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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze |OT| There's always money in the banana stand

Glass Joe

The way I see it, if they weren't going to utilize the Gamepad screen for anything then they might as well do nothing with it and save battery life. It's not that big of a deal imo. It's better than having some useless display that serves no real purpose.

Totally agree, but it is weird to me that this is the default and only option if you're playing on TV. The gamepad screen is still running, it's still backlit, it's just displaying a blank, black image. Surprised they don't have the screen actually off. That should be an option along with the NSMBU-style use of displaying the same as the TV. Or just having the collectible tally (KONG letters, puzzle pieces) in a grid.


My friend and I marathoned this for a while and got 100% for the first 3 worlds and about 85% on the fourth. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think this is better than Returns. The soundtrack really elevates it to another level. I cannot believe how fucking good it is. I am SO happy that I avoided mostly everything leading up to release.


Yeah, I called them nitpicking criticisms in the original post, so chill. They still irritate me though, and your post just comes off as defending out of bias instead of actually considering my points.

- I think a big 1st party Nintendo product should present more than a blank screen, period. It just detracts from their Wii U branding when they don't bother doing *anything* with the screen at all. It's like Retro is saying "Yeah we don't get the Wii U either."

- I'm not complaining about the loading screens existing. I'm complaining about the stuttering -- the several brief animation pauses while the game is loading. That didn't happen in the Wii version and it made me concerned that maybe my Wii U was going bad. However, I saw other people on the web make similar comments so I don't think its my unit.

- Analog vs digital. Whatever, what a captivating point you made. "Deal with it, bro," basically. *Rolls eyes.*

I dig the game. I'm not bashing it. But what I've nitpicked is worth nitpicking about.

When NSMBU came out, I seem to recall it being a pretty common complaint of players that the Gamepad couldn't be blanked during on-screen play.

It doesn't bother me in the slightest though; Wiimote+nunchuck all of the way.

I kind of agree about the stuttering load screens though. It irked me on the JSR HD remaster and it irks me here. Completely irrational, i know.


Nitpicking criticisms? Here's a couple of mine.

Bringing up a menu has a slight delay before you can move the selection box to other options. A few times I've brought up a menu, hit down then A and had it not move, so pick the first option I did not want. MINOR.

No restart option for levels. If I don't want to use a checkpoint, to restart a level I need to exit (suffer a loading screen) and re-enter (suffer another loading screen). SLIGHTY ABOVE MINOR.


One thing that DKCR did better imo was the overworld music. In TF it hasn't changed so far and I'm almost through the game, whereas in DKCR the theme changed a bit depending on the type of world. That was a neat touch in that game, I thought.

Anyway, just woke up and I'm really glad to read all of the positive impressions. I was afraid that me and the other guys who got it early oversold it a bit. But nope, it really is THAT good. :)

Glass Joe

Nitpicking criticisms? Here's a couple of mine.

Bringing up a menu has a slight delay before you can move the selection box to other options. A few times I've brought up a menu, hit down then A and had it not move, so pick the first option I did not want. MINOR.

No restart option for levels. If I don't want to use a checkpoint, to restart a level I need to exit (suffer a loading screen) and re-enter (suffer another loading screen). SLIGHTY ABOVE MINOR.

Here's another (unless I'm just blind): For time trials, there's no easy option to see how you're ranked immediately after a run. You have to go completely out of the stage (load back to the world map) and then choose the stage again to view the leaderboards. A leaderboard listing should simply be right with retry/continue/etc instead.
This game proves that Nintendo is on a hot streak, game quality wise. Another masterpiece to add to the pile. The controls, the visuals, the music, the level design, the challenge; it all managed to somehow surpass my already high expectations.

This game is at least as good as DKC2.
The choppiness in the loading screens is just retarded. How this went through the infamous Nintendo cert is beyond me.

Why is this such a big deal to people? I haven't played the game yet, but they're just loading screens. It's not like they're affecting your gameplay in any way. I can see it being slightly annoying but the amount of complaining I'm seeing over something so minor is a bit ridiculous.
Why is this such a big deal to people? I haven't played the game yet, but they're just loading screens. It's not like they're affecting your gameplay in any way. I can see it being slightly annoying but the amount of complaining I'm seeing over something so minor is a bit ridiculous.

God forbid people want polish. it's not a gigantic issue but it taints the image of an otherwise perfectly smooth experience. Also we're not used to this lack if polish from Nintendo. This is not an Ubisoft game.

