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Doctor Who Series Seven |OT| The Question You've Been Running From All Your Life

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It was about time they got rid of the old "Cybus" designs. They were an uncomfortable remnant of the RTD era, these ones look a lot more human and therefore familiarly scary.
But the overarcing story has been jammed into nearly every episode during the Moffat era.

It's really interesting. I've found the entire Smith run to be almost entirely devoid of both completely terrible episodes and duodenum-splatteringly amazing episodes. Even the ones universally fapped over here I've felt were solid but flawed (eg, the "hey, we're saved at the final moment by a heretofore unannounced feature of the TARDIS" bit in Gaiman's ep). In contrast, RTD's tenure was supernaturally all over the place, ranging from perhaps contenders to the worst-ever stories of the show's entire run to episodes that rank up there with Inferno and Fenric.

Yeah, definitely. RTD's era had higher highs and woeful lows, and Moffat's is more steady and consistent.

I think overall quality-wise Series 6 is the worst of New Who, though - as it's literally consistently "good" with (imo) very little Great - really The Doctor's Wife, specifically. It gets too caught up in the long plot arc. Series 7 is thus far back up to the quality of 5, thankfully, and I'm excited for a new companion.
I think I liked River less as the series went on.

Sorry Fiction :(

Betrayal most foul!


I just like the fact that an older woman is a sex symbol. I like her sass too. But again, I am pretty easy to please in most regards. I would have loved to see her story stretched out a bit more, but I know that time constraints wouldn't make that possible, so I am happy with what I got :)

The Christmas prequel is on Friday. More Oswin hopefully.


I wonder if they've ever thought about doing a single story (not just part of an arc) over more than two episodes, a multi-episode serial like the older Doctor Whos, in the revived series.


For me, Christmas Carrol special [the one with the floating fish] was the best they ever made in recent times. But this year we will get Victorian Times and
Madame Vastra
, so they have excellent chance to surpass it.
He's no Tennant :p

Good. Humans shouldn't be spritzing over the Doctor. He's a freakin' different species!

edit: come to think of it, likely also a different genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom and domain. Fundamentally and inherently incompatible. It's like beastiality in beast mode.

in before "half human"


Good. Humans shouldn't be spritzing over the Doctor. He's a freakin' different species!

edit: come to think of it, likely also a different genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom and domain. Fundamentally and inherently incompatible. It's like beastiality in beast mode.

in before "half human"

Are you saying the doctor is a furry?
I'm okay with that
Good. Humans shouldn't be spritzing over the Doctor. He's a freakin' different species!

edit: come to think of it, likely also a different genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom and domain. Fundamentally and inherently incompatible. It's like beastiality in beast mode.

in before "half human"

Don't mean I can't find him hot. I'd probably still think he was hot if he looked incredibly weird.

/kinda like Matt's chin
The Christmas prequel is on Friday. More Oswin hopefully.

BBC America said:
This Friday, November 16, the BBC’s telethon Children In Need will be showing the first teaser clip for this year’s Doctor Who Christmas Special (premiering Christmas Day on BBC AMERICA). As is now traditional, the clip will comprise a little stand-alone story, unique to Children in Need, and act as a prequel for the Christmas Special proper. There will also be a chance to see the Doctor (Matt Smith) and his new companion (played by Jenna-Louise Coleman) in the same room for the first time.

Note the wording. A hint it may not be Oswin?


Note the wording. A hint it may not be Oswin?

That's always been what I had assumed.

I don't even think Oswin or the companion are related. Similar to Gwen and Gwyneth, or Martha and Adeola, but not explicitly pointed out as actually being related like both examples were later on.


Having her be in the first episode and then having her play a completely unrelated character a half season later would be incredibly stupid when they knew all along she was going to play the new companion. There's no reason to cause that kind of random confusion among viewers.
Having her be in the first episode and then having her play a completely unrelated character a half season later would be incredibly stupid when they knew all along she was going to play the new companion. There's no reason to cause that kind of random confusion among viewers.

I doubt she will be the same character, but there is obviously some kind of timey-wimey connection.
Funnily enough, all the major full-time companions other than Rose appeared in the series somewhere else. Freema was in Army of Ghosts/Doomsday as a Torchwood employee, Catherine was obviously in The Runaway Bride and Karen was in The Fires of Pompeii as a Soothsayer. Jenna's the first all-original casting since Rose!


