The Doctor is enough of a creeper hanging around with adults 1/40th his age. Having a legit child companion would just be too much.
The Doctor is enough of a creeper hanging around with adults 1/40th his age. Having a legit child companion would just be too much.
I don't get why they had to name it something alien like that. Why didn't they just name it something like, oh, I don't know, "FREE WIFI CLICK HERE!" or "Open WiFi Network" or "The Internet".Don't look.┓┏ 凵 =╱⊿┌┬┐
God no.
We already got a child....the Doctor, add a kid companion and it would be both of them talking about yo yo's and balls while going to Disneyland all the time.
It's why I really want to see a more serious Doctor the next time we've had enough jumping around whammy Docs now in a roll.
I'd say Eccleston was on the serious side and still worked very well.To borrow a quote from you, God no.
Oh Christ on a Cracker, no.
I don't get why they had to name it something alien like that. Why didn't they just name it something like, oh, I don't know, "FREE WIFI CLICK HERE!" or "Open WiFi Network" or "The Internet".
Loved the episode. Looking forward to the rest of the season. Especially Journey.
Actually I don't get the purpose of having to join the WiFi at all if they're just physically sending out robot wifi transmitters.
Actually I don't get the purpose of having to join the WiFi at all if they're just physically sending out robot wifi transmitters.
I'd say Eccleston was on the serious side and still worked very well.
Serious, but still had moments of levity. I'd like it if we had that mix. Not just one way.
I might never make sense again! I might have two heads, or no head. Imagine me with no head! And don't say that's an improvement. But it's a bit dodgy, this process. You never know what you're gonna end up with.
People who say Eccleston was grimdark have never watched Series 1 I reckon;
No one is saying he was grimdark but he did have a more serious tone. And not over the top angry like 11 gets.
But 9 was damn grimdark in Dalek.
wtf is this nightmare fuel?
I don't get why they had to name it something alien like that. Why didn't they just name it something like, oh, I don't know, "FREE WIFI CLICK HERE!" or "Open WiFi Network" or "The Internet".
No one is saying he was grimdark but he did have a more serious tone. And not over the top angry like 11 gets.
But 9 was damn grimdark in Dalek.
I probably not the only one developing a crush with the new companion. Was quite surprised to learn she was dating the King in the North.
They should have an older companion. Someone like Judi Dench.
Would have been interesting. But then the nerd boners would all die.
Same thing as have a male Doctor and companion. Most nerd boners would not understand.
I'm still of the opinion that all three Clara's should get together and have a flirt-off. Would be the greatest hour of television ever.
The primary viewership comes from 10 year old kids. I don't think it matters.
I'm not sure how I should feel about this... More info on the TARDIS butJourney to the Center of the TARDIS
I'm not sure how I should feel about this... More info on the TARDIS butsome random group of salvage workers gaining access to the TARDIS and wanting to sell it for scrap? What happened to all these defenses and teleport-systems?
It's long been the case that those defenses are all well and good, but they're useless when the Doctor forgets to shut the front door.
Sure but what happened to theused in "The Doctor's Wife". That there is a good (plot) reason he can'temergency teleport systemI can understand but what about theteleport Clara back to the main control room to protect whatever the big secret is.salvage crew
Not to mention that the TARDIS is at least able to operate on it's own or according to a program (such as Emergency Programme One in "The Parting of Ways"). There being no way tojust seems silly.automatically boot out intruders by either teleporting them out or dematerialising around them
Now the show has never been very consistent when it comes to Time Lord tech but there is just so much wrong with this premise it isn't even funny.
But who am I kidding. Episode is probably going to be great anyway even if it is just for whatever Clara found.
I would love it if the 50th Anniversary special was The Three Claras.
Moffat in full-on trolling mode.
Sure but what happened to theused in "The Doctor's Wife". That there is a good (plot) reason he can'temergency teleport systemI can understand but what about theteleport Clara back to the main control room to protect whatever the big secret is.salvage crew
Not to mention that the TARDIS is at least able to operate on it's own or according to a program (such as Emergency Programme One in "The Parting of Ways"). There being no way tojust seems silly.automatically boot out intruders by either teleporting them out or dematerialising around them
Now the show has never been very consistent when it comes to Time Lord tech but there is just so much wrong with this premise it isn't even funny.
But who am I kidding. Episode is probably going to be great anyway even if it is just for whatever Clara found.
If only I could make out the name of the script...
I've been keeping my expectations low for the 50th, or at least not trying to think about it, but wow, talk about grin-inducing.
I think there are more Doctors involved, they're just not telling us who.
Wait, if the readthrough has finished, does this mean that no other Doctors will appear? Or else they would've been there. Unless they're just not telling us who was at the readthrough.
Probably unintentional, but still.
I think there are more Doctors involved, they're just not telling us who.
They've already explicitly said not. All we know of the read through is one, carefully framed photo. All the other Doctors may be hiding off camera for all we know.Wow what a picture.
Also if they did a read through already...I'm assuming all the big stars have been announced?
They're not going to rely on a five minute sequence from an episode five and a half years beforehand to hang their plot. Given Moffat's enthusiasm for wobbly wobbly timey wimey, there's little chance that this isn't the Doctor from earlier in his life, IMO.Also, my friend and I were theorizing that for David Tennant's return with Rose, it would probably have less to do with the Doctor opening a time rift causing wibbly wobbly timey wimey and more to do with the Smith Doctor visiting the human Doctor with Rose in that alternate dimension.
Also, my friend and I were theorizing that for David Tennant's return with Rose, it would probably have less to do with the Doctor opening a time rift causing wibbly wobbly timey wimey and more to do with the Smith Doctor visiting the human Doctor with Rose in that alternate dimension.