Doom The Dark Ages Announced | Xbox Showcase 2024

For the cry babies that couldn't handle Eternals speed you will be glad to know that they are moving away from that.

Hugo Martin has previously said that if Eternal is like a sports car the next game will be like a Monster Truck! (Obviously that's Dark Age's)

Astral Dog

Looking boring (I'm not into those Murican shooters style games) but it's coming on PS5 and that's a win.

Thank you Phil Spencer.
DOOM isn't like most shooters i ever played, its pure fun the new series reminds me of Metroid Prime and Devil May Cry, because of certain design elements give it a chance


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
For the cry babies that couldn't handle Eternals speed you will be glad to know that they are moving away from that.

Hugo Martin has previously said that if Eternal is like a sports car the next game will be like a Monster Truck! (Obviously that's Dark Age's)
Glorykills in Eternal and most enemies being a weapon puzzle slowed down the gameplay a lot though?

And the game was very cooldown based with Punch, Cannon, Meathook?

Unlike 2016 which was Pew Pew all the time.


I'm all in. Big time. I'm such a DOOM whore, lol. Here's to hoping it's a great campaign + great multiplayer. I loved 2016, still enjoyed Eternal, I hope that this lands more like 2016, if not better.


I immediately thought of that statement Hugo made about how the next doom game was gonna feel like driving a monster truck. I get it now.


Jesus Fuck. A gun that shoots crushed skulls. A horror movie version of Captain America's shield. Dragon riding. A fucking mech vs kaiju battle. Sold.
Me: A shield... that's weird...the Doom Slayer doesn't strike me as the defensive type.

Doom Slayer: Pulls chain to active "chainsaw" on edge of shield and throws shield like Captain America, decapitating demons.


Glorykills in Eternal and most enemies being a weapon puzzle slowed down the gameplay a lot though?

And the game was very cooldown based with Punch, Cannon, Meathook?

Unlike 2016 which was Pew Pew all the time.
Only if you didn't know how to play properly.

The weapon puzzles are only suggestions to encourage weapon switching. Once you get the hang of it every enemy can be killed in tons of different ways.


Gold Member
The shield throw sold it for me. I skipped Doom Eternal..played a few hours and it just didn't sit right with me.
Yeah loved 2016, Eternal was more like a rhythm action game, i just couldn't get on with it.

This looks more like 2016 and that shield looks tops. I'm in.
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Hugo has said more than once that the team don’t intend to make the same game mechanically twice. He likened Eternal to driving a sports car and said that the next game would feel like driving a monster truck. Anybody expecting this to be just like Eternal is in for disappointment.

Like I said before: Skill Issue. That tends to be the problem for a majority of Eternal haters.
I don’t doubt that Eternals mechanics and combat flow were off putting to some people because they viewed it as being hard, but not every criticism about the game falls into that category.

Eternals art direction was a misstep, particularly with how colourful it is. The Maykr designs are straight up dogshit and about as anti Doom as you can get. Some demon designs are worse than 2016. And why did they change secrets to giant fucking yellow question marks? Why are breakable walls painted with a massive glowing green crack? 2016 did the art side of things significantly better.

The lore also leaves a lot to be desired. It’s almost as if Bethesda can in and said “add more generic fantasy bullshit please” and the team acquiesced. There’s nothing metal about the Slayer, the Night Sentinels, or the Maykrs. The 40K universe is fucking metal, Nu-Doom is made to appeal to teenagers by comparison. What Eternal gave us in that respect was absolute fanfic wank.

The implementation of platforming was shit. I’m not one of the many people that are opposed to platforming in a Doom game. Quake is amazing and has plenty of platforming, but I don’t like having everything telegraphed for me and I don’t like the climbing points. None of the platforming sections in Eternal actually felt like a natural part of the environment. It felt as videogamey as the Mario games

The combat was the least worst and offender. It provides more mechanical depth than 2016 but forced you to play the game a particular way. It isn’t horrible, but it was a big step away from every doom game that came before it. I don’t want to be forced to use the chainsaw or glory kill enemies to replenish my health and ammo. I want to scour the levels looking for health and ammo I missed like I did in the original games. They literally took away every incentive you have to fully explore the map.