I think the difference with Catherine Tate is she's playing the same character.

Jenna-Louise Coleman appeared in another episode this season, and it's really up in the air whether or not she's playing the same character.
I think the difference with Catherine Tate is she's playing the same character.

Jenna-Louise Coleman appeared in another episode this season, and it's really up in the air whether or not she's playing the same character.

It's related and deliberate, though. Moffat's teased as much - has asked fans to wait and see what the deal is with her, and that all will be explained. It's a plot thread. All the others were cast in what were intended to be one-off roles (and Karen & Freema's characters both bite it).

Even Catherine was always intended as a one off. She sort of fell into Series 4 by accident - she was having a meeting with Jane Tranter, the Drama Director of BBC One, about her comedy shows, and ranted about how much she loved Tennant, RTD, Julie Gardner etc. Tranter told RTD, who at the time was working on Series 4 with a companion who was called Penny. They even had an actress in mind, but they've never said who it is as they don't want that massive almost-role to shadow their career forever.

I don't think it'll be Oswin before everything in Asylum happens, purely because that's a hell of a terrible end for a companion. I can't see Moffat packing off a companion to be turned into a Dalek. Bloody dark. If it is her before Asylum, something clever will mean she still survives, I think.


I really hope we don't get pre-Dalek Oswin. I'm kind of done with horrible fates in a character's future that can't be avoided except time can be rewritten maybe timey wimey.
Yeah, I'd rather have something intriguing rather than straightforward pre-Dalek Oswin, as much as I loved Jenna in the role.

I get the feeling that's exactly what we'll get, as well.
Are you saying the doctor is a furry?
I'm okay with that

Not at all. Furries are interested in anthropomorphised equivalents to animals; that is, something of essentially equivalent sentience to a human but in a different form.

The Doctor's species is profoundly superior to homo sapiens. To him, humans are a decidedly lower level life form. Something like a pet or a very thoroughly developmentally slowed infant.
Not at all. Furries are interested in anthropomorphised equivalents to animals; that is, something of essentially equivalent sentience to a human but in a different form.

The Doctor's species is profoundly superior to homo sapiens. To him, humans are a decidedly lower level life form. Something like a pet or a very thoroughly developmentally slowed infant.

Basically Gandolf's relationship with Hobbits.


Except Gandalf never kissed any dwarves or hobbits.

Also Gandalf was, for all intents and purposes, basically a god. The Doctor only thinks he's a god.


I caught up! Yaaay.

Love the series. You really do get attached to the Doctor, he's such an awesome guy. The most disappointing thing is how they ruined the Weeping Angels. Wasn't the whole point of them being 'weeping' angels is that if they look at each other they stay locked forever? In every other appearance after Blink this just stops being true. The Doctor and co get surrounded multiple times, and in the latest episode we
even see baby statues playing with each other. Also, really, the Statue of Liberty? When isn't someone looking at the statue of liberty? Not to mention that with Rory going back, followed by Amelia, the paradox breaks down and so NYC is still under control of the Angels.

Another small gripe is that they stopped visiting alien planets. Apart from that, everything is great. I'm probably bitter because the Angels were my favourite enemy from what is probably my favourite episode. Anyway, looking forward to the next episode.

Edit: Also, Tenth Doctor is best Doctor.
I think as far as spoilers go, anything released officially by the BBC - trailers, promo screengrabs, all that stuff - is fair game for the thread. The BBC are careful not to release anything that'll compromise the story.

In other places... I really like how for the new Eighth Doctor audio series they're pulling him closer to the new series - the gradual beginning of the transition to Eccleston.

Gone is the first Doctor like costume and the long, floppy hair - he's cropped much shorter, and he's in jeans and a leather jacket. It's a more tightly-cut leather jacket than Eccleston's, though, double-breasted. Stubble! And he's at war with the Daleks, but it isn't clear if this is yet the actual Time War, or just pre-war Skirmishes. He's slowly but surely turning into that cold warrior Eccleston was.
His last companion, who'd been with him for years, played by the brilliant Sheridan Smith, died in the last audio release.

