I'd delete someone from the timeline for him to return. Come on Eccleston, it'll be fun!
Again-I say we start a Kickstarter and raise what the BBC won't shell out.
I'd delete someone from the timeline for him to return. Come on Eccleston, it'll be fun!
I just finished Dark Eyes. It's good. Very interesting, format wise. It's formatted like old Who, five episodes each with a sort of enclosed arc and a cliffhanger. There's also plenty of old Who stuff that RTD would've called 'flim flam' - Time Lords controlling the TARDIS, manipulating the Doctor and spouting lots of bollocks - all standard big finish audio stuff - but you can feel the modern Who straining through, too, on the underbelly and in the dialogue and stuff. It's a satisfying mix. Molly is a great companion, too. Feisty, and from the past, so quite different.
McGann's performance is fantastic, and you can feel them stretching out to reach for Eccleston's performance. In losing his previous companion, that transformation has begun, and if Big Finish get the license I'm sure these events will be moved to be a part of the start of the time war.
If McGann's back for the anniversary they should embrace the EU in this instance and have this costume, too.
Youtube Comments said:I went to a Dalek Day Spa the other day ............EXFOLIATE EXFOLIATE
My friends girlfriend has been making these -- they're awesome
Here's hoping for a multi doctor special!
Moffit subverts tropes with glee. More likely than that, the special will be entitled "The Eleven Doctors", but every one will be Matt Smith.
Moffit subverts tropes with glee. More likely than that, the special will be entitled "The Eleven Doctors", but every one will be Matt Smith.
Moffit subverts tropes with glee. More likely than that, the special will be entitled "The Eleven Doctors", but every one will be Matt Smith.
Jenna is hottest companion ever confirmed.
Of course he then goes on to basically admit to knowing nothing about anything Doctor Who since he left.
Kinda felt like a "get off my fucking back about doctor who already" that backfired to me, though.
As we are now less than a year away from the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special, Blogtor has collected some news that may or may not turn out to be true but come from trusted people (with no reason to lie). Anyway, here goes...
Filming starts in February 2013.
Running time of ninety minutes.
It is called The Eleven Doctors.
All remaining "Doctors" have been contacted (some time ago) and have all agreed to take part.
Earlier this year (was told this in June 2012), there were two versions of the story being looked at due to Christopher Eccleston's availability (probably around the time he was in negotiations for Thor 2). One version, dubbed "The Three Doctors" scenario, would see The Ninth Doctor feature akin to The First Doctor's role in the 10th Anniversary special (ie. limited). A second version features his character more fully. [I would imagine that, as filming is not far away, that a version has now been agreed upon.]
Initially, I was told that Matt would regenerate in this story, but earlier this year it was mooted that he would regenerate in a New Year's Day special.
The Mark Gatiss "genesis of Dr. Who" drama, An Adventure In Time And Space, starts filming in the latter half of January 2013.
Series 7 Part 2 (8 episodes airing in Spring 2013) will lead into the 50th Anniversary with appearances from past Doctors in some stories. [I should add, I've only heard this from one person and, personally, I'm not too sure of its veracity. Included for completion.]
The Mark Gatiss "genesis of Dr. Who" drama, An Adventure In Time And Space, starts filming in the latter half of January 2013.
What's this?
Initially, I was told that Matt would regenerate in this story, but earlier this year it was mooted that he would regenerate in a New Year's Day special.
Some anniversary stuff from blogtorwho, take with a huge barrel of salt:
The noses!
Man, are we really coming to the end of Smith's tenure?
Now I can't unsee!
Moffit subverts tropes with glee. More likely than that, the special will be entitled "The Eleven Doctors", but every one will be Matt Smith.
blogtorwho said:• It is called The Eleven Doctors.
Side note: I consider any less than half a decade to be too short a reign for any one regeneration. I know that's above average historically, but I feel we should have longer spans to make regenerations more substantial and important.