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Does Die Hard Triology's DH2 run like ass on PSOne like the Saturn version?


On one hand, the fact that everything is destructable, and you can shoot down individual ceiling tiles, and mark every wall with a bullet texture is impressive for 1996, but did the PSOne version run like ass, or was it just the Saturn one? Because there's really no excuse for a half second delay in movement of the targeting circle...

And yes, this is random, but I popped it in today, and it's something that always made me wonder, but not enough to buy the PSOne version. :p

Of course a video showing off the horrid Saturn version is below:
http://www.goodcowfilms.com/temp/dht_dh2_level2-gameplay.wmv (the compression actually helps the video out and makes it look better, but the frame rate is identical)

Die Hard 1 for Saturn is another oddity, it's like they purposely tried to put everything the Saturn *WASN'T* designed for into the god damn game... every single wall has that fake transparency straining the hardware, then there's double and triple layering of said transparencies when items are picked up along with explosions... it's a wonder the system doesn't just blow up.


Best shooter ever? By golly I think YES

I haven't played it in years, but I do remember some areas with poor framerates...~sub 20ps over the course of a 1/2minute isn't all that uncommon IIRC

edit: watched the vid...damn...that looks much worse than the PSX version :b of course...I'm not sure...just going on memory


Neo Member
The PS version looks a hell of a lot better than that, the explosions especially. Saturn games did tend to look like shit when compared to PS versions.

PS. The DH2 section has to be the most fun i've had from a game ever. The whole damn was so addictive.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Bog said:
Man, I loved that game.

Seriously, one of my favorite PSOne games, all 3 modes rocked.... bad imitation voices and all.... "You surprise me again McClane". Too bad the sequel was complete ass.

User 406

Perhaps the best licensed videogame ever. I still haven't played a lightgun shooter better than Die Hard 2. The sheer amount of crap you could destroy was astounding.


I played With A Vengeance for months straight when I got the game for Christmas. It was as much fun as playing GTA without owning a game in that series (at least until I got GTA2.)


Die Hard Trilogy was truly one of PSOne's more underrated games. Even the shitty 3rd person Syphon Filterish game rocked.
And I was addicted to the driving portion long before GTA3 or Driver did it.


That game really was awesome. I really liked the original Die Hard game. Nothing could beat tossing a grenade into 10 bad guys and avoiding all damage by rolling out. Brilliance. "I don't like to loOose!"
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