Going to buy and listen to this, I think. I really eagerly await the day the BBC grants Big Finish the license to new Who stuff so we can get some Eccleston and Tennant-era audios.

Huh, Toby Jones.

Are all New Who characters and monsters still off-limits for Big Finish? I'm guessing there's no Amy's Choice crossover.

It's all off-limits, yeah. Thus why they're not confirming if this is the Time War or not, even though this audio depicts all-out-war between the two races. Big Finish are doing something with each Doctor (it's not clear if they're audio dramas or just audio books) for the anniversary, but in terms of the actual audio dramas where they cast people in roles, that's strictly old-Who right now.

The BBC's thing is they want what is "current" to be strictly controlled through them, and the Big Finish audios are largely produced separately with full creative license. The BBC gives them guidelines of what they can do with Doctor Who, and they do whatever they want within that. They have additional adventures with old companions, multi-Doctor crossovers and have even established entire new arcs with new companions in timeline gaps. The BBC wouldn't let them have the New Series as they're tightly controlling new series stuff - that's why that box art, for instance, uses the McGann-era Doctor Who logo (well, that and the aesthetic matching his time - they use even older logos for older Doctors.)

I expect that maybe given another year the statue of limitations on the RTD era will end as far as the BBC are concerned and they'll let them license that era. They wouldn't for a few years as a lot of that stuff was still around - toys, books, etc with the Eccleston and Tennant logos and that pair and their companions pictured. That stuff is very rapidly disappearing from shelves completely now. I'm sure it'll get reprinted later, but the BBC tends to stick with the present, and there's an ever-increasing number of Smith books now... so I think that era will be 'released' soon. Tennant will definitely work with them - he's played a few other characters for them, putting on accents, in recent years.

EDIT: Put some clarity into this post as to why it'd specifically be the RTD era and not all New Who.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
It's all off-limits, yeah. Thus why they're not confirming if this is the Time War or not, even though this audio depicts all-out-war between the two races. Big Finish are doing something with each Doctor (it's not clear if they're audio dramas or just audio books) for the anniversary, but in terms of the actual audio dramas where they cast people in roles, that's strictly old-Who right now.

I expect that maybe given another year the statue of limitations on the RTD era will end as far as the BBC are concerned and they'll let them license that era. Tennant will definitely work with them - he's played a few other characters for them, putting on accents, in recent years.

I definitely see Tennant doing New Tenth Doctor Adventures. The man's a massive Who fanboy that got to live his dream for four years.
I'd be astounded if Tennant didn't make the leap into Big Finish, and I daresay Barrowman and Tate would be more than game.

They need to sort the license out fast, so I can have a Ten/Donna/Wilf audio play.
Except Gandalf never kissed any dwarves or hobbits.

Also Gandalf was, for all intents and purposes, basically a god. The Doctor only thinks he's a god.

I feel Wikipedia should host a "List of Godlike Acts of the Doctor from Doctor Who" page. I suspect that "Creating the universe from scratch", "Resurrecting", "Causing a volcano to erupt and destroy a city", "trapping a person in every mirror in existance", "turning a person into a scarecrow", "forging chains from the heart of a star", "de-aging and floating in mid-air by the power of belief" would make a sufficient start but that the final count would be far larger.

A lot of the above are technicalities, but they'd still make your typical god shit their ethereal pants.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I think as far as spoilers go, anything released officially by the BBC - trailers, promo screengrabs, all that stuff - is fair game for the thread. The BBC are careful not to release anything that'll compromise the story.

In other places... I really like how for the new Eighth Doctor audio series they're pulling him closer to the new series - the gradual beginning of the transition to Eccleston.

Gone is the first Doctor like costume and the long, floppy hair - he's cropped much shorter, and he's in jeans and a leather jacket. It's a more tightly-cut leather jacket than Eccleston's, though, double-breasted. Stubble! And he's at war with the Daleks, but it isn't clear if this is yet the actual Time War, or just pre-war Skirmishes. He's slowly but surely turning into that cold warrior Eccleston was.
His last companion, who'd been with him for years, played by the brilliant Sheridan Smith, died in the last audio release.

Going to buy and listen to this, I think. I really eagerly await the day the BBC grants Big Finish the license to new Who stuff so we can get some Eccleston and Tennant-era audios.

I...didn't even know this was a thing. I need them, now
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