Eternal is a good game but it isn’t the best Doom game by a long shot. It felt very fresh and built on the strong foundation laid by 2016 but some aspects of the game have never sat right with me. I don’t know if Dark Ages will do enough to placate me but it’ll get its chance. What I’m increasingly certain of however is that I don’t think this team can be trusted to revitalize Quake in a way that would make me happy and so part of me is thankful that they are seemingly relegated to the Doom mines the way Raven was related to the CoD mines.


Sweet, it comes out on the PS5 too. A bit surprised really. Hope it's more like the Doom 2016, not Eternal. Eternal was too demanding for me I just couldn't keep up.


Gold Member
Fuck yeah looks amazing.
Love the art direction in this one. More dark fantasy inspired than sci-fi (though yeah I saw there's a giant mech)


Gold Member
These are some really weird takes. Y'all played Doom 2016 and Eternal right?

Yeah, the cinematic kills are there too I know, just looks like these go a step further. I enjoyed 2016, but don't think I'd rate it above the original trilogy. I appreciate the level design wasn't totally straight forward and there were secrets, but not sold on the trials and weapon research / RPG elements in Doom, I think the original was more enjoyable in its simplicity and speed.

If anything it looks more God of War - the shield throw/recall looks just like Kratos' axe and the overkill feels a little like that too.

I'm not dismissing it at all, added to my wishlist, almost certainly will grab it and play through it, hope it's better than 2016 was!
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This began its life as the Quake 1 remake we all wanted. At least we’re still getting it, if only unofficially. Nailgun sealed it for me.
I’m not convinced. It matches the description Hugo laid out in interviews shortly after Eternals TAG DLC release about what could come next in the series and we have known about Doom Year Zero since the Microsoft acquisition financial statement leaks in 2020. I think this was always the plan for the follow up to Eternal and I think it’s exactly what Bethesda wanted. It’s guaranteed to do numbers that Quake would struggle to reach.

This game looks to cover the timespan of the Slayers Testaments:

Slayers Testament I: In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... the Doom Slayer.
Slayers Testament II: Tempered by the fires of Hell, his iron will remained steadfast through the passage that preys upon the weak. For he alone was the Hell Walker, the Unchained Predator, who sought retribution in all quarters, dark and light, fire and ice, in the beginning and the end, and he hunted the slaves of Doom with barbarous cruelty; for he passed through the divide as none but demon had before.
Slayers Testament III: And in his conquest against the blackened souls of the doomed, his prowess was shown. In his crusade, the Seraphim bestowed upon him terrible power and speed, and with his might he crushed the obsidian pillars of the Blood Temples. He set forth without pity upon the beasts of the nine circles. Unbreakable, incorruptible, unyielding, the Doom Slayer sought to end the dominion of the dark realm.
Slayers Testament IV: The age of his reckoning was uncounted. The scribes carved his name deep in the tablets of Hell across eons, and each battle etched terror in the hearts of the demons. They knew he would come, as he always had, as he always will, to feast on the blood of the wicked. For he alone could draw strength from his fallen foes, and ever his power grew, swift and unrelenting.
Slayers Testament V: None could stand before the horde but the Doom Slayer. Despair spread before him like a plague, striking fear into the shadow-dwellers, driving them to deeper and darker pits. But from the depths of the abyss rose The Great One, a champion mightier than all who had come before. The Titan, of immeasurable power and ferocity. He strode upon the plain and faced the Doom Slayer, and a mighty battle was fought on the desolate plains. The Titan fought with the fury of the countless that had fallen at the Doom Slayer's hand, but there fell the Titan, and in his defeat the shadow horde were routed.
Slayers Testament VI: And in his terrible rancor between worlds and through time, the Hell Walker found the wretch who shall not be named, but in his heresy was loyal to his evil cause. The wretch adorned the Doom Slayer in a mighty armor, wrought in the forges of Hell, impenetrable and unyielding. With sword and shield of adamantine strength, the Doom Slayer set to banishing all that were left unbroken by his savagery to the void.
Slayers Testament VII: Yet as the mighty Titan fell and dread engulfed the armies of Doom, the demon priests of the Blood Temples laid a trap to capture this scourge of Hell. Insatiable, even by the vanquishing of the Great One, the Hell Walker sought prey in the tombs of the Blood Keep. And blinded by his fervor, the lure drew him in. The priests brought down the temple upon the Doom Slayer, and in his defeat entombed him in the cursed sarcophagus. The mark of the Doom Slayer was burned upon his crypt, a warning to all of Hell that the terror within must never be freed. There he lies still, and ever more, in silent suffering.