Play the game and then come back.
Played for an hour and a half. Only played the first level. Finally got the time trial one. Easy to screw up a run by making sharp movements underwater or not stopping to pound (leading to a horribly time killing roll). Not a problem with the game, just gotta stay calm.

edit: I am now using the game pad on the toilet, Wii U Best console ever. (new owner here sorry).
Why is this such a big deal to people? I haven't played the game yet, but they're just loading screens. It's not like they're affecting your gameplay in any way. I can see it being slightly annoying but the amount of complaining I'm seeing over something so minor is a bit ridiculous.

Yeah, it's a non-issue.

It would be cool if they were smooth for the overall presentational value(some of the loading backgrounds are pretty) but as long as that doesn't happen during actual gameplay, it's nothing really noteworthy.
Yeah, it's a non-issue.

It would be cool if they were smooth for the overall presentational value(some of the loading backgrounds are pretty) but as long as that doesn't happen during actual gameplay, it's nothing really noteworthy.

Of course it's noteworthy when the loading screens look like your console freezes.


When the game is this good, the loading freezes are a ridiculous thing to complain about, honestly. And considering Retro's exemplary technical expertise, I'm going to assume it's an unavoidable/beneficial issue.


lol, was just watching Arrested Development when I read the title :)

This game looks awesome, just waiting for pricedrop on the Wii U console, then its mine!
Interesting. I beat Returns on both Wii and 3DS, as well. I'll be interested to see if they made DK heavier in Tropical Freeze.

ViewtifulJC or Xtortionist, are you guys reading this? My go-to guys for game impressions. Have they made DK "heavier?"

Old post but I want to respond to it. It feels the same as Returns, and I'm saying this as someone who got 198% in the Wii version and 200% on 3DS. I completed TF 100+ percent (first world on hard mode) and the controls feel perfect. There's absolutely no issues. If there are any changes, they must be extremely minute or natural enough that I subconsciously accepted them. Either way, I never felt like TF's controls were cumbersome in any way, given the challenges presented.

...and they present some insane challenges. When I beat 5-K I had to sit there for a minute to try and reconcile everything that just happened. Like...how can anyone come up with stuff like this? Full on, batshit insanity, and yet it's perfectly clear and solvable.

Fucking wizards, Retro are. They're the only ones that can top this.


Old post but I want to respond to it. It feels the same as Returns, and I'm saying this as someone who got 198% in the Wii version and 200% on 3DS. I completed TF 100+ percent (first world on hard mode) and the controls feel perfect. There's absolutely no issues. If there are any changes, they must be extremely minute or natural enough that I subconsciously accepted them. Either way, I never felt like TF's controls were cumbersome in any way, given the challenges presented.

I felt like a lot of it comes down to the more nuanced animation. He looks like he has more weight to him, but he's still just as nimble as ever.

Glass Joe

That couldn't make less sense.

It makes perfect sense. He's saying he'd prefer, for example, a 20 second load with smooth loading animation as opposed to a 15 second choppy as shit one. On the bright side, it's a good thing the game is great so we're criticizing something like this as opposed to broken gameplay or something.
It makes perfect sense. He's saying he'd prefer, for example, a 20 second load with smooth loading animation as opposed to a 15 second choppy as shit one.
So it's sensible to want a completely non-gameplay portion of a game to be longer so the repetitive animation is smooth? Christ.


Played the game for about 4hrs yesterday and I love this game thus far. It's crazy polished in every department, can't wait to play more today.

Also the game looks amazing, IQ is again excellent (like in 3D World the art style paired with the AA they are using has great results) and the 60fps silky smoothness can't be appreciated in the youtube videos. It's one of those games where everything is blending together so nicely and in harmony in exactly the right amount, I don't know if that makes any sense but hopefully you get what I mean. :p

LOVE Cranky's mechanics.

He's my favorite character by far.

Yep he's really fun.

Nitpicking criticisms? Here's a couple of mine.

Bringing up a menu has a slight delay before you can move the selection box to other options. A few times I've brought up a menu, hit down then A and had it not move, so pick the first option I did not want. MINOR.

No restart option for levels. If I don't want to use a checkpoint, to restart a level I need to exit (suffer a loading screen) and re-enter (suffer another loading screen). SLIGHTY ABOVE MINOR.

This is my only complaint so far, surprised that such an option is not present.


Played some co-op yesterday, it's not really meant for that but we still enjoyed it switching the game pad around so we both could have a go being Donkey Kong. It's a really tough game at some points, the first extended rhino run took us three restarts.

