of the show, but I've been so impressed with so much of their stuff, I consider the audio plays part of my own personal canon.

I especially love what they've done with McGann. I went from loathing the TV movie to being able to see the Eighth Doctor's adventures as a worthy addition to the lore. I hope the producers of the show do the same someday.
Big Finish is worthwhile just for the recovery job they've pulled on the Sixth Doctor. He's great in Big Finish in ways his TV self doesn't even touch.
One of the six year olds I teach came up to me today and rattled off the full names of every single actor who has played The Doctor including the alternate actors and comic relief special actors.

It was so impressive that the rest of the class burst into spontaneous applause.

My job is fuck awesome.


I like that last paragraph but if they end the current run of the show they should just end it with him continuing on his adventures.

"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea is asleep and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do. "



This means I'll have to get at some of the earlier Big Finish efforts.

Do they sell a compendium anywhere of older stuff on the cheap so I can ease myself into it?

They've appeared on BBC 7 (Or 4Xtra as it is now) fairly frequently; that's how I got introduced to BF. Not sure if they're still doing so, but probably worth checking the listings; I caught Charlie Pollard's first series via BBC7.

Edit: Just looked. One per weekday, 6pm. Today, "The Book of Kells". Looking further, it looks like they're running the "New Eighth Doctor Adventures" - logical, since the first series of that was a reboot-of-sorts, a coproduction with BF with first runs on BBC7... but they're coming up to the *end* of the run; it looks like next Friday's is the last they made of that run. Hopefully they'll begin the cycle again after that, but can't be sure.
"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea is asleep and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do. "

Say what you want about the rest of McCoy's tenure, that was a pitch-perfect way to end the series.
Say what you want about the rest of McCoy's tenure, that was a pitch-perfect way to end the series.

It is staggeringly amazing at the range of quality of the Seventh Doctor.

It started with "Time and the Rani", which I consider one of the worst episodes of the show. In it, the Rani (a renegade Time Lord) uses the Doctor's post-regen amnesia* to try to get him to be her lab monkey. Hilarity theoretically ensues, and the Doctor keeps pratfalling due to just walking across rooms with no obstructions. The acting is way over the top all around, even though the basic concept of the episode is supposed to be kind of serious. I wasn't a fan of the actresses playing either the Rani or the Doctor's companion.

The last two episode of his run — "The Curse of Fenric" and "Survival" — are among my favourite episodes of the fifty years of Doctor Who. They took the Doctor seriously despite his quirks, they were imaginative and told exciting stories, and they presented the Seventh Doctor as a far, far more interesting character, a deep thinking strategist who does not hesitate to manipulate others for what he sees as the greater good. If he went on like this, with the same writers and showrunner, I feel that we would have gotten a much better rendition of the incredibly clumsy concept of "Time Lord Triumphant" that we saw a few years ago. Additionally, they changed to a far superior companion who had a backstory which — as with modern companions — was woven into the general over-arcing plotline, and we got actual character development out of it!

* just read up on it. I thought it was caused by the regeneration, but apparently she injected him with forget meds. This increases how much I dislike the episode.


It is staggeringly amazing at the range of quality of the Seventh Doctor.

I feel I have to post one of my favourite Seventh Doctor clips here:

Understand, that no explanation for the motivation behind this is *ever* given:


It basically comes across as the Doctor realising that the episode is nearly over and that they need a cliffhanger *right* now, and adlibbing to make one.
I feel I have to post one of my favourite Seventh Doctor clips here:

Understand, that no explanation for the motivation behind this is *ever* given:


It basically comes across as the Doctor realising that the episode is nearly over and that they need a cliffhanger *right* now, and adlibbing to make one.
There was an explanation given, I'm sure they said it on the DVD for the episode. Also this
The literal cliffhanger at the end of episode 1 in which the Doctor lowers himself over a guard rail to dangle over an abyss from his umbrella for no apparent reason comes under frequent criticism for its seeming absurdity. As scripted, the Doctor did have a logical motivation for his actions. According to Cartmel in a later interview, the passage leading to the cliff was meant to be a dead end, leaving the Doctor no option but to scale the cliff face. As shot, however, this reasoning became unclea

I've also heard something about someone was meant to be coming around the corner so he thought he should hide or something.

