Doom The Dark Ages Announced | Xbox Showcase 2024


So Argent D’Nur during the Time of Strife and the invasion of Hells forces as expected. That puts it between Doom 64 and 2016.

Hugo Martin said they would never make the same game mechanically twice, so I expect it to be different to Eternal. Clearly they’re keeping much of the art direction intact from Eternal and TAG. Hopefully it pushes the enemy count to the levels found in the original games and if they include platforming it will be less like Eternal and more like Quake.

New weapons look pretty good. Revised enemy designs look fine. I’m interested to see some interior spaces and to get an extended look at the flow of combat, but for now I’m cautiously optimistic. I haven’t loved where they have taken the lore with Eternal so I’m hoping this can kind of turn that around for me.

I’m still disappointed it’s not a 2016 style reboot for Quake but it’s a game I’ll definitely play and no doubt enjoy. Excited to see more.
Looks like its a sequel since he has the same base as in Doom Eternal and he uses the mech that was being partially built. Looks open World kinda like Halo Infinite which im very skeptical, but that being said all fucking IN.
I gotta get back to Eternal to see if I can like it, it was cool until the resources management hit me, thing is that I didn't know the chainsaw just had a cooldown and could be kinda spammed so knowing that maybe I won't find the same issues.
That made me remember I bought Eternal some weeks ago when it was like 20 bucks with all DLCs. This one won't release anytime soon anyway so that leaves me some time to finish Boltgun, then try out Eternal... good to know about the chainsaw btw.


A Fucking Idiot
The PS2 Turok Evolution flying section worries me as well as the "we have Mick Gordon at home" sound track.
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In my time medieval Doom used to be called Quake but whatever...

I want a gameplay closer to 2016, not the "rhythm shooter" like Eternal.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Think its the "metal" art style and weird looking weapons. Though Personally it reminds me more of Necrovison. Especially the final parts of that game set in the demon world.

Its so nice to see this game here. I loved Necrovision back then and I still find "consider your sins forgiven" after you kill an enemy really funny.


Gold Member
Looked more 2016 and less Eternal, which suits me just fine.

Looked great.

Aslo good to see them sticking to their word and keeping existing franchises multiplatform, as it should be.


This just looks weird and I really didn’t like it. I expected to be excited but man they’re just like “flanderising” Doom.

Weird animation, vehicles, taking the whacky stylings too far. Not a fan.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I’m not a big fan of giant demon mecha and flying dragon sections in a Doom game so well seen how it all plays out.
Yeah wasn't a big of those scenes. Hopefully their a short scenes meant to spice things up a bit and not some major game mechanics.

Dr. Claus

Don’t see how Eternal’s gameplay is anything like rock, paper, and scissors but I digress.

Dark Ages looks nuts, I’m definitely craving to boot up Eternal now after seeing it lol.

Most of the Eternal criticism I see are from players who were shit at the game and needed to complain because they never learned to "git gud".

Dark Ages looks really good, but curious where it stands in the timeline? As far as I know we have DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM 64 - DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal in that order. Maybe between 64 and DOOM 2016?


Gold Member
Looks great. I wanna hear more about the general direction, as much as I loved 2016 I did not like where they took it in Eternal... but this looks like they're toning down cartoonyness in favor of grit which is what I wanna see, and please no more monkey bars. FPS is back on the menu!
Just looks like Doom but in castles.

Eternal wss great, but methinks it's too soon for another Doom.

Made me really miss Wolfenstein.

Wolfenstein 2099 would go harder than Doom Camelot.


Gold Member
Loved the trailer, but the gameplay in these games are way too hectic for my tastes. Hope it turns out great though!


not tag worthy
Probably Switch 2. I mean they got Eternal and 2016 running on Switch IIRC?
Yeh I hope so. I also hope the rumours of switch games playing in it and your digital store porting over are true as I’ve got all the doom games on switch.


Looks great. I wanna hear more about the general direction, as much as I loved 2016 I did not like where they took it in Eternal... but this looks like they're toning down cartoonyness in favor of grit which is what I wanna see, and please no more monkey bars. FPS is back on the menu!

This looks extremely cartoony.


not tag worthy
Most of the Eternal criticism I see are from players who were shit at the game and needed to complain because they never learned to "git gud".

Dark Ages looks really good, but curious where it stands in the timeline? As far as I know we have DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM 64 - DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal in that order. Maybe between 64 and DOOM 2016?
I’m thinking at the beginning like a skyward sword. Maybe they retcon Quake in there somehow.


Looks like its a sequel since he has the same base as in Doom Eternal and he uses the mech that was being partially built. Looks open World kinda like Halo Infinite which im very skeptical, but that being said all fucking IN.
It literally says..

“Before he became a hero he was the super weapon for gods and kings”.

It isn’t a sequel. It’s almost certainly set between Doom 64 and 2016 during the invasion of Argent D’Nur. The “base” he launches from could absolutely be one of the Argenta floating castles like the one he uses in Eternal. That technology was gifted to the Argenta by the Maykrs. The “Gods” referred to in the opening text is likely the Maykrs and the “Kings” is likely a reference to King Novik.

I don’t think we’ll see any UAC cyber-enhanced demons, and I don’t think we’ll see the BFG. I think we’ll get the Unmaykr in the BFG’s place, see the Betrayer sacrifice the Wraiths to Hell, go to Illkana and the Umbral Plains, see the battle with the Titan, and the subsequent entombment of the Slayer in the Blood Temples that precedes Doom 2016.
It literally says..

“Before he became a hero he was the super weapon for gods and kings”.

It isn’t a sequel. It’s almost certainly set between Doom 64 and 2016 during the invasion of Argent D’Nur. The “base” he launches from could absolutely be one of the Argenta floating castles like the one he uses in Eternal. That technology was gifted to the Argenta by the Maykrs. The “Gods” referred to in the opening text is likely the Maykrs and the “Kings” is likely a reference to King Novik.

I don’t think we’ll see any UAC cyber-enhanced demons, and I don’t think we’ll see the BFG. I think we’ll get the Unmaykr in the BFG’s place, see the Betrayer sacrifice the Wraiths to Hell, go to Illkana and the Umbral Plains, see the battle with the Titan, and the subsequent entombment of the Slayer in the Blood Temples that precedes Doom 2016.

He literally uses the mech from the base unless the mech from the base was destroyed because of the events of the Dark Ages in which case it would make sense. I know it's prolly a prequel, but my mind just wants it to be a sequel, like something happens and he gets transported back in time. Guess will see.
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