The music, animations, and character of the world is astounding. So much attention to detail. Will play some more today, single, and see if it's less chaotic :)

Also, holy fuck at that fur shader!
Man, Grassland Groove is such a great song and I love the level they play it in. Reminds me a lot of the Can't Wait to be King-level from The Lion King.

The song also reminds me of Space Lion from Cowboy Bebop :p


The stuttering loading isn't too big a deal but if Retro couldn't do anything about it i would have preferred they just show a beautiful static screen artwork relating to each level with a loading icon in the corner.
The main complaint is stuttering loading screens?

Man....the game truly must be GOD TIER!


Not a Wii U owner. Never will.
Not a platformer fan.
Not a DK fan. Didn't like DKCR at all,

But hell, I am glad that the Wii U owners seem to have a really nice game on their hands! Great to follow this thread.


I'm still really annoyed that like the first game, P1 HAS to play as Donkey Kong. It's just annoying as he's the most boring one.

They could have easily found some kind of solution, at the very least for the 2 player mode :(


Each boss is better than the last. The third boss is awesome.

I wonder why they give you a choice in partner in Bramble Scramble. The level is clearly designed with Cranky in mind, so it seems odd that they would give you a choice.


Not a Wii U owner. Never will.
Not a platformer fan.
Not a DK fan. Didn't like DKCR at all,

But hell, I am glad that the Wii U owners seem to have a really nice game on their hands! Great to follow this thread.

For your concern, the Wii U more great games than just Tropical Freeze ;)


For your concern, the Wii U more great games than just Tropical Freeze ;)

Nah. I am one of those people who are completely sure that the Wii U is finished & dead.
However. I am a big Nintendo fan and I wish them good success in the future.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
So did they go the Wind Waker HD route with audio output on the gamepad only when playing remote-play?

I have a feeling this will be my biggest issue with the game, which is sort of a good thing, but also extremely irritating as it seems so minor and unneccesary, and easy to sort out.


Nah. I am one of those people who are completely sure that the Wii U is finished & dead.
However. I am a big Nintendo fan and I wish them good success in the future.

I said that Tropical Freeze was a great game. Truth to be told, I haven't bought the game yet. So it might be utter crap :p

I still have yet to finish DKCR, so I should work on that first.
You can add "easier than DKCR" to the list. Not a big negative, but noticeable. Also the novelty factor is gone I guess, but that's also not too negative.

I haven’t played the game yet, but a lot of people are saying this is harder than the first one....I can't wait to play it to make up my own mind on the matter.


Nah. I am one of those people who are completely sure that the Wii U is finished & dead.
However. I am a big Nintendo fan and I wish them good success in the future.

So you're a big Nintendo fan, yet you don't want a Wii U and the great Nintendo games that are (and will be) on it, because it is "finished and dead"?



So you're a big Nintendo fan, yet you don't want a Wii U and the great Nintendo games that are (and will be) on it, because it is "finished and dead"?


That is correct.
But there are other threads to discuss that. Right now, I am enjoying that people seem to have found a pearl!
I enjoy the talk and enthusiasm.


This game is at least as good as DKC2.

DKC2 is the greatest platformer of all time. I have played the first world of tropical freeze and a bit of the second. I can't agree thus far. It seems to be pretty tight and right up there with all the rest of the series, but DCK2 has this foreboding atmosphere that puts it a cut above anything else really. Don't think it'll ever be surpassed.

Some nitpicks amidst what I think will end up a classic game -

Only Rambi (to my knowledge). Where's Snake? Parrot? Spider?
Only DK with supporting characters. But I want to play as Diddy as my primary, or Dixie?

Highlights -

Character design is utterly fantastic. Enemies look so cute in an attitudal kinda way :)
Music but that goes without saying.
Level design from what little I've played.


I honestly don't get where this is coming from. I'm pretty sure I didn't just magically get ten times better at Donkey Kong between DKCR and this game.

Maybe it comes from the fact you can't skip levels anymore. I'm not finding it harder than Returns so far, but I never used that feature.
Just been listening to some of the music in anticipation of playing this with my son tonight. No need for any other entries in the best soundtrack category this year - they may as well hand the award over now. Fuckin amazing!
Not a Wii U owner. Never will.
Not a platformer fan.
Not a DK fan. Didn't like DKCR at all,

But hell, I am glad that the Wii U owners seem to have a really nice game on their hands! Great to follow this thread.
Well, it's only, like, the third awesome game on this system with 3D World and Pikmin 3.
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