Perhaps there's a time to suck it up and move on though? We've been through all this "I can't cope with them changing my beloved Doom" for a year now since the reveal. But now the game is out and people are actually enjoying it, yet some people just won't let it go.
I'd understand if you have the game or had played it in some capacity but you're really going around grasping at straws.
I'm being tempted. How is the story moved/told? Is it in similar fashion as TNO? I've read some posts it might be a straight up shooter.
This game has really put me in the mood for a new Quake so hopefully they'll do that and Beth can be 4/4 on classic reinventions (if you count Dishonored/Thief)
Hell. give 'em Duke while theyr'e at it.
I'm not. But I also don't think it's wrong for an outlet to score it a GOOD score of a 7?
That's a solid score, people are so trained to think anything under a 9 is dogshit and it's weird
It's on a scale of 10.
Someone posts a link to an ign review and everyone's response is "ugh they just don't get it" and I find that kind of weird
I think it's much much better. The level design in SW was dull and the actual combat is nowhere near as well done.haha, oh come on! You can't be serious. DOOM is good but not even remotely close to being as awesome as Shadow Warrior, no way in any bizarro world.
It's a straight up shooter, move from one area to another and kill, no scripted scenes.
Dude I'm gonna give if an honest shot. I tried grabbing it from redbox last night but they were out
I don't give two shits about doom to be honest
I think it's much much better. The level design in SW was dull and the actual combat is nowhere near as well done.
I'll be complely honest GAF... I love this game.
Love it.
I think it's much much better. The level design in SW was dull and the actual combat is nowhere near as well done.
Yep. Doom is way, way better than SW and I actually really liked SW.
Are most guns unmissable? I felt like I explored pretty well on the first level, got 2/3 secrets, but no new guns and I want a new gun lol
That does sound pretty bad, actually, if you truly have to walk around in circles looking for an easy enemy to pick off. I wonder if this is an issue on harder difficulties, where maybe the enemies are more aggressive and difficult. As a rule, I always play on the hardest difficulty first to make the game last longer and see what it offers at its limits.Og DOOM never locked doors until you had to kill every enemy in an "arena"
Worst and laziest type of design
That does sound pretty bad, actually, if you truly have to walk around in circles looking for an easy enemy to pick off. I wonder if this is an issue on harder difficulties, where maybe the enemies are more aggressive and difficult. As a rule, I always play on the hardest difficulty first to make the game last longer and see what it offers at its limits.
Anyway, thanks to this thread and the great impressions I ordered the game yesterday. I've enjoyed all the other games on multiple platforms-- whether it was with kb/m or strafing with shoulder buttons on the PSX!-- and I'm sure this new Doom will have no trouble finding its spot as one of my favorite FPS games.
The music may not be generic from a game standpoint, but from a metal standpoint it's Meshuggah/"djent" BS, one of the most samey and safe trends todayShame, the music is heavy as fuck and far from generic.
Refreshing to get a game with a metal soundtrack instead of the typical epic operatic stuff.
The music may not be generic from a game standpoint, but from a metal standpoint it's Meshuggah/"djent" BS, one of the most samey and safe trends today
I like the heavy mechanical/electronic influence in the music, makes it sound more robotic and fitting of the setting, but the music itself is standard as hell.
I just can't agree there. Doom just feels so much better to play and I liked Shadow Warrior.I agree with level design, as in layout, but everything else is much better in Shadow Warrior.
I keep pressing R. Too much modern shooters!
I just can't agree there. Doom just feels so much better to play and I liked Shadow Warrior.
Says some people on neogaf
Some will say it's average
You shouldn't care what others think of the game and form your own score
I'm still gonna rent the game and form my own opinion
I keep pressing R. Too much modern shooters!
All metal would work.The music may not be generic from a game standpoint, but from a metal standpoint it's Meshuggah/"djent" BS, one of the most samey and safe trends today
I like the heavy mechanical/electronic influence in the music, makes it sound more robotic and fitting of the setting, but the music itself is standard as hell.
So is this game legit or what?
I adored Wolfebstein TNO on PS4, BTW.
Should I bite?
Dude I'm gonna give if an honest shot. I tried grabbing it from redbox last night but they were out
I'm just vocalizing a style I hate. I liked a lot about shadow warrior but hated the lockdown arenas that magically opened after you killed all the enemies
I prefer a more organic flow to encounters that feel more open ended than being locked in, that's all
I prefer TNO encounter style to be honest
Game is awesome, loved every second of it.
but uhh..
13 hour campaign, my ass. Beat after *maybe* 8 hours playing on Hurt me Plenty. What a wet fart of an ending. Yeesh.
Gonna play again but man I was expecting a whole nother third of a game here.
I see what you mean. Yeah, as long as I don't have to hunt for stragglers I don't mind. You're right the original Doom gave you plenty of freedom in how to approach enemies. Carefully attracting enemies and leading them around was basically every level in the 4th episode in Doom-- which I LOVED (and I beat it on 1 life, no savestates ultra-violence). I think, though, that type of design was a genius way to make up for the relatively simplistic enemy actions. That's why the few arena-style levels in Doom II were so bad, it just felt like monotonous point and click while you run around the outside. However, the individual enemies in this new Doom combined with more flexible combat seem to be interesting enough to warrant forced, closed-space arena fights like the original games could not do (and luckily almost never did). I like either style if the foundation is there.I don't think the arenas are big enough to actually have to HUNT for an enemy but still
Part of the combAt style of classic doom was trying to draw certain monsters from a horde and draw them to choke points, etc, esp at higher difficulties
Game is awesome, loved every second of it.
but uhh..
13 hour campaign, my ass. Beat after *maybe* 8 hours playing on Hurt me Plenty. What a wet fart of an ending. Yeesh.
Gonna play again but man I was expecting a whole nother third of a game here.
How bad is the ending compared to RAGE?
RAGE has the worst ending imo of almost any game I've finished personally.
Game is awesome, loved every second of it.
but uhh..
13 hour campaign, my ass. Beat after *maybe* 8 hours playing on Hurt me Plenty. What a wet fart of an ending. Yeesh.
Gonna play again but man I was expecting a whole nother third of a game here.
I see what you mean. Yeah, as long as I don't have to hunt for stragglers I don't mind. You're right the original Doom gave you plenty of freedom in how to approach enemies. Carefully attracting enemies and leading them around was basically every level in the 4th episode in Doom-- which I LOVED (and I beat it on 1 life, no savestates ultra-violence). I think, though, that type of design was a genius way to make up for the relatively simplistic enemy actions. That's why the few arena-style levels in Doom II were so bad, it just felt like monotonous point and click while you run around the outside. However, the individual enemies in this new Doom combined with more flexible combat seem to be interesting enough to warrant forced, closed-space arena fights like the original games could not do (and luckily almost never did). I like either style if the foundation is there.
I mean the ending boss is great. I dont want to get too spoiler-y but lets just say it Halo 2s pretty hard. Like really hard.
can this game be played any slower? any option on the menu for that? serious question BTW, i get motion sickness with these type of games but the game looks so good that im actually thinking on buying it
Picks a "easy" kinda difficulty and complaints about length lol
Playing on higher diff would not have added 3-5 hours to the game imo. I'm gonna play it again on higher diff sure. And what is there is fantastic, but there's no way anyone that is half-way decent is getting 13 hours out of this unless you are doing like a completion run or something.
Seeing the positive community reaction, maybe Beth made the right choice of delaying the reviews after all
Personally, I prefer this metric