That’s what happened between the end of Doom 64 and Doom 2016. He ended up on Argent D’Nur, was there when the invasion started, and when the priests betrayed the Night Sentinels he was the only one left alive in Immora. He killed the titan and the priest collapsed the blood temple on him and entombed him in the sarcophagus the UAC find just prior to the start of 2016.

As much as I have longed for a Quake reboot, another Doom game just makes more sense financially. id hasn’t been an independent studio for a while now and I doubt they have free rein to do whatever they want.

I don’t even know if I’d want Hugo Martin anywhere near a Quake game tbh. I don’t want a Quake that’s bloated with shitty lore and layered gameplay systems like the newer Doom games.


I’m not convinced. It matches the description Hugo laid out in interviews shortly after Eternals TAG DLC release about what could come next in the series and we have known about Doom Year Zero since the Microsoft acquisition financial statement leaks in 2020. I think this was always the plan for the follow up to Eternal and I think it’s exactly what Bethesda wanted. It’s guaranteed to do numbers that Quake would struggle to reach.

This game looks to cover the timespan of the Slayers Testaments:

That’s what happened between the end of Doom 64 and Doom 2016. He ended up on Argent D’Nur, was there when the invasion started, and when the priests betrayed the Night Sentinels he was the only one left alive in Immora. He killed the titan and the priest collapsed the blood temple on him and entombed him in the sarcophagus the UAC find just prior to the start of 2016.

As much as I have longed for a Quake reboot, another Doom game just makes more sense financially. id hasn’t been an independent studio for a while now and I doubt they have free rein to do whatever they want.

I don’t even know if I’d want Hugo Martin anywhere near a Quake game tbh. I don’t want a Quake that’s bloated with shitty lore and layered gameplay systems like the newer Doom games.
Yeah what you’ve laid out is more lore than every Doom game combined should have. Adds nothing to the product. Just a waste of resources. Lucky for iD, they’ve got gameplay designers to make up for it. But yeah I forgot about Doom Year Zero leaks. This must be that.


Tears of Nintendo
Is it just me or this game actually plays more like DOOM 2016 in terms of design, combat encounters and not arcade-like Eternal nobody asked for? I mean, Eternal is fine, but 2016's Metroid Prime-like design is far superior, not to mention combat encounters. Love the shield mechanic and new weapons.
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Yeah what you’ve laid out is more lore than every Doom game combined should have. Adds nothing to the product. Just a waste of resources. Lucky for iD, they’ve got gameplay designers to make up for it. But yeah I forgot about Doom Year Zero leaks. This must be that.
It’s not so much that I have issues with the series having expanded lore. That’s just a product of the time I think. I just don’t need copious amounts of exposition and I think if you’re going to expand the story and bring new characters in, at least have it not be some generic jank. It’s demons and he’ll, it should be waaaaaay darker than what we got in Eternal.

I love Quake for how little is explained. Strange dimension, hostile Eldritch creatures. Survive. I literally don’t need any more than that. I wouldn’t want Quake to take the same path Doom has taken in that respect and I wouldn’t want it to become a power fantasy either. Doom Guy was just a guy and that gave the original games so much gravity. Quake was the same. You’re supposed to feel vulnerable not godlike. Eternal was like having the Beserk power up item on all the time 😂
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