Yes its still stupid, but apparently they just forgot to film to make it less stupid or something
I feel I have to post one of my favourite Seventh Doctor clips here:

Understand, that no explanation for the motivation behind this is *ever* given:


It basically comes across as the Doctor realising that the episode is nearly over and that they need a cliffhanger *right* now, and adlibbing to make one.

I absolutely knew what you were linking to before I unhid the spoiler. XD

I think they could retroactively fix it by (as Worthintendo ruminated), in a future "special edition" release, digitally inserting guardsmen (or… whatever kind of baddies were involved here, I forget the episode specifics) whom you hear just before he climbs down, then who walk along the railway while he's hanging. It's not the actual storyline explanation, but it would make sense and is a feasible solution.

edit: Keep in mind I hate using digital effects to change things for the sake of changing things. But, by the gods, something needs to be done here!


"Fuck Daleks" - Ace, 1963

Well now I really need to go back and marathon again, if only to fill in the episodes that I skipped! I think I saw this one, though. *checks* Yeeaaaaah, it's the one where they got the name of the junkyard wrong. I think I liked it.

Hmmm, has the Doctor ever faced the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as he has so many aliens in the guise of mythical creatures? It would be very Moffat if he went back again to 76 Totter's Lane and realized that the sign is actually intended to read "I M Four Men", a warning somebody (maybe he!) placed to warn the First Doctor of the events to come! The changing of the name each time he visits have just been you know, the universe compensating or something particularly not very scientific. :p
I've been rewatching Matt Smith's run these past few weeks, and damn, season 6 is such a mess.

I'm in the minority I guess but I think Season 6 is quite good

The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon - Awesome
Curse of the Black Pearl- meh. Forgettable.
The Doctor's Wife-God tier
The Flesh 2 parter-not bad, but packing problems. Should have been 1 episode. Great cliffhanger.
A Good Man Goes to War-awesome and epic
Let's Kill Hitler-great pacing, zany and funny.
Night Terrors-I love this one. Whoever the director was is top notch because the entire episode is beautiful.
The Girl Who Waited-love it. So great, again it looked awesome and I loved the way all the characters were separated. Again, terrific ending.
The God Complex-a great idea, great ending and nice casting. The scene where he has to break Amy'd faith in him is beautiful.
Closing Time-another meh from me. I'm not fond of Craig or the silly Cybermen, but seeing the Doctor having a ordinary job was a funny idea to explore.
Wedding of River Song-I know this gets a lot of hate but I love it. Is the "way out" a cheat? Sure, and it bugged me at first but in subsequent viewings it didn't bother me at first. Journey, not the ending.
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe-my least favorite Smith episode ever. Just seemed half baked.

Overall it wasn't perfect but not even remotely bad in the least.


I'm in the minority I guess but I think Season 6 is quite good

The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon - Awesome
Curse of the Black Pearl- meh. Forgettable.
The Doctor's Wife-God tier
The Flesh 2 parter-not bad, but packing problems. Should have been 1 episode. Great cliffhanger.
A Good Man Goes to War-awesome and epic
Let's Kill Hitler-great pacing, zany and funny.
Night Terrors-I love this one. Whoever the director was is top notch because the entire episode is beautiful.
The Girl Who Waited-love it. So great, again it looked awesome and I loved the way all the characters were separated. Again, terrific ending.
The God Complex-a great idea, great ending and nice casting. The scene where he has to break Amy'd faith in him is beautiful.
Closing Time-another meh from me. I'm not fond of Craig or the silly Cybermen, but seeing the Doctor having a ordinary job was a funny idea to explore.
Wedding of River Song-I know this gets a lot of hate but I love it. Is the "way out" a cheat? Sure, and it bugged me at first but in subsequent viewings it didn't bother me at first. Journey, not the ending.
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe-my least favorite Smith episode ever. Just seemed half baked.

Overall it wasn't perfect but not even remotely bad in the least.

Doctor's Wife and God Complex are fantastic, Night Terrors is alright, but the rest are crap. Especially The Girl Who Waited, which is so bad that is Fear Her tier.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The Girl Who Waited is one of my absolute favorite Doctor Who episodes...

...except for Gillian's performance as old Amy. I don't buy it at all. Not her age, but just the character that they wrote for her, the jaded Amy who hates the Doctor. Her delivery just doesn't work.
Rest of the episode is Ace, its a shame its dragged down by that.

Season 6 also had the best season opener of NuWho (seriously love IA/DotM) and the absolute worst of the finales. Yes, I do rank Wedding of River Song below Last of the Time Lords.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
The Girl Who Waited was great.
I also thought Season 6 was pretty good too. There were flaws, but it's nowhere close as bad as people claim.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The Girl Who Waited was great.
I also thought Season 6 was pretty good too. There were flaws, but it's nowhere close as bad as people claim.

Its mostly that the episodes I don't like (Good Man Goes to War, Lets Kill Hitler, Wedding of River Song) stick out in my memory so strongly and there were only perhaps three episodes that I really really liked (IA/DotM, Doctor's Wife, and maaaybe The God Complex)
It's possible to hate Girl Who waited? What is wrong with this world?

But wow, looking at that list, season six really did have some great episodes, I think Moffat just screwed the overarching arc, which in turn sadly screwed what he had been building with River for years.

I'm willing to chalk a lot of that up to scrambling through a messy production schedule. He's really at his best when he's got more time to write a couple extra drafts.


She hasn't been confirmed at all, and no footage or set reports have emerged with her, but Alex Kingston was spotted around Cardiff while filming was on. Hard to say for certain, really.
You'd assume that there's still more to show of River.

It would be a bit disappointing if her last appearance was in an episode that wasn't based around her.
I'm still wondering if the Doctor will ever go "save" River from the library, or if that's.... a good enough place for her to end up, so that they won't have to worry about what to do with her.
You'd assume that there's still more to show of River.

It would be a bit disappointing if her last appearance was in an episode that wasn't based around her.

To be honest, with the end of season six, any and rory gone and the season six mini episodes...her whole story IS pretty complete.


I'm still wondering if the Doctor will ever go "save" River from the library, or if that's.... a good enough place for her to end up, so that they won't have to worry about what to do with her.

I'd like to think that the Doctor uploads her in the TARDIS or something and continue on her virtual existence.

The Doctor would basically be playing The Sims or something.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I'd like to think that the Doctor uploads her in the TARDIS or something and continue on her virtual existence.

The Doctor would basically be playing The Sims or something.
"Sexy" and River merged would make the TARDIS his ultimate waifu.

From facebook:
Big Finish Productions are releasing their biggest ever Doctor Who audio at the end of the year to mark the 50th anniversary. 'Doctor Who: The Light at the End' will feature not one, but FIVE Doctors whose paths suddenly intersect when they face imminent destruction! Find out more here: http://bit.ly/Xkihp7

Awesome. Not only Five Doctors, but they went with their best companions, too.

Hearing two of my favorite companions in a story with five Doctors (including my two absolute favorites) will be a real treat. This will be the best anniversary gift possible.


It's possible to hate Girl Who waited? What is wrong with this world?

Too much retread of "Rory proves he loves Amy" that we'd already seen. The only highlight was all the screen time between Darvill and Smith, because they played off each other so well. For me, everything after Good Man Goes to War except God Complex and Closing Time were terrible.

I absolutely knew what you were linking to before I unhid the spoiler. XD

I think they could retroactively fix it by (as Worthintendo ruminated), in a future "special edition" release, digitally inserting guardsmen (or… whatever kind of baddies were involved here, I forget the episode specifics) whom you hear just before he climbs down, then who walk along the railway while he's hanging. It's not the actual storyline explanation, but it would make sense and is a feasible solution.

edit: Keep in mind I hate using digital effects to change things for the sake of changing things. But, by the gods, something needs to be done here!

Well now I really need to go back and marathon again, if only to fill in the episodes that I skipped! I think I saw this one, though. *checks* Yeeaaaaah, it's the one where they got the name of the junkyard wrong. I think I liked it.

Hmmm, has the Doctor ever faced the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as he has so many aliens in the guise of mythical creatures? It would be very Moffat if he went back again to 76 Totter's Lane and realized that the sign is actually intended to read "I M Four Men", a warning somebody (maybe he!) placed to warn the First Doctor of the events to come! The changing of the name each time he visits have just been you know, the universe compensating or something particularly not very scientific. :p

That was a gif I saw when I first started watching the show, and still want to find it somewhere to see what the hell was going on.
The only 7th doctor I've seen is the one those pictures of Ace smashing a Dalek is from, and... man was Ace suppose to be an 80's stereotype or something? She was a decent companion as that goes, but everything about her (as a kid who grew up in the tail end of the 80's into the 90's) just screamed 'Trying too hard'
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