Hot Coldman
You people calling 4 the best... Midnight wasn't THAT good, guys. :/
You people calling 4 the best... Midnight wasn't THAT good, guys. :/
Turn Left, The Unicorn and the Wasp, The Fires of Pompeii, Partners in Crime and Planet of the Ood were, though.
Hell, the Sontaran two-parter as well.
Unicorn and the Wasp is great.
Is so!It really isn't!
I have never liked lazy as a criticism of TV in general, and particularly about RTD's Who. Check out The Writer's Tale some time; the guy worked himself into the ground.
But series 4 contained the best companion and some top-quality episodes. I don't see why I wouldn't consider it the best.
Is so!
This isn't going to get us very far, is it. >.<
I just really like it when Doctor Who has the balls to be different, be that Blink's twisted-into-knots storytelling, Love & Monsters' complete tonal mindfuck, The Girl Who Waited's focus-shift or Unicorn's weird comedy/farce undertones - I just love when the show gets mental like that. I wouldn't want it every week, mind, but I love those sorts of episodes. I don't really like Love & Monsters as an episode of Doctor Who, but in another sense I bloody love it. It's weird.
The way he marvels at how clever he is and what a fantastic writer he is whilst explaining "the voyage of the damned" is just risible.
I've read it and to me it compounded my pre-conceived notions of the flaws in his writing process. Not planning out scripts enough and thinking that set piece after set piece followed by a throwaway ending is good enough was always going to prevent him from writing truly compelling stories (with the exception of Gridlock that is. Midnight doesn't even really have a denouement so that doesn't count).
The man was a dilettante when it came to storytelling and nowhere is this more evident than in the writer's tale. He had to be convinced not to include a cyberman looming over the doctor at the end of journey's end followed by "WHAT? WHAT? WHAAAAAT?" for a third time, which just like the titanic bursting through the TARDIS, would have disappeared immediately at the beginning of the next doctor (and 10 regenerating at the end of the stolen earth, which again just disappeared). One of his only notes for "the waters of mars" was that "it needed a robot, I love robots". The way he marvels at how clever he is and what a fantastic writer he is whilst explaining "the voyage of the damned" is just risible.
Oh, I should say that Unicorn absolutely delivered on what it set out to do. I just didn't like what it set out to do at all, although I appreciate it for trying, I guess?
I dunno, I guess I'm just in the camp that thinks that anyone in RTD's position simply can't be lazy if they're actually getting the show made. It rankles when people call Moffat lazy, too.
is there any word on a full series 7 blu ray set or are we going to have to buy the 2011 christmas episode, 7 part 1, the snowman and 7 part 2 as separate sets?
In the UK it's already announced, but here The Snowmen also is part of the Part 2 set, so it's a different arrangement. Sounds like they're starting to split the approach for the different markets.
Now I've heard it all!
Now I've heard it all!
Now I've heard it all!
You people calling 4 the best... Midnight wasn't THAT good, guys. :/
Sure it was. As were Turn Left and Planet of the Ood. To say nothing of the incredibly strong Partners in Crime and Fires of Pompeii. Those stories alone are enough to put it above the rest of the new series. Not to mention the great development that Donna went through over the course of the season. Donna probably had the third best arc for any companion in terms of her development (even if she isn't one of my absolute favorites).
You and me, EleventhDoctor. We'll ride this wave of nonsense out, just you watch.
I just really like it when Doctor Who has the balls to be different, be that Blink's twisted-into-knots storytelling, Love & Monsters' complete tonal mindfuck, The Girl Who Waited's focus-shift or Unicorn's weird comedy/farce undertones - I just love when the show gets mental like that. I wouldn't want it every week, mind, but I love those sorts of episodes. I don't really like Love & Monsters as an episode of Doctor Who, but in another sense I bloody love it. It's weird.
Changing the subject-can I just say how disappointed I am that we haven't had any more adventures with Canton? He was awesome!
Thats definitly how I feel about more recent attempts at quirky unconventionalness. The God Complex is an excellent example of this I feel. Part of why I like Series 7 again is, outside of Angels and maybe the christmas special it hasn't really tried to be all that "unconventional", and has instead found ways to be interesting within convention.Brofist.
Seriously - this right here. Conversely, and many will probably not agree, I think that's why series 6 and 7 haven't sat well with me. I felt they've been quite...conventional in the their attempts to be unconventional. It feels now like the slick, well oiled production it undoubtedly is. Sure its got quirks and plays in its roots, but now I feel its got to be exactly proportioned. 20% flirting, 20% drama 20% sillyness, 20% scares and 20% exposition / resolution through sci-fi and belief respectively.
I think in Series 1 - 4, and 5 to an extent, there was still an acceptance to go nuts and off the rails - when it wanted to go somewhere, it went there and it still had some rough round the edges charm. I just can't shake the feeling of apathy lately and its sad as I do think all the ingredients are kinda therw .
Yeah, I was expecting Canton to turn up again at some point. He should have been in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. Although I guess he's too much of a no-BS guy to really fly in that scenario.
Changing the subject-can I just say how disappointed I am that we haven't had any more adventures with Canton? He was awesome!
That's why he'd be so perfect there.
"So, you're telling me you've got a game hunter, Queen Nefertiti, and Amy and Rory to board an uninhabited space ship crash landing in the future?"
"Yes, Canton, exactly that."
"Well, alright then."
I don't know if I'm just weird but I really dislike Donna :/
Hair. She had just finished running to that spot in that scene.What's on her cheek?
(and yes, I've seen Dreamland).
You poor, poor bastard.
Sad thing was that it was the second best thing in the gap year behind The Waters of Mars.
I count Torchwood to spare me the pain.
I don't know if I'm just weird but I really dislike Donna :/
Its terrible I thought I was so happy to be rid of Amy (not Rory though I'd watch a show about Rory all by itself) but with Clara being the blank slate she is, looking back it makes Pond look 100x more interesting.
Its hard for me to even comprehend.
I don't know if I'm just weird but I really dislike Donna :/
Your friends are bad people...None of my friends liked herat all.
It's not weird. Donna was fucking terrible. Worst assistant by a LONG shot. Only people who seem to like her are here on GAF. None of my friends liked herat all.
It's not weird. Donna was fucking terrible. Worst assistant by a LONG shot. Only people who seem to like her are here on GAF. None of my friends liked her at all.
The Amy hate is really